I am just beginning the immigration process, and all the information I can find is so damned wordy and complicated that I always end up hopelessly confused and overwhelmed. I flatter myself that I am a reasonably intelligent individual, and I can do this. It is not impossible. But I need some help from you lovely people.
The Facts:
We are both in our late 20's.
Neither of us has been married before, or has any children.
We have known one another for five years.
We have been dating (mostly long distance) for almost three years.
We have been engaged since April of this year.
I am a US citizen, born and raised in the US.
I am currently living and working in the US.
My fiance is a UK citizen, born and raised in the UK.
He is currently studying in Wales (due to graduate in 2009), and has no full-time job.
We will be married in Scotland in September of next year, and plan to settle in the UK.
Can anyone please tell me of any websites, pamphlets or publications which lay out in simple language the steps we will need to take 1) for me to get my fiancee visa, 2) for us to obtain permission to marry in the UK, 3) for us to apply for a spouse visa? Alternately, if someone here has a little spare time, could you please explain these steps to me (along with any useful web links)? Any help you can provide would be a huge relief and much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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