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Henkin and Helms-Your classrooms fueled my love of learning. Even with a 3½-hour roundtrip commute, I looked forward to class days with enthusiasm. My fellow students-Thank you for welcoming the forty-something academic dean of a Bible... more
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      Political ScienceAccreditationCatfish
ABSTRACT  This study investigated the attitudes of secondary school administrators toward the supervision of foreign language teachers and gathered information about administrators' own foreign language backgrounds. The results indicate a... more
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      Foreign LanguageLanguage StudiesQuestionnairesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Best practiceLanguage StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Language StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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    • Spanish Literature
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      Language StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      PsychologyLanguage StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
A utumn traditionally is the season of new beginnings: a new school year starts, clothes are added to the wardrobe, and in academia we become excited as a host of fresh faces await us. So, it is appropriate that this fall issue of Foreign... more
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      Language StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Political ScienceLanguage StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Language StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
Many of the readers of Foreign Language Annals are unaware that when we compile the summer issue it is really the middle of winter; in fact it is the end of January when I write this column. To remind you of what weather we have all... more
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      SociologyLanguage StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
This study investigated the attitudes of secondary school administrators toward thesupervision of foreign language teachers and gathered information about administrators' own foreign language backgmunds. The results indicate a limited... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionForeign LanguageLanguage Studies
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      Spanish LiteratureHumanitiesArtrealism in literature
Colloquia and paper sessions (those preceded by an asterisk will also offer demonstration or poster sessions on Saturday April 13) *Jianhua Bai (Kenyon College) "Empower Teaching by Integrating Multimedia Exercises into the LCTL Curriculum"
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      Distance EducationMathematics EducationProfessional Development
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      Political ScienceLinguisticsForeign LanguageLanguage Studies
Writing my first column in the fall of 2009, I invited members of the language education community to offer comments on topics of interest to the readership of Foreign Language Annals. In this issue, James Sweigert offers his opinion on... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceForeign LanguageLanguage Studies
Many of the readers of Foreign Language Annals are unaware that when we compile the summer issue it is really the middle of winter; in fact it is the end of January when I write this column. To remind you of what weather we have all... more
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      SociologyForeign LanguageBeautyLanguage Studies
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationForeign LanguageLanguage Studies
This study analyzed questionnaire and interview data on teachers' practices and perceptions with respect to test preparation. Questionnaire respondents were asked to rate the ethicality of various test-preparation practices and indicate... more
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      EthicsInterviewsTeaching MethodsValidity
This report summarizes two empirical studies that address two related topics—rater halo and how much unique information is provided by multiple analytic scores. Specifically, we address the issue of whether unique information is provided... more
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