Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Dret privat
This paper focuses on a cultural experience carried out in Moixent (a village situated in the southwest of the province of Valencia) in order to add value and to promote its natural and cultural heritage and to benefit its social... more
Last 20 years have been witnesses of a revolution in the history of women and the studies of gender. In United Kingdom, the pioneering works of J. Benneth, P. J. P. Goldberg, B. Hanawalt, S. Johns and P. Stattford have shed light for the... more
Capítulo dentro de la obra colectiva sobre la historia de Quart de Poblet "Quart de Poblet. Historia, Arte y Geografía" que versa sobre la vida cotidiana en la baja Edad Media
El Salt del Llop, Revista de Cultura de Catarroja, nº 2, octubre 2017.
El fenómeno de la prostitución constituye una faceta más integrada en la dimensión social propia del mundo medieval. Dicho fenómeno está unido, principalmente, al desarrollo urbano. Junto al desprecio a las prostitutas encontramos en la... more
In this article we will carry out a quantitative, semantic and comparative analysis of the concepts ‘Spain’ and ‘Catalonia’ in its singular and plural forms of the Catalan, Spanish and Latin languages, contained in the institutional... more
Abstract: The contemporary historiography has enshrined the expression ‘Crown of Aragon’ as the name of a compound monarchy existing between the twelfth and eighteenth centuries. However, at the end of the twentieth century, the historian... more
La unió catalanoaragonesa del s. XII, a càrrec del Sr. Cristian
Palomo Reina, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a l’aula A502
de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 26 d'octubre de 2017, a
les 17 h.
Palomo Reina, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a l’aula A502
de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 26 d'octubre de 2017, a
les 17 h.
Resumen: El texto hace una exposición de las tesis historiográficas revisionistas sobre el convenio de 1137 entre el rey Ramiro II de Aragón y el conde Ramon Berenguer IV de Barcelona. La primera tesis defiende que la donación de la... more
Abstract: This article carries out a quantitative and semantic analysis on the instances in which the institutional diaries of the Consell de Cent of Barcelona and the Diputació del General of Catalonia make reference to the concept... more
Abstract: In this article the question of why Catalonia became a principality in the late medieval period will be discussed. It is an issue that inevitably involves the fact that the area of Catalonia did not offi cially have the... more