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The book brings a collection of papers by Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian philosophers. It is a second book published on the basis of international reserach project entitled "Central-European Ethos Or Local Traditions: Freedom,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyEthicsHistory of Ideas
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      Political PhilosophyThomas HobbesMoral Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophySocial Contract TheoryHobbesNatural Law
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      Political PhilosophyLiberalismCritical Social TheoryHonneth
Individualization as a modernization social phenomenon is of a highly ambivalent character. On the one hand, it represents the emancipation of individuals from general pressures of the society, from the traditional relations of domination... more
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      Political PhilosophyModernityHonnethMoral Philosophy
Until the mid-20th century can be observed romantically (almost utopian) minded optimism, that accompanied technological progress. Technical innovations have been evaluated mainly in terms of their positive contribution, especially in the... more
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      ModernityTechnological SocietyHans JonasSociety
Kniha vychádza v rámci vedeckého projektu VEGA 1/0888/16 Spory o etickú neutralitu štátu a konflikty tolerancie v modernej pluralitnej spoločnosti.
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      Political PhilosophyLiberalismCritical Social TheoryRecognition
Kniha vychádza v rámci vedeckého projektu VEGA 1/0888/16 Spory o etickú neutralitu štátu a konflikty tolerancie v modernej pluralitnej spoločnosti.
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      Political PhilosophyLiberalismCritical Social TheoryHonneth
Until the mid-20th century can be observed romantically (almost utopian) minded optimism, that accompanied technological progress. Technical innovations have been evaluated mainly in terms of their positive contribution, especially in the... more
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      ModernityTechnological SocietyHans JonasSociety
The present article tries to interpret the historicist concept of social contract JJ Rousseau, presented in Discourse on the origin of inequality among men, as a critique of modern society which defines the scope of everything that is... more
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The article examines Rousseau’s theory of the general will as a certain model of participatory politics aimed at the active involvement of citizens in the collective formation of the public sphere. The study points out that the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy Of FreedomMoral PhilosophyJean Jaques Rousseau
Be yourself, it is the extended slogan of (post)modern culture that celebrates the imperative of individual self-realization. From a formal point of view, the ideal of authenticity is unambiguous and comprehensible, but the essential... more
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Aim. The aim of this study is to provide a selected theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of negative freedom in relation to the political sphere of its application, to reveal and clarify the main political implications and... more
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      Political PhilosophyHobbesMoral PhilosophyNormative Political Theory
Slovo na úvod 1 Všeobecná charakteristika teórií spoločenskej zmluvy 2 Klasické teórie spoločenskej zmluvy 2.1 Thomas Hobbes a obrana absolutizmu štátnej moci 2.2 John Locke a zastupiteľská vláda 2.3 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, sociálna... more
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      Social Contract TheoryHobbesJohn LockeJohn Rawls
The article deals with the issue of human subjectivity and the ideal of authenticity in the concepts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Søren Kierkegaard. By reconstructing and analysing their argumentation, we try to create a space for their... more
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      AuthenticityKierkegaardJean Jaques RousseauExistentialism
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      Hans JonasSocial ResponsibilityMoral Responsibility
O ne of the main topics of contemporary moral and political philo sophy is a dispute between so-called perfectionism and supporters of the neutrality of the liberal state. Defenders of neutrality argue that the state should hold a neutral... more
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      Political PhilosophyLiberalismPersonal and Moral AutonomyThomas Hobbes
Zaměření časopisu: Vědecký recenzovaný časopis ACTA HUMANITAS se zaměřuje na publikování vědeckých a odborných studií a článků, recenzí a informací ze společenských věd (filosofie, politologie, sociologie, historie apod.). Jeho široké... more
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      Political PhilosophyJean Jaques RousseauSocial InequalityPoverty and Inequality
The study focuses on the theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of social freedom as a special concept of individual autonomy in relation to the social conditions of its applicability. The aim of the analysis is to reveal and... more
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      Political PhilosophyHonnethPhilosophy Of FreedomEmancipation
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      Television StudiesReality TVCelebrity