Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra
German studies
Príspevok nadväzuje svojou problematikou na prácu Právo -Jazyk -Translácia . Autorka sa zameriava na fenomén právneho textu z pohľadu didaktiky odborného prekladu. Svoju pozornosť sústreďuje na typológiu právnych textov v kontexte... more
- by Olga Wrede
Príspevok nadväzuje svojou problematikou na prácu Právo -Jazyk -Translácia . Autorka sa zameriava na fenomén právneho textu z pohľadu didaktiky odborného prekladu. Svoju pozornosť sústreďuje na typológiu právnych textov v kontexte... more
- by Olga Wrede
Reading comprehension in foreign language teaching with the help of the pragmalinguisitc typology Abstract This paper deals with the analysis of foreign language texts with the help of the pragmalinguistic typology which plays an... more
- by Olga Wrede
This paper is devoted to the explored aspects of the functioning of the different varieties of modern standard languages (here German in Austria and Russian in Belarus) as well as to the rather distinct terminology in this area. In this... more
Aim. The main aim of the research is to identify and evaluate the quality of life of patients with an eating disorder – anorexia nervosa. In an analytical and descriptive way, the authors determine the level of various areas of life of... more
- by Ivan Haringa
Our paper is concerned with improving reading comprehension by intervention or intervention program for reading comprehension for English language. This program facilitates the individual into thinking and learning, as well as their... more