Books by Paulina Bieś-Srokosz

Glavanits, Judit (ed) Impacts of the EU law on national Legislation / Az uniós jog hatása a nemzeti szabályozásra. Széchenyi István Egyetem, DFÁJK, Nemzetközi Köz- és Magánjogi Tanszék, Győr. , 2018
The Centre for European Studies (CES) of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Széchenyi I... more The Centre for European Studies (CES) of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Széchenyi István University is proud to present the conference proceedings of the event “Days of EU Law” – Effects of EU law on national legislation. The conference was part of the ‘Jean Monnet Module on EU Business Law’ (EUBLAW) project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme in the Period of 2016 – 2019. The main aim of the conference was to discover the effects of EU regulation on the fields of international public law, financial law and business law.
The main purpose of the conference held in Győr on 8-10th November 2017 was to identify the relevant aspects of EU harmonization and effects on national legislation while shading light on its legal, political, economic and social implications.
Papers by Paulina Bieś-Srokosz
Gubernaculum et Administratio, 2023

Wrocławsko-Lwowskie Zeszyty Prawnicze, May 29, 2024
A hybrid in the broader culture may be associated with something heterogeneous, deviating from th... more A hybrid in the broader culture may be associated with something heterogeneous, deviating from the usual standards, which may bring about anxiety and be an example of an anomaly. In ancient times, a hybrid was defined as a creature composed of at least two different elements, such as an ox with a human head. Despite all these years, hybridity has not changed. Of course, we refer to it in other aspects than just living beings, i.e. in arts, movies, and cars, but also to the legal instruments functioning in the current state of the law. In this article, it is the intention of the author to present the hybrid legal forms used by the public administration. However, the author's approach to this subject was more theoretical than dogmatic, hence the considerations were focused on the creation or the purposefulness of functioning of these forms in administrative law.
Wrocławsko-Lwowskie Zeszyty Prawnicze, Nov 19, 2020
Institutiones Administrationis
Decentralization of public power is one of the fundamental principles present in rule of law demo... more Decentralization of public power is one of the fundamental principles present in rule of law democracies. It is a constitutional principle that is materialized through the functioning of local self-government. The article concisely characterizes the decentralization of public power in Poland, with particular emphasis on the basic principles governing the functioning of local self-government. The author also points to problems related to the implementation of the said principle.
Impacts of EU law on national legislation Conference proceedings of the "Days of EU Law" internat... more Impacts of EU law on national legislation Conference proceedings of the "Days of EU Law" international scientific conference held in Győr, November 2017. Az uniós jog hatása a nemzeti szabályozásra A 2017. novemberében Győrben tartott " EU Jogi Napok" c. nemzetközi tudományos konferencia közleményei Bilingual edition / Kétnyelvű kiadás Széchenyi István Egyetem, Deák Ferenc Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar Nemzetközi Köz-és Magánjogi Tanszék Győr, 2018.

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
This paper examines the position of the Polish Centre for Accreditation within the structure of P... more This paper examines the position of the Polish Centre for Accreditation within the structure of Polish public administration. On the presumption that the PCA is a specialised administrative entity of a legal nature similar to one of an agency, which performs state tasks by accrediting notified bodies within the product conformity assessment scheme, the article assesses the influence of the Centre’s tasks and its position within the political system on the efficiency and quality of public functions it fulfils in the area of accreditation. The study demonstrates that the current structure and position of the Centre in the political system substantially facilitates the efficient implementation of state tasks in respect of accreditation. The research method employed herein in order to achieve the adopted research assumptions is the dogmatic and legal method.

Studia Prawnoustrojowe
Hybryda w szeroko rozumianej kulturze może kojarzyć się z czymś niejednorodnym, odstającym od uta... more Hybryda w szeroko rozumianej kulturze może kojarzyć się z czymś niejednorodnym, odstającym od utartych standardów, która może nieść ze sobą niepokój i stanowić przykład anomalii. W starożytności hybrydą określano istoty składające się z przynajmniej dwóch różnych elementów, np. wół z głową ludzką. Hybrydowość, pomimo upływu tylu lat, tak naprawdę się nie zmieniła. Oczywiście, odwołujemy się do niej w innych aspektach, aniżeli tylko do istot żywych, jak na przykład: do sztuki, filmów, samochodów, ale także do instrumentów prawnych funkcjonujących w obecnym stanie prawnym. W niniejszym artykule głównym celem Autora było przedstawienie hybrydowych prawnych form, z których korzysta administracja publiczna. Niemniej podejście Autora do tej tematyki było bardziej teoretyczne aniżeli dogmatyczne, stąd też rozważania skupione były wokół tworzenia, czy też celowości funkcjonowania tych form w prawie administracyjnym. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań można pokusić się o wniosek, że hybrydyczno...
<jats:p>The public interest is a value which is and should be protected by law. Therefore, ... more <jats:p>The public interest is a value which is and should be protected by law. Therefore, it is important that the concept of public interest has been subjected to the redefinition, due to the changing needs of society. The article presents definitions and concepts of the notion of public interest and its changes over the years. In addition, the selected number of issues in the field of administrative law against the background of the understanding and interpretation of the term of public interest.</jats:p>
Nadzór prawny w administracji publicznej jest instytucją, która stanowi element składowy centrali... more Nadzór prawny w administracji publicznej jest instytucją, która stanowi element składowy centralizacji i decentralizacji. Nie ma ogólnej definicji nadzoru75 w prawie administracyjnym, dlatego też przyjmuje on różne postacie prawne. Treść i zakres pojęcia nadzoru stanowi za każdym razem kompilację treści aktów normatywnych, regulujących instytucję nadzoru. [fragm. wstępu
Gubernaculum et Administratio

Polish Political Science Yearbook
The deep changes in Polish legal system and economy that took place after 1989 contributed to the... more The deep changes in Polish legal system and economy that took place after 1989 contributed to the emergence of new challenges for public administration. The legislator, in order to satisfy growing numbers of social demands, appointed new tasks and created a new legal form of action for public administration entities. However, not every of the new forms were fitted to classically understood administrative law. Part of this new forms at the same time combines some features characteristic for administrative law as well as typical for civil law, which gives them untypical (hybrid) character. As an example, there can be mentioned: civil law contracts with so called "overlays" (obligatory additional conditions) imposed by certain legal acts as well as administrative settlements and administrative contracts. The aim of this article is to analyze those hybrid forms of action of public administration entities in terms of implementation the objectives of regulation set by the legislator.

As a result of the political changes that took place in Poland at the end of the 1980s a number o... more As a result of the political changes that took place in Poland at the end of the 1980s a number of new (till this day) public administration bodies were established. The political transformation, which included a wide range of reforms, revolutions, changes, and modernisations, in a way forced the public administration to adjust to the new “reality” by performing public tasks which had not been stipulated by the law of the Polish People's Republic. What is more, none of the institutions (bodies) of that time had the organizational, financial, and human resources necessary to perform the new tasks. Thus, in order to fill in the institutional gaps and face new public challenges, the legislator frequently borrowed some of organizational and legal solutions by way of so-called transfers from other systems. Unfortunately, it was all done hastily and inconsistently, which will be accounted for in this paper. It is stressed in the literature that the continual changes of social needs in...
Books by Paulina Bieś-Srokosz
The main purpose of the conference held in Győr on 8-10th November 2017 was to identify the relevant aspects of EU harmonization and effects on national legislation while shading light on its legal, political, economic and social implications.
Papers by Paulina Bieś-Srokosz
The main purpose of the conference held in Győr on 8-10th November 2017 was to identify the relevant aspects of EU harmonization and effects on national legislation while shading light on its legal, political, economic and social implications.