Papers by Ninik Sri Rahayu SE., MM.

International Journal of Financial Studies, Jun 22, 2020
It is largely assumed that Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs) deal with family empowerment... more It is largely assumed that Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs) deal with family empowerment instead of women's empowerment. However, women are the main beneficiaries of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT), Indonesia's first IMFIs. This paper aims to explore the origins, the initiators, and the visions of BMTs and the extent to which they intersect with women's empowerment. Employing a qualitative approach, this study selected four BMTs in Yogyakarta as a case study. It found that four critical groups that have a significant role in the development of Indonesian BMTs: ICMI (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectual), Islamic mass organizations, NGOs, and local governments. The issues of loan sharks and poverty alleviation were the primary factors driving the inception of BMTs. Despite women being crucial clients, none of the studied BMTs explicitly invoked women's empowerment in their organizational vision. To conclude, the BMTs' preference for women is not based on an understanding of gender inequality, but rather motivated by pragmatic business considerations, particularly the self-sustainability paradigm that underpins their practices.

AJIE (Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship), Sep 26, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana kontribusi lembaga keuangan mikro syariah terha... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana kontribusi lembaga keuangan mikro syariah terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan. Penelitian ini melibatkan lima BMT di Kabupaten Sleman dengan kriteria lama operasional lebih dari 5 tahun. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah perempuan pengusaha mikro yang menjadi anggota lembaga keuangan mikro (BMT) minimal dua tahun. Metode sampel yang ditempuh dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel daerah multitahap (Multistage Area Sampling). Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini meliputi Kontrol atas tabungan dan pendapatan, Kepemilikan, Pengambilan Keputusan, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Mobilitas dan partisipasi dalam kegiatan di luar rumah. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan antara lain 1) Secara statistik terdapat perbedaan signifikan kontrol tabungan dan pendapatan usaha, pengambilan keputusan, mobilitas dan partisipasi antara perempuan yang menjadi anggota BMT dan nonBMT. 2) Hasil pengujian Mann Whitney U menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan self efficacy dan self esteem antara perempuan yang menjadi anggota BMT dan perempuan nonanggota BMT. Riset merekomendasika beberapa hal yakni 1) Penelitian berikutnya perlu menambah jumlah minimal responden sehingga temuan penelitian lebih mewakili situasi yang sebenarnya. 2) Segmen terbesar dari BMT adalah pedagang atau pengusaha mikro perempuan. Oleh karena itu, adalah penting bagi BMT untuk memiliki program-program yang berorientasi pada pemberdayaan perempuan. 3) Penelitian berikutnya perlu melihat bagaimana dampak BMT terhadap relasi gender dalam rumah tangga dan implikasinya terhadap perempuan. Hal ini penting mengingat dalam kultur masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Yogyakarta, praktek-praktek patriarkhis masih cukup kuat berakar Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan perempuan, lembaga Keuangan Mikro, BMT.

Women's empowerment has drawn my focus over the past decade. Having the opportunity to raise the ... more Women's empowerment has drawn my focus over the past decade. Having the opportunity to raise the issue as the central theme of my dissertation was a great privilege for me, and in many ways engaging with the complexity of 'women's empowerment' has shaped and continues to shape how I see the world and my identity. I consider myself blessed to have undertaken this research, the greatest intellectual adventure I have ever had. This dissertation is an outcome of collaborative work involving many individuals and institutions to whom I owe sincere gratitude. Firstly, I would like to express my thanks to my principal supervisor, Professor Edwin P. Wieringa, who provided me with the best guidance and support I could have hoped for. I remember how, when I first started this project four years ago (April 2016), I had zero ability to do qualitative research, having previously only conducted quantitative research. However, my supervisor was very patient in guiding me doing my first qualitative study, even with my limitations. His unhesitating support of my work; his careful reading of my many drafts; his comments, suggestions, and critiques have all enabled me to clarify my results, hone my ideas, and develop the organization of my dissertation. My gratitude also goes to Professor Arndt Graf, my second supervisor. I thank him especially for reading through my thesis and providing me with detailed feedback. I am blessed to have Professor Sabine Damir Geilsdorf as the third examiner of my work. I am grateful to have Professor Ulrike Niklas as the chair of my doctoral examination, and I thank her sincerely for opening her heart and allowing me to work at the institute of South and Southeast Asian Studies. I am also indebted to my colleagues Dr. Claudia Webber and Dr. Karl-Heinz Golzio for providing me with their best facilities and companionship while I was working on my thesis in the institute. My studies in Germany would not have been possible without permission from the Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Yogyakarta, the dean of the Faculty of Economics, and the head of the finance and banking department. I therefore thank them for allowing me to temporarily suspend my duties as a lecturer in order to pursue my doctoral studies. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) for their generous support, which made it possible for me to study in Germany as well as carry out fieldwork in Indonesia. Several parts of this dissertation have been presented in conferences held

Research Square (Research Square), Sep 17, 2021
This study explores the efforts of Indonesian women entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses dur... more This study explores the efforts of Indonesian women entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses during the COVID-19 crisis of 2020-2021. Focusing on female-owned businesses in Yogyakarta, this research places particular emphasis on how social media contributes to their survival. Using a quantitative approach to analyze data collected from 130 respondents, the researchers found that the pandemic has severely affected women entrepreneurs-especially those operating SMEs. Most significantly, women have experienced reduced income due to decreased sales, disrupted supply chains, and difficulty paying credit instalments. Although women entrepreneurs are particularly vulnerable to economic shocks, most lack access to assistance from government and private programmes. This study also sheds light on social media's Important role in saving women's businesses. Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram have become the main instruments through which women market their businesses and reach new audiences. Aggressive promotions, accompanied by attractive offers such as discounts and additional services, have helped women entrepreneurs reduce their losses. Overall, we conclude that women entrepreneurs found innovative ways to survive their businesses during a time of crisis.

This study explores the efforts of Indonesian women entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses dur... more This study explores the efforts of Indonesian women entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses during the COVID-19 crisis of 2020–2021. Focusing on female-owned businesses in Yogyakarta, this research places particular emphasis on how social media contributes to their survival. Using a quantitative approach to analyze data collected from 130 respondents, the researchers found that the pandemic has severely affected women entrepreneurs—especially those operating SMEs. Most significantly, women have experienced reduced income due to decreased sales, disrupted supply chains, and difficulty paying credit instalments. Although women entrepreneurs are particularly vulnerable to economic shocks, most lack access to assistance from government and private programmes. This study also sheds light on social media's Important role in saving women's businesses. Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram have become the main instruments through which women market their businesses and reach new audie...

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) throughout the world are facing a very complicated crisis due... more Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) throughout the world are facing a very complicated crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic and other structural challenges. This study is aimed at demonstrating the challenges faced by SMEs, particularly the struggles that women entrepreneurs of SMEs in Indonesia experienced to survive against these structural issues: COVID-19, digital presence and the male-dominated business sector in the country. Focusing on female-owned businesses in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, this paper carefully considers how social media platforms helped these businesses to continue. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, we collected data from 130 respondents and found that the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected women entrepreneurs—especially those operating small and medium enterprises. They have experienced reduced income due to decreased sales, disrupted supply chains, difficulty paying credit instalments, and lack of access to government assistances. This study further she...

Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 2005
The Indonesian Banking Architecture isa comprehensive, basicframeworkfor the Indonesian banking s... more The Indonesian Banking Architecture isa comprehensive, basicframeworkfor the Indonesian banking system. In the Architecture, the policy directionfor thefuture development of the banking industry is based on the vision of building strong and efficient banking system to createfinancialsystem stabilityforthe promotion ofmtional economic growth. To bring the vision of theArchitecture as described above, the six pillars ofthe Architecture aredesigned toensure theachievement ofthe architecture vision asfollows: healthy banking structure, effective regulatory system, effective and independent supervisory system, strong banking industry, adequate infrastructure, ro bust customerprotection. I The next ten tofifteen years the banking system areexpected tomove the hanking system towards a more optimum structure. This structureisenvisaged asfollows: two or three banks likely toemerge asinternational banks, possessing the capacity andability to operate onan international scale andhaving total capital exceeding Rp50 trillion, 3 to 5 national banks, having a broad scope ofbusiness andoperating nationwide with, total capital between RplO trillion and Rp50 trillion, 30 to 50 banks^operating asfocused players, withoperationsfocused onparticular business segments according tothe capa bility andcompetence ofeach bank. These banks will have capital ofRplOO billion upto RplO trillion, rural banks and banks with limited scope ofbusiness, having capital of less than RplOO billion.

Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT), a model of Islamic microfinance institution (IMFI), has emerged in ... more Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT), a model of Islamic microfinance institution (IMFI), has emerged in Indonesia in the last two decades. Although BMTs were not initially created for women, they have embraced women as their primary beneficiaries. The main objective of this study is to examine the link between BMTs and women's empowerment. More specifically, this study aims to address three main problems. First, to observe the origins of BMTs and their affiliation, it investigates their institutional missions and their ties with women's empowerment agendas. Second, it analyzes the particular patterns with which BMTs' empower women clients. Third, to investigate the effects of BMTs' services on women. Employing a qualitative approach, this study explores four BMTs operating in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, document review, and field observations. Participants included BMT managers, found...

Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas, 2018
Pada tahun 2016, penulis berhasil memperoleh dan menjalankan hibah dikti melalui skema IbM(Ipteks... more Pada tahun 2016, penulis berhasil memperoleh dan menjalankan hibah dikti melalui skema IbM(Ipteks bagi Masyarakat) tersebut. Dikarenakan salah satu syarat khalayak sasaran program iniadalah kelompok, maka program IbM dilakukan pada Kelompok perempuan perajin batik tulisCanting Merapi dan Serat Merapi yang berdiri tahun 2013, melalui program PeningkatanKecakapan Hidup (PKH) Berorientasi Pemberdayaan Perempuan yang diselenggarkan oleh PusatStudi Gender Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) berkerjasama dengan Direktorat Penelitian danPengabdian Masyarakat (DPPM)Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud). Alasanpemilihan kelompok tersebut adalah untuk keberlanjutan dan juga karena kelompok tersebut sangatpotensial untuk berkembang sebab memiliki corak motif yang khas dengan mengangkat gambaranflora dan fauna yang hanya tumbuh di lereng merapi. Selain itu batik yang dihasilkan juga ramahlingkungan (environmental friendly) karena tidak menggunakan pewarna sintetis tetapimenggunakan p...
Unisia, 2008
This article proposes to elaborate on the consumer segmentation, especially housewives, in Sleman... more This article proposes to elaborate on the consumer segmentation, especially housewives, in Sleman Region, based on the level of their food safety knowledge and practices. Housewives have been chosen to be samples based on the reason that food shopping activities in most family units have been done by this group. Using cluster analysis, this research has revealed three segments of consumers, namely those having food safety knowledge and practices who are high (37%0), medium (34%), and low (29%). This article recommends that relevant institutions be concerned to educate target groups, especially those who are high risk, in order for them to avoid consuming food which are harmful for their health.

AJIE, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana kontribusi lembaga keuangan mikro syariah terha... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bagaimana kontribusi lembaga keuangan mikro syariah terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan. Penelitian ini melibatkan lima BMT di Kabupaten Sleman dengan kriteria lama operasional lebih dari 5 tahun. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah perempuan pengusaha mikro yang menjadi anggota lembaga keuangan mikro (BMT) minimal dua tahun. Metode sampel yang ditempuh dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel daerah multitahap (Multistage Area Sampling). Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini meliputi Kontrol atas tabungan dan pendapatan, Kepemilikan, Pengambilan Keputusan, Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Mobilitas dan partisipasi dalam kegiatan di luar rumah. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan antara lain 1) Secara statistik terdapat perbedaan signifikan kontrol tabungan dan pendapatan usaha, pengambilan keputusan, mobilitas dan partisipasi antara perempuan yang menjadi anggota BMT dan nonBMT. 2) Hasil pengujian Mann Whitney U menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan self efficacy dan self esteem antara perempuan yang menjadi anggota BMT dan perempuan nonanggota BMT. Riset merekomendasika beberapa hal yakni 1) Penelitian berikutnya perlu menambah jumlah minimal responden sehingga temuan penelitian lebih mewakili situasi yang sebenarnya. 2) Segmen terbesar dari BMT adalah pedagang atau pengusaha mikro perempuan. Oleh karena itu, adalah penting bagi BMT untuk memiliki program-program yang berorientasi pada pemberdayaan perempuan. 3) Penelitian berikutnya perlu melihat bagaimana dampak BMT terhadap relasi gender dalam rumah tangga dan implikasinya terhadap perempuan. Hal ini penting mengingat dalam kultur masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Yogyakarta, praktek-praktek patriarkhis masih cukup kuat berakar Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan perempuan, lembaga Keuangan Mikro, BMT.

AJIE, 2014
Micro, IBM's partner program (science and technology to the Community) are SMEs Heroine Boyong I ... more Micro, IBM's partner program (science and technology to the Community) are SMEs Heroine Boyong I (stick milk) and Heroine Boyong II (milk candy). Both are micro-scale industry based on fresh dairy product businesses. IBM program on SME partners focused on the aspects of production and management. All activities in the production aspect functioned to improve the capacity and quality of production and increase dairy product variants. While aspects of management consists of: marketing, financial administration and human resource capacity building functioned as a partner in running the business well. Outputs from the aspects of production activities are: lay out production in accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, the addition of production capacity, increased efficiency of production of milk candy, increasing dairy product variants can be produced, the product is equipped with a production label and expiration date. In terms of management: managed to get a halal certificate from MUI, promotion of relevant equipment, attractive product design, wider marketing network, the use of social media for marketing, simple financial statements, bill of sale authorized, improved business mentality, and the ability of Partners in processing of fresh dairy products bertamba increased.

Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis, 2013
this study purposed to describe gender profile of the micro enterprise managementfromfour aspects... more this study purposed to describe gender profile of the micro enterprise managementfromfour aspects: productive activities, non productive activities, access and control, business effectand bet efit. It also aimed to formulate strengthening strategy based on gender perspective. The research was performed in Sleman regency with 25 micro enterprises in brown sugar as research samples. Simple random sampling was chosen in the process ofselecting ilata and Harvard Analytical Framework was adopted to analysis it. The research discovered some findings. First, Women have had dominant contribution in all activities, both in business management and in production process. Second, the profile of domestic activities such as cooking, shopping, maintaing household was majority organized by women. Third, women access and control over resources were higher than menFourth, the entire resoulrces and the production outcome were able to provide benefitfor family members, particularlyfor women. Fifth, This industry was not \^nly needed strengthening program in the term of technical assistar^ces such as finance, marketing, and information but it also required spesific assistanceprograms to accomplish women genderpracti :e. According to the research findings, it is essential to conduct training, directive counseling to socialize gender equality^and equaly in micro industries. It is also vital to carry out women empowerment program to advance theirproductivity and welfare

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2020
It is largely assumed that Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs) deal with family empowerment... more It is largely assumed that Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs) deal with family empowerment instead of women’s empowerment. However, women are the main beneficiaries of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT), Indonesia’s first IMFIs. This paper aims to explore the origins, the initiators, and the visions of BMTs and the extent to which they intersect with women’s empowerment. Employing a qualitative approach, this study selected four BMTs in Yogyakarta as a case study. It found that four critical groups that have a significant role in the development of Indonesian BMTs: ICMI (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectual), Islamic mass organizations, NGOs, and local governments. The issues of loan sharks and poverty alleviation were the primary factors driving the inception of BMTs. Despite women being crucial clients, none of the studied BMTs explicitly invoked women’s empowerment in their organizational vision. To conclude, the BMTs’ preference for women is not based on an understandi...
Papers by Ninik Sri Rahayu SE., MM.