Papers by Berit Kristoffersen

Internasjonal Politikk, 2013
Når et lokalsamfunns forhold til internasjonale spørsmål skal studeres, er det vanlig å dele inn ... more Når et lokalsamfunns forhold til internasjonale spørsmål skal studeres, er det vanlig å dele inn i tre nivåer: det lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale nivå. Torsk har liten respekt for nasjonale grenser og dermed slike nivåinndelinger. Dette er vårt utgangspunkt i denne artikkelen. Vi tar opp hvordan lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale faktorer samtidig virker inn på torskens politiske betydning i forhold til baerekraftig utvikling og ressurstilgang, internasjonal institusjonsbygging og sikkerhet. Vi tar utgangspunkt i den vandrende nordøstarktiske torskestammens fødestue, eller skreien som den kalles på godt norsk, Lofoten og Vesterålen. Torsk har gitt grunnlag for bosetning langs kysten i Nord-Norge, og nordnorsk samfunnsbygging, handel og identitet henger tett sammen med aktivitet og myter knyttet til havet. Torsken er et symbol på avhengighetsforhold mellom mennesker og natur, og den knytter nåtida til fortida og framtida. I diktet «Vårt ansvar her» (1992) sier kunstner og kystvokter Johs Røde fra Ramberg i Lofoten det slik: -Naturen bader i marssol og fjellheimen i sørvest, døser i en lett gultone. Mye stort ble gitt oss, evner vi å se? FOKUS: DYR I INTERNASJONAL POLITIKK
Edges and Flows
Duke University Press eBooks, 2019
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, May 1, 2017
This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Condition... more This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving. Additional information: Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.
Making the smart grid through pilot projects. Insights, lessons and ways forward
[Summer vacation in the summer!. Interview by Bjørn Arild Ostby]
Journalen sykepleien, Jan 26, 1990
Why in my backyard (WIMBY): Forging the link to community futures when energy transition projects are met with indifference
Energy Research & Social Science
Kunnskapsbaserte beslutningsverktøy?
Denne rapporten er del av prosjektet Syntese av samfunnsvitenskapelige analyser av norsk havforva... more Denne rapporten er del av prosjektet Syntese av samfunnsvitenskapelige analyser av norsk havforvaltning. Dette er prosjektets norskspråklige sluttrapport, det er også utarbeidet en engelskspråklig sluttrapport. Hovedmålet med prosjekter har vært å sammenstille den samfunnsvitenskapelige forskningen som har vært gjort på norsk havforvaltning, med særlig vekt på forvaltningsplanprosessen og implementeringen av forvaltningsplanen for Barentshavet og Lofoten. I tillegg har prosjektet søkt å identifisere, i samarbeid med sentrale aktører, hvilke problemstillinger som særlig bør tas hensyn til i videreutviklingen av forvaltningsplansystemet

Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago
Routledge eBooks, 2022
This chapter analyses how the petroleum industry operates across multiple temporal frames. The au... more This chapter analyses how the petroleum industry operates across multiple temporal frames. The authors then go on to illustrate how, when communities debate their petroleum futures, the “anticipatory temporalities” of petroleum abundance, technology, price, and demand are contrasted with alternate temporalities that, in many cases, fail to align with those articulated by the oil industry. Through a reflection on historic and ongoing debates over offshore oil production in Norway’s Lofoten/Vesterålen/Senja (LoVeSe) region, they propose that debates over petroleum futures are not simply about struggles over shared space, exemplified in ‘oil vs community,’ ‘oil vs fisheries,’ or ‘oil vs environment’ narratives; they are also debates about the intersections and alignments of different temporalities and the meaning and significance of time

Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2018
In this paper we explore how post-petroleum security is continually shaped by both the micropolit... more In this paper we explore how post-petroleum security is continually shaped by both the micropolitical practices of everyday life as well as the changing geopolitics of energy landscapes. We focus in particular on the two-decade long struggle over access to hydrocarbon deposits outside the Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja archipelago groups (LoVeSe), and show how local security perspectives permeate both national and international debates concerning the future of oil and the global climate challenge. These developments, we argue, are taking place in a paradoxical conjunction with Norwegian political establishment who along with the oil and gas industry insist on continued petroleum dependency as the only viable future. We further investigate how particular controlling measures have determined past, present and future narratives, and assess how alternative ideas that include multiple possible trajectories have found their way into national and global debates despite these efforts. The argument permeating this paper states that while oil remains a security concern to both proponents and opponents to oil development in the Arctic, the extent to which this situation is seen as a threat or a security provider varies greatly.

Responsible Cohabitation in Arctic Waters: The Promise of a Spectacle Tourist Whale
Green Ice, 2016
Being concerned with responsible whale tourism, we have argued that we need to understand how wha... more Being concerned with responsible whale tourism, we have argued that we need to understand how whales are enacted in multiple ways. To do so, we describe a series of knowledge practices or ontologies through which different whales are enacted and the relations between these. We argue that there are multiple versions of the whale in northern seascapes, and have organised our analysis around four dominant versions: the spectacle touristic whale, the co-hunter, the environmental whale and the invisible whale. All of these are assemblages of research activities, natures/seascapes and expanding networks and politics. The whales reside in waters with fishermen and their nets as well as interferences from seismic ships on behalf of the Norwegian government and international oil companies. Whales are still being hunted and put on the menu; they are being protected and given territorial rights by environmental organisations, fishermen and local communities alike. They are enacted as a touristic spectacle. In doing so, the whales become a new and important companion, not least for a growing tourist industry in the north.
Towards a new science on climate change
Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security
Heating Up and Cooling Down the Petrostate
Ending the Fossil Fuel Era, 2015
The framing of climate change: why it matters
Climate Change, Ethics and Human Security
Arctic whale watching and Anthropocene ethics

Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean : Sustaining the sea or sustaining the state?
Calls for sustainable development in the Arctic are linked with the global turn to a Blue Economy... more Calls for sustainable development in the Arctic are linked with the global turn to a Blue Economy. To consider the relationship between the Blue Economy agenda, sustainable development discourse, and Norwegian ocean policy, we first consider the literature on Blue Economy discourse and development programmes, drawing in particular on the work of Young Rae Choi, who argues that promotion of a Blue Economy should be seen as part of the effort to apply state governmentality in an emergent space of sovereign interest. We then apply this analysis to the Arctic through a study of Norway’s Blue Economy initiative. We conclude that in its effort to group together numerous competing ocean uses within a single, sustainably managed, ocean industry, the Norwegian state constructs the ocean as a space that is beyond politics and therefore appropriate for state intervention. This finding, in turn, suggests that when the sustainability discourse is integrated with a post-political managerial agend...

Based on over 60 interviews and fieldwork in Lofoten, Norway, over a five-year period (2008 – 201... more Based on over 60 interviews and fieldwork in Lofoten, Norway, over a five-year period (2008 – 2013), this paper argues that local identity is a ‘missing link’ with significant explanatory value when analyzing the contested matter of whether to open for oil drilling in this region. Through a Giddensian approach to ontological security, we identify a major discrepancy between local and national discourses on ‘post-petroleum security’ concerns for the Lofoten region and its inhabitants – concerns that neither national political debates nor academic discourse have adequately included. Thus, we highlight time as a variable separating local and state-centered perspectives on what sustains (ontological) security. We show how an understanding of historically viable communities is of core concern for the re-establishment of an identity-based security. Further, environmental and societal risks associated with petroleum development influence the perceived balance between short-term needs for j...
Edges and flows : exploring legal materialities and biophysical politics of sea ice
Spaces of competitive power

Foreword Heide Hackmann Preface Karen O'Brien, Asuncion Lera St. Clair and Berit Kristofferse... more Foreword Heide Hackmann Preface Karen O'Brien, Asuncion Lera St. Clair and Berit Kristoffersen Part I. Framings: 1. The framing of climate change Karen O'Brien, Asuncion Lera St. Clair and Berit Kristoffersen 2. The idea of human security Des Gasper 3. Climate change science and policy in the South Pacific, as if people mattered Jon Barnett Part II. Equity: 4. A 'shared vision'? Why inequality should worry us J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks 5. Fair decision making in a new climate of risk W. Neil Adger and Donald R. Nelson Part III. Ethics: 6. Ethics, politics and the global environment Desmond McNeill 7. Human rights, climate change and discounting Simon Caney 8. Climate change: a global test for contemporary political institutions and theories Stephen Gardiner Part IV. Reflexivity: 9. Linking sustainable development with climate change adaptation and mitigation Livia Bizikova, Sarah Burch, John Robinson and Stewart Cohen 10. Global poverty and climate chang...
En feit og fin og norsk en? Lofottorsken i internasjonal politikk
Papers by Berit Kristoffersen