The sorption capacity of five clay soils from South Wales in the United Kingdom was investigated using two main tests; physico-chemical and batch equilibrium (BET). The physico-chemical property results show that soil weathered mudrocks... more
The distribution coefficient, K d , is often used to quantify heavy metal mobility in soils. Batch sorption or column infiltration tests may be used to measure K d . The latter are closer to natural soil conditions, but are difficult to... more
The Sungai Lembing abandoned tin mining and processing activities 77 years lease to mine the area have resulted in the production of hazardous wastes, which contain high residual concentrations of heavy metals. Heavy metals (As, Pb, Zn,... more
Problem statement: Yemen is one of the developing courtiers is suffering from water pollution. Landfill is one of the sources of water pollution in this country. There is a several boreholes which are located close to Ibb landfill which... more
Problem statement: Study suggested a solution to remove arsenic contamination from contaminated water. Approach: Bauxite, which is a mineral, was proposed as natural remediation material used in this study. Bauxite was collected from... more
Column experiment is a very useful apparatus that can be used to study the migration and attenuation of heavy metals (HMs) through a compacted soil column. In this recent study, column experiment was conducted on some natural soils from... more
In this study, column tests were used to determine the retention capability of three types of estuarine alluvia collected adjacent to landfill sites in South Wales. Selective sequential extraction (SSE) was used to study the retention... more
The Early Permian to Late Triassic limestone of Chuping Formation in Bukit Tungku Lembu consists of six microfacies and exhibits various types of diagenetic products, reflecting it's complicated diagenetic history. Out of 89 samples... more
Lapisan perantaraan Formasi Kubang Pasu dan Formasi Chuping tersingkap di kawasan Beseri, Perlis. Hasil daripada cerapan di lapangan dan kajian terperinci di Kuari B, empat fasies sedimen telah dikenalpasti iaitu selang lapis batu pasir... more
This thesis and study are made possible by the assistance of so many people. Especially my team in PTTEP, for allowing me to publish the work as part of my Master requirements. Many thanks to my colleagues, senior geologist and advisors... more
This thesis and study are made possible by the assistance of so many people. Especially my team in PTTEP, for allowing me to publish the work as part of my Master requirements. Many thanks to my colleagues, senior geologist and advisors... more
Soil has long been utilized as low cost liner material to prevent contamination from leachate to groundwater media. To find a suitable soil material for this purpose is a great challenge. This study describes the potential use of residual... more
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) associated with both active and abandoned mining operations related to sulfide minerals, oxidation of pyrite affording an acidic solution that contains toxic metal ions. Result shows that pH value of water in Kg.... more
Soil has long been utilized as low cost liner material to prevent contamination from leachate to groundwater media. To find a suitable soil material for this purpose is a great challenge. This study describes the potential use of residual... more
Penyelidikan ini mengkaji tingkah laku cadmium (Cd) melalui tanah baki granit yang dipadatkan. Sampel tanah baki granit telah diambil di kawasan Broga, Selangor dan dikaji menggunakan tiga kaedah ujian utama iaitu; ujian fizikal (taburan... more
This study investigated the validity of hydraulic conductivity value using Mini Column Infiltration Test. Granitic residual soils from Broga Selangor, Malaysia were tested to obtain the hydraulic conductivity value in relatively shorter... more
This study investigates the capability of activated carbon-supported nano-zero valent iron (AC-nZVI) to remediate the anionic dye (Acid Orange II). The supported nanoparticles (AC-nZVI) were synthesized by using chemical reduction method... more
This study is about the mobility of cadmium through compacted granitic soils. Two granitic soils namely the Broga (BGR) and Kajang (KGR) granitic soils were collected in Selangor, Malaysia. Physical and chemical tests were applied for... more