Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra
Faculty of Arts
Individualization as a modernization social phenomenon is of a highly ambivalent character. On the one hand, it represents the emancipation of individuals from general pressures of the society, from the traditional relations of domination... more
Until the mid-20th century can be observed romantically (almost utopian) minded optimism, that accompanied technological progress. Technical innovations have been evaluated mainly in terms of their positive contribution, especially in the... more
Kniha vychádza v rámci vedeckého projektu VEGA 1/0888/16 Spory o etickú neutralitu štátu a konflikty tolerancie v modernej pluralitnej spoločnosti.
Kniha vychádza v rámci vedeckého projektu VEGA 1/0888/16 Spory o etickú neutralitu štátu a konflikty tolerancie v modernej pluralitnej spoločnosti.
Until the mid-20th century can be observed romantically (almost utopian) minded optimism, that accompanied technological progress. Technical innovations have been evaluated mainly in terms of their positive contribution, especially in the... more
The present article tries to interpret the historicist concept of social contract JJ Rousseau, presented in Discourse on the origin of inequality among men, as a critique of modern society which defines the scope of everything that is... more
The article examines Rousseau’s theory of the general will as a certain model of participatory politics aimed at the active involvement of citizens in the collective formation of the public sphere. The study points out that the... more
Be yourself, it is the extended slogan of (post)modern culture that celebrates the imperative of individual self-realization. From a formal point of view, the ideal of authenticity is unambiguous and comprehensible, but the essential... more
Aim. The aim of this study is to provide a selected theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of negative freedom in relation to the political sphere of its application, to reveal and clarify the main political implications and... more
Slovo na úvod 1 Všeobecná charakteristika teórií spoločenskej zmluvy 2 Klasické teórie spoločenskej zmluvy 2.1 Thomas Hobbes a obrana absolutizmu štátnej moci 2.2 John Locke a zastupiteľská vláda 2.3 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, sociálna... more
The article deals with the issue of human subjectivity and the ideal of authenticity in the concepts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Søren Kierkegaard. By reconstructing and analysing their argumentation, we try to create a space for their... more
O ne of the main topics of contemporary moral and political philo sophy is a dispute between so-called perfectionism and supporters of the neutrality of the liberal state. Defenders of neutrality argue that the state should hold a neutral... more
Zaměření časopisu: Vědecký recenzovaný časopis ACTA HUMANITAS se zaměřuje na publikování vědeckých a odborných studií a článků, recenzí a informací ze společenských věd (filosofie, politologie, sociologie, historie apod.). Jeho široké... more
The study focuses on the theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of social freedom as a special concept of individual autonomy in relation to the social conditions of its applicability. The aim of the analysis is to reveal and... more