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El ritmo y la magnitud de los esfuerzos dedicados a la exploración minera obedecen a tres factores principales. El primero, constituido por las circunstancias externas, que incluyen la oferta-demanda e inventarios del metal, precios... more
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Resumen-Este ar tícu lo presenta un estado del arte sobre la ada ptación de la in for mación con respect o al con tenido y al despliegue en el dispositivo de acceso. Dicho estado del arte fue el origen de un modelo de adaptación... more
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    • Cartografia
Sustained administration of opioid antagonists to rodents results in an enhanced antinociceptive response to agonists. We investigated the changes in spinal μ-opioid receptor signalling underlying this phenomenon. Rats received naltrexone... more
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      PsychologyNeuropharmacologySignal TransductionSpinal Cord
OF DISSERTATION CONTROLS ON MIDDLE TO LATE ORDOVICIAN SYNOROGENIC DEPOSITION IN THE SOUTHEASTERN CORNER OF LAURENTIA Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in the southernmost Appalachians document initial collision along the southeastern... more
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- The aim of this article is to explore the recent social and economic evolution of a rural region that was formerly one of the poorest in Chile but has been transformed by a productive specialisation in table grapes for export markets.... more
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      AnthropologyPolitical ScienceLiterary studiesLabour markets