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    • Geophysical Survey
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Oil palm is one of the major economic crops in many countries. Malaysia alone produces about 47% of the world's palm oil supply and can be considered as the world's largest producer and exporter of palm oil. Malaysia also generates huge... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergySustainable EnergyEnergy demand
A study on gasification of empty fruit bunch (EFB), a waste of the palm oil industry, was investigated. The composition and particle size distribution of feedstock were determined and the thermal degradation behaviour was analysed by a... more
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      Energy ConversionHydrogen ProductionScaling upGas Chromatography
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    • Mathematics
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Soil deformation is one of the major interests with regard to the stability analysis of the foundations. The deformations are signified for both vertical and lateral soil deformation; which the former plays vital role in designing a good... more
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For almost two decades, distributed optical fibre sensors are well-known for an alternative to conventional instrumentation in geotechnical engineering applications. However, the technology is yet to be fully implemented due to... more
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      GeologyMaterials ScienceOptical fiberBrillouin Scattering
Rainfall is inevitably one of the main factors that trigger landslides. However, not much study has been conducted on the impact of groundwater rise on slope stability. Thus, this study is intended to focus on the rise of the groundwater... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyGroundwaterLandslide
Rainfall infiltration is well-known as one of the important factors that lead to slope failure in tropical areas such Malaysia because it’s significant fluctuation of pore water pressure due to monsoon seasons. In this paper, a... more
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      EngineeringMultidisciplinaryOptical fiberIOP conference series-MSE
This handbook is a reference for the faculty, academic and administrative staff on the process and procedures involved in preparing and obtaining accreditation. This handbook also serves as a valuable guide for the faculty to develop an... more
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      Project ManagementUrban Planning
Bitumen merupakan bahan perekat dalam turapan jalan raya yang sering digunakan di Malaysia. Penggunaan bitumen lebih meluas berbanding tar kerana tar diperolehi daripada proses penyulingan musnah terhadap arang batu. Di Malaysia arang... more
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On a macroscale, the effect of installing prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) in a subsoil is to increase the mass hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil in the vertical direction. Based on this concept, a simple method for modeling PVD... more
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    • Science Education
Malaysia has recorded a steady increase in the number of road traffic accidents from year to year at an alarming rate of 5%. Serious injuries due to the accidents, which could lead to permanent disability, might cause a long-term problem... more
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Traffic mortality rate is the baseline through which road safety plans of a country could be evaluated. A reliable and reasonable analysis of road traffic related injuries and their leading causes is vital to the road safety... more
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Malaysia has recorded a steady increase in the number of road traffic accidents from year to year at an alarming rate of 5%. Serious injuries due to the accidents, which could lead to permanent disability, might cause a longterm problem... more
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      Computer ScienceTransport Engineering
Reckless driving behavior might result in a higher risk of an accident. Many factors are known to be the cause of this driving behavior. One of the factors is the socio-demographic background of the driver. This study aims to review... more
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      DemographicsData CollectionEthnic Group
Many road traffic accidents occur in Malaysia every year. Road fatalities has been one of the main causes of death in Malaysia. More than half of these fatalities were among motorcyclists. An accident between a passenger car and a... more
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      Mirror ImageBlind Spot
Road traffic fatality is a burden towards low- and middle-income countries including Malaysia. Seeing that Selangor has the highest number of road traffic fatalities in Malaysia for the year 2019, therefore the state is selected as a case... more
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      Transport EngineeringCrashMekatronikaRoad Traffic