Papers by Wojciech Kajtoch
Rosjanin godny swych przodków... [w ramach] Aksjologia audiowizualności cz. 2, 2021
Artykuł jest zapisem wystąpienia na sesji, wyciętym z obszernego sprawozdania całej imprezy wykon... more Artykuł jest zapisem wystąpienia na sesji, wyciętym z obszernego sprawozdania całej imprezy wykonanego przez Mateusza Flonta. W swoim referacie Wojciech Kajtoch analizuje pod semiotycznym kątem okładki popularnych, fantastycznych rosyjskich powieści o tzw. popadańcach. Objaśnia charakterystyczne motywy i wskazuje na ich sens ideowy.
Literatura i Kultura Popularna
An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey... more An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey K. Tolstoy and its translation by René Śliwowski and its film adaptationsThe article discusses a classic horror story from 1839. It presents those elements of the novel typical of Romanticism, as well as the ones with which Tolstoy exceeded his era. The Polish translation of the piece, published for the first time in 1975, as well as four film adaptations of Tolstoy’s story were analyzed, trying to show how film directors interpreted its universal and timeless themes.
Literatura i Kultura Popularna
An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey... more An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey K. Tolstoy and its translation by René Śliwowski and its film adaptationsThe article discusses a classic horror story from 1839. It presents those elements of the novel typical of Romanticism, as well as the ones with which Tolstoy exceeded his era. The Polish translation of the piece, published for the first time in 1975, as well as four film adaptations of Tolstoy’s story were analyzed, trying to show how film directors interpreted its universal and timeless themes.
Literatura i Kultura Popularna
An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey... more An attempt at a complementary analysis of The Family of the Vourdalak Siemja wurdałaka by Aleksey K. Tolstoy and its translation by René Śliwowski and its film adaptationsThe article discusses a classic horror story from 1839. It presents those elements of the novel typical of Romanticism, as well as the ones with which Tolstoy exceeded his era. The Polish translation of the piece, published for the first time in 1975, as well as four film adaptations of Tolstoy’s story were analyzed, trying to show how film directors interpreted its universal and timeless themes.
Wojciech Kajtoch: "O mowie noblowskiej Olgi Tokarczuk”, w: Cieślikowa Agnieszka, Płaneta Paweł: „Od modernizacji do mediosfery. Meandry transformacji w komunikowaniu. Prace ofiarowane dr hab. Ryszardowi Filasowi”, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, IDMiKS, Wydawnictwo TOC, Kraków , 2020
W prezentowanym fragmencie zanalizowano treść wykładu noblowskiego Olgi Tokarczuk pod kątem jego ... more W prezentowanym fragmencie zanalizowano treść wykładu noblowskiego Olgi Tokarczuk pod kątem jego zawartości teoretycznoliterackiej i filozoficznej, a także sytuację komunikacyjną zaistniałą w trakcie jego wygłaszania. Autora interesują także genologiczne cechy wystąpienia Noblistki.
Wojciech Kajtoch: „Dlaczego Terlecki? Wspomnienie o roli Władysława Terleckiego w moim życiu”, „Galeria. Częstochowski Magazyn Literacki” październik-grudzień, nr. 52, s. 26-40;, 2019

Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny. Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa, 2017
The article presents a selected analysis of a Pyralgina (Metamizolum natricum - a medicine availa... more The article presents a selected analysis of a Pyralgina (Metamizolum natricum - a medicine available without a prescription) advertisement which is addressed at the general public. We indicate elements of dishonest medical information which may pose a threat for the patient. In our opinion, the advertisement for the drug raises doubts, not only those concerning the information claiming that the medicine available on the market since 1920 is something new, but also because the advertisement clearly suggests that Pyralgina is "an irreplaceable painkiller" - but is it really? Can we state that the advertisement for this drug is not misleading and presents the medical product in an objective manner informing about its rational use (Article 53 of the Polish Pharmaceutical Law)? It seems not because the manufacturer includes completely different information concerning the drug on its website and leaflet than that included in the advertisement, such as for example: the drug Pyralgina is recommended in treating: various and highly intense pains and fever, when other drugs are not recommended or inefficient. Nothing is also said about the possible side effects (an entry in the drug’s leaflet) such as hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, bone marrow damages sometimes leading to death. Of course, all true or untrue suggestions concerning the medicine are introduced via presuppositions and implicatures, most often only raising associations, but in our opinion no one clearly states these with complete assertion or so unequivocally that someone might later prove that the creators of the commercial lied or tried to mislead the viewers.

Войцех КАЙТОХ (Wojciech Kajtoch): УТОПИЯ И ТЕЛО (о трех научно-фантастических романах пятидесятых годов XX столетия). Перевод с польского: Владимир Борисов, „Литературно-публицистический журнал «Млечный Путь»” (Izrael), nr 2(13), s. 190-216; ISSN 2227-8826 , 2015
Обладание телом с определенными биологическими и физическими ха рактеристиками является основным ... more Обладание телом с определенными биологическими и физическими ха рактеристиками является основным экзистенциальным фактом и бытовым фундаментом межчеловеческого сообщества. Каждый человек принципи ально тождественно исполняет свои биологические функции, одинаково раз множается, успокаивает голод, терпит боль и.т.д. Культуры могут быть различными, отдельные группы могут иначе использовать телесный потенциал - но лишь «немного иначе». Например, роды могут происходить в горизонтальном или вертикальном положении, но только в одном направлении... Соматическое подобие являет также определенную основу тождества человека на протяжении веков. Телесно мы не намного отличаемся от первых представителей вида Homo sapiensб ну, может быть, статистически стали выше или здоровее. Наверняка также мы выглядим несколько иначе, чем когда-то, например, чаще бреемся или стрижем волосы. Именно характеристики наружности могут быть теми телесными элементами, которые обеспечивают между нами некоторые, главным образом, внешние различия: люди бывают красивыми или уродливыми, худыми или полными, с разным цветом волос или глаз. К сожалению, политический и общественный потенциал этих различий оказывается значительным: к красивым, как правило, относятся благосклоннее, а толстых, бывает, и презирают. В целом, часто происходит дискриминация именно по внешним биологическим характеристикам,-например, чуть ли не правилом является расовая дискриминация. Серьезные телесные, анатомические, биологические различия су ществуют между разными полами. И тоже бывают основой для дискриминации и/или политической выгоды.

Wojciech Kajtoch: Rosyjskie seriale wczoraj i dziś, cz.2, 2015
Russian TV series yesterday and today. Part II The article in a concise way summarizes fi rst Sov... more Russian TV series yesterday and today. Part II The article in a concise way summarizes fi rst Soviet attempts at production of the TV series. In the years of perestroika and in early 1990s, after having come in contact with the Western productions, the Russian television mastered the production of soap operas and contemporary crime dramas at the end of the 20 th century. At the outset the Russian television, while being independent from the state, developed the big-scale production of the TV series. After 2000, the presidency of Putin and the dominance of the state sponsoring accounted for the further development of the Russian TV series market, due to the realization by the state authorities of the educational and propaganda potential of this TV genre. The author describes the most important thematic sub-genres of Russian TV series, such as: military, sensational, historical, and within the latter one especially the historical crime drama. Seriale wojenne: wychowanie obywatela i rozrachunki historyczne A jednak polem, gdzie "wychowawczy" program władz ujawnił się najpełniej, był serial wojenny. W 2004 roku kanał "Rodina" z okazji sześćdziesiątej rocz-nicy zwycięstwa wyemitował trzy seriale (Грачева 2004): opowiadający o au

Wojciech Kajtoch: Rosyjskie seriale wczoraj i dziś, cz.1, 2016
Russian TV Series Yesterday and Today. Part I The article in a concise way sumrnarizes first Sowi... more Russian TV Series Yesterday and Today. Part I The article in a concise way sumrnarizes first Sowiet attempts at production of the tv series. In the years of perestroika and in early 90's, after having come in contact with the Western productions , the Russian television mastered production of telenovełlas and contemporary crime dramas at the end of the XXth century. At the outset the Russian tv, while being independent from the state, developed the big-scale production of the tv series. After 2000 the rule of Putin and the dominance of the state sponsoring accounted for the further development of the Russian tv series market, due to the realization by the state authorities of the educational and propaganda potential of this tv genre. The author describes the most important thematic sub-genres of Rus sian tv series, as: military, sensation, historical, and particular importance of the historical crime drama.
Wojciech Kajtoch: "Wstęp do „Przenicowanego świata" Arkadija i Borisa Strugackich", Kraków, Text, 1994
Wojciech Kajtoch, W świecie tabloidowych nagłówków. Ich retoryka oraz tworzony przez nie obraz rzeczywistości , 2011
Wojciech Kajtoch: Pisząc "miłość” ПАЛАНІСТЫКА -ПОЛОНИСТИКА -POLONISTYKA 2012 , 2012
Wojciech Kajtoch O profesorze Walerym Pisarku, 2011
Wojciech Kajtoch: WŁADYSŁAWA TERLECKIEGO TRYLOGIA O POWSTANIU STYCZNIOWYM („Spisek", „Dwie głowy ptaka", „Powrót z Carskiego Sioła"), 1983
Wojciech Kajtoch: Ciało medialne, 2004
O d kilku lat prowadzê badania oparte na za³o¿eniu, ¿e ustalaj¹c i po-równuj¹c ze sob¹ frekwencje... more O d kilku lat prowadzê badania oparte na za³o¿eniu, ¿e ustalaj¹c i po-równuj¹c ze sob¹ frekwencje wyrazów pospolitych, u¿ytych w danym, du¿ym korpusie tekstów -mo¿na zarysowaae ogólne zarysy swoistego dla tekstów tego korpusu obrazu rzeczywistooeci (pozbawionego nazw w³asnych, a tym samym geograficznych, historycznych, personalnych realiów). D¹¿ê do odtworzenia i porównania z sob¹ pewnych, wpisanych w grupy tekstów wizji, maj¹cych charakter konwencjonalny i wyznaczanych przez wszystkie wyrazy pospolite, zwykle w danym jêzyku obs³ugu-j¹ce poszczególne aspekty tych wizji, a w interesuj¹cych grupach tekstów u¿yte wiêcej ni¿ raz. Ka¿da z tych wizji wynika zatem z ilooeci u¿yae danych leksemów, typowych kontekstów ich u¿ycia, typowych znaczeñ przez nie przybieranych.
Wojciech Kajtoch: „Płomyk a czasopisma współczesne. Projekt studium z jezykowej analizy zawartości”, 2012
Wojciech Kajtoch i Magdalena Hodalska: „Professor Walery Pisarek — An Architect of Polish Media Studies”, 2019
Papers by Wojciech Kajtoch
ISBN 978-83-7590-225-9
analysis of content, and discusses in detail the approaches and some of the research techniques typical of the last three. Stylistic research focuses on the detection of positive and negative emotional, aesthetic, pragmatic values associated with the linguistic form of texts such as directivity, image, dynamics, or the essence and function of various styling activities.They can, for example, serve to enhance the sense of realism or to establish a closer contact between the editor and the reader. In the latter case, the text is stylized into the language of the group for which the magazine is intended. Rhetorical research is especially useful for detecting and describing elements and propaganda techniques that are present in texts including profoundly unethical ones such as language manipulation or political correctness which is commonly accepted. In this chapter, research techniques based on quantitative methods specific to press studies, such as definition of banner words that are the bearers of ideological beliefs, detection of key words (meaningful lexemes with high repetition in a given text) allowing for examining the underlying assumptions of the ideology of texts were utilized. These methods include setting up a textual image of the world and a lexical axiological measurement by which one can first learn something about the general picture of reality propagated by the analysed newspapers and the other media, and secondly, about the value system the media texts promotes. Reconstruction of text evaluation systems is particularly useful for the latter one. The discussions are accompanied by specific examples of research.