Papers by Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit

Psychology and Education Journal, 2020
Extremism and radicalism usually correlate with religious people who carry out the task of da'wah... more Extremism and radicalism usually correlate with religious people who carry out the task of da'wah. The spread of this ideology that is contradictory to Islam prompted anxiety and distress among the general public. Nevertheless, preachers who understand the concept of wasatiyyah can recognise such issues and situations openly, practice patience and also not hasty in making decisions. Preacher's wasatiyyah is the foundation of the balance of thinking, writing and practice so that the da'wah performed is relevant to the situation and target of da'wah. Thus, this research aimed to obtain expert consensus on the criteria of thinking, writing and practice of preacher's wasatiyyah employing the application of Fuzzy Delphi method. Fuzzy Delphi Technique (FDM) was utilised to obtain expert consensus by distributing to 15 experts from various fields. The instrument of this study contained three elements that included 20 items to achieve expert consensus. The conclusions of the study revealed that the experts reached a consensus agreeing on 20 study items with an average value and the expert evaluation was less than the threshold value (d) ≤ 0.2. The percentage of expert consensus also indicated that the 20 items were above 95%. Items that gained expert consensus were sorted by priority. These criteria must be based on the delivery and implementation of the preacher. It is imminent so that the approach adopted is relevant to ensure that the da'wah is on the valid track and does not deviate.
al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2019
The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), May 25, 2021

Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengkaji hubungan filem yang berunsur dakwah dalam membentuk personali... more Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengkaji hubungan filem yang berunsur dakwah dalam membentuk personaliti prososial dalam kalangan remaja muslim. Secara khususnya, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji i) hubungan di antara pendedahan filem dengan personaliti prososial, ii) hubungan di antara mesej dakwah dalam filem dan personaliti prososial, iii) hubungan di antara penontonan filem berunsur dakwah dan personaliti prososial, iv) faktor-faktor peramal daripada faktor media filem (pendedahan filem, mesej dakwah dalam filem dan penontonan filem berunsur dakwah) dan faktor psikologikal daripada konstruk Teori Kognitif Sosial (pembelajaran melalui pemerhatian, model simbolik melalui karakter filem dan efikasi kendiri) sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi personaliti prososial. Kajian ini juga turut dijalankan secara kualitatif bagi mengkaji nilai-nilai prososial dan juga elemen-elemen Teori Filem ar-©

Penyampaian dakwah pada hari ini perlu dipelbagaikan agar dapat menarik minat masyarakat awam unt... more Penyampaian dakwah pada hari ini perlu dipelbagaikan agar dapat menarik minat masyarakat awam untuk mendalami ilmu ukhrawi secara tidak langsung. Antara salah satu cara penyampaian dakwah yang relevan pada saat ini adalah dengan menerapkan mesej dakwah dalam filem-filem yang diterbitkan. Namun, persoalan yang wujud adakah terdapat mesej dakwah yang berlandaskan kepada al-Quran dan al-Sunnah di dalam sesebuah filem. Justeru, kajian ini akan menganalisis mesej dakwah yang terdapat di dalam filem Munafik (2016). Selain itu, pengkaji juga akan turut meneliti tentang cerita dan plot serta watak dan perwatakan yang terdapat di dalam filem kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi analisis kandungan secara kualitatif. Borang pengekodan digunakan dalam proses pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis naratif dan analisis tematik. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat enam mesej dakwah yang dipaparkan dalam filem kajian. Filem Munafik (2016) secara keseluruhannya dilihat berjay...

In the borderless world, there are some parties who deliberately spread doubts about Islam and em... more In the borderless world, there are some parties who deliberately spread doubts about Islam and emotionally attack Islam using new media. UKM offers a course called “Da'wah through Information Technology” which concerns with the position of Islam in new media. One of the assignments for students is to discuss the doubts brought by apostates and Shiite groups. The students are assigned to have dialogues with both groups through Facebook including to examine, to evaluate, to discuss, and to answer doubts risen. Indeed, dialogue is a method of teaching and learning that can exceed at least the third stage of Bloom Taxonomy. This article discusses the ability of the students to have the dialogue with both groups. They are 50 students who undertook this course in Semester 1, 2013/14.The study finds that this task is really challenging the students’ ability in arguing and knowledge because dialogue needs good analytical skills. Therefore, although they have tried their best, many felt ...

Solid State Technology, 2020
Through watching the act of actors and actresses behaviour in films, the audience often expose ... more Through watching the act of actors and actresses behaviour in films, the audience often expose with negative effects by going to the cinema. Nonetheless, the role of observational learning is important in finding a long-term effect of films as it can contribute in shaping positive values among the audience. Therefore, this study is being done to analyse the relationship between watching religious films and prosocial values. The study also examined the prosocial values in a religious film which is parallel with Islamic values. The Social Cognitive Theory through observational learning was used as mediating variable. The study used explanatory mixed-method. There were 1028 respondents chosen randomly through the stratified random sampling technique from the Public Institution in Higher Learning in Malaysia. Data were collected in stages through cross-sectional survey and qualitative content analysis. In the sequential explanatory two-phase design, the data were analysed using part...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
The mosque is a superior institution in building the unity of the ummah in addition to the develo... more The mosque is a superior institution in building the unity of the ummah in addition to the development of the spiritual element of each individual. The Malaysian Mosque Rating Standard (SPMM) developed by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), is an instrument in measuring the level of achievement of mosques in service delivery. The four main components arranged as a measure are management, entertainment, infrastructure facilities, and the environment. One of the criteria assessed was the implementation of Friday sermon delivery through document review methods, structured observations, and interviews with mosque worshipers by appointed panels. The assessment proves the importance of the sermon in contributing to the development of the ummah in a place. The sermon is a weekly da'wah platform delivered by the preacher on the pulpit in the form of religious advice or messages. It is not only a basis for motivation for the improvement of spiritual practices as organized by Imam al-Ghazali in the process of mental training (riyadhah al-nafs), but it is also a reminder and guide to Muslims during the week. However, some researchers still voice weaknesses and gaps in the content of the sermon text so that the content is not seen to have a profound impact and impact on the congregation. Therefore, this study aims to examine the content theme of the Friday sermon that is most frequently discussed in the Friday sermon. This study uses a qualitative method with content analysis method on the text of the Friday sermon for the year 2019 which is uploaded in the official website of the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS). The results of this study will be able to analyze the frequency of themes discussed and presented in the sermon in Negeri Sembilan.

UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 2020
The education system of the country places great emphasis on morals to create balanced people who... more The education system of the country places great emphasis on morals to create balanced people who master the knowledge and appreciate the values. However, the involvement of students in the symptoms of moral collapse caused by a lack of knowledge and appreciation of religion is a serious issue. As such, the medium of art is seen as being able to attract students to engage in preaching activities in strengthening religious appreciation. In addition to identifying the level of implementation of the art propaganda activities, this study also identified the values applied in the implementation of art propaganda activities in schools as well as the students' appreciation of those values. The results of the survey by distributing the questionnaire to 300 students from the National Religious Secondary School (SMKA) throughout the state of Kedah showed that the level of implementation of the preaching activity through the arts in the schools was high (mean = 3.30). The results of the st...

Jurnal Pengurusan, 2016
This study attempts to confirm the likelihood of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities... more This study attempts to confirm the likelihood of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities giving different effects on brand image components and whether corporate reputation mediates these effects. Four action-based types of CSR, namely the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic, were analyzed and tested in this study. This study employs quantitative method of analysis whereby the participants were exposed to different treatments and the brand image was divided into an affective, specific and generic cognitive elements. A total of 327 (N = 2110) stakeholders of Takaful; the agents/ operators in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia were involved. Using the Structural Equation Model analysis, the affective component of the brand image showed a greater impact on the commitment towards the four types of CSR as compared to the others. The results revealed that the economic and philanthropic CSR activities significantly led to a more positive level of both brand image components and corporate reputation management than legal and ethical CSR activities. In addition, brand image has positively influenced the betterment of corporate reputation management. These findings have significant implications for future research directions in the corporate communication perspective.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the reciprocal model factor of ... more The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the reciprocal model factor of the Social Cognitive Theory and the level of film exposure among the audience. 1028 respondents from among adolescent film audience are selected through stratified random sampling. This research employs a cross-sectional survey method through the distribution of questionnaires as research instrument. The data obtained is analysed by using Pearson Correlation test and Multiple Regression test. Research results find that there exists a significant relation between independent and dependent variables. Further, personal and envioronment factors are significant predictive factors of film exposure among the audience.
![Research paper thumbnail of [The Attitude of Muslim Youth Netizens in Finding and Receiving Information On Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis] Sikap Netizen Belia Muslim dalam Mencari dan Menerima Maklumat di Media Sosial: Satu Analisis Kualitatif](
Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 2020
The use of social media applications has now become a major platform for netizens, especially amo... more The use of social media applications has now become a major platform for netizens, especially among Muslim youth netizens in accessing and channeling information quickly and effectively. However, the openness of sharing and accessing information on social media makes information mixed between right and wrong and at the same time affects the spread of fake news. It has recently been found that cases of spreading fake news are on the rise due to unauthorized recipients and disseminators. It is feared that Muslim youth netizens are also recipients and disseminators of unauthentic information. Excited attitudes that precede caution when seeking, receiving and disseminating information can have a detrimental effect especially in disseminating false news. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the attitude of Muslim youth netizens in finding and receiving information on social media. A total of 14 informants consisting of netizens aged between 18 to 30 years have been divided into two types of groups, namely the group of netizens with an educational background in Institutions of Higher Learning and a group of netizens with the level of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) education. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with semi-structured interview methods and focus group discussions. The study uses a purposeful sampling method and the data is then analyzed using Atlas.ti software to achieve the objectives of the study. The results of the study found that the two groups of Muslim youth netizens have different attitudes when seeking and receiving information. The first group of Muslim youth netizens are seen to have a more cautious attitude when searching and receiving information compared to the second group. Factors of differences in background and level of education lead to the attitudes and ways of Muslim youth netizens in finding and receiving information on social media. In this regard, the implications of this study emphasize the importance of practicing caution and research when seeking and receiving information in cyberspace as well as the emphasis on the issue of spreading fake news among the community.
International journal of business and social science, 2020
Modern society today suffers from various social problems such as child abuse, child rape, domest... more Modern society today suffers from various social problems such as child abuse, child rape, domestic violence, gangsterism, vandalism and many more. The emergence of these various social ills stems from the empty and dead soul of society. Thus, this study examines Islamic mysticism which is believed to be the best mechanism for society to treat such problems and diseases because mysticism provides certain methods based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. This qualitative study uses library research such as books, journal articles, newspapers and magazines to find information related to the topic. The results of the study found that Sufism is indeed a holistic mechanism in restoring today's society from various negative diseases and social problems.

Educational Administration Theory and Practice, 2024
Courses in the field of Islamic Studies are usually offered through traditional learning methods.... more Courses in the field of Islamic Studies are usually offered through traditional learning methods. However, lecturers who choose to adopt the learning style through the heutagogy approach guide students on the theories and practical applications. Therefore, this leads to the views about discourse on students' readiness to take charge of their own learning. This is especially true for Gen-Z student who were born in a world already equipped with advanced digital media technology. To what extent do they have the ability to manage their self-learning in the context of Islamic media course being offered is a subject to be explored. The views based on their beliefs and values which influences the acceptance and implementation and heutagogy approach must also be studied. Two homogenous groups comprising 22 research participants among students who are taking Islamic media course online were involved in this study. The participants are Gen-Z Muslims in the age bracket of 19-to 22-year-old. The results of the study have identified six elements of heutagogy in the first and second focus groups; 1) exploring, 2) creating, 3) collaborating, 4) connecting, 5) sharing, and 6) reflecting. This study has a significant contribution to one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which is SDG 4 'Quality Education'. SDG 4 aims to ensure equal access to quality education that is relevant and inclusive as well as enhance opportunities for lifelong learning for all.
Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS)

Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
The advertisement of products and services whether locally or globally attract consumers and pers... more The advertisement of products and services whether locally or globally attract consumers and persuade their buying decisions. Muslim consumers in Malaysia make half of the buying power that contributes to the nation’s economy. The buying decision of Muslim consumers shows the highest rating for products that have received halal certification from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). In 2018, a ‘Buy Muslim First’ campaign was launched; however, it was misinterpreted as an agenda to boycott the non-Muslim products. The actual purpose of the campaign is to foster the sustainability of entry-level Muslim products in the small-scale industries. Meanwhile the ‘Buy Halal First’ campaign has long been enforced in Malaysia, which allows products manufactured, including by the non-Muslims, to obtain the halal logo. In an Islamic nation such as Malaysia, the halal logo is issued by authoritative institutions that are appointed by the Government such as JAKIM. These authori...

Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
Kewarganegaraan digital merujuk kepada keterikatan warga dalam talian dengan undang-undang dan pe... more Kewarganegaraan digital merujuk kepada keterikatan warga dalam talian dengan undang-undang dan peraturan supaya dapat mengguna teknologi komunikasi secara bertanggungjawab dan selamat. Ia boleh dimantapkan lagi dengan prinsip Islam dalam penggunaan media siber yang mempunyai falsafah dan perundangan yang universal. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan model Kewarganegaraan Digital Islami berdasarkan kepada kesepakatan pakar yang diadaptasi dari model Kewarganegaraan Digital Ribble yang mengandungi 9 elemen iaitu etika digital, komunikasi digital, hak dan tanggungjawab digital, literasi digital, akses digital, undang-undang digital, kesihatan dan kesejahteraan, keselamatan, dan perdagangan digital. Dari sembilan elemen ini, kajian ini mengubahsuai dua elemen iaitu dari etika digital kepada akhlak digital dan dari literasi digital kepada literasi digital dan maklumat untuk disesuaikan dengan model Kewarganegaraan Digital Islami. Kajian ini menggunakan metode Fuzzy Delphi untuk mend...

Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
Adolescents are important assets to the nation and can potentially bring it to a brilliant and gl... more Adolescents are important assets to the nation and can potentially bring it to a brilliant and glorious level if prepared with mental ability and good physical condition. However, many social phenomena that involve the demise of moral in the behaviour of adolescents are gradually worrying with the increase of adolescent juvenile cases such as premarital pregnancy, free sex, baby abandonment, skipping school, smoking, taking drugs, rape, prostitution, snatching, stealing, bullying, running away and killing. In this regard, the mastery of parenting skills, especially in the aspect of adolescent spirituality, is one of the measures to tackle the issue of adolescence following home-based education. Hence, this study was conducted to examine parenting skills through the spiritual aspect applied to adolescents in the family in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The design of this research is survey study using questionnaire instrument to 384 respondents selected purposively among parents who have teena...

Jurnal Pengajian Islam, Aug 11, 2020
Komunikasi merupakan aspek penting dalam mengukuhkan kesejahteraan sesebuah keluarga.Walau bagaim... more Komunikasi merupakan aspek penting dalam mengukuhkan kesejahteraan sesebuah keluarga.Walau bagaimana pun, komunikasi yang tidak efektif memberi impak negatif sekaligus mencetuskan kucar kacir dalam keluarga termasuk keluarga Muslim. Bagi membendung gejala ini, ibu bapa merupakan penggerak utama dalam membentuk dan membimbing anak-anak seterusnya mewujudkan sesebuah keluarga. Dalam kajian ini membincangkan berkaitan komunikasi ibu bapa dan cabaran komunikasi ibu bapa dalam kalangan keluarga Muslim di Selangor. Objektif artikel ini membincangkan cabaran komunikasi ibu bapa dalam keluarga Muslim mendidik anak-anak masakini. Metodologi kajian ini adalah menggunakan kajian kualitatif berbentuk fenomenologi. Ia digunakan bagi memahami cabaran ibu bapa dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak-anak. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa komunikasi ibu bapa dapat memberi kesan kepada perkembangan peribadi, tingkah laku dan sistem kepercayaan. Dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak-anak, ibu bapa menghadapi pelbagai cabaran komunikasi antaranya kegagalan memahami kehendak anak, anak-anak tidak memahami mesej yang disampaikan oleh ibu bapa, mesej tidak sampai disebabkan kelekaan anak-anak, kesibukan ibu bapa dalam menunaikan tanggungjawab, sikap ibu bapa yang tidak dapat mengawal emosi, perbezaan jantina dan peringkat umur serta pengaruh gajet kepada anak-anak.Oleh itu, diharap agar ibu bapa dapat meningkatkan ilmu keibubapaan dan kemahiran komunikasi bagi menangani cabaran dengan penuh hikmah dan dapat mencapai rumah tangga yang bahagia.
Papers by Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit