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Izhar al-Haqq; his criticisms on the Bible, and the discussion on the doctrine of Trinity. The methodology has been applied in this study is the content analysis and comparison of beliefs. Finally, this article concludes that Syeikh... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionCritical ThinkingBiblical Studies
Feminisme yang muncul di Barat pada abad ke-18 dan abad ke-19 dilihat mempunyai kaitan yang kuat dengan pengaruh agama dan kedudukan sosial wanita. Perjuangan feminisme ini dilihat memberi kesan yang besar terhadap identiti wanita... more
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    • Feminism
Artikel akan membahaskan tentang konsep manusia dan hakikat kejadiannya. Perbahasan adalah bertujuan untuk menjawab persoalan apakah itu manusia? Kajian adalah kajian kepustakaan dan penerokaan yang akan melihat definisi dalam... more
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      Islamic StudiesConcept of ManModern Western Philosophy
Simbol salib di anggap sebagai simbol yang penting dan signifikan dalam agama Kristian. Ini kerana, menurut kepercayaan Kristian di sebalik simbol salib tersirat makna teologi yang dapat memberi impak kepada spiritual serta kehidupan... more
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    • Usuluddin
Upon distinguishing cosmogony-the ultimate origin of the cosmos-from cosmogony-the early state of the cosmos, the paper presents a Qur"anic account of cosmogeny based on three relevant verses. The articulated Qur"anic cosmogeny of the... more
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Religious people may feel confident that they have something that nonreligious people lack, namely, direct experience of God. They may claim that such religious experience, like visions of God, is a way of knowing God's existence. This... more
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    • Islamic thought
This article explores the history of the renowned world economic and political reformist, Karl Marx with a special focus on the social class concept. It also discusses to what extent that the Marx's concept of social class struggle is... more
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    • Islamic thought
Al-Qur’an has its own uniqueness when deemed to be the first text or charter which recognizes the existence of other religions in addition to expose incoherent and faults of otherwise. In early development of Religionswissenschaft or The... more
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Al-Quran is deemed to be the first text or charter which recognizes the existence of other religions in addition to asserting the truth of Islam and expose incoherent and the faults of otherwise. The facts set forth in the al-Quran,... more
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Previous findings have shown knowledge is one of the elements of human responsibility. The relationship between knowledge and responsibility is proven within the explanation frameworks of Islamic thought and Islamic law. The main... more
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This article explores the history of the renowned world economic and political reformist, Karl Marx with a special focus on the social class concept. It also discusses to what extent that the Marx’s concept of social class struggle is... more
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    • Sociology
The religious element in the „spirit of unity‟ is an important element that maintains harmony and peace among the multiracial society in Malaysia. Hence, this article aimed to identity the factors that influence the religious element in... more
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Religionswissenschaft atau The Science of Comparative Religion iaitu Sains Perbandingan Agama merupakan bidang ilmu cetusan ulama dan masyarakat Islam. Fakta ini bukanlah sesuatu yang asing kerana al-Quran dan al-Sunnah merupakan... more
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The origin of the cosmos is one of the most intriguing queries facing mankind. The Qur’an presents substantial information pertaining to this matter. In this paper, a Qur’anic cosmogony, comprising physical as well as metaphysical... more
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Abstrak-Setiap agama menganjurkan kepada penganutnya untuk sentiasa melakukan kebaikan dan menghindari kejahatan, supaya mendapat kehidupan yang harmoni dan sejahtera. Di samping mencari keindahan dunia, manusia sering kali diingatkan... more
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Abstrak Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada kaitan kehendak dengan tanggungjawab. Isu ini sangat berkait rapat dengan kebebasan kehendak dengan pilihan kemahuan manusia yang hangat dibincangkan oleh ahli akademik dan ahli falsafah barat, iaitu... more
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      MedicineClinical SciencesRetrospective StudiesTracheostomy
Al-Quran is deemed to be the first text or charter which recognizes the existence of other religions in addition to asserting the truth of Islam and expose incoherent and the faults of otherwise. The facts set forth in the al-Quran,... more
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      ReligionArtIslamic thought
Al-Quran mempunyai keunikan tersendiri apabila disifatkan sebagai teks atau piagam pertama yang memperakui kewujudan agama-agama di samping menegaskan kecelaruan yang terdapat di dalam agama-agama selain Islam. Di awal perkembangan... more
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    • Philosophy
Ilmu Kajian Agama-agama dalam Tradisi Islam The Study of Religions in the Islamic Tradition Wan Haslan KHairuddin, indriaty ismail & abdull raHman maHmood ABSTRAK Ilmu Kajian Agama-agama atau Ilmu Perbandingan Agama hari ini menjadi... more
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