Papers Vol. 8 núm. 15 enero-junio 2012 by Gabriel Ordoñez

"En este artículo se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de la caracterización, identificac... more "En este artículo se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de la caracterización, identificación y localización de los huecos de tensión. Los métodos presentados son el producto de diferentes análisis aplicados a la perturbación electromagnética, específicamente a las formas de onda de tensión y corriente, donde basándose en la teoría de circuitos eléctricos, transitorios electromagnéticos y el conocimiento del fenómeno se proponen atributos y descriptores que permiten caracterizar las perturbaciones de acuerdo a cierta característica de interés. Se hace una revisión tanto de caracterizaciones básicas como de metodologías que integran clasificadores y descriptores más complejos. Se hace énfasis en los métodos de caracterización, junto con sus atributos y descriptores, incluyendo sus limitantes y posibles mejoras. De acuerdo al nivel de desarrollo encontrado en estos estudios, resulta la necesidad de nuevas metodologías que integren módulos de caracterización, de diagnóstico de causas, de localización, de valoración y módulos de extracción de información y/o conocimiento, con la intención de orientarlo a una herramienta para la gestión automática de perturbaciones del sistema eléctrico"
Papers Vol. 2 núm. 4 julio-diciembre 2006 by Gabriel Ordoñez

En este artículo se propone una metodología de construcción de modelos híbridos para la localizac... more En este artículo se propone una metodología de construcción de modelos híbridos para la localización de fallas en sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica, la cual permitirá a las empresas distribuidoras mejorar sus índices de calidad referentes a la continuidad del suministro de energía (índices DES y FES). El modelo híbrido planteado dentro de la metodología esta conformado por una técnica basada en el conocimiento (técnica LAMDA) y otra basada en el modelo (algoritmo de Ratan Das). La técnica LAMDA es una técnica basada en inteligencia artificial que hereda características de la lógica difusa y las redes neuronales. El algoritmo Ratan Das, es un algoritmo de localización de fallas que estima la ubicación de la falla a partir de los fasores de tensión y corriente en el instante de la misma y demás parámetros eléctricos del sistema de distribución. Lo novedoso de la metodología radica en que con la implementación del modelo híbrido se mejora la precisión en la estimación de la ubicación de la falla, debido a que se reduce notablemente la múltiple estimación del algoritmo de localización por la presencia de la técnica basada en el conocimiento. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados obtenidos de pruebas realizadas con un circuito de distribución de 24 kV y aproximadamente 60 km de longitud.
PACS: 02., 02.10.-v
MSC: 03-XX, 03B52, 62-xx, 68Txx
Issue 192 by Gabriel Ordoñez
The need for new generation systems has motivated the development of microgrids. This new concept... more The need for new generation systems has motivated the development of microgrids. This new concept may provide significant benefits such as losses reduction, high degree of efficiency and reliability to the transmission and distribution networks. This paper presents generalities about microgrids, including general structure and different topologies. Also an original methodology for facilitating its design and evaluation is proposed. Finally, the microgrid located at the Parque Tecnológíco de Guatiguará at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, is analyzed and an operation analysis is included for different operations stages of loads and generation, the performance of operation of storage systems, the interaction with the grid and an energy balance for all the system.
This paper presents a new method for the characterization and diagnosis of electrical disturbance... more This paper presents a new method for the characterization and diagnosis of electrical disturbances caused by fuses operation in the electrical distribution systems. A set of descriptors is proposed in order to quantify the typical features of the distortions caused by operation of expulsion and current limiting fuses. A multivariate statistical analysis is performed to select the descriptors with the best profiles qualifiers and the optimal decision thresholds are selected to classify the disturbances using machine learning algorithms. Voltage and current signals of the fuses operation are obtained from the ATP-EMTP simulation, as well as some real signals, to be all used in the validation of the new proposed algorithm, obtaining optimal performance and efficiency results. The algorithm was implemented in Matlab and the computational requirements are minimal.
This paper presents a methodology for the relative location of voltage sags source based on volta... more This paper presents a methodology for the relative location of voltage sags source based on voltage measurements only. Network faults are the most frequent disturbances in the electrical systems and in turn are the causes that generate most voltage sags. Thus, the proposed algorithm considers only voltage sags by network faults, and a minimum of three voltage meters is required. Power quality can be evaluated automatically using the characterizing and extracting information from voltage records. The positive sequence voltages are the descriptors used to determine the relative location of the voltage sags causes, and the methodology is applied to a simulation where its effectiveness is verified. Matlab was used for validating this methodology, and voltage records of simulated voltage sags were generated in ATP-EMTP.
In this paper, the characteristics and definitions of NZEBs are studied. In particular, the metho... more In this paper, the characteristics and definitions of NZEBs are studied. In particular, the methods for calculating balance for each concept and methodology are analyzed in this work, taking into account the interaction of the NZEB with the energy grid, the emissions produced per energy consumption and the introduction of the primary energy concept as an indicator of balance. High-energy-efficient appliances are the main interest in this paper due to their importance and level of use in tropical regions. How these appliances can reduce energy consumption is described, as well as their impact on electrical performance being of significant benefit in Colombia. That is if they could be applied on a massive scale in projects related to Viviendas de Interés Social –VIS (social dwellings) in the long term.
Papers by Gabriel Ordoñez
Ingenieria e Investigación
This article presents novel and easily implemented tools for characterising electrical disturbanc... more This article presents novel and easily implemented tools for characterising electrical disturbances originated by fuse operations. A methodology is described that (with the use of some descriptors) led to identifying electrical disturbances of this kind. The algorithm's decision thresholds were estimated using machine learning techniques. This work was aimedat providing new tools for assessing power quality, characterising and extracting information from voltage and current records obtained from monitoring distribution systems. MATLAB was used for validating this methodology, receiving voltage and current records of simulated events in ATP-EMTP and also real events as input.

Procedia Engineering, 2015
This paper shows how the building automation systems (BAS) are a powerful tool for companies face... more This paper shows how the building automation systems (BAS) are a powerful tool for companies face some permanent or temporary changes that can occur in the surrounding environment, which can affect the welfare of users, increase the energy consumption and/or demand more financial investment to strengthen or to replace the actual systems to attend the needs of users. However, these systems not properly used because of designers and owners ignore the specific qualities of these and the designs lacks of scenario analysis. The automation systems can monitor several variables in real time and analyze historical data to adjust quickly the operation of the devices to provide comfort of users and integrity of devices; this capacity keeps the core purpose in the face of changed circumstances. Also, this work shows how would be the potential behavior of two buildings considering some changes in their environment for specific tropical conditions, one of them with automation system and the other without this system; for that, we made first the characterization of a BA S implemented in a building in Bucaramanga (Colombia) and after specific simulations. The changes considered are heat island, energy outages, new construction and new habits of users.

Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 2011
En este artículo se propone una metodología, implementada en un programa de computador por medio ... more En este artículo se propone una metodología, implementada en un programa de computador por medio de una interfase gráfica con el usuario (GUI), que permite simular redes eléctricas con elementos no lineales (principalmente convertidores de potencia), tanto en el dominio del tiempo como en el dominio de la frecuencia. El método propuesto combina dos tipos de análisis en una herramienta flexible, de forma que se puedan aprovechar las ventajas de cada uno de ellos, y que permita analizar sistemas lineales y no lineales en el dominio del tiempo, sistemas lineales en el dominio de la frecuencia y sistemas mixtos utilizando este método híbrido. La herramienta es un instrumento de cálculo versátil y completo que puede ser usado de una manera sencilla, para los estudios de análisis de propagación de armónicos en las redes eléctricas. Se presentan ejemplos extraídos de la bibliografía utilizada en cursos de sistemas de potencia, circuitos eléctricos y electrónica de potencia, así como sistemas de prueba para análisis de cargas no lineales o variantes en el tiempo, generados como marco de referencia para las simulaciones de armónicos. Se analizan los resultados y se hacen observaciones acerca de las características de convergencia y estabilidad algorítmica del método propuesto. Dada la complejidad y carga computacional del análisis del método híbrido propuesto, se han seleccionado modelos de elementos, modelos de los componentes del sistema y algoritmos apropiados, para que la solución del problema se realice dentro de límites razonables de tiempo de simulación y consumo de recursos del equipo de cómputo.

Ingenieria e Investigación
This article presents an analysis of voltage sag propagation. The ATPDraw tool was selected for s... more This article presents an analysis of voltage sag propagation. The ATPDraw tool was selected for simulating the IEEE 34 node test feeder. It takes into account both voltage sags caused by electrical fault network, as well as voltage sag propagation characteristics caused by induction motor starting and transformer energising. The analysis was aimed at assessing the influence of transformer winding connections, the impedance of these transformers, lines and cables, summarising the effects on disturbance magnitude and phase. The study shows that the influence of an induction motor on voltage sag propagation results in increased voltage sag severity. Voltage sags caused by induction motor starting and transformer energising have no zero-sequence component, so they are only affected by type 3 transformers. The influence of fault resistance on voltage sag magnitude and phase characteristics is examined and some aspects of interest in characterising these electromagnetic disturbances is identified.
Recepción: 06 de febrero de 2006 -Aceptación: 12 de octubre de 2006 Se aceptan comentarios y/o di... more Recepción: 06 de febrero de 2006 -Aceptación: 12 de octubre de 2006 Se aceptan comentarios y/o discusiones al artículo
2010 IEEE ANDESCON, 2010
Abstract In this paper Kalman filter and Wavelet transform (DWT) are compared in voltage event se... more Abstract In this paper Kalman filter and Wavelet transform (DWT) are compared in voltage event segmentation. The waveform segmentation is required to detect stationary and non-stationary stages throughout the voltage event waveforms. This detection plays an ...
In Colombia there are two indexes to measure the power supply continuity: DES and FES. DES stands... more In Colombia there are two indexes to measure the power supply continuity: DES and FES. DES stands for equivalent duration of the interruptions, ie. total time without power supply; meanwhile, FES stands for equivalent frequency of the interruptions, ie the total number ...

Procedia Engineering, 2015
This paper shows how the building automation systems (BAS) are a powerful tool for companies face... more This paper shows how the building automation systems (BAS) are a powerful tool for companies face some permanent or temporary changes that can occur in the surrounding environment, which can affect the welfare of users, increase the energy consumption and/or demand more financial investment to strengthen or to replace the actual systems to attend the needs of users. However, these systems not properly used because of designers and owners ignore the specific qualities of these and the designs lacks of scenario analysis. The automation systems can monitor several variables in real time and analyze historical data to adjust quickly the operation of the devices to provide comfort of users and integrity of devices; this capacity keeps the core purpose in the face of changed circumstances. Also, this work shows how would be the potential behavior of two buildings considering some changes in their environment for specific tropical conditions, one of them with automation system and the other without this system; for that, we made first the characterization of a BA S implemented in a building in Bucaramanga (Colombia) and after specific simulations. The changes considered are heat island, energy outages, new construction and new habits of users.
2012 VI Andean Region International Conference, 2012
Papers Vol. 8 núm. 15 enero-junio 2012 by Gabriel Ordoñez
Papers Vol. 2 núm. 4 julio-diciembre 2006 by Gabriel Ordoñez
PACS: 02., 02.10.-v
MSC: 03-XX, 03B52, 62-xx, 68Txx
Issue 192 by Gabriel Ordoñez
Papers by Gabriel Ordoñez
PACS: 02., 02.10.-v
MSC: 03-XX, 03B52, 62-xx, 68Txx