Papers by Yolanda de la Torre Robles
«Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obr... more «Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar, escanear o hacer copias digitales de algún fragmento de esta obra». Esta obra ha superado la fase previa de evaluación externa realizada por pares mediante el sistema de doble ciego
Knowlegde and memory. Studies in honour of Ladislav Bares, 2022
The project is carried out under the ERDF Call "Excellent Research" and its output is aimed at em... more The project is carried out under the ERDF Call "Excellent Research" and its output is aimed at employees of research organizations and Ph.D. students.

La presente tesis doctoral es un estudio de caracter historico acerca del uso secundario en difer... more La presente tesis doctoral es un estudio de caracter historico acerca del uso secundario en diferentes periodos de la tumba QH33 de la necropolis de Qubbet el-Hawa. Se describe de manera individualizada y exhaustiva la tumba en cuestion, desde un punto de vista tecnico y arquitectonico. Tambien se explica la funcionalidad de los diferentes espacios de la tumba. En un primer apartado se tratan las reutilizaciones acontecidas en la necropolis de Qubbet el-Hawa en los periodos de ocupacion detectados, es decir, finales del Segundo Periodo Intermedio, Reino Nuevo y Baja Epoca. Despues viene un apartado dedicado al robo de tumbas, con una introduccion previa antes de abordar la situacion ocurrida en QH33. Finalmente se incluye un apartado que trata los rituales funerarios documentados, la categorizacion y tipologias extraidas del ajuar hallado, asi como titulaturas, genealogias y prosopografia de los individuos enterrados conocidos, procedente de la tumba QH33. Todo el material procedent...
Boletín de la Asociaciación Española de Egiptología, 2019
The season 2019 of the Qubbet el-Hawa project has been developed during the months of October and... more The season 2019 of the Qubbet el-Hawa project has been developed during the months of October and November. On this occasion, the excavation of the QH32 tomb and the exterior area of the QH34aa and QH34bb tombs has continued. As a result of these works eight new tombs were discovered in the mentioned area and one more in the southern part of the necropolis, behind tomb QH24.
Multidisciplinary works have continued together with the excavation work, which will make it possible to contribute with new data to the knowledge of the necropolis, the individuals buried there, as well as their grave goods.
Preliminary results of the multidisciplinary works carried out in the necropolis of QUbbet el-Haw... more Preliminary results of the multidisciplinary works carried out in the necropolis of QUbbet el-Hawa (Aswan) during 20120 season are detailed in the presernt paper. A brief account of major archaeological results from works carried out in tombs nº 33 and 34 (both dated to the 12th Dynasty) are detaile together with specific studies derived from them. First results of conservation measures in tomb 34h (Khunes) are described.
Revista Muy Historia, ISBN: 8414237002607, 2019
Novos Trabalhos de Egiptologia Ibérica, 2012
Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Past, Present, Future, 2019
Trabajos de Egiptologia , 2017
The main aim of this paper is to present the recent works carried out in tombs 33, 34 and 34h at ... more The main aim of this paper is to present the recent works carried out in tombs 33, 34 and 34h at the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan) during the last season in 2009. In QH33, the archaeological works have unearthed a massive wall excavated in the rock, which created an enclosure similar to that one of Sarenput I’s tomb. In the interior of the tomb, some sectors of the surface layer were excavated, where the material found (stone, pottery, fayence, wood and bones) were documented. Respect to tomb QH34, the corridor was almost excavated completely. There, several burials of different periods were studied. In the tomb QH34h, different mortars were tested in
order to be used in future works of consolidation of the roof and pillars of the grave, severely affected by the natural fractures of the rock and the later construction of the tomb itself.
Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología (BAEDE), N. 26, 2017
Eschenbrenner-Diemer G., « Wooden Material Study » in Jimenez Serrano, A. et al. “Proyecto Qubbet... more Eschenbrenner-Diemer G., « Wooden Material Study » in Jimenez Serrano, A. et al. “Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: Trabajos arqueólogicos en las tumbas QH32, QH33, QH34aa, QH34bb, QH122, QH35p y QH36. Novena Campaña (2017).” Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología (BAEDE), N. 26, 2017, pp 68 – 77.
Vatican Coffin Conference – Musei Vaticani. Roma. Junio 2017.
Informes y trabajos nº 9, 2011
Desde 2008, se han llevado a cabo cuatro campañas de trabajos arqueológicos por la Universidad de... more Desde 2008, se han llevado a cabo cuatro campañas de trabajos arqueológicos por la Universidad de Jaén (España), con la colaboración del Consejo Superior de Antigüedades de Egipto, en la tumba n.o 33 en la necrópolis de Qubbet el-Hawa (Asuán, Egipto) donde fueron enterrados los nobles de la isla de Elefantina durante toda la historia faraónica.
Papers by Yolanda de la Torre Robles
Multidisciplinary works have continued together with the excavation work, which will make it possible to contribute with new data to the knowledge of the necropolis, the individuals buried there, as well as their grave goods.
order to be used in future works of consolidation of the roof and pillars of the grave, severely affected by the natural fractures of the rock and the later construction of the tomb itself.
Multidisciplinary works have continued together with the excavation work, which will make it possible to contribute with new data to the knowledge of the necropolis, the individuals buried there, as well as their grave goods.
order to be used in future works of consolidation of the roof and pillars of the grave, severely affected by the natural fractures of the rock and the later construction of the tomb itself.
The present doctoral thesis is a historical study about the secondary use in different periods of the QH33 tomb of the Qubbet el-Hawa necropolis, which is located in the West bank of the Nile, in front the city of Aswan and Elephantine island. It is divided into three volumes. In the first one, the grave in question is individually and exhaustively described, from a technical and architectural point of view. The functionality of the different spaces of the tomb is also explained: cult chapel, shafts and chambers. After the presentation of the tomb, it is described the reuses that occurred in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa and in tomb QH33 in the periods of occupation detected, that is, the end of the Second Intermediate Period (dynasty 17), the New Kingdom (dynasty 18) and the Late Period Saite and Persian (dynasties 26-27). Then it is