We explore the long-term developments in population biology and life history during the invasion ... more We explore the long-term developments in population biology and life history during the invasion and establishment of the fish species vendace Coregonus albula in a subarctic watercourse by comparing life-history traits and molecular genetic estimates between the source and the colonist population. The two populations exhibited highly contrasting lifehistory strategies. Relative to the source population, the colonist population was characterized by slower somatic growth rates, earlier sexual maturation at smaller individual size, higher mortality rates and a shorter life span. The two populations could also be significantly discriminated by the genetic markers.
Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has re... more Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has received increased attention in recent years, but the underlying mechanisms in this process are still under debate. Postglacial fishes are excellent model organisms for exploring this process, especially the initial stages of ecological speciation, as postglacial lakes represent replicated discrete environments with variation in available niches. Here, we combine data of niche utilization, trophic morphology, and 17 microsatellite loci to investigate the diversification process of three sympatric European whitefish morphs from three northern Fennoscandian lakes. The morphological divergence in the gill raker number among the whitefish morphs was related to the utilization of different trophic niches and was associated with reproductive isolation within and across lakes. The intralacustrine comparison of whitefish morphs showed that these systems represent two levels of adaptive divergence: (1) a consistent littoral-pelagic resource axis; and (2) a more variable littoral-profundal resource axis. The results also indicate that the profundal whitefish morph has diverged repeatedly from the ancestral littoral whitefish morph in sympatry in two different watercourses. In contrast, all the analyses performed revealed clustering of the pelagic whitefish morphs across lakes suggesting parallel postglacial immigration with the littoral whitefish morph into each lake. Finally, the analyses strongly suggested that the trophic adaptive trait, number of gill rakers, was under diversifying selection in the different whitefish morphs. Together, the results support a complex evolutionary scenario where ecological speciation acts, but where both allopatric (colonization history) and sympatric (within watercourse divergence) processes are involved.
Background: In adaptive radiations, ecological opportunity (i.e. niche availability) is considere... more Background: In adaptive radiations, ecological opportunity (i.e. niche availability) is considered to be an important driver to increase phenotypic variation, but diversity may also be constrained by historical factors related to colonization events.
Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecolo... more Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecological changes in the introduced systems. In northern Fennoscandia, European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) is a highly polymorphic species displaying adaptive radiations into partially reproductively isolated and thus genetically differentiated sympatric morphs utilizing the planktivorous and benthivorous food niche in many lakes. In 1993, Lake Skrukkebukta was invaded by vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) which is a zooplanktivorous specialist. The vendace displaced the densely rakered whitefish from its preferred pelagic niche to the benthic habitat harbouring the large sparsely rakered whitefish. In this study, we investigate the potential influence of the vendace invasion on the breakdown of reproductive isolation between the two whitefish morphs. We inferred the genotypic and phenotypic differentiation between the two morphs collected at the arrival (1993) and 15 years after (2008) the vendace invasion using 16 microsatellite loci and gill raker numbers, the most distinctive adaptive phenotypic trait between them. The comparison of gill raker number distributions revealed two modes growing closer over 15 years following the invasion. Bayesian analyses of genotypes revealed that the two genetically distinct whitefish morphs that existed in 1993 had collapsed into a single population in 2008. The decline in association between the gill raker numbers and admixture values over 15 years corroborates the findings from the Bayesian analysis. Our study thus suggests an apparent decrease of reproductive isolation in a morph-pair of European whitefish within 15 years (≃ 3 generations) following the invasion of a superior trophic competitor (vendace) in a subarctic lake, reflecting a situation of "speciation in reverse".
Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally u... more Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally unwanted by legislation. Identification of the source population as well as the ecology and genetics of both the invader population and the receiving community is of crucial importance. The rapid invasion of a small coregonid fish vendace (Coregonus albula) in a major northern European subarctic watercourse has resulted in a labile ecological situation in the receiving community. The ecological impact of the invasion has been thoroughly documented, but the genetics of the invasion remains to be explored. We analyzed the genetic diversity and divergence patterns among the two possible source populations from southern Finnish Lapland and three colonists populations within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse using ten microsatellite loci in order to (i) identify the most likely source of the invasion, (ii) reveal the dispersal pattern and genetic structure of the secondary expansion, and (iii) to investigate whether the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were associated with founder effects. We revealed that repeated translocation of vendace from Lake Sinett€ aj€ arvi into a tributary lake of L. Inari in 1964-1966 is the most plausible source for the invasion. Both the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were found not to be associated with significant founder effects. The secondary expansion followed a stepping stone pattern and the source and colonist populations of this expansion have undergone rapid genetic divergence within a period of 15-35 years (ca. 8-17 generations). The rapid divergence may be contributed to lack of gene flow among the source and colonist populations due to the extensive hydroelectric damming in the watercourse. Multiple introductions and substantial genetic variation in combination with the boomand-bust population development of the species thus likely counteracted the founder effects as well as fueled the rapid establishment and expansion of this species within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse.
Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (huma... more Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (human induced) hybridization of historically isolated taxa raises conservation issues. Due to weak barriers to gene flow and the presence of endangered taxa, the whitefish species complex is an excellent study system to investigate the consequences of hybridization in conservation. We focused on three naturally reproductively isolated whitefish taxa in Germany: the endangered, anadromous North Sea houting (NSH) and Baltic houting (BH), which were reintroduced after local extinction, and the commercially stocked European whitefish (EW). To evaluate the genetic integrity of each taxon, source and reintroduced populations of NSH and BH, and EW populations were characterized based on two mitochondrial and 17 microsatellite loci. Additionally, we investigated gill raker counts as an adaptive phenotypic trait. Even though clear genetic and phenotypic differentiation confirmed the houtings as separate evolutionarily significant units, admixture analyses revealed an extensive hybrid zone. Hybridizations were introgressive, positively correlated with genetic diversity, and were reflected in the gill raker counts. The BH distribution range showed higher heterogeneity and stronger admixture than the NSH range. Erroneous stocking with non-native genotypes best explained these patterns, which pose challenges for the conservation of the endangered NSH and BH.
Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (huma... more Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (human induced) hybridization of historically isolated taxa raises conservation issues. Due to weak barriers to gene flow and the presence of endangered taxa, the whitefish species complex is an excellent study system to investigate the consequences of hybridization in conservation. We focused on three naturally reproductively isolated whitefish taxa in Germany: the endangered, anadromous North Sea houting (NSH) and Baltic houting (BH), which were reintroduced after local extinction, and the commercially stocked European whitefish (EW). To evaluate the genetic integrity of each taxon, source and reintroduced populations of NSH and BH, and EW populations were characterized based on two mitochondrial and 17 microsatellite loci. Additionally, we investigated gill raker counts as an adaptive phenotypic trait. Even though clear genetic and phenotypic differentiation confirmed the houtings as separ...
The synaptophysin (SYP) family comprises integral membrane proteins involved in vesicle-trafficki... more The synaptophysin (SYP) family comprises integral membrane proteins involved in vesicle-trafficking events, but the physiological function of several members has been enigmatic for decades. The presynaptic SYP protein controls neurotransmitter release, while SYP-like 2 (SYPL2) contributes to maintain normal Ca(2+)-signaling in the skeletal muscles. The polymorphic pantophysin (Pan I) of Atlantic cod shows strong genetic divergence between stationary and migratory populations, which seem to be adapted to local environmental conditions. We have investigated the functional involvement of Pan I in the different ecotypes by analyzing the 1) phylogeny, 2) spatio-temporal gene expression, 3) structure-function relationship of the Pan I(A) and I(B) protein variants, and 4) linkage to rhodopsin (rho) recently proposed to be associated with different light sensitivities in Icelandic populations of Atlantic cod. We searched for SYP family genes in phylogenetic key species and identified a sing...
2.04±0.30°C was observed in the intestinal fluids of fish feeding on B. saida. Native gel electro... more 2.04±0.30°C was observed in the intestinal fluids of fish feeding on B. saida. Native gel electrophoresis revealed that the gastrointestinal fluids contained AFGPs in all the different size groups. However, differences in band intensities for the two food types suggest that the ingested food has an influence on the concentration of the different AFGP-sizes in these fluids. A decrease in band intensities combined with a drop in thermal hysteresis from mid-gut to hind-gut fluid suggests that absorption of AFGP or possibly degradation occur during digestion.
Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally u... more Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally unwanted by legislation. Identification of the source population as well as the ecology and genetics of both the invader population and the receiving community is of crucial importance. The rapid invasion of a small coregonid fish vendace (Coregonus albula) in a major northern European subarctic watercourse has resulted in a labile ecological situation in the receiving community. The ecological impact of the invasion has been thoroughly documented, but the genetics of the invasion remains to be explored. We analyzed the genetic diversity and divergence patterns among the two possible source populations from southern Finnish Lapland and three colonists populations within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse using ten microsatellite loci in order to (i) identify the most likely source of the invasion, (ii) reveal the dispersal pattern and genetic structure of the secondary expansion, and (iii) to investigate whether the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were associated with founder effects. We revealed that repeated translocation of vendace from Lake Sinett€ aj€ arvi into a tributary lake of L. Inari in 1964-1966 is the most plausible source for the invasion. Both the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were found not to be associated with significant founder effects. The secondary expansion followed a stepping stone pattern and the source and colonist populations of this expansion have undergone rapid genetic divergence within a period of 15-35 years (ca. 8-17 generations). The rapid divergence may be contributed to lack of gene flow among the source and colonist populations due to the extensive hydroelectric damming in the watercourse. Multiple introductions and substantial genetic variation in combination with the boomand-bust population development of the species thus likely counteracted the founder effects as well as fueled the rapid establishment and expansion of this species within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse.
Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecolo... more Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecological changes in the introduced systems. In northern Fennoscandia, European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) is a highly polymorphic species displaying adaptive radiations into partially reproductively isolated and thus genetically differentiated sympatric morphs utilizing the planktivorous and benthivorous food niche in many lakes. In 1993, Lake Skrukkebukta was invaded by vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) which is a zooplanktivorous specialist. The vendace displaced the densely rakered whitefish from its preferred pelagic niche to the benthic habitat harbouring the large sparsely rakered whitefish. In this study, we investigate the potential influence of the vendace invasion on the breakdown of reproductive isolation between the two whitefish morphs. We inferred the genotypic and phenotypic differentiation between the two morphs collected at the arrival (1993) and 15 years after (2008) the vendace invasion using 16 microsatellite loci and gill raker numbers, the most distinctive adaptive phenotypic trait between them. The comparison of gill raker number distributions revealed two modes growing closer over 15 years following the invasion. Bayesian analyses of genotypes revealed that the two genetically distinct whitefish morphs that existed in 1993 had collapsed into a single population in 2008. The decline in association between the gill raker numbers and admixture values over 15 years corroborates the findings from the Bayesian analysis. Our study thus suggests an apparent decrease of reproductive isolation in a morph-pair of European whitefish within 15 years (≃ 3 generations) following the invasion of a superior trophic competitor (vendace) in a subarctic lake, reflecting a situation of "speciation in reverse".
Third-stage larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens commonly infect whitefish such as cod, and the pa... more Third-stage larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens commonly infect whitefish such as cod, and the parasite can be transferred to humans through lightly prepared (sushi) meals. Because little is known about the nematode's cold tolerance capacity, we examined the nematode's ability to supercool, and whether or not cold acclimation could induce physiological changes that might increase its ability to tolerate freezing conditions. Even if third-stage Pseudoterranova decipiens larvae have some supercooling ability, they show no potential for freezing avoidance because they are not able to withstand inoculative freezing. Still, they have the ability to survive freezing at high subzero temperatures, something which suggests that these nematodes have a moderate freeze tolerance. We also show that acclimation to high temperatures triggers trehalose accumulation to an even greater extent than cold acclimation. Trehalose is a potential cryoprotectant which has been shown to play a vital role in the freeze tolerance of nematodes. We suggest that the trehalose accumulation observed for the cold acclimation is a general response to thermal stress, and that the nematode's moderate freeze tolerance may be acquired through adaptation to heat rather than coldness.
In North America, populations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) have evolved sympatric '... more In North America, populations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) have evolved sympatric 'dwarf' and 'normal' ecotypes that are associated with distinct trophic niches within lakes. Trophic specialization should place diverging physiological demands on individuals, and thus, genes and phenotypes associated with energy production represent ideal candidates for studies of adaptation. Here, we test for the parallel divergence of traits involved in oxygen transport in dwarf and normal lake whitefish from Québec, Canada and Maine, USA. We observed significant differences in red blood cell morphology between the ecotypes. Specifically, dwarfs exhibited larger nuclei and a higher nucleus area ⁄ total cell area than normal whitefish in all of the lakes examined. In addition, isoelectric focusing gels revealed variation in the haemoglobin protein components found in whitefish. Dwarf and normal whitefish exhibited a similar number of protein components, but the composition of these components differed, with dwarf whitefish bearing a greater proportion of cathodic components compared to the normals. Furthermore, dwarf whitefish showed significant haemoglobin gene upregulation in the brain compared with the levels shown in normals. Together, our results indicate that metabolic traits involved in oxygen transport differ between the whitefish ecotypes and the strong parallel patterns of divergence observed across lakes implicates ecologically driven selection pressures. We discuss the function of these traits in relation to the differing trophic niches occupied by the whitefish and the potential contributions of trait plasticity and genetic divergence to energetic adaptation.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2008
Two alternative reproductive modes are present in fishes and reflect the age-specific mortality e... more Two alternative reproductive modes are present in fishes and reflect the age-specific mortality encountered through ontogenesis. Life-history hypotheses suggest that semelparity (i.e. death after a single reproductive event) evolves when the ratio of juvenile to adult survival is relatively high. Conversely, a relatively low ratio of juvenile to adult survival will favour iteroparity (i.e. death after two or more reproductive events). Fisheries management associates capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning with mass mortality and semelparity even though life history models developed for this species suggest that females may follow an iteroparous trajectory. Capelin may spawn either inter-tidally on the beach or offshore in deeper, ocean waters but postspawning survival and potential iteroparity has been notoriously difficult to assess in natural populations. Through a series of aquarium experiments we tested post-spawning survivability in a beach spawning and an ocean spawning population. The findings demonstrate that capelin which spawn offshore are absolute semelparous (death of both genders) while beach spawning capelin are iteroparous irrespective of sex. Beach spawning capelin regenerated ripe gonads from one spawning season to the next and provides the first conclusive evidence that capelin is physiologically capable of an iteroparous reproductive mode. The potential physical and biological processes which generate certain reproductive patterns in capelin are summarized and discussed in relation to life history hypotheses. We suggest that capelin is a facultative semelparous species in which dynamic changes within the semelparity-iteroparity continuum may occur as a result of subtle interactions between the spawning habitat, physical forcing, and predatory pressure.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2006
The Barents Sea capelin, a schooling species, undertakes extensive migrations against the predomi... more The Barents Sea capelin, a schooling species, undertakes extensive migrations against the predominating current north of Norway to its spawning grounds along the Norwegian and Russian coasts. Low swimming costs (i.e. high efficiency) at cruising speeds would be advantageous for capelin, enabling allocation of more energy to reproduction. A high oxygen uptake capacity may however also be beneficial, considering the difficulty of strenuous swimming against the predominant current, and to avoid predators. To investigate the swimming energetics of the Barents Sea capelin, the relationship between rate of oxygen uptake, MO 2 (mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ), and swimming speed was investigated at 5 8C. A power and an exponential function described the correlation between MO 2 and swimming speed almost equally well as determined by the correlation coefficient. The power function described the relationship as MO 2 = 101.624 + 43.5U 2.042 , where U was the swimming speed in body lengths per second (bl s À 1 ) and 101.6 an estimate of the standard metabolic rate (SMR, mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ). The exponential function gave MO 2 = 85.747e 0.591U with U being the swimming speed (bl s À 1 ) and 85.7 an estimate of the SMR (mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ). The active metabolic rate (AMR, mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ), the oxygen uptake measured at the critical swimming speed (U crit ), was 532 mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 , hence resulting in a scope for activity (SFA) of 5.2 or 6.2, depending on the model for SMR estimation. The capelin was able to sustain U crit of 3 bl s À 1 , or~51 cm s À 1 . The relationship between cost of transport (COT) and swimming speed was characteristically U-shaped, with minimum cost of transport (COT min ) between 218 and 225 mg O 2 kg À 1 km -1 , at an optimal swimming speed (U opt ) within the range of 1.5 to 1.7 bl s À 1 . The swimming energetics of capelin was related to its migratory behaviour and the results compared to other pelagic species. Finally, the limitations involved with working with a schooling species were discussed, in addition to how choice of model for description of costs associated with swimming generally may influence parameter estimation. D
Parallel phenotypic evolution occurs when independent populations evolve similar traits in respon... more Parallel phenotypic evolution occurs when independent populations evolve similar traits in response to similar selective regimes. However, populations inhabiting similar environments also frequently show some phenotypic differences that result from non-parallel evolution. In this study, we quantified the relative importance of parallel evolution to similar foraging regimes and nonparallel lake-specific effects on morphological variation in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). We found evidence for both lake-specific morphological characteristics and parallel morphological divergence between whitefish specializing in feeding on profundal and littoral resources in three separate lakes. Foraging specialists expressed similar phenotypes in different lakes in both overall body shape and selected measured morphological traits. The morphology of the two whitefish specialists resembled that predicted from other fish species, supporting the conclusion of an adaptive significance of the observed morphological characteristics. Our results indicate that divergent natural selection resulting from foraging specialization is driving and/or maintaining the observed parallel morphological divergence. Whitefish in this study may represent an early stage of divergence towards the evolution of specialized morphs.
Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has re... more Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has received increased attention in recent years, but the underlying mechanisms in this process are still under debate. Postglacial fishes are excellent model organisms for exploring this process, especially the initial stages of ecological speciation, as postglacial lakes represent replicated discrete environments with variation in available niches. Here, we combine data of niche utilization, trophic morphology, and 17 microsatellite loci to investigate the diversification process of three sympatric European whitefish morphs from three northern Fennoscandian lakes. The morphological divergence in the gill raker number among the whitefish morphs was related to the utilization of different trophic niches and was associated with reproductive isolation within and across lakes. The intralacustrine comparison of whitefish morphs showed that these systems represent two levels of adaptive divergence: (1) a consistent littoral-pelagic resource axis; and (2) a more variable littoral-profundal resource axis. The results also indicate that the profundal whitefish morph has diverged repeatedly from the ancestral littoral whitefish morph in sympatry in two different watercourses. In contrast, all the analyses performed revealed clustering of the pelagic whitefish morphs across lakes suggesting parallel postglacial immigration with the littoral whitefish morph into each lake. Finally, the analyses strongly suggested that the trophic adaptive trait, number of gill rakers, was under diversifying selection in the different whitefish morphs. Together, the results support a complex evolutionary scenario where ecological speciation acts, but where both allopatric (colonization history) and sympatric (within watercourse divergence) processes are involved. 4970
We explore the long-term developments in population biology and life history during the invasion ... more We explore the long-term developments in population biology and life history during the invasion and establishment of the fish species vendace Coregonus albula in a subarctic watercourse by comparing life-history traits and molecular genetic estimates between the source and the colonist population. The two populations exhibited highly contrasting lifehistory strategies. Relative to the source population, the colonist population was characterized by slower somatic growth rates, earlier sexual maturation at smaller individual size, higher mortality rates and a shorter life span. The two populations could also be significantly discriminated by the genetic markers.
Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has re... more Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has received increased attention in recent years, but the underlying mechanisms in this process are still under debate. Postglacial fishes are excellent model organisms for exploring this process, especially the initial stages of ecological speciation, as postglacial lakes represent replicated discrete environments with variation in available niches. Here, we combine data of niche utilization, trophic morphology, and 17 microsatellite loci to investigate the diversification process of three sympatric European whitefish morphs from three northern Fennoscandian lakes. The morphological divergence in the gill raker number among the whitefish morphs was related to the utilization of different trophic niches and was associated with reproductive isolation within and across lakes. The intralacustrine comparison of whitefish morphs showed that these systems represent two levels of adaptive divergence: (1) a consistent littoral-pelagic resource axis; and (2) a more variable littoral-profundal resource axis. The results also indicate that the profundal whitefish morph has diverged repeatedly from the ancestral littoral whitefish morph in sympatry in two different watercourses. In contrast, all the analyses performed revealed clustering of the pelagic whitefish morphs across lakes suggesting parallel postglacial immigration with the littoral whitefish morph into each lake. Finally, the analyses strongly suggested that the trophic adaptive trait, number of gill rakers, was under diversifying selection in the different whitefish morphs. Together, the results support a complex evolutionary scenario where ecological speciation acts, but where both allopatric (colonization history) and sympatric (within watercourse divergence) processes are involved.
Background: In adaptive radiations, ecological opportunity (i.e. niche availability) is considere... more Background: In adaptive radiations, ecological opportunity (i.e. niche availability) is considered to be an important driver to increase phenotypic variation, but diversity may also be constrained by historical factors related to colonization events.
Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecolo... more Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecological changes in the introduced systems. In northern Fennoscandia, European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) is a highly polymorphic species displaying adaptive radiations into partially reproductively isolated and thus genetically differentiated sympatric morphs utilizing the planktivorous and benthivorous food niche in many lakes. In 1993, Lake Skrukkebukta was invaded by vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) which is a zooplanktivorous specialist. The vendace displaced the densely rakered whitefish from its preferred pelagic niche to the benthic habitat harbouring the large sparsely rakered whitefish. In this study, we investigate the potential influence of the vendace invasion on the breakdown of reproductive isolation between the two whitefish morphs. We inferred the genotypic and phenotypic differentiation between the two morphs collected at the arrival (1993) and 15 years after (2008) the vendace invasion using 16 microsatellite loci and gill raker numbers, the most distinctive adaptive phenotypic trait between them. The comparison of gill raker number distributions revealed two modes growing closer over 15 years following the invasion. Bayesian analyses of genotypes revealed that the two genetically distinct whitefish morphs that existed in 1993 had collapsed into a single population in 2008. The decline in association between the gill raker numbers and admixture values over 15 years corroborates the findings from the Bayesian analysis. Our study thus suggests an apparent decrease of reproductive isolation in a morph-pair of European whitefish within 15 years (≃ 3 generations) following the invasion of a superior trophic competitor (vendace) in a subarctic lake, reflecting a situation of "speciation in reverse".
Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally u... more Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally unwanted by legislation. Identification of the source population as well as the ecology and genetics of both the invader population and the receiving community is of crucial importance. The rapid invasion of a small coregonid fish vendace (Coregonus albula) in a major northern European subarctic watercourse has resulted in a labile ecological situation in the receiving community. The ecological impact of the invasion has been thoroughly documented, but the genetics of the invasion remains to be explored. We analyzed the genetic diversity and divergence patterns among the two possible source populations from southern Finnish Lapland and three colonists populations within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse using ten microsatellite loci in order to (i) identify the most likely source of the invasion, (ii) reveal the dispersal pattern and genetic structure of the secondary expansion, and (iii) to investigate whether the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were associated with founder effects. We revealed that repeated translocation of vendace from Lake Sinett€ aj€ arvi into a tributary lake of L. Inari in 1964-1966 is the most plausible source for the invasion. Both the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were found not to be associated with significant founder effects. The secondary expansion followed a stepping stone pattern and the source and colonist populations of this expansion have undergone rapid genetic divergence within a period of 15-35 years (ca. 8-17 generations). The rapid divergence may be contributed to lack of gene flow among the source and colonist populations due to the extensive hydroelectric damming in the watercourse. Multiple introductions and substantial genetic variation in combination with the boomand-bust population development of the species thus likely counteracted the founder effects as well as fueled the rapid establishment and expansion of this species within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse.
Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (huma... more Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (human induced) hybridization of historically isolated taxa raises conservation issues. Due to weak barriers to gene flow and the presence of endangered taxa, the whitefish species complex is an excellent study system to investigate the consequences of hybridization in conservation. We focused on three naturally reproductively isolated whitefish taxa in Germany: the endangered, anadromous North Sea houting (NSH) and Baltic houting (BH), which were reintroduced after local extinction, and the commercially stocked European whitefish (EW). To evaluate the genetic integrity of each taxon, source and reintroduced populations of NSH and BH, and EW populations were characterized based on two mitochondrial and 17 microsatellite loci. Additionally, we investigated gill raker counts as an adaptive phenotypic trait. Even though clear genetic and phenotypic differentiation confirmed the houtings as separate evolutionarily significant units, admixture analyses revealed an extensive hybrid zone. Hybridizations were introgressive, positively correlated with genetic diversity, and were reflected in the gill raker counts. The BH distribution range showed higher heterogeneity and stronger admixture than the NSH range. Erroneous stocking with non-native genotypes best explained these patterns, which pose challenges for the conservation of the endangered NSH and BH.
Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (huma... more Natural hybridization plays a key role in the process of speciation. However, anthropogenic (human induced) hybridization of historically isolated taxa raises conservation issues. Due to weak barriers to gene flow and the presence of endangered taxa, the whitefish species complex is an excellent study system to investigate the consequences of hybridization in conservation. We focused on three naturally reproductively isolated whitefish taxa in Germany: the endangered, anadromous North Sea houting (NSH) and Baltic houting (BH), which were reintroduced after local extinction, and the commercially stocked European whitefish (EW). To evaluate the genetic integrity of each taxon, source and reintroduced populations of NSH and BH, and EW populations were characterized based on two mitochondrial and 17 microsatellite loci. Additionally, we investigated gill raker counts as an adaptive phenotypic trait. Even though clear genetic and phenotypic differentiation confirmed the houtings as separ...
The synaptophysin (SYP) family comprises integral membrane proteins involved in vesicle-trafficki... more The synaptophysin (SYP) family comprises integral membrane proteins involved in vesicle-trafficking events, but the physiological function of several members has been enigmatic for decades. The presynaptic SYP protein controls neurotransmitter release, while SYP-like 2 (SYPL2) contributes to maintain normal Ca(2+)-signaling in the skeletal muscles. The polymorphic pantophysin (Pan I) of Atlantic cod shows strong genetic divergence between stationary and migratory populations, which seem to be adapted to local environmental conditions. We have investigated the functional involvement of Pan I in the different ecotypes by analyzing the 1) phylogeny, 2) spatio-temporal gene expression, 3) structure-function relationship of the Pan I(A) and I(B) protein variants, and 4) linkage to rhodopsin (rho) recently proposed to be associated with different light sensitivities in Icelandic populations of Atlantic cod. We searched for SYP family genes in phylogenetic key species and identified a sing...
2.04±0.30°C was observed in the intestinal fluids of fish feeding on B. saida. Native gel electro... more 2.04±0.30°C was observed in the intestinal fluids of fish feeding on B. saida. Native gel electrophoresis revealed that the gastrointestinal fluids contained AFGPs in all the different size groups. However, differences in band intensities for the two food types suggest that the ingested food has an influence on the concentration of the different AFGP-sizes in these fluids. A decrease in band intensities combined with a drop in thermal hysteresis from mid-gut to hind-gut fluid suggests that absorption of AFGP or possibly degradation occur during digestion.
Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally u... more Species invasions can have wide-ranging biological and socio-economic effects and are generally unwanted by legislation. Identification of the source population as well as the ecology and genetics of both the invader population and the receiving community is of crucial importance. The rapid invasion of a small coregonid fish vendace (Coregonus albula) in a major northern European subarctic watercourse has resulted in a labile ecological situation in the receiving community. The ecological impact of the invasion has been thoroughly documented, but the genetics of the invasion remains to be explored. We analyzed the genetic diversity and divergence patterns among the two possible source populations from southern Finnish Lapland and three colonists populations within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse using ten microsatellite loci in order to (i) identify the most likely source of the invasion, (ii) reveal the dispersal pattern and genetic structure of the secondary expansion, and (iii) to investigate whether the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were associated with founder effects. We revealed that repeated translocation of vendace from Lake Sinett€ aj€ arvi into a tributary lake of L. Inari in 1964-1966 is the most plausible source for the invasion. Both the initial introduction and the secondary expansion were found not to be associated with significant founder effects. The secondary expansion followed a stepping stone pattern and the source and colonist populations of this expansion have undergone rapid genetic divergence within a period of 15-35 years (ca. 8-17 generations). The rapid divergence may be contributed to lack of gene flow among the source and colonist populations due to the extensive hydroelectric damming in the watercourse. Multiple introductions and substantial genetic variation in combination with the boomand-bust population development of the species thus likely counteracted the founder effects as well as fueled the rapid establishment and expansion of this species within the Inari-Pasvik watercourse.
Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecolo... more Invasion of exotic species has caused the loss of biodiversity and imparts evolutionary and ecological changes in the introduced systems. In northern Fennoscandia, European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) is a highly polymorphic species displaying adaptive radiations into partially reproductively isolated and thus genetically differentiated sympatric morphs utilizing the planktivorous and benthivorous food niche in many lakes. In 1993, Lake Skrukkebukta was invaded by vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) which is a zooplanktivorous specialist. The vendace displaced the densely rakered whitefish from its preferred pelagic niche to the benthic habitat harbouring the large sparsely rakered whitefish. In this study, we investigate the potential influence of the vendace invasion on the breakdown of reproductive isolation between the two whitefish morphs. We inferred the genotypic and phenotypic differentiation between the two morphs collected at the arrival (1993) and 15 years after (2008) the vendace invasion using 16 microsatellite loci and gill raker numbers, the most distinctive adaptive phenotypic trait between them. The comparison of gill raker number distributions revealed two modes growing closer over 15 years following the invasion. Bayesian analyses of genotypes revealed that the two genetically distinct whitefish morphs that existed in 1993 had collapsed into a single population in 2008. The decline in association between the gill raker numbers and admixture values over 15 years corroborates the findings from the Bayesian analysis. Our study thus suggests an apparent decrease of reproductive isolation in a morph-pair of European whitefish within 15 years (≃ 3 generations) following the invasion of a superior trophic competitor (vendace) in a subarctic lake, reflecting a situation of "speciation in reverse".
Third-stage larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens commonly infect whitefish such as cod, and the pa... more Third-stage larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens commonly infect whitefish such as cod, and the parasite can be transferred to humans through lightly prepared (sushi) meals. Because little is known about the nematode's cold tolerance capacity, we examined the nematode's ability to supercool, and whether or not cold acclimation could induce physiological changes that might increase its ability to tolerate freezing conditions. Even if third-stage Pseudoterranova decipiens larvae have some supercooling ability, they show no potential for freezing avoidance because they are not able to withstand inoculative freezing. Still, they have the ability to survive freezing at high subzero temperatures, something which suggests that these nematodes have a moderate freeze tolerance. We also show that acclimation to high temperatures triggers trehalose accumulation to an even greater extent than cold acclimation. Trehalose is a potential cryoprotectant which has been shown to play a vital role in the freeze tolerance of nematodes. We suggest that the trehalose accumulation observed for the cold acclimation is a general response to thermal stress, and that the nematode's moderate freeze tolerance may be acquired through adaptation to heat rather than coldness.
In North America, populations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) have evolved sympatric '... more In North America, populations of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) have evolved sympatric 'dwarf' and 'normal' ecotypes that are associated with distinct trophic niches within lakes. Trophic specialization should place diverging physiological demands on individuals, and thus, genes and phenotypes associated with energy production represent ideal candidates for studies of adaptation. Here, we test for the parallel divergence of traits involved in oxygen transport in dwarf and normal lake whitefish from Québec, Canada and Maine, USA. We observed significant differences in red blood cell morphology between the ecotypes. Specifically, dwarfs exhibited larger nuclei and a higher nucleus area ⁄ total cell area than normal whitefish in all of the lakes examined. In addition, isoelectric focusing gels revealed variation in the haemoglobin protein components found in whitefish. Dwarf and normal whitefish exhibited a similar number of protein components, but the composition of these components differed, with dwarf whitefish bearing a greater proportion of cathodic components compared to the normals. Furthermore, dwarf whitefish showed significant haemoglobin gene upregulation in the brain compared with the levels shown in normals. Together, our results indicate that metabolic traits involved in oxygen transport differ between the whitefish ecotypes and the strong parallel patterns of divergence observed across lakes implicates ecologically driven selection pressures. We discuss the function of these traits in relation to the differing trophic niches occupied by the whitefish and the potential contributions of trait plasticity and genetic divergence to energetic adaptation.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2008
Two alternative reproductive modes are present in fishes and reflect the age-specific mortality e... more Two alternative reproductive modes are present in fishes and reflect the age-specific mortality encountered through ontogenesis. Life-history hypotheses suggest that semelparity (i.e. death after a single reproductive event) evolves when the ratio of juvenile to adult survival is relatively high. Conversely, a relatively low ratio of juvenile to adult survival will favour iteroparity (i.e. death after two or more reproductive events). Fisheries management associates capelin (Mallotus villosus) spawning with mass mortality and semelparity even though life history models developed for this species suggest that females may follow an iteroparous trajectory. Capelin may spawn either inter-tidally on the beach or offshore in deeper, ocean waters but postspawning survival and potential iteroparity has been notoriously difficult to assess in natural populations. Through a series of aquarium experiments we tested post-spawning survivability in a beach spawning and an ocean spawning population. The findings demonstrate that capelin which spawn offshore are absolute semelparous (death of both genders) while beach spawning capelin are iteroparous irrespective of sex. Beach spawning capelin regenerated ripe gonads from one spawning season to the next and provides the first conclusive evidence that capelin is physiologically capable of an iteroparous reproductive mode. The potential physical and biological processes which generate certain reproductive patterns in capelin are summarized and discussed in relation to life history hypotheses. We suggest that capelin is a facultative semelparous species in which dynamic changes within the semelparity-iteroparity continuum may occur as a result of subtle interactions between the spawning habitat, physical forcing, and predatory pressure.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2006
The Barents Sea capelin, a schooling species, undertakes extensive migrations against the predomi... more The Barents Sea capelin, a schooling species, undertakes extensive migrations against the predominating current north of Norway to its spawning grounds along the Norwegian and Russian coasts. Low swimming costs (i.e. high efficiency) at cruising speeds would be advantageous for capelin, enabling allocation of more energy to reproduction. A high oxygen uptake capacity may however also be beneficial, considering the difficulty of strenuous swimming against the predominant current, and to avoid predators. To investigate the swimming energetics of the Barents Sea capelin, the relationship between rate of oxygen uptake, MO 2 (mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ), and swimming speed was investigated at 5 8C. A power and an exponential function described the correlation between MO 2 and swimming speed almost equally well as determined by the correlation coefficient. The power function described the relationship as MO 2 = 101.624 + 43.5U 2.042 , where U was the swimming speed in body lengths per second (bl s À 1 ) and 101.6 an estimate of the standard metabolic rate (SMR, mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ). The exponential function gave MO 2 = 85.747e 0.591U with U being the swimming speed (bl s À 1 ) and 85.7 an estimate of the SMR (mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ). The active metabolic rate (AMR, mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 ), the oxygen uptake measured at the critical swimming speed (U crit ), was 532 mg O 2 kg À 1 h À 1 , hence resulting in a scope for activity (SFA) of 5.2 or 6.2, depending on the model for SMR estimation. The capelin was able to sustain U crit of 3 bl s À 1 , or~51 cm s À 1 . The relationship between cost of transport (COT) and swimming speed was characteristically U-shaped, with minimum cost of transport (COT min ) between 218 and 225 mg O 2 kg À 1 km -1 , at an optimal swimming speed (U opt ) within the range of 1.5 to 1.7 bl s À 1 . The swimming energetics of capelin was related to its migratory behaviour and the results compared to other pelagic species. Finally, the limitations involved with working with a schooling species were discussed, in addition to how choice of model for description of costs associated with swimming generally may influence parameter estimation. D
Parallel phenotypic evolution occurs when independent populations evolve similar traits in respon... more Parallel phenotypic evolution occurs when independent populations evolve similar traits in response to similar selective regimes. However, populations inhabiting similar environments also frequently show some phenotypic differences that result from non-parallel evolution. In this study, we quantified the relative importance of parallel evolution to similar foraging regimes and nonparallel lake-specific effects on morphological variation in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). We found evidence for both lake-specific morphological characteristics and parallel morphological divergence between whitefish specializing in feeding on profundal and littoral resources in three separate lakes. Foraging specialists expressed similar phenotypes in different lakes in both overall body shape and selected measured morphological traits. The morphology of the two whitefish specialists resembled that predicted from other fish species, supporting the conclusion of an adaptive significance of the observed morphological characteristics. Our results indicate that divergent natural selection resulting from foraging specialization is driving and/or maintaining the observed parallel morphological divergence. Whitefish in this study may represent an early stage of divergence towards the evolution of specialized morphs.
Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has re... more Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has received increased attention in recent years, but the underlying mechanisms in this process are still under debate. Postglacial fishes are excellent model organisms for exploring this process, especially the initial stages of ecological speciation, as postglacial lakes represent replicated discrete environments with variation in available niches. Here, we combine data of niche utilization, trophic morphology, and 17 microsatellite loci to investigate the diversification process of three sympatric European whitefish morphs from three northern Fennoscandian lakes. The morphological divergence in the gill raker number among the whitefish morphs was related to the utilization of different trophic niches and was associated with reproductive isolation within and across lakes. The intralacustrine comparison of whitefish morphs showed that these systems represent two levels of adaptive divergence: (1) a consistent littoral-pelagic resource axis; and (2) a more variable littoral-profundal resource axis. The results also indicate that the profundal whitefish morph has diverged repeatedly from the ancestral littoral whitefish morph in sympatry in two different watercourses. In contrast, all the analyses performed revealed clustering of the pelagic whitefish morphs across lakes suggesting parallel postglacial immigration with the littoral whitefish morph into each lake. Finally, the analyses strongly suggested that the trophic adaptive trait, number of gill rakers, was under diversifying selection in the different whitefish morphs. Together, the results support a complex evolutionary scenario where ecological speciation acts, but where both allopatric (colonization history) and sympatric (within watercourse divergence) processes are involved. 4970
Papers by Kim Praebel