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In-line with the requirements of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) that mandated the shift to ISO 9001:2008, a merger of the ISO QMS for undergraduate and graduate programmes was implemented at the Universiti... more
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      Time ManagementStandardisationQuality Management System
This research aims to examine the level of knowledge, understanding, acceptance and perception among public university students towards the Islam in the Federal Constitution within the context of ethnic relations in Malaysia. This... more
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    • Political Science
The progress of the institutionalization of the People's Religious Schools (SAR) in Malaysia demonstrates that it is laden with diverse challenges to ensure that it continues to be in the national education system. The effort to... more
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      Political ScienceIslamic EducationIslamic Education & Islamic Schooling
One of the key issues of the country is poor command of certain skills among university graduates from Public Higher Education Institute (PHEI). This matter has increased the rate of unemployment among graduates. This is because the... more
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Kecemerlangan sesebuah organisasi adalah disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Walaubagaimanapun ramai pengurus dan penyelidik dalam bidang kepimpinan dan pengurusan cenderung untuk melihat kepimpinan sebagai penyumbang utama atau penyebab... more
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      Political ScienceUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Patriotisme yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan cintakan watan adalah satu semangat atau nilai yang perlu dihayati oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat khususnya generasi muda. Antara faktor yang menyumbang kepada kebejatan sosial dalam... more
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    • Philosophy
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    • Applied Sciences
Amid the fact that general studies have been regarded as a holistic education and that they are capable in producing all-rounders, in Malaysia specifically we have only met with the paucity of research that has automatically impeded any... more
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Student inability to explain concepts learnt in lessons using their own words academically and intellectually and their lack of interest in learning the subject are a cause of their incompetence in the development of their personality.... more
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    • Education Systems
(MPU). Among the goals of this new structure is to improve students' potential ability towards producing holistic students and homogenizing general education curriculum between IPTA and IPTS. This objective is achieved through the... more
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Science is a knowledge that has become a tool for technological formation and advancement to ensure the development of the communities and countries. Science is also one of the fundamentals of the establishment of national identity... more
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    • Sociology
The current scenario of increasing number of Higher Learning Instituitions (HLIs) in Malaysia, provide us for a need to understand the importance of upgrading their institution knowlegde in order to serve as a reservoir of knowledge apart... more
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      BusinessOrganizational LearningKnowledge sharing
The Malay Royal Institution has existed for centuries in the social system of the administration of Malay states in Malaysia. In this monarchy system, the sovereign has the absolute power in the state administration. However, during... more
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The first visibility of the dawn occurs at a definite angle of the sun depression, D o which is used to calculate the fajr (dawn) prayer time. Dawn observations were carried out using Digital Single-lens Reflex (DSLR) camera in the period... more
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      GeographySains Malaysiana
This study seeks to examine and evaluate the reality between madzhab and fanaticism in the context of Islamic society in Malaysia. What is the position of the Shafi'i-Muslim community to be regarded as a condition that is required and... more
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    • Engineering and Applied Sciences
With the growth of the multinational corporation (MNC) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in... more
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      BusinessKnowledge Transfer
Requirements and qualifications for any work field play an important role in the sustainability of an organisation including teaching services whether it is a governmental or private organisation. The Requirements and Qualification for... more
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Knowledge sharing in Malaysian University is a vital driving force to enrich the pool of knowledge as well as offering fresh knowledge to students. However, extensive research in knowledge sharing between university academicians... more
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Isu-isu hubungan etnik di Malaysia telah banyak berubah dalam tempoh lima dekad lalu. Pada tahun 1950-an, isu kewarganegaraan dan kontrak sosial mendominasi hubungan etnik, diikuti dengan isu bahasa pada tahun 1960-an sebelum pelaksanaan... more
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    • Religion
General education courses in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) are managed by the Centre for General Studies. The courses were offered as a response to the need to develop graduates who are equipped with communication and thinking... more
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    • Psychology