Gires Usup
Related Authors
ying giat seah
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar
National University of Malaysia
UPM - Universiti Putra Malaysia
Dr Mazlan Abd Ghaffar
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Simon K Das (PhD)
James Cook university Queensland
Prosanta Chakrabarty
Louisiana State University
Papers by Gires Usup
16S mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships among nine morphospecies
of leiognathids. The results showed that the genus Leiognathus is paraphyletic, whereas Gazza, Secutor,
Photoplagios, Photopectoralis and Nuchequula are monophyletic. The molecular phylogenetic positions of the
leiognathids studied were identical with morphological delineation, except for Photoplagios stercorarius. Branch
of P. stercorarius was placed between Photoplagios spp. clade and clade of Secutor and Gazza. P. stercorarius
was more affiliated to genus Photoplagios morphologically however have slight different features of light organ
system compared with others three Photoplagios sp. caught in this study. It is probable that two distinct subclades
occur in genus Photoplagios. Leiognathus equulus formed the base of the other leiognathids. Leiognathus
splendens and Leiognathus jonesi formed a sister taxa to Photopectoralis species. Gazza formed a sister taxa to
Secutor and Nuchequula formed a sister taxa to the group of trifurcation but both with low bootstrap support. This
study has shown that 16S mitochondrial rDNA is a good marker for phylogenetic analysis of the Leiognathidae.
16S mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships among nine morphospecies
of leiognathids. The results showed that the genus Leiognathus is paraphyletic, whereas Gazza, Secutor,
Photoplagios, Photopectoralis and Nuchequula are monophyletic. The molecular phylogenetic positions of the
leiognathids studied were identical with morphological delineation, except for Photoplagios stercorarius. Branch
of P. stercorarius was placed between Photoplagios spp. clade and clade of Secutor and Gazza. P. stercorarius
was more affiliated to genus Photoplagios morphologically however have slight different features of light organ
system compared with others three Photoplagios sp. caught in this study. It is probable that two distinct subclades
occur in genus Photoplagios. Leiognathus equulus formed the base of the other leiognathids. Leiognathus
splendens and Leiognathus jonesi formed a sister taxa to Photopectoralis species. Gazza formed a sister taxa to
Secutor and Nuchequula formed a sister taxa to the group of trifurcation but both with low bootstrap support. This
study has shown that 16S mitochondrial rDNA is a good marker for phylogenetic analysis of the Leiognathidae.