Papers by Stefano Peruzzi
Convegno Sisvet 2021, 2021

Summary The aim of this study was to compare somatic growth and muscle fibre development in diplo... more Summary The aim of this study was to compare somatic growth and muscle fibre development in diploid and triploid siblings of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) during the larval stage. Newly hatched larvae were transferred into 200 L tanks, three tanks per ploidy group (70 larvae L -1 , continuous light, gradually increasing seawater temperature 7-11 °C and flow rates 50-117 Lh -1 ). Larvae were fed rotifers from 2-22 days post hatch (dph), Artemia 19-31 dph and weaned onto a microparticulate diet from 26 dph until the end of the experiment. Measurements of growth (dry weight, standard length) and muscle cellullarity were taken at intervals between 1 and 44 dph. Ploidy groups showed a similar performance throughout the trial, although a marked stagnation in growth was observed for triploids during the weaning from Artemia onto dry feed. Overall, diploid and triploid cod larvae showed a similar development in muscle fibre growth pattern during the experimental period. For bot...
18 The genome size of organisms impacts their evolution and biology and is often assumed to be 19... more 18 The genome size of organisms impacts their evolution and biology and is often assumed to be 19 characteristic of a species. Here we present the first published estimates of genome size of the 20 ecologically and economically important ectoparasite, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, 21 Caligidae). Four independent L. salmonis genome assemblies of the North Atlantic subspecies 22 (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted January 15, 2022. ; doi: bioRxiv preprint
Marker-centromere recombination rate (y) and map distances of 804 female heterogametic loci exami... more Marker-centromere recombination rate (y) and map distances of 804 female heterogametic loci examined in meiotic gynogenetic seabass family. (CSV 45 kb)

Aquaculture Research, 2015
This study has investigated the muscle growth of diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)... more This study has investigated the muscle growth of diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) juveniles raised in replicate tanks over a period of 29 weeks and analysed at three sampling points (February, June and September). Data for weight, length, condition factor (K), muscle fibre growth and myogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) number were collected and results were analysed in relation to body growth and ploidy This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Muscle growth of triploid Atlantic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua), which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. 2 status. Diploids were significantly heavier than triploids throughout the trial (~10-20%) and had K in June and September samplings. Over the whole period, the rate of muscle fibres' recruitment was 318 fibres day-1 and 252 fibres day-1 for diploid and triploid cod respectively. The larger body weight of diploids resulted in a total number of fast fibre number of 114979 compared to 91086 in triploids. The average diameter of the 2.5 % of the smallest fibres (2.5 th percentile) was higher in diploids than triploids at the start of the trial, with a reversed picture for the average of the upper 2.5 % (97.5 th percentile) at the end of the trial. The probability density function of the estimated muscle fibre diameters showed similar fibre size distribution between size-matched diploids and triploids at all sample points. The peak fibre diameter was approximately 25 µm in February and increased to approximately 50 µm in June and September, irrespectively of ploidy. Pax 7 were used as molecular markers for MPCs. A positive correlation between Pax 7 + cells and total body length was observed only among triploid fish at the onset of the experiment.
UV absorbance of European seabass egg extracts at pH8 and pH3. Wavelengths cover the entire UV sp... more UV absorbance of European seabass egg extracts at pH8 and pH3. Wavelengths cover the entire UV spectrum (UVC: 200-280 nm, UVB: 280-315 nm, and UVA: 315-400 nm)
Flow cytometric determination of genome size in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), gilthead... more Flow cytometric determination of genome size in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), thinlip mullet (Liza ramada), and European eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Aquaculture Reports
Triploidy is induced in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to produce sterile fish for genetic contain... more Triploidy is induced in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to produce sterile fish for genetic containment and to hinder early sexual maturation in farmed fish, but it can have unwanted negative effects on growth, health, and welfare. However, the growth and welfare of triploid fish may be improved by adjusting the rearing environment, feeding conditions and diets. This study evaluated physiological changes and used a suite of biomarkers to assess the potential impact of diet on growth and welfare of diploid and triploid salmon during the parr-smolt transformation. Diploids and triploids, held at low temperature, were fed a standard salmon feed or one with hydrolyzed fish proteins thought to be suitable for triploid Atlantic salmon. Fish muscle was collected monthly from October to December (2454-3044 degree-days post-start feeding, ddPSF) for analysis of biomarkers, and the progress of the parr-smolt transformation was monitored using a seawater challenge test. Real-Time PCR and radioimmunoassay were used to assess growth and stress response biomarkers (expression of genes of the GH-IGF axis and HSP70; cortisol concentrations), and oxidative stress biomarkers of lipids (MDA) and proteins (AOPP) were assayed. Changes in the biomarkers were related to sampling time rather than being associated with diet or ploidy, and the changes were compatible with the progression of the parr-smolt transformation. Growth and expressions of the biomarkers in triploid Atlantic salmon were similar to those of their diploid counterparts, and there was no evidence that the rearing conditions employed in the study resulted in stress responses being elicited. Overall, the physiological indicators and biomarkers employed in this study did not point to there being any dietary effects on performance and welfare of diploid and triploid salmon that were undergoing parr-smolt transformation.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 2021
Triploid salmon showed comparable growth and stress response to those of diploid counterpart GH/I... more Triploid salmon showed comparable growth and stress response to those of diploid counterpart GH/IGF-I axis and cortisol were strongly involved in the adaptation to marine life Diet did not affect seawater adaptation, growth and stress response at parr-smolt transformation
Crossover points per chromosome arm. (CSV 3 kb)
Correlation of marker order in genome assembly with that of genetic linkage map of Palaiokostas e... more Correlation of marker order in genome assembly with that of genetic linkage map of Palaiokostas et al. [19]; n refers to number of markers in common between genome assembly and map of [19]. *:LGs with "ambiguous" arm structure based on heterozygosity pattern in the present study (see main text). (CSV 484 bytes)
Marker ID, physical map location, percentage recombination frequency and sequences (FASTA format)... more Marker ID, physical map location, percentage recombination frequency and sequences (FASTA format). (FASTA 132 kb)
All SNP markers used: Marker ID, locations of markers on physical map, genetic map corresponding ... more All SNP markers used: Marker ID, locations of markers on physical map, genetic map corresponding of LGs, distance (cM) and the percentage of heterozygosity ratio. (CSV 27 kb)
Papers by Stefano Peruzzi
GH/IGF-I axis and cortisol were strongly involved in the adaptation to marine life
Diet did not affect seawater adaptation, growth and stress response at parr-smolt transformation