Papers by Vladimir Trajkovski

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Objective: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) syndrome is associated with depression an... more Objective: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) syndrome is associated with depression and anxiety. This study aimed to examine for the first time the correlation between personality traits, situational anxiety, and stress in Polish patients with SIBO. Methodology: This study included 26 patients with SIBO aged 20–35 years and 24 non-SIBO patients aged 20–35 years. The following instruments were used: NEO-FFI Personality Inventory, KPS Sense of Stress Questionnaire, and the anxiety-state subscale from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Results: Compared to the non-SIBO subgroup, SIBO patients expressed specific patterns of personality traits: higher neuroticism, lower extroversion, and a higher state of anxiety and stress. Unlike the non-SIBO subgroup, stress (total emotional tension, external, and intrapsychic) correlated negatively only with extroversion. Conclusions: Personality is the primary regulator of experience and behavior. The specificity captured in the re...

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 26, 2022
Introduction: Publishing an electronic, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal in a small ... more Introduction: Publishing an electronic, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal in a small country is really hard work. The development of electronic journals in recent years has given science professionals a powerful new tool to support learning and research. The aim of this article is to provide some guidelines about creating electronic, scholarly, open access and peer-reviewed journal in a small country, using the Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences as an example. Methods: A review of relevant literature, sources from the Internet and published literature, personal experience and observations of the author as editor-in-chief in two similar journals previously. Results: a new modern academic journal should be open access, peer-reviewed, with an international editorial board, and have staff who are highly engaged. The journal should be set up on OJS platform, with a Creative Commons license for authors and DOI numbers for the articles. Plagiarism detection is a preventive measure against violation of publication ethics. Journal editors should make additional efforts to index the journal in many scientific databases and to increase its visibility. Sharing journal content on social media has become an important instrument and platform for editors and researchers as well. Conclusions: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS) is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed, international, electronic journal. The editorial team is awaiting your submitted articles in the coming weeks and months.

Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder, which affects the
way a per... more Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder, which affects the
way a person communicates with and relates to other people and the world around them. About
1.55% of the general pupil body receive additional supports because they have been diagnosed
with an ASD. The focus is on the needs of pupils with ASD and how they can be supported to
achieve their potential. ASD is a spectrum condition, so some pupils with ASD require little support
in school and are relatively independent in their learning.
The aim of the study is to shown kind of interventions, which can be effective for some pupils
with ASD.
Results: there are numerous different approaches such as: antecedent-based interventions, behavioral
packages, cognitive behavioral intervention, comprehensive pre-school or early interventions/
programmes, discrete trial teaching, early intensive behavioral interventions, exercise,
extinction, functional behavior assessment, functional communication training, joint attention,
language training, modelling, multi-component socials interventions, naturalistic intervention or
naturalistic teaching strategies, parent-implemented interventions, Picture Exchange Communication
System, pivotal response training, schedules, social narratives, social skills training, social
communication training, technology-aided instruction and intervention, visual support, structured
play groups, and many others.
Conclusions: classrooms are social environments that rely heavily on being able to interact,
socialize and communicate with others effectively. The challenges that pupils with ASD face
with regards to communication skills and socializing can intensify their feelings of stress, anxiety
and depression. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance. Working with any of
these methods can improve outcomes they can achieve.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Objective: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) syndrome is associated with depression an... more Objective: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) syndrome is associated with depression and anxiety. This study aimed to examine for the first time the correlation between personality traits, situational anxiety, and stress in Polish patients with SIBO. Methodology: This study included 26 patients with SIBO aged 20-35 years and 24 non-SIBO patients aged 20-35 years. The following instruments were used: NEO-FFI Personality Inventory, KPS Sense of Stress Questionnaire, and the anxiety-state subscale from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Results: Compared to the non-SIBO subgroup, SIBO patients expressed specific patterns of personality traits: higher neuroticism, lower extroversion, and a higher state of anxiety and stress. Unlike the non-SIBO subgroup, stress (total emotional tension, external, and intrapsychic) correlated negatively only with extroversion. Conclusions: Personality is the primary regulator of experience and behavior. The specificity captured in the research is a premise for an in-depth study considering various psychological variables to determine cause-effect relationships.

Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija
Introduction. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has unclear etiology and no known universal treatmen... more Introduction. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has unclear etiology and no known universal treatment, making it difficult to obtain an accurate and timely diagnosis. The evidence that highlights the importance of early diagnosis and treatment is growing. Objective: The research was done to evaluate the impact of early diagnosis and its significance, as well as the effectiveness in obtaining the diagnosis in the past years and decades in Macedonia. Methods. We carried out a comparative analysis of the collected data from 95 subjects divided into three groups: 30 parents, 35 special educators and rehabilitators, and 30 members of the professional team that participated in diagnosing autism, using an original research tool in the form of three questionnaires. The data from the study refers to a research study conducted in Macedonia. Results. Many prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal factors can lead to ASD. The most common symptoms include: lack of speech, delayed speech for a specific age...

Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities
Introduction:This editorial is based on a concise introduction to the basics of open access, desc... more Introduction:This editorial is based on a concise introduction to the basics of open access, describing what it is and showing that it is easy, fast, inexpensive, legal, and a beneficial form of academic publishing. The Internet lets us share perfect copies of our workwith a worldwide audience at virtually no cost. Working in “open access”means: digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. The purposeof this paper is to provide an overview about Plan S and its significance for open access publishing. Methods: An analysis of relevant literature, sources from the internet and published literature, personal experience and observations of the author. Findings: Formerly, scholars have written peer-reviewed journal articles for impact, not for money, and are free to consent to open access without losing revenue.Open access is beneficialforauthors and readers of research.PlanSis an initiative to drive wider adoption of open access publishing which...
Trajkovski V. Biomedicinski tretman autizma. Zbornik radova Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup... more Trajkovski V. Biomedicinski tretman autizma. Zbornik radova Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup: "Rehabilitacija - stanje i perspektive djece s teškoćama u razvoju i osobe s invaliditetom. Rijeka, 12-13 listopada, 2006; 48-55

Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2021
Child responds to his/her name B. Phrases Comprehension of everyday phrases and routines (28 item... more Child responds to his/her name B. Phrases Comprehension of everyday phrases and routines (28 items) Responding to "don't touch"? C. Starting to talk Imitation and labeling (2 items) i.e., imitating words and naming objects D. Vocabulary checklist A 396-item checklist organized into 19 semantic categories with separate columns for comprehension and production Vroom, moo (sound effects and animal sounds), bear (animals names), ball (toys) Part II: actions and gestures A. First communicative gestures Nonverbal communicative and intentional behaviors (12 items) Reaching, pointing, nodding B. Games and routines Engagement in games/interactional routines (6 items) Playing peekaboo C. Actions with objects Acting upon objects in conventional ways (17 items) Eating with a spoon or fork? D. Pretending to be a parent Pretending to care for stuff animal or doll in a parental manner (13 items) Kissing or hugging a doll E. Imitating other adults actions Attempts to simulate adult activities with real or toy implements (15 items) Washing dishes

Uvod: Autizam je doživotno stanje koje može imati znacajan uticaj ne samo na pojedinca s autizmom... more Uvod: Autizam je doživotno stanje koje može imati znacajan uticaj ne samo na pojedinca s autizmom, nego i na roditelje, bracu, sestre i siru porodicu. Na podrucju jugoistocne Evrope psihosocijalna podrska roditeljima dece sa autizmom je slabo razvijena. Ovaj rad se odnosi na trogodisnji ESIPP projekat (septembar 2015. - avgust 2018.) finansiran iz Erasmus plus programa Evropske Unije. Ciljevi: Ciljevi projekta u kome ucestvuju clanovi porodice, profesionalci i akademci su: razvijanje kurikuluma i lokalno odgovarajuceg obrazovnog materijala i metoda, kako bi roditelji mogli bolje da razumeju i to na: makedonskom, hrvatskom i grckom jeziku, evaluacija treninga i davanje preporuka onima koji kreiraju politiku. Metod: Ovaj projekat ukljucuje istraživanje porodica koje imaju dete sa autizmom u tri države iz jugoistocne Evrope. U istraživanju su korisceni kvantitativni i kvalitativni testovi. Nužna pocetna aktivnost partnerstva bila je razviti plan i program obuke i materijale za porodice...

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2009
ПОЛОВА ЕДУКАЦИЈА НА ЛИЦАТА СО ИНВАЛИДНОСТ Оливера РАШИЌ Владимир ТРАЈКОВСКИ Филозофски факултет И... more ПОЛОВА ЕДУКАЦИЈА НА ЛИЦАТА СО ИНВАЛИДНОСТ Оливера РАШИЌ Владимир ТРАЈКОВСКИ Филозофски факултет Институт за дефектологија SEX EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Olivera RASHIKJ Vladimir TRAJKOVSKI Faculty of Philosophy - Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation Примено: 17. 05. 2009 Прифатено: 02. 06. 2009 UDK: 37-055-056.24 Received: 17. 05. 2009 Accepted: 02. 06. 2009 Original article Резиме Abstract Сите деца имаат потреба да стекнат знаења за своето тело и начинот на кој тоа функционира. Исто така неопходно е да ги запознаат правилата на општеството во кое живеат, да разберат што е прифатливо, а што неприфатливо однесување. Тргнувајќи од претходните искуства претпоставивме дека во недоволна мера и на недоволно соодветен начин се остварува половата едукација меѓу лицата со инвалидност во рамките на воспитно образовните институции и семејствата во Република Македонија. Па во согласност со тоа основната задача на трудот беше преку користење на методите на структурална...

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2008
Possibilities for intellectual and movement development of children with disabilities are part of... more Possibilities for intellectual and movement development of children with disabilities are part of the research that is provided within special education and rehabilitation. But we think that the forgotten component of this research that must have appropriate principles and methods of its work is the sexual education. Our experience shows that this is not just a problem in Macedonia, but wider in the Balkan. We must have in mind that people with disabilities are intellectually and movement disabled, but their body hormonally develops as in any other individual. Thus, disharmony appears that causes even more problems when these people maturate. The need to satisfy the sexual urge must be appropriate and developed properly. They also develop a need for self care and life and need some decisions and activities to be involved in without their parents' support. In their development when they are mature they want their one company that is not their mom and dad. This usually happens in ...
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2008
Ми причинува големо задоволство да ве воведам во новиот број на нашето списание. Но пред да го ст... more Ми причинува големо задоволство да ве воведам во новиот број на нашето списание. Но пред да го сторам тоа, дозволете ми да се осврнам на контекстуалните услови кои постојат при подготвувањето на еден број од списанието. Бизнис секторот како по обичај незаинте- ресиран да помогне, бидејќи не гледа финансиски интерес во поддршката на вакви стручно научни списанија. Пишувачот на овие редови се соочува и со криза во мотивацијата на рецензентите кои не гледајќи финансиска сатисфакција одбиваат да ...

Vladimir E. Trajkovski, Tamara Stancheska Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, Institute of ... more Vladimir E. Trajkovski, Tamara Stancheska Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Skopje, Macedonia Regular School “Slavko Lumbarkovski”, Novaci, Macedonia. Introduction: The education of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a challenging issue for public schools. Due to legal and educational reasons, many children with ASD are included in the general education setting for all or portions of the school day. The aim of this research is to assess the quality of the functioning of education and upbringing in children with ASD. Methods: Parents and teachers of children with ASD were included in this study. There were 31 examinees, which are from 3 cities in Macedonia: Bitola, Ohrid and Prilep. The difference between the two groups, teachers and parents regarding these aspects is tested using a Chi square test that compares the differences in the frequency of give...

The aim of this study was to search for predictors of disability among patients treated with hemo... more The aim of this study was to search for predictors of disability among patients treated with hemodialysis. Material and methods: Disability was assessed with self-reports of activities by Katz, Nagi and Rosow-Breslau (R-B) scale in 134 hemodialysis patients in a cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic, clinical, nutritional and dialysis factors were investigated as influencing factors. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors associated with disability scores. Results: Mean Katz, Nagi and R-B scores of the study group were: 4.67 ± 8.0, 9.96 ± 7.5, 3.84 ± 2.4, respectively. In the univariate analysis, women, patients who were older than 65, had diabetes, intradialytic hypotension, catheter as vascular access, sensor or loco-motor problems, carpaltunnel syndrome, cerebrovascular disease and body mass index more than 31 kg/m 2 , had at least one Katz activity impairment. In the multivariate regression model, the older age, female gender, carpal tunnel and c...
Review of the book Autism: is there a place for ReAttach therapy? edited by Paula Weerkamp-Bartho... more Review of the book Autism: is there a place for ReAttach therapy? edited by Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus.The book Autism: is there a place for ReAttach therapy? edited by Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus is new monograph in the field of psychotherapy and support for patients with mental health problems. The content of the book has contributions by international professionals working in the field of clinical psychology, psychiatry, immunology as well as genetics. It is organised into a preface and five separate chapters, which are briefly analysed below, presenting a differentiated but coherent perspective of the ReAttach approach proposal.

Journal of neurosciences in rural practice
Early detection of developmental problems is critical, and interventions are more effective when ... more Early detection of developmental problems is critical, and interventions are more effective when they are carried out early in a child's life. In Macedonia, there are only four centers providing early intervention services. In this research, we determined the reliability of the translation and adaptation of Ages and Stages Questionnaires 3 edition (ASQ-3-M) for assessment of children aged 3-5 years old in Macedonia, and reported preliminary results of the gender differences in the development. ASQ-3-M was completed by 165 parents and 40 educators in seven kindergarten classrooms. Children were 3-5 years old. Cronbach's alpha, Intraclass Correlation coefficient (ICC), and interrater reliability (IRR) were used to assess ASQ-3-M psychometric properties. The Bayesian -test was performed to estimate the difference in means between males and females. The Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.65 to 0.87. The overall ICC was 0.89 (ranged from 0.8 to 0.95), which indicates a strong to ...
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2016

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2015
This editorial describes the growth of theMacedonia is a tough periphery in the world of science.... more This editorial describes the growth of theMacedonia is a tough periphery in the world of science. But, this does not prevent the journal to become more visible and significant in scientific areas that the field of special education and rehabilitation covers. In our country there are many factors that hinder the way for the creation of high quality scientific journal. These are discussed in detail in the paper.To reach higher relevance of the journal, a great dedication of the people working in the publishing offices is necessary.The editors of small journals of the region need to exchange their experiences. The editorial teams of smaller journals have to gather experience from major journals. They need to put more effort into increasing the visibility of the journal online, and they can do this by sharing the labor of the social media. The competent Ministry of Education and Science should allocate a greater percentage of the gross domestic product for publishing as small journals c...
Development of criminology, especially with large impact of psychology and psychiatry in studying... more Development of criminology, especially with large impact of psychology and psychiatry in studying the offenders of norms in the society, actual question is meaning of genetic factors in criminology. The aim of the article is to describe genetically determinants of delinquent and criminal behavior. This article contains cross-section of big number of world studies, which analyze the genetic aspects of delinquent and criminal behavior. The chromosome aberrations, especially those involving X and Y-chromosomes, provide a model to show how genetic variability and environment may interact in producing a psychological phenotype. Analyzes of cited studies for the impact of genetic factor in genesis of delinquent and criminal behavior can’t confirm it predominance, but the responsibility is equal between genetic predisposition in high correlation with environmental factors.
Papers by Vladimir Trajkovski
way a person communicates with and relates to other people and the world around them. About
1.55% of the general pupil body receive additional supports because they have been diagnosed
with an ASD. The focus is on the needs of pupils with ASD and how they can be supported to
achieve their potential. ASD is a spectrum condition, so some pupils with ASD require little support
in school and are relatively independent in their learning.
The aim of the study is to shown kind of interventions, which can be effective for some pupils
with ASD.
Results: there are numerous different approaches such as: antecedent-based interventions, behavioral
packages, cognitive behavioral intervention, comprehensive pre-school or early interventions/
programmes, discrete trial teaching, early intensive behavioral interventions, exercise,
extinction, functional behavior assessment, functional communication training, joint attention,
language training, modelling, multi-component socials interventions, naturalistic intervention or
naturalistic teaching strategies, parent-implemented interventions, Picture Exchange Communication
System, pivotal response training, schedules, social narratives, social skills training, social
communication training, technology-aided instruction and intervention, visual support, structured
play groups, and many others.
Conclusions: classrooms are social environments that rely heavily on being able to interact,
socialize and communicate with others effectively. The challenges that pupils with ASD face
with regards to communication skills and socializing can intensify their feelings of stress, anxiety
and depression. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance. Working with any of
these methods can improve outcomes they can achieve.
way a person communicates with and relates to other people and the world around them. About
1.55% of the general pupil body receive additional supports because they have been diagnosed
with an ASD. The focus is on the needs of pupils with ASD and how they can be supported to
achieve their potential. ASD is a spectrum condition, so some pupils with ASD require little support
in school and are relatively independent in their learning.
The aim of the study is to shown kind of interventions, which can be effective for some pupils
with ASD.
Results: there are numerous different approaches such as: antecedent-based interventions, behavioral
packages, cognitive behavioral intervention, comprehensive pre-school or early interventions/
programmes, discrete trial teaching, early intensive behavioral interventions, exercise,
extinction, functional behavior assessment, functional communication training, joint attention,
language training, modelling, multi-component socials interventions, naturalistic intervention or
naturalistic teaching strategies, parent-implemented interventions, Picture Exchange Communication
System, pivotal response training, schedules, social narratives, social skills training, social
communication training, technology-aided instruction and intervention, visual support, structured
play groups, and many others.
Conclusions: classrooms are social environments that rely heavily on being able to interact,
socialize and communicate with others effectively. The challenges that pupils with ASD face
with regards to communication skills and socializing can intensify their feelings of stress, anxiety
and depression. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance. Working with any of
these methods can improve outcomes they can achieve.