Surfing in the UK's Journal
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Surfing in the UK

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Check out our ADRENALINE JUNKIE CHANNEL to watch our awesome Surf films! [14 Dec 2009|12:16pm]

[ mood | high ]

Hey guys!
We've got a whole selection of cool content for you to watch...most recently we featured Cornish Pro-Longboarder, James Parry as he showed us some of his moves! Check it out!

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[02 Jul 2008|03:59pm]

It's the Brighton Paddle Round the Pier beach festival again this weekend! Britain's biggest free watersports festival! Loads of good stuff going on - check out the website for all the info - .

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Erm, Hi [24 Jul 2007|02:32pm]

[ mood | hungry ]

Hi, I saw this community and figured I would join cos I love water sports - especially surfing and body boarding. I hope to meet a few more surfy people as I don't know enough sooo, good day and good surf.


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[18 Jun 2007|07:11pm]

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Just a quick note to let you all know about the Brighton Paddle Round the Pier Beach Festival happening on the weekend of the 7th and 8th of July. We're expecting as many as 8000 people this year. Loads of stuff going on - check the website for all the details.

We're also looking for volunteers to help out on the weekend if any of you are interested!
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Roxy, Mambo, Billabong & more, all for direct sale! [19 Jul 2005|10:06am]


Ok, so my college funding runs out this month (currently training as a nurse) and I still have 2 months lef to go. Unfortunatly this means me having to sell off a few pieces of my beloved Roxy collection, amoungst others, everything is in excellent condition and in need of a good home. If you don't like my prices, make me a good offer!

X posted - sorry!

Go to the goodies!Collapse )

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Help! [21 Apr 2005|10:12pm]

[ mood | frustrated ]

What am I doing wrong?
I've kinda got over the problem of not getting anywhere on a wave - I was too far back.
Now, when I do go anywhere, the nose of my board digs in, and flips me right off and under the wave until my leash goes taut. It hurts. =(
This happens loads, and it makes things not fun, specially when the next wave in the set breaks right in your face.
I know I'm being a Mrs Complainerface, but I need some advice!
What to do?

Also, how best to catch a wave? Paddle out and sit on the board untill a good one comes? Or only go as far as you can comfortably stand up, then push off and try and leap on in time to get anywhere?

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hey guys... [11 Apr 2005|11:15pm]

Hey guys, I noticed this journal and figured I'd join. I don't klnow any other surfers in the Uk and when I saw this I got pretty damn happy. Um... about me, I'm a beginner, I've sailed and skied for most of my life, windsurfed for a couple of years, but not a lot and surfed a bit, I'm totally stoked about surfing, the more I do the more I love it, I consider myself a beginner, I can stand but not got as far as carves and cutbacks and shit. Never surfed in the Uk, surfed on a reef break in Guadeloupe, bodysurfed in Spain. I live in the West Midlands, moving down to Southampton uni in October to do languages and then I really hope to up my surfing big time and do as much as possible. I'm 18, female and really hope to join this community.
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Hullo... [04 Apr 2005|10:53am]

[ mood | hyper ]

I've just got back from my second ever time surfing (and my hairs still slightly damp...), and WOW!
It's the biggest rush ever! :D
So, I thought I'd join, and get to know some UK surfers.
Here's some stuff about me.
I'm 19, female and surf in Cardigan bay - mid-wales coastline. Mostly Borth, Aberystwyth and Inyslas.
I don't know if you care that much about gear and stuff - I'm mostly borrowing other peoples boards, cause I don't have my own, (obviously!) all I know is that it's made by Bic, who make good razors and pens, so why not boards too?
Erm...I'm not very good yet. I've probably spent 4, maybe 5 hours max in the water and managed to get anywhere about 5 times. I'm still working on kicking off and stuff, so I guess any tips on actually getting on the thing would be great! I've not managed to stand up yet, either, though it is still early days.
Best thing about surfing - the rush. =)
Worst thing about surfing - putting on a cold, soggy wetsuit in the back of a van, at 7.30am on a freezing morning.

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[12 Mar 2005|01:47pm]

At last...

The north devon/cornwall coast will be getting a swell :D

Starting small and clean on tuesday, working its way up to fucking having it on saturday :D

So i know what im doing next week ;)

for more info...
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Dogtwon Movie [11 Mar 2005|05:03pm]

[ mood | Stoked ]

Hey, for any of you old school skate and surf fans, a new movie about the zephyr skate team is coming out soon. It's called "Lords of Dogtown." Its got Heath Ledger as Skip Engblom, Victor Rasuk as Tony Alva (I think the movie is centered around him), Emile Hirsch as Jay Adams and a bunch more. If anybody doesn't know anything about Dogtown or the Zephyr team, I recommend you check out the 2001 Documentary by Stacy Peralta titled "Dogtown and the Z-boys." It's really rad stuff and I'm stoked about the new movie coming out.

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Ideas [08 Mar 2005|04:23pm]

[ mood | calm ]

Hey, an idea for the community would be to add some kind of new member info survey so everyone that joins would have a post. Once people learn a few things about the other people from the survey's then everyone starts talkin.

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[07 Mar 2005|10:54pm]

Ok Welcome to this new community :D

Any ideas 0n how to get it more active would be greatly appreciated :D

Also what sort of thingsa would you like to see in this community?

Time to get the ball rolling :)
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