Performing hajj is the ultimate ibadah among Malays since years ago. During the 19th century, to ... more Performing hajj is the ultimate ibadah among Malays since years ago. During the 19th century, to perform hajj was not an easy task. Thus the “haji” and “hajah” were among the respected characters. In performing hajj, there are certain additional practices that are long exercised by Malays until present day. Among these are some practices which are considered bidaah and khurafat. These practices have tainted the sacredness of hajj itself. Various efforts have been done by the relevant authorities such as Tabung Haji to educate the society on these issues. In short, continuous efforts are still needed since the practices are already absorbed in the Malay society. Thus this paper tends to discuss the various forms of bidaah and khurafat in hajj practices which are used and still followed by Malays since the 19th century. These practices will be analyzed based on sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. The data of these practices are obtained from historical manuscripts and interviews from selected re...

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, May 15, 2023
Muslim consumers' spending on attire and footwear has increased and is expected to reach UDS402 b... more Muslim consumers' spending on attire and footwear has increased and is expected to reach UDS402 billion by 2024. Driven by the tremendous interest in modest clothing, Islamic fashion shows are booming all over the globe. In Southeast Asia, the Malaysia Islamic Fashion Festival is held on a national scale every year. However, the current phenomenon of Muslimah fashion is based on tabbaruj and neglecting the Islamic ethical value. Hence, this article aimed to explore characteristics of libas al taqwa that comply with true Islamic brand attire practices. A qualitative approach was employed to gather information for the study through textual analysis from Tafseer Quran, and Hadis as references. The results demonstrate that the the finding of libas al-taqwa can be categortized into the characteristics of libas al-taqwa that align with Islamic teaching. This research complements the conceptual contribution by adding a new knowledge in understanding the characteristics of libas al-taqwa as a true Islamic brand attire. Therefore, this contribution will bring benefit for academic literature, create awareness among Muslim brand attire firms, consumers, as well as to the authority in creating the guideline for the firms.

Borneo research journal, Dec 22, 2011
The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam ... more The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam to the Archipelago. South Kalimantan was one of the areas which have received the coming of Islam through the influence of the Sufis. The development of Sufism knowledge can be seen from the birth of many leaders of Sufism in South Kalimantan from the 16 th century until today. The heap of Sufis ulama in South Kalimantan happened in the 18 th century and flourished after that. Hence, this article will focus on the Sufis scholars in the 18 th century, as the peak in the phase of the development of Sufism knowledge, even when the same period marked the Dutch colonial intervention. In short, this article will present the history of Sufism development in South Kalimantan, as well as the prominent figures of Sufism in the 18 th century, along with their contribution in the field.

Borneo research journal, Dec 22, 2011
The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam ... more The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam to the Archipelago. South Kalimantan was one of the areas which have received the coming of Islam through the influence of the Sufis. The development of Sufism knowledge can be seen from the birth of many leaders of Sufism in South Kalimantan from the 16 th century until today. The heap of Sufis ulama in South Kalimantan happened in the 18 th century and flourished after that. Hence, this article will focus on the Sufis scholars in the 18 th century, as the peak in the phase of the development of Sufism knowledge, even when the same period marked the Dutch colonial intervention. In short, this article will present the history of Sufism development in South Kalimantan, as well as the prominent figures of Sufism in the 18 th century, along with their contribution in the field.
This article discusses the similarities in the pattern of Sufis thought in two classical Malay ki... more This article discusses the similarities in the pattern of Sufis thought in two classical Malay kingdoms, namely Aceh and Banjar. The relationship that took place between them had made it possible for exchange of mystical ideas. This article elaborates the history of Sufism in the two kingdoms to indicate the relationship that existed, though perhaps in different time frame. In the end, this article finds that there is a similar pattern in the development of the accepted Sufis doctrine in both kingdoms, that is the rejection of the doctrine of waḥdah al-wujūd for the doctrine of waḥdah al-shuhūd.
Solat jemaah adalah suatu bentuk pengibadatan yang sangat dituntut dalam Islam. Kelebihannya buka... more Solat jemaah adalah suatu bentuk pengibadatan yang sangat dituntut dalam Islam. Kelebihannya bukan sahaja bermanfaat dari sudut pengibadatan sebaliknya dari sudut pembangunan insan. Kertas kerja ini akan menfokuskan tahap pengetahuan dan penghayatan solat jemaah terhadap mahasiswa UiTM Kedah. Metod kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik bagi mengetahui maklum balas responden terhadap perihal solat jemaah. Kertas kerja ini adalah kajian rintis awal yang hanya memaparkan kajian berbentuk deskriptif dengan memaparkan data dalam bentuk peratusan terhadap pengetahuan dan penghayatan solat jemaah
A vessel is a time-proven form of transportation and is a mentioned mode of transportation in the... more A vessel is a time-proven form of transportation and is a mentioned mode of transportation in the Qur'an. A vessel is also a symbol of the stature of civilization and technology of a nation or race. In human civilization, this technology has been used as early as Noah's time. This paper examined the terms of the vessel, analyze the function and structure of the vessels mentioned in the Qur'an since Allah's Commandments would have explicit and implicit wisdoms. This study is a qualitative study using content analysis method, thematic method or mawdhu'i as the subject determination. The results showed that the three vessel terms which are issued al-Quran verses from various surahs are al-Fulk, al-Safinah and al-Jawar. The verses are classified according to the three terms and functions of the vessel and are presented in the form of tables and diagrams.
The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam ... more The application of the Sufism knowledge in the Malay world was parallel with the coming of Islam to the Archipelago. South Kalimantan was one of the areas which have received the coming of Islam through the influence of the Sufis. The development of Sufism knowledge can be seen from the birth of many leaders of Sufism in South Kalimantan from the 16th century until today. The heap of Sufis ulama in South Kalimantan happened in the 18th century and flourished after that. Hence, this article will focus on the Sufis scholars in the 18th century, as the peak in the phase of the development of Sufism knowledge, even when the same period marked the Dutch colonial intervention. In short, this article will present the history of Sufism development in South Kalimantan, as well as the prominent figures of Sufism in the 18th century, along with their contribution in the field.
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
This article presents (i) the potential of waqf and ijarah instruments in economic development an... more This article presents (i) the potential of waqf and ijarah instruments in economic development and (ii) proposes a model for the integration of waqf and ijarah for the sustainability of Tahfiz institutions. The study used a structured interview method with several founders of Private Tahfiz Schools (PTS), State Islamic Religious Councils (MAIN), and State Islamic Departments (JAIN). The study results present an "IMWI 4 TAHFIZ AGRIPRENEURCATION" model that integrates waqf and ijarah instruments, combines smart strategic partners, and involves several sectors of the country, including education, agriculture, entrepreneurship, and tourism.
Kitab al-Durr al-Nafis merupakan sebuah kitab tasawuf abad ke-18M yang dikarang oleh
ulama dari k... more Kitab al-Durr al-Nafis merupakan sebuah kitab tasawuf abad ke-18M yang dikarang oleh
ulama dari kepulauan Borneo. Kitab ini dilihat mempunyai pengaruh dalam tradisi intelektual
terutamanya terhadap karya-karya ulama. Artikel ini akan menganalisa sejauh mana pengaruh
kitab al-Durr al-Nafis terhadap Risalah ‘Amal Ma’rifah, Kasyf al-Asrar dan kitab al-Durrah
al-Nafisah Fi Bayani al-Wahdah Fi al-Af‘al Wa al-Asma’ Wa al-Sifat Wa al-Dhat al-
Muqaddasah. Di akhir artikel ini akan memperlihatkan bahawa kitab al-Durr al-Nafis sebagai
sebuah kitab berpengaruh.

This article discusses the similarities in the pattern of Sufis thought in two classical Malay ki... more This article discusses the similarities in the pattern of Sufis thought in two classical Malay kingdoms, namely Aceh and Banjar. The relationship that took place between them had made it possible for exchange of mystical ideas. This article elaborates the history of Sufism in the two kingdoms to indicate the relationship that existed, though perhaps in different time frame. In the end, this article finds that there is a similar pattern in the development of the accepted Sufis doctrine in both kingdoms, that is the rejection of the doctrine of waḥdah al-wujūd for the doctrine of waḥdah al-shuhūd. Corak Pemikiran Tasawuf dalam Kerajaan Aceh dan Banjar Abstrak Artikel ini membincangkan persamaan dalam corak pemikiran tasawuf di dua kerajaan Melayu klasik iaitu kerajaan Aceh dan Banjar. Didapati hubungan yang ada antara kedua kerajaan ini telah membolehkan saling pertukaran pemikiran tasawuf berlaku antara kedua-duanya. Makalah ini memperincikan sejarah perkembangan pemikiran sufi di Aceh dan Banjar yang menunjukkan hubungan yang wujud, biarpun perkembangan itu berlaku dalam tempoh masa yang berbeza. Akhirnya, makalah ini mendapati ada persamaan bentuk perkembangan pemikiran sufi di kedua-dua kerajaan silam ini, iaitu secara khususnya pada penolakan doktrin waḥdah al-wujūd dan penerimaan doktrin waḥdah al-shuhūd.
Kitab al-Durr al-Nafis adalah salah satu khazanah persuratan Melayu Islam abad ke-18 M. Ia membin... more Kitab al-Durr al-Nafis adalah salah satu khazanah persuratan Melayu Islam abad ke-18 M. Ia membincangkan
tentang ilmu tasawuf peringkat tinggi. Disebabkan masih tiada penganalisisan teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225)
secara khusus, maka artikel ini memilih teks tersebut sebagai kajian. Hasil kajian akan memperlihatkan tentang
gaya penulisan kitab termasuk cara penyusunan dan sumber rujukan penulisan. Di samping itu, keistimewaan kitab
tersebut dapat dikeluarkan dan pendekatan yang diketengahkan dapat dikenal pasti.
Kata kunci: Syeikh Muhammad Nafis, teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225), persuratan Melayu Islam
Conference Presentations by NOOR SYAHIDAH MOHAMAD AKHIR
Abstrak: Syeikh Muhammad Nafis al-Banjari merupakan antara tokoh yang berpengaruh di Kalimantan S... more Abstrak: Syeikh Muhammad Nafis al-Banjari merupakan antara tokoh yang berpengaruh di Kalimantan Selatan. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan berhubung latar belakangnya yang tidak banyak diketahui umum. Ulama kelahiran Banjar ini mempunyai pengaruh tersendiri dalam bidang tasawuf. Pengaruh tersebut dapat dinilai menerusi pengaruhnya dalam cabang keintelektualan, kemasukan tarekat Sammaniyyah ke Kalimantan Selatan, kegiatan dakwahnya dan polemik-polemik yang menggambarkan beliau merupakan ulama berpengaruh.
ulama dari kepulauan Borneo. Kitab ini dilihat mempunyai pengaruh dalam tradisi intelektual
terutamanya terhadap karya-karya ulama. Artikel ini akan menganalisa sejauh mana pengaruh
kitab al-Durr al-Nafis terhadap Risalah ‘Amal Ma’rifah, Kasyf al-Asrar dan kitab al-Durrah
al-Nafisah Fi Bayani al-Wahdah Fi al-Af‘al Wa al-Asma’ Wa al-Sifat Wa al-Dhat al-
Muqaddasah. Di akhir artikel ini akan memperlihatkan bahawa kitab al-Durr al-Nafis sebagai
sebuah kitab berpengaruh.
tentang ilmu tasawuf peringkat tinggi. Disebabkan masih tiada penganalisisan teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225)
secara khusus, maka artikel ini memilih teks tersebut sebagai kajian. Hasil kajian akan memperlihatkan tentang
gaya penulisan kitab termasuk cara penyusunan dan sumber rujukan penulisan. Di samping itu, keistimewaan kitab
tersebut dapat dikeluarkan dan pendekatan yang diketengahkan dapat dikenal pasti.
Kata kunci: Syeikh Muhammad Nafis, teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225), persuratan Melayu Islam
Conference Presentations by NOOR SYAHIDAH MOHAMAD AKHIR
ulama dari kepulauan Borneo. Kitab ini dilihat mempunyai pengaruh dalam tradisi intelektual
terutamanya terhadap karya-karya ulama. Artikel ini akan menganalisa sejauh mana pengaruh
kitab al-Durr al-Nafis terhadap Risalah ‘Amal Ma’rifah, Kasyf al-Asrar dan kitab al-Durrah
al-Nafisah Fi Bayani al-Wahdah Fi al-Af‘al Wa al-Asma’ Wa al-Sifat Wa al-Dhat al-
Muqaddasah. Di akhir artikel ini akan memperlihatkan bahawa kitab al-Durr al-Nafis sebagai
sebuah kitab berpengaruh.
tentang ilmu tasawuf peringkat tinggi. Disebabkan masih tiada penganalisisan teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225)
secara khusus, maka artikel ini memilih teks tersebut sebagai kajian. Hasil kajian akan memperlihatkan tentang
gaya penulisan kitab termasuk cara penyusunan dan sumber rujukan penulisan. Di samping itu, keistimewaan kitab
tersebut dapat dikeluarkan dan pendekatan yang diketengahkan dapat dikenal pasti.
Kata kunci: Syeikh Muhammad Nafis, teks al-Durr al-Nafis (MSS 225), persuratan Melayu Islam