Papers by Khaidzir Ismail
GEMA: Online Journal of Language Studies, 2012
To think critically is undeniably one of the major elements of “first class human capital” in a k... more To think critically is undeniably one of the major elements of “first class human capital” in a knowledge economy. It is most regrettable that Malaysian students, even at the tertiary level, tend to be uncritical due to socialisation processes in the educational and sociocultural environment. Responding to this identified need to raise the critical consciousness of students, this paper examines how a Higher Education teacher challenged her postgraduate students to be critical learners through the use of CLA (Critical literacy awareness) ...

Gaya kepimpinan dilihat berperanan besar dalam usaha memperkembangkan dan meningkatkan tahap kema... more Gaya kepimpinan dilihat berperanan besar dalam usaha memperkembangkan dan meningkatkan tahap kemantapan PALAPES (Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dalam fasa Medan Pertahanan di Mempaga, Bentong Pahang. Gaya kepimpinan yang berkesan seringkali dilihat menyumbang kepada tahap kemantapan yang tinggi dan sebaliknya. Selari dengan itu, kertas kerja ini akan melihat hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan dengan kepuasan kerja PALAPES UKM. Kajian dijalankan ke atas PALAPES Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari aspek kepuasan kerja antara jantina. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan gaya kepimpinan yang demokratik menyumbang kepada kepuasan kerja yang tinggi manakala gaya kepimpinan autokratik dan laisse faire menyumbang kepada kepuasan kerja yang rendah. Kertas kerja ini akan juga membincangkan beberapa intervensi yang boleh dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan kerja PALAPES UKM dalam usaha memperkemba...
The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of character strength on online learning readi... more The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of character strength on online learning readiness for students with different majors at Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang. It was conducted using a VIA-IS questionnaire developed by Peterson and Seligman, while students' readiness for online learning was assessed through the use of TSROL questionnaire developed by Hitendra Pillay, Kym Irving, and Megan Nada. Oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for data analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in the readiness of students in online learning in each major and that there was none in the strength of students' character between the existing majors.

e-Bangi, Nov 27, 2017
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara psikopathi, psikopatologi dan estim kendiri. D... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara psikopathi, psikopatologi dan estim kendiri. Dalam kajian ini, seramai 82 remaja perempuan telah dipilih dari beberapa buah sekolah menengah di Melaka (min umur 16.3 tahun, julat umur 14-17 tahun) telah ditadbirkan dengan soal selidik Antisocial Process Screening Device, Symptoms Checklist-90-Revised dan Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan tret psikopathi, psikopatologi dan estim kendiri tidak mempunyai korelasi yang signifikan( r = -0.009, r=0.087, dan r = 0.114). Oleh itu, estim kendiri dan psikopatologi bukan peramal yang baik kepada tret psikopathi. Kajian ini telah mencadangkan aspek lain dalam tret psikopathi seperti perbezaan jantina, pengaruh rakan, keluarga dan cara asuhan ibu bapa perlu diambil kira dalam kajian pada masa depan. Selain itu, rawatan untuk psikopathi perlu mengambil kira latar belakang subjek dan menggunakan pendekatan yang multidimensi.
World applied sciences journal, Apr 16, 2013
The concept of co-curriculum in UKMprovides an opportunity for students to hone and master soft s... more The concept of co-curriculum in UKMprovides an opportunity for students to hone and master soft skills to improve the quality of self-development. Activities or projects' implementation are student-driven, able to develop soft skills, flexible learning environment and enjoyable, original or authentic, through experiential learning in order to get total learning experience based on trust and honesty. There are free to plan and perform any activities under supervision in order to improve their soft skills.This noble effort intends to help prepare students wholly to face the job market upon graduation.The conceptapplies to UKM students since semester 1 session 2012/2013. It is about 3500 students gain the benefit of new concept of co-curriculum.

Biotechnology for Biofuels, Sep 15, 2017
Background: Concern about the inevitable depletion of global energy resources is rising and many ... more Background: Concern about the inevitable depletion of global energy resources is rising and many countries are shifting their focus to renewable energy. Biodiesel is one promising energy source that has garnered much public attention in recent years. Many believe that this alternative source of energy will be able to sustain the need for increased energy security while at the same time being friendly to the environment. Public opinion, as well as proactive measures by key players in industry, may play a decisive role in steering the direction of biodiesel development throughout the world. Past studies have suggested that public acceptance of biofuels could be shaped by critical consideration of the risk-benefit perceptions of the product, in addition to the impact on the economy and environment. Results: The purpose of this study was to identify the relevant factors influencing stakeholders' attitudes towards biodiesel derived from crops such as palm oil for vehicle use, as well as to analyse the interrelationships of these factors in an attitude model. A survey of 509 respondents, consisting of various stakeholder groups in the Klang Valley region of Malaysia, was undertaken. The results of the study have substantiated the premise that the most important direct predictor of attitude to biodiesel is the perceived benefits (β = 0.80, p < 0.001). Attitude towards biodiesel also involves the interplay between other factors, such as engagement to biotechnology, trust of key players, attitude to technology, and perceived risk. Conclusion: Although perceived benefit has emerged as the main predictor of public support of biodiesel, the existence of other significant interactions among variables leads to the conclusion that public attitude towards biodiesel should be seen as a multi-faceted process and should be strongly considered prior to its commercialisation.
e-BANGI, 2004
The primary aim of this article is to revisit a buzz-word in the field of child psychology: Filia... more The primary aim of this article is to revisit a buzz-word in the field of child psychology: Filial therapy. To this end, attempts have been made to indicate filial therapy 's advantages and contributions as a responsive practice in assisting psychologists to deal with children problem behaviors. To gain an in-depth insight into filial therapy, the concept of parent-child relationship on which filial therapy hinges will be fully covered in this article. Also, the article will address the factors involved in the development of filial therapy as an educational and practical model within the domain of psychology.

BMC Medical Research Methodology, Dec 1, 2018
Background: The demand in biobanking for the collection and maintenance of biological specimens a... more Background: The demand in biobanking for the collection and maintenance of biological specimens and personal data from civilians to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases has increased notably. Despite the advancement, certain issues, specifically those related to privacy and data protection, have been critically discussed. The purposes of this study are to assess the willingness of stakeholders to participate in biobanking and to determine its predictors. Methods: A survey of 469 respondents from various stakeholder groups in the Klang Valley region of Malaysia was carried out. Based on previous research, a multi-dimensional instrument measuring willingness to participate in biobanking, and its predictors, was constructed and validated. A single step Structural Equation Modelling was performed to analyse the measurements and structural model using the International Business Machines Corporation Software Package for Social Sciences, Analysis of Moment Structures (IBM SPSS Amos) version 20 with a maximum likelihood function. Results: Malaysian stakeholders in the Klang Valley were found to be cautious of biobanks. Although they perceived the biobanks as moderately beneficial (mean score of 4.65) and were moderately willing to participate in biobanking (mean score of 4.10), they professed moderate concern about data and specimen protection issues (mean score of 4.33). Willingness to participate in biobanking was predominantly determined by four direct predictors: specific application-linked perceptions of their benefits (β = 0.35, p < 0.001), issues of data and specimen protection (β = − 0.31, p < 0.001) and religious acceptance (β = 0.15, p < 0.05) and trust in key players (β = 0.20, p < 0.001). The stakeholders' willingness to participate in biobanking also involves the intricate relationships between the above-mentioned factors and other predictors, such as attitudes regarding technology, religiosity and engagement. Conclusions: The findings of this study reaffirmed that stakeholders' willingness to participate in biobanking is a complex phenomenon that should be viewed from a multidimensional perspective. Stakeholder willingness to participate in biobanking is warranted when direct predictors (benefits, issues of data and specimen protection, religious acceptance, and trust in key players) as well as indirect factors are well accounted for.

Single parenthood as a common psychosocial phenomenon seems to be regarded as one of the most sig... more Single parenthood as a common psychosocial phenomenon seems to be regarded as one of the most significant issues in the psychological domain and needs to be taken into serious consideration due to emotional, psychological, and social problems created by it. With regard to the rapidly growing population of single parents and their children experiencing relationship-based problems, interventions which deal with relational issues are worth in-depth explorations. This study was primarily concerned with the betterment of single parent-child relationships. For the purpose of this research, a case study was conducted to probe into the impact of filial therapy-a relationship-enhancement family/play therapy-on (1) reducing children' problem behaviors, and (2) ameliorating parent-child dysfunctional relationships through improving parenting knowledge and skills. The intended data for the study was gathered through (1) pre-post play observation, (2) parent's self-reports, and (3) the reports obtained from a kindergarten trainer. The outcomes of this one-month long case study revealed that filial therapy has the potentiality in enhancing and rebuilding parent-child relationships through teaching single parents the skills necessary for coping with the problems accelerated by the newly developed situation, which might be seen as a result of single parenthood (e.g., childhood problem behaviors, parent-child relational problems, lack of adequate parenting knowledge and skills). In the end, this article concludes a few suggestions for future studies in this field.

Rampant violations of legal and moral values among teenagers, has sparked a number of children/ad... more Rampant violations of legal and moral values among teenagers, has sparked a number of children/adolescents who have to deal with the law. The devian behavioral phenomena occurs partly due to the lack adolescents develop self-concept because of the circumstances in the implementation of families that are less social support, As one solution, it is very important to develop a high-risk adolescent self-concept. Similarly, self-concept, social support was greatly needed by teenagers. One thing that can help a person to develop a quality that is with strong social support. This study aims to determine the profile of high-risk adolescents and the influence of social support to high-risk adolescent self-concept. The study population was all adolescents PSMP beneficiaries in 2015 as many as 230 people. With the process of purposive sampling of 108 samples elected high-risk adolescents. Data were collected using the instrument scale social support and self-concept scale. Then the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The study found several images of descriptive profiles of respondents and that there are significant social support to highrisk adolescent self-concept in PSMP Toddopuli Makassar. It is based on statistical results (R= 0105, R2= 0.011, F= 0.595, p= 0.043, p< 0.05). It can be concluded that social support is only an impact of 1.1% of self-concept. The implication of this study is that in forming a positive self concept one factor is the effective provision of social support, because there are still other factors.

Kajian ini cuba menganalisis profil personaliti pelajar yang mengikuti program kursus asas (N=165... more Kajian ini cuba menganalisis profil personaliti pelajar yang mengikuti program kursus asas (N=165) yang membimbing mereka menjadi pemimpin pelajar masa hadapan. Kajian ini juga cuba membandingkan profil personaliti antara pelajar lelaki (N=103) dan pelajar wanita (N=62). Kajian ini menggunakan ujian personaliti 16PF. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat 5 tret yang mengukur kepimpinan daripada 16 faktor personaliti iaitu tret berfikir berada pada sten 4 yang menunjukkan cara berfikir yang masih rendah dan didapati lelaki dan wanita pada sten yang samatret kestabilan emosi pada sten 5 yang menunjukkan tidak stabil dan didapati lelaki dan wanita juga pada sten yang samatret dominan pada sten 4 bagi perempuan dan sten 5 untuk lelaki dan ini menunjukkan lelaki lebih dominan dan tret kesedaran peraturan, lelaki pada sten 5 dan wanita pada sten 6 dan ini menunjukkan pelajar wanita lebih tinggi tahap kesedaran peraturan berbanding lelaki dan tret kepercayaan kendiri lelaki dan wanita sama-sama berada pada sten 4 yang menunjukkan kelebihan pada orientasi kelompok berbanding individu. Diharapkan hasil kajian ini dapat dijadikan asas pembinaan kecemerlangan kepimpinan pelajar untuk menuju ke arah yang lebih etik dan akademik
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
This study drawing on a relationship-enhancement family/play therapy known as Filial Therapy (FT)... more This study drawing on a relationship-enhancement family/play therapy known as Filial Therapy (FT) attempted (i) to examine the changes that mothers report in their children's problem behaviors, (ii) to investigate the ways FT could affect parenting knowledge and skills, and (iii) to evaluate participants' perceptions about the FT intervention. To this end, twenty-four motherchild dyads were assigned randomly to an experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n= 12). Necessary quantitative data were gathered at pretest and posttest. Through observation and questionnaires, complementary qualitative data were also collected. In view of the results obtained, the current study concludes by the assertion that FT has potential to be utilized as a culturally responsive intervention.

Monaragala-also named Wellassa by its ancient residents- is one of the 25 administrative district... more Monaragala-also named Wellassa by its ancient residents- is one of the 25 administrative districts, located in South Eastern part of Sri Lanka. There are three major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, among them the Buddhists are the predominant, constituting 94.5% of the district and the first minority is Tamils. Also the Muslims are the second lager minority in this district. There are discourses that the Muslims of Monaragala have got a longer history and their settlement in Wellassa held 500 years ago, but it is not brought proper evidences to prove their longer existence in this region. Therefore, the main objective of this paper as per the fulfilment of the abovementioned gap, is to explore the proper evidences existed in the same region-Monaragala with doing an analysis of archaeological antiquities such as older mosques, Shrines of holy saints, land deeds written by the Muslims in early times and daily home porcelains which preserved in mosque and some residences. Also it has been ...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Abstract The origin of developmental delay and the gap between achievement and intellectual abili... more Abstract The origin of developmental delay and the gap between achievement and intellectual ability is clearer to be seen by the age of 9 as young primary student. This study examined cognitive processing of children with reading disabilities based of Luria's three functional units of brain which are Planning, Attention, Simultaneous and Successive (PASS). Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) is capable of measuring the PASS cognitive processing, while Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WART-4) was used to determine reading processes. CAS and WRAT were administered individually to 50 ESL poor readers in standard 3 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Tun Hussein Onn (SKBTHO). Profiles of the CAS and WRAT-4 were obtained, while the specific weakness of cognitive processing and reading processes were detected from the children with ESL reading difficulties. There were distinct PASS cognitive profiles among the poor readers of ESL children and gender was not the determinant. The PASS scale standard scores showed 41% (n=20) is at average level, 30% (n=16) is at low average level, 26% (n=13) is at below average level and only 2% (n=1) is at well below average level. There was no significant different between girls and boys in term of cognitive processing. However, girl subjects scored higher on Planning and Attention processing while boy subjects scored higher on Simultaneous and Successive processing. Overall, the poor ESL readers were significantly low for Simultaneous processing. Result of WRAT-4 indicated the subjects have low scores on comprehension (M = 66.64; SD = 5.12) and spelling (M = 68.00; SD = 12.07). Analysis correlation was used to indicate the relationship of cognitive processes and reading processes. There was significant relationship between PASS cognitive processing and reading composite (r = .382, p

Asean Journal of Psychiatry, Oct 4, 2014
The objective of this study was to investigate the association between personality traits of olde... more The objective of this study was to investigate the association between personality traits of older patients and adequate home storage of drugs. Forty-four participating Dutch community pharmacists randomly selected each up to four community-dwelling elderly patients (≥65 years) who were using at least one prescription drug. The Big Five Inventory was used to assess the personality traits-'openness', 'conscientiousness', 'extraversion', 'agreeableness' and 'neuroticism'of patients. An assessment of adequate home storage of drugs was made using a summed composite score for each patient ranging from zero (adequate storage) to three (inadequate storage) was based on storage criteria representing quality, information and level of storage organization. A 51.2% of the patients stored drugs adequately in accordance with all quality ("Q") and information ("I") criteria. A high level of drug storage organization was found in 70.8% of patients. Forty-three patients (31.4%) stored their drugs adequately based on all storage criteria (composite storage score 0). No associations between personality dimensions and adequate drug storage were found. Having a lower number of drugs was associated with adequate drug home storage (OR adjusted 0.86; 95% CI: 0.77-0.96). In conclusion, this study suggests that personality is not associated with adequate home storage of drugs in older patients.

This paper reviews the quality and characteristics of the physical environment upon children’s ho... more This paper reviews the quality and characteristics of the physical environment upon children’s holistic development. Since children are primarily a large consumer of their physical environment, it is thus important to understand how the role of these physical structures and facilities influence their cognitive, emotional, social, physical development and behaviours. However, most of their needs are often ignored by relevant dominant groups, especially in planning and renewal processes of nature or built environments. Children’s usage of their physical environment does not only confine to the home, school, home yard or playground, but also the neighbourhood at large that can undoubtedly sustain or deprive their development. Researchers from the disciplines of developmental psychology and environmental sciences have tried to examine the effects and impact of the physical environment on children’s overall development. However, the studies present a major challenge due to scant empirica...

This study examined different types of symptoms of problem behaviors among juvenile offenders. Va... more This study examined different types of symptoms of problem behaviors among juvenile offenders. Various symptoms of problem behaviors such as social problems, thought problems, attention problem, rule-breaking behavior, and aggressive behavior predicted among young juvenile delinquents. There were 404 juvenile offenders participated in the study, consisted of 280 male and 124 female. All respondents convicted with seven different offenses. Prior to that, three research questions were developed: 1. Are there differences in the symptoms of problem behaviors among different types of juvenile offenders? 2. Are there gender differences in the symptoms of problem behaviors among young offenders? 3. Are there any age differences in the symptoms of problem behaviors among juvenile offenders? The results showed that there were different symptoms of problem behaviors in among young offenders. Genders differences profile also had shown mean differences in each symptom of problem behaviors among...

Research on humanities and social sciences, 2016
Monaragala is one of the 25 administrative districts of Sri Lanka. This district was also named a... more Monaragala is one of the 25 administrative districts of Sri Lanka. This district was also named as Wellassa by its ancient inhabitants. It is located in the Uva Province in the South Eastern region of Sri Lanka. In Monaragala the Sinhalese are the dominant ethnic group as they constitute 94.5% of the total population, the Tamils 3.3% and the Muslims 2.17%. The main objective of this study is to explore the history of the Muslims in Monaragala District. It is an unfilled gap and there is no more academic research on the history of Muslims of Monaragala. Thus, this study takes this gap to be bridged throughout an academic field survey as a qualitative nature of research. In order to carry out this research there has been used the folktales and utterances prevailed among the native public as well as the administrative records and census reports, the ancient tombs and daily used house wares and articles. Based on the finding of this study, the Muslims settled down in Monaragala or Well...
Papers by Khaidzir Ismail