Papers by Zaimy Johana Johan

Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies
This systematic literature review paper focuses on the contextual understanding for on-demand gig... more This systematic literature review paper focuses on the contextual understanding for on-demand gig workers from the perspective of job quality and work precarity. While on-demand gig work being perceived as ways to solve unemployment and contribute towards economic development, there are growing debates over precarity and vulnerability of this line of work as well as the life of the workers. The methodology applied was based on past systemic literature review flow and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), which includes identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion phases. The review comprises all type of research field with relevant criteria of research published in the past five years from the two reliable electronic databases which are Web of Science and Scopus to maintain relevancy and precision. At the end of filtering procedure, fifteen scientific articles were selected and the common themes for on-demand gig workers were identified...

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Over the past years, indefinite harvests in the palm oil and rubber sectors have amplified the pr... more Over the past years, indefinite harvests in the palm oil and rubber sectors have amplified the pressure on FELDA settlers, especially those living in rural areas. Fortunately, with the government support of financial aid amounting to RM6.23bil, FELDA is expected to expedite a new business model in salvaging the settlers and ensuring their sustainability. The concerns on the palm oil industry and FELDA settlers' wellbeing have inspired researchers to investigate the issues and challenges, and the findings postulate that immediate resolution is vital to ameliorate settlers' wellbeing and for them to sustain and uphold the palm oil and rubber business. Keywords: FELDA settlers; wellbeing, sustainability, corporate responsibility eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer–review under r...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
In order to translate individual knowledge into organisational knowledge, organisations use organ... more In order to translate individual knowledge into organisational knowledge, organisations use organisational learning (OL). In the absence of clear prescriptions, organisations have difficulty putting practical ideas into practise. Adaptability, acceptance of change, and performance in terms of operations are critical to the existence of any organisation, but this is especially true for profit-oriented organisations. An existing literature review on organisational learning and learning organisations was conducted to answer the following question in this conceptual paper: For starters, how can you tell if a company is learning when you see it? Second, how do organisational learning and learning organisations vary conceptually? What are the barriers that prevent an organisation from becoming a learning organisation? Fourth, how can being a learning organisation benefit company? The study also looks at for instances of learning organisations, such as those in Malaysia and the United States, to bolster its findings. Since organisational innovativeness is directly linked to longterm organisational performance, this article backs up the claim that organisational learning culture has an impact on it. As a result, all organisations should make an effort to transform into organisations that value learning.

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
The palm oil business is currently at stake due to labour shortages and high input costs, which a... more The palm oil business is currently at stake due to labour shortages and high input costs, which affects the FELDA settlers to sell palm oil fruits as the millers refuse to purchase them. Consequently, the desire for more sustainable products has led researchers to investigate the issues and challenges faced by FELDA settlers. This research aims to identify the impact of FELDA settlers' social, environmental, and financial well-being, with mediating effect of corporate sustainability strategy. The findings postulate that social, environmental, and financial well-being were mediated by corporate sustainability strategy, while corporate sustainability strategy's direct relationship with sustainability was accepted. Keywords: FELDA settlers; wellbeing; sustainability; corporate sustainability strategy eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (htt...

Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor, May 1, 2020
The gold price has risen recently after the United States implemented a drastic monetary action b... more The gold price has risen recently after the United States implemented a drastic monetary action by reducing the interest rate to almost zero to cushion the effect of Covid-19 pandemic on the economy. However, what has triggered the gold price could be beyond Covid-19. Therefore, this study examines the factors influencing customers' preference in gold investment (Gold-i). Applying a purposive sampling technique; 100 out of 110 questionnaires were usable and further analysed using SPSS v. 22. Two variables; inflation and income growth are significant while the interest rate is not significant with Gold-i preference. Since interest rate relates to the strength of US Dollar, central bank reserves and investment demand, it could be postulated that during the study in 2019, interest rate and the gold price had risen in tandem. This research further enriches knowledge and contributes to the advancement of research in gold investment, hence enabling researchers, bankers, investors, trade policymakers to understand further the investment in Gold-i during economic crises, in particular the current recession triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research, 2020
Gold price has risen recently after the United States implemented a drastic monetary action by re... more Gold price has risen recently after the United States implemented a drastic monetary action by reducing interest rate to almost zero to cushion the effect of Covid-19 pandemic on the economy. However, what has actually triggered the gold price could be beyond Covid-19. Therefore, this study examines the factors influencing customers’ preference in gold investment (Gold-i). Two variables; inflation and income growth are significant while interest rate is not significant in relation to Gold-i preference. Since interest rate relates to the strength of US Dollar, central bank reserves and investment demand, it could be postulated that during the study in 2019, interest rate and gold price had risen in tandem. This research further enriches knowledge and contributes to advancement of research in gold investment, hence enabling researchers, bankers, investors, trade policy makers to further understand the investment in gold-i during economic crises, in particular the current recessio...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The Islamic finance industry continues to grow, and the Islamic banking and finance sector has ma... more The Islamic finance industry continues to grow, and the Islamic banking and finance sector has made further progress in accomplishing a comprehensive Shariah based-contract regulatory framework. It is important to note that Islamic banking is built to meet the demand for Shariah compliant products and services. Furthermore, Islamic banking products, specifically the Islamic credit cards (ICCs), are catered for both Muslims and non-Muslims as alternative financing products. Unfortunately, the customers are having negative perception towards ICCs. They claimed that the products are similar to conventional credit cards (CCCs) and just merely change in terminologies. The awareness level also affected as the product is not widely promoted and marketed, and has caused the ICCs to lose competitive edge as compared to CCCs. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate individual intention to have Shariah compliant credit cards, and also to examine the factors that influence intention towards Shariah compliant credit cards. The pilot study carried out on quantitative basis by distributing 100 questionnaires in Klang Valley and applying purposive sampling. Data was later undergoing relationship testing using structural equation modelling (SEM-PLS version 3.2.6). This study has developed a model to measure customers' intention towards Shariah-compliant credit cards (SC-CCs). The objectives of the proposed model are (1) to explore the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) with the integration of Islam Worldview (IWV), (2) to assess the robustness of TPB and IWV with attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC), religiosity, knowledge and Shariah compliance in influencing customer behaviour intention towards Shariah compliant financing products. The results showed three constructs i.e. attitude, PBC and Shariah compliance are significant with the intention towards Shariah-compliant credit cards. However, subjective norms, religiosity and knowledge are not significant with intention towards Shariah compliant credit cards.This study will contribute to new strategies of promoting and marketing Islamic financial products. By introducing new innovative approaches; highlighting the key features and benefits of Shariah compliance and compare to the conventional products, and change of product names to Shariah compliant instead of Islamic (e.g. Islamic credit cards to Shariah compliant credit cards), Islamic banking and finance will remain robust and competitive in expanding their market shares.

Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research
The major studies on Islamic credit card (ICC) started in 2011 until 2013 specifically examining ... more The major studies on Islamic credit card (ICC) started in 2011 until 2013 specifically examining operations and structures of ICC and behavioural studies. The other studies mostly explored and investigated behaviour and intention to utilise ICC. There are however, few studies comparing between ICC and conventional credit card (CCC) preference. On the same note, only a small number of studies have explored the importance of shariah compliance in influencing the behaviour of ICC adoption. Since shariah compliant credit cards are not popular as compared to the conventional ones, it is timely to review the breadth and depth of ICC studies in order to acknowledge the existence of the product in the market. Whether the product has been unattractive, lack of marketing and promotion from the bankers’ part or the public’s ignorance, insensitivity and unconsciousness about the products, the paper will provide an overview of the research work that has been conducted thus far. The studies...

Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research
Many past researches have been carried out in an attempt to continuously understand individuals‟ ... more Many past researches have been carried out in an attempt to continuously understand individuals‟ consumption behaviour. This study was conducted to investigate key factors influencing consumers‟ potential acceptance of halal (or permissible) financial credit card services. Specifically, it anticipated the influence of attitude, social influences and perceived control on consumers‟ behavioural intention to accept such services. In addition, factors such as religiosity and product knowledge were also postulated to affect consumers‟ attitude towards the act of using halal credit cards for any retail or business transactions. Using non-probability sampling approach, a total of 500 survey questionnaires was distributed to targeted respondents in a developing nation but only 220 usable feedbacks were received for subsequent data analysis. Regression results revealed that religiosity and product knowledge significantly influence consumers‟ attitude toward using halal credit card services. ...

Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research
Over the past three decades, Malaysian halal financial services have become one of the fastest gr... more Over the past three decades, Malaysian halal financial services have become one of the fastest growing industries with a range of products and services accepted by both Muslims and non-Muslims. However, the Islamic financial products and its Islamic banking institutions are facing stiff competition from conventional products in relation to marketing coverage, branding, product packaging and other pivotal aspects such as product features, benefits and advantages. Moreover, there is an immense pressure on the institutions to remain competitive along with the national goals of building shariah-driven ecosystem within the halal industry. Against the backdrop of the competitive financial industry landscape, this qualitative study examines the crucial attributes of Islamic financial services with focus on knowledge, attitude and level of acceptance of bankers in promoting, marketing and selling Islamic financial products and services. Employing semi structured interview technique; cus...

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2016
Abstract Human behaviour has been widely researched towards a continued understanding of individu... more Abstract Human behaviour has been widely researched towards a continued understanding of individuals’ decision-making. Consumption behaviour is no exception; to which consumable products are perceived to be complying with certain standards of certification is very essential in particular with regard to product knowledge and religious belief of what halal or permissible is all about. Consumers in general, develop product knowledge through information search, use and experience. This knowledge content is commonly described by consumers in terms of objects or brands, product attributes, usage, ability to discriminate product alternatives and product evaluation respectively. In addition, religiosity may also be posited to influence consumers’ choice and decision-making. In particular, this could be a potential deciding factor for consumers in accepting Islamic financial products. Following these concerns, the proposed study aims to investigate key influential factors i.e. knowledge and religiosity affecting consumers’ adoption of halal concept and principles in Islamic credit card compliance. Specifically, it embarks on a previously unexplored discipline of financial consumer behaviour, and may provide insightful contributions towards understanding consumers’ needs of engaging in a permissible act or transaction of financial product and/or service consumption. Upon addressing such traits that could predict product adoption/ acceptance, financial marketers are expected to educate and stimulate targeted consumers in seeking halal compliant financial related products. Subsequently, this will further elicit future financial product innovation and diffusion amongst marketers within the financial sectors.

This papers aims to share the research findings based on a study carried out on Business Manageme... more This papers aims to share the research findings based on a study carried out on Business Management undergraduates in a local public university. The objectives of the study were to evaluate project management learning outcomes upon completion of the students" group projects. Students"projects refer to group students" assignments with defined project objectives, use of resources, reporting, assessments and grading. A project assignment can be embedded in an academic course or a co-curriculum, or the faculty, students" associations programs, college or university projects. A total of 165 respondents participated in the survey using a self-developed questionnaire. Findings of the study revealed that students were given adequate opportunities to organize group projects, of which 44% were faculty and university projects while the rest were academic and students" society projects. Analysis suggested that the project management skills i.e. planning, leading, organi...

Research and studies in human behaviour is timeless towards better understanding of individuals’ ... more Research and studies in human behaviour is timeless towards better understanding of individuals’ decision-making particularly consumption behaviour; to which consumable products perceive to be complying with certain standards of certification is very essential in particular with regards to product knowledge and religious belief of what halal or permissible is all about. Consumers in general, develop product knowledge through information search and use as well as experience. Consumers commonly describe the knowledge content in terms of objects or brands, product attributes, usage, ability to discriminate product alternatives and product evaluation respectively. In addition, religiosity possibly influence consumers’ choice and decision-making. In particular, this factor has a potential deciding choice for consumers in accepting halal or non-halal financial products. Both marketers and consumers are still debating the issues of halal-based products and services. However, the government...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
The objective of this study was to assess project management skills and learning outcomes on Busi... more The objective of this study was to assess project management skills and learning outcomes on Business Management undergraduates upon completion of students' projects in 2011. Students' projects refer to group students' assignments with project objectives, use of resources, reporting, assessments and grading. A total of 165 respondents (45%) participated in the survey using a self-f f developed questionnaire. Findings of the study revealed that students were given adequate opportunities to organize group projects, of which 44% were faculty and university projects while the rest were academic and students' society projects. Analysis suggested that the project management skills: planning, leading, organizing, coordination and control (PLOCC) were deployed by the respondents with positive outcomes on teamwork, leadership, problem solving skills being demonstrated by the students. In conclusion, giving students group project assignments is one form of the teaching and learning processes for students to explore and to learn by doing and organizing activities in reality. Thus, it is recommended that students' project assignments must be designed with defined project objectives and specific outcomes to be achieved in order to maximize teaching and learning opportunities; together with added values for students' development and character building.
2011 International Conference on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications, 2011

Nowadays, in daily operations have to alert about the lean production that would be effect of the... more Nowadays, in daily operations have to alert about the lean production that would be effect of the whole of production management. Lean production is one of the main successful management in operations to keep maintain the organization reputation and its ready to compete the globally in manufacturing firm. The objective of lean production is to make the operation process become smoothly of processing items, reduced waste and successful in every target. However, many organizations fail to apply the lean concepts in their operations. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the relationship between lean production (LP) and three dimensions which are transportation, quality and communication. This study employed quantitative study using questionnaire. Data was collected from 45 employees that chosen by expertise in production and the data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS). This study hoped to make new understanding on the important to apply lean concept i...
Pertanika journal of social science and humanities, 2017

Asian Journal of University Education
Technology addiction has become an alarming disorder that has increasingly caught the attention o... more Technology addiction has become an alarming disorder that has increasingly caught the attention of researchers, mental health counsellors and doctors. Unfortunately, those who are having the disorder do not realize that they are going through the phase of pleasurable, addictive experience of appealing themselves by long hours of social networking, gaming, and internet browsing; and affecting their psychological well-being. The symptoms of depression, anxiety, loneliness, avoidance of work and procrastination may be overlooked and hence be left untreated. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors contributing to technology addiction among UiTM Puncak Alam and UNNES, Semarang students applying SPSS v. 23. Data were collected from 656 undergraduate students of the two universities who participated in the survey: 317 and 339 questionnaires were collected from UiTM Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia and UNNES, Semarang, Indonesia students respectively. The results show technology usage influenced technology addiction but psychological well-being did not affect technology addiction. Additionally, UiTM Puncak Alam students are more technology addicted compared to UNNES Semarang students. This distressing condition could become worse during the current Covid-19 pandemic period and prolonged movement control order (MCO) for students, regardless whether they stay at home or on campus. Implications of the findings are further discussed.

Enhancing Halal Sustainability
There are four attributes of Islamic leadership, namely, truthfulness (al-sidq), trust (amanah), ... more There are four attributes of Islamic leadership, namely, truthfulness (al-sidq), trust (amanah), knowledge (fathonah) and communication (tabligh). However, these traits are lacking in the implementation of projects leading to their being abandoned due to reasons of being over the time limit, the lack of management support, the scopes which do not follow requirements, the actual cost exceeding the budget, and the lack of experience in managing projects. The purpose of this pilot study is therefore to determine factors that would influence Islamic leadership in project management. Ninety-six usable questionnaires were analyzed by applying SPSS v. 23 for descriptive statistics and Smart PLS v.3.2.28 for structured equation modelling (SEM). The results postulated that communication, trust and commitment had influenced Islamic leadership in project management while justice and knowledge were not supported. Although justice and knowledge were not supported, these two constructs were crucial in the overall project life cycle which included the management of project stakeholders. Thus, it is recommended that the attributes of Islamic leadership should be included in the roles and responsibilities of project managers to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency in undertaking projects.
Papers by Zaimy Johana Johan