Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, Jun 30, 2023
Information management is important for an organization because it can drive organizational excel... more Information management is important for an organization because it can drive organizational excellence. An increasingly complex environment requires efficient information management and effective training and development programs. This is very significant especially when there is a conflict or crisis. T Therefore, the objective of this paper is in addition to obtaining the validity and reliability value of the constructed questionnaire items, it is also to determine the influence of information management which includes information environment, information ambiguity and communication cycle on the effectiveness of training and development programs in the public sector. This study used a survey method through a questionnaire that was distributed to 102 respondents consisting of staff at the Department of Broadcasting Malaysia online through the Google Form platform. Weick's Organizational Information Theory and Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model were adopted in this study. The collected data was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) v.22 software to test the validity and reliability of the items and then test the hypotheses presented. The results of the study show that all aspects of information management studies have a strong positive significant relationship with the effectiveness of training and development programs. Through regression analysis it proves that information management contributes as much as 71.9% to the effectiveness of training and development programs but the aspect of the information environment has no influence on the dependent variable. Overall, aspects of the communication cycle are the main contributors that affect the effectiveness of training and development programs compared to aspects of the information environment and information ambiguity. Keywords: Kirkpatrick Assessment Model, information management, training and development programs, public sector, Weick's Organizational Information Theory.

The development of communication technology has opened a new chapter in human relations and bring... more The development of communication technology has opened a new chapter in human relations and bring about changes in the organization. Appropriate technologies will affect the execution of tasks to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, this study focuses on the impact of communication technology on organizational change in the Department of Broadcasting, located at Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur as the scope of the study. Task-Technology Fit Theory has been the basis for this study. Quantitative methods via questionnaire was used to obtain feedback in which a total of 230 staff in the Department of Broadcasting Malaysia as respondents. Data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) v.22 for descriptive analysis and inferential analysis involving correlation and regression testing to test the hypothesis that had been forwarded. The results of this study showed that the hypothesis is successfully received by the significant level of <0.01 where communi...
Hari Telekomunikasi dan Masyarakat Berinformasi Sedunia pada 17 Mei 2020 yang mengangkat tema Con... more Hari Telekomunikasi dan Masyarakat Berinformasi Sedunia pada 17 Mei 2020 yang mengangkat tema Connect 2030: ICT for Sustainable Development Goals telah meletakkan sasaran 10 tahun akan datang untuk melihat bagaimana masyarakat seluruh dunia berakomodasi dan mengadaptasi teknologi maklumat sebagai aplikasi utama dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Ini termasuklah dalam melaksanakan tugasan di pejabat sebagai budaya kerja baharu sebagai meraikan transformasi keorganisasian.