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Skill mismatch is worldwide issue as it can be effect job satisfaction, wages and multiple other factors. Analyzing selft-reported skill mismatch is highly studied in prior work. In this paper we study evidence of skill mismatch between... more
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    • Computer Science
Data science techniques are powerful tools for extracting knowledge from large datasets. Analyzing the job market by classifying online job advertisements (ads) has recently received much attention. Various approaches for multi-label... more
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Supply chain networks are typical examples of complex systems. Thereby, making decisions in such systems remains a very hard issue. To assist decision makers in formulating the appropriate strategies, robust tools are needed. Pure... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Modeling and SimulationSupply ChainOperations research and Optimization
This paper proposes a simulation model to analyze the handling and the transfer system of containers in Le Havre seaport. The decision variables of simulation are determined by using the CPLEX optimization software. The goal is to... more
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    • Computer Science
The exponential flow of goods and passengers growth, fragility of certain products and the need for the optimization of transport costs imposed on carriers to use more and more multimodal transportation. In addition, the need for... more
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The exponential growth of the flow of goods and passengers, fragility of certain products and the need for the optimization of transport costs impose on carriers to use more and more multimodal transport. In addition, the need for... more
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      EngineeringComputer Science
RESUME : L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer un mode d'exploitation optimisé, basé sur une approche d'optimisation et de simulation, pour le transfert ferroviaire massifié de conteneurs entre le terminal maritime Atlantique et le... more
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Le Havre Port Authority is putting into service a multimodal hub terminal with massified hinterland links (trains and barges) in order to restrict the intensive use of roads, to achieve a more attractive massification share of hinterland... more
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    • Computer Science
In this paper, we introduce and study the incomplete version of the intermodal terminal location problem. It's a generalization of the classical version by relaxing the assumption that the induced graph by located terminals is complete.... more
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This chapter addresses different optimization/simulation approaches for the innovative logistics in Le Havre port in France. These approaches are applied to various decisional problems raised in the maritime terminals (MT) and in the... more
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A parallel genetic algorithm (GA) implemented on GPU clusters is proposed to solve the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median problem. The GA uses binary and integer encoding and genetic operators adapted to this problem. Our GA is... more
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Nowadays, seaports seek to achieve a better massification (massive transportation of containers) share of their hinterland transport by promoting rail and river connections in order to more rapidly evacuate increasing container traffic... more
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      EngineeringCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceSimulation
Growing competition in the world enforces the need for an efficient design of transportation networks. Furthermore, a competitive transportation network should also be eco-friendly. As road transportation is responsible for the largest... more
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      Computer ScienceApplied Sciences
High transportation costs and poor quality of service are common vulnerabilities in various logistics networks, especially in food distribution. Here we propose a many-objective Customer-centric Perishable Food Distribution Problem that... more
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    • Electronics
Freight transport is essential to modern urban civilization. No urban area could exist without a powerful freight transport system. However, the distribution of perishable foods in urban areas is seen as a source of problems, due to... more
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L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer un mode d’exploitation optimise, base sur une approche d’optimisation et de simulation, pour le transfert ferroviaire massifie de conteneurs entre le terminal maritime Atlantique et le futur... more
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le cadre du projet DCAS pour ses remarques, relectures et suggestions. Je remercie Michèl Bézien, photographe au GPMH, pour la collection de photos fournie et pour ses nombreuses conseils et remarques. Un grand merci pour mes collègues au... more
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    • Computer Science