Joachim Diec
Joachim Diec, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Chair in Eurasian Area Studies. Main fields of research: Russian political doctrines, conservatism, nationalism, Russia and Eurasia in international relations, world civilizations, geopolitics. Major publications: Cywilizacje bez okien (Civilizations Without Windows), Kraków 2002
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Books by Joachim Diec
Language: Polish, English summary
The language of the text: Polish. However, comprehensive, 40-page abbreviations in English and Russian are added to the main text. The numbers in parentheses under the paragraphs of the abbreviations refer to the footnotes of the main text.
Papers by Joachim Diec
Language: Polish, English summary
The language of the text: Polish. However, comprehensive, 40-page abbreviations in English and Russian are added to the main text. The numbers in parentheses under the paragraphs of the abbreviations refer to the footnotes of the main text.