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    • Tertiary Education
Despite the increasing prominence of English as a world lingua franca, there is little research on how the use of English affects the identities of Malaysian speakers. Asmah Haji Omar observed that interest in language and identity seemed... more
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This article examines the online experiences of a group of Science teachers from five Smart Schools who shared their teaching practices via blogs. The study was undertaken to explore the effectiveness of this technology in improving... more
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The need for perfection is an innate feeling in all human beings and a broader sense of it would be people’s craving to make a utopian society. Utopianism is rooted in religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism. It is also... more
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      Comparative LiteratureUtopian StudiesMessianismRobinson Crusoe
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The manner temperaments manifested with the semantic domain of eating and food in a certain culture can be understood through a discussion of dietetic and culinary concepts of a particular culture. What people in a society and culture eat... more
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the cognitive-semantic content of xordan in Persian, and whether it demarcates similar conceptual domain as the English verb 'to eat'. The verbs related to the bodily experience of eating... more
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Studies concerning the metaphorical use of language deal with metaphorical units from two particular perspectives: a mapping from one cognitive domain to another domain, and a grounding of the mapping as a reflection within image schema.... more
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Among factors that might manipulate translators' mind while producing a text is the notion of ideology transmission through text or talk. Adopting Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) with particular emphasis on the framework of Van Dijk... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesIdeologyCritical Discourse Analysis
Penyelidikan ini merangkumi pemahaman metafora melalui perkaitan objek perwakilan dengan seni untuk meningkatkan nilai dan estetika dalam memahami karya seni. Karya seni dapat didefinisikan dalam dua bentuk format iaitu representasi dan... more
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This study evaluates the effects of length of formal learning time on the grammatical performance of English morphosyntactic structures among Iranian foreign language learners. Among different factors affecting language learning, the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish
This study examines the effects of formal input exposure and the onset age of exposure on the performance of eleven different morphosyntactic structures in a foreign language setting. It studies whether being exposed to longer hours of... more
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      PsychologySecond Language AcquisitionTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
This study evaluates the effects of length of formal learning time on the grammatical performance of English morphosyntactic structures among Iranian foreign language learners. Among different factors affecting language learning, the... more
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      PsychologyTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language
The theoretical controversy that surrounds the acquisition of a second or foreign language is seemingly unending. Though there are dissensions in the literature, past studies had indicated that scholars tended to fall into two groups of... more
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      Computer ScienceGrammarEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
This qualitative study aimed to identify the revision strategies among learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). It also examined the focus of these strategies and learners’ participation and membership in an online community of... more
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    • Online peer review
This qualitative study investigated peer writing revision among English as foreign language (EFL) Arab students in a Facebook group. Specifically, it aimed to identify the text revisions made by the learners and to determine their... more
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      Online CommunitiesPeer Review
As most traditional classroom environments in English as Foreign Language (EFL) still restrict learners’ collaboration and interaction in college writing classes, today, the majority of EFL learners are accessing Social Networking Sites... more
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This paper, as part of an ongoing study, reports a qualitative case study in investigating pre-writing activities among three English as Foreign language (EFL) learners in an online community via a facebook group. The data were collected... more
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    • Peer Writing
This qualitative study investigated peer writing revision among English as foreign language (EFL) Arab students in a Facebook group. Specifically, it aimed to identify the text revisions made by the learners and to determine their... more
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      Online Learning CommunityOnline peer review