Papers by Petra Mikolić
This thesis focuses on strong verbs in Old English compared to strong verbs in Old Norse. More sp... more This thesis focuses on strong verbs in Old English compared to strong verbs in Old Norse. More specifically, the verbs are observed from the perspective of the present day languages into their past to see how strong verbs have changed and why. It also discusses mechanisms behind the change and causes that triggered the change or the stagnation of the verbs.

This article analyzes the verbal prefix o(b)in Croatian from a cognitive linguistic perspective, ... more This article analyzes the verbal prefix o(b)in Croatian from a cognitive linguistic perspective, focusing on how its apparently different meanings relate to each other, and the extensions of its spatial meanings into non-spatial domains. The prototypical meaning of verbs prefixed with o(b)involves a general notion of circular movement realized in concrete spatial realms: a trajector (TR) performs a circular movement around a landmark (LM). This spatial schema of circular movement can be illustrated by the motion verb optrčati ‘make a full circle by running around a certain area’. Our analysis aims to show that the central meaning, move around (an object), has a special status in the meaning network because it directly or indirectly motivates all of the other meanings. We show that the various meanings of o(b)-verbs are not a random collection of unrelated senses, but form a semantic network in which individual meanings emerge via metaphorical and metonymic extensions and relate to s...

Croatica et Slavica Iadertina
U radu se analizira glagolski prefix o(b)- u hrvatskome jeziku iz kognitivnolingvističke perspekt... more U radu se analizira glagolski prefix o(b)- u hrvatskome jeziku iz kognitivnolingvističke perspektive, s posebnim osvrtom na povezanost njegovih naizgled različitih značenja, te na proširenja njegovih prostornih značenja u neprostorne domene. Prototipno značenje glagola s prefiksom o(b)- uključuje ideju kružnoga kretanja u konkretnim prostornim domenama: trajektor (TR) se kružno kreće oko orijentira (LM). Ta se prostorna shema kružnoga kretanja može ilustrirati glagolom kretanja optrčati. Analiza ima za cilj pokazati da središnje značenje prefiksa o(b)-, kretanje oko, ima poseban status u značenjskoj mreži jer na izravan ili neizravan način motivira sva ostala značenja. U radu pokazujemo da različita značenja prefiksa o(b)- ne predstavljaju nasumičan zbir nepovezanih značenja, već da čine koherentnu značenjsku mrežu. U njoj su pojedina podznačenja motivirana metaforičkim i metonimijskim proširenjima te ilustriraju sustavne i djelomično predvidljive prijenose predodžbi o konkretnim pr...

This article analyzes the verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian from a cognitive linguistic perspective... more This article analyzes the verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian from a cognitive linguistic perspective, focusing on how its apparently different meanings relate to each other, and the extensions of its spatial meanings into non-spatial domains.
The prototypical meaning of verbs prefixed with o(b)- involves a general notion of circular movement realized in concrete spatial realms: a trajector (TR) performs a circular movement around a landmark (LM). This spatial schema of circular movement can be illustrated by the motion verb optrčati ‘make a full circle by running around a certain area’. Our analysis aims to show that the central meaning, move around (an object), has a special status in the meaning network because it directly or indirectly motivates all of the other meanings. We show that the various meanings of o(b)-verbs are not a random collection of unrelated senses, but form a semantic network in which individual meanings emerge via metaphorical and metonymic extensions and relate to systematic and partially predictable applications of concrete spatial relations to abstract ideas.
Keywords: verbal prefixes, o(b)- in Croatian, cognitive linguistics
U radu se analizira glagolski prefix o(b)- u hrvatskome jeziku iz kognitivnolingvističke perspektive, s posebnim osvrtom na povezanost njegovih naizgled različitih značenja, te na proširenja njegovih prostornih značenja u neprostorne domene. Prototipno značenje glagola s prefiksom o(b)- uključuje ideju kružnoga kretanja u konkretnim prostornim domenama: trajektor (TR) se kružno kreće oko orijentira (LM). Ta se prostorna shema kružnoga kretanja može ilustrirati glagolom kretanja optrčati. Analiza ima za cilj pokazati da središnje značenje prefiksa o(b)-, kretanje oko, ima poseban status u značenjskoj mreži jer na izravan ili neizravan način motivira sva ostala značenja. U radu pokazujemo da različita značenja prefiksa o(b)- ne predstavljaju nasumičan zbir nepovezanih značenja, već da čine koherentnu značenjsku mrežu.
The God-Semantic Field in Old Nolse Prose and Poetry, 2013
"The God-semantic Field: A Cognitive Philological Analysis" analyses eight different lexemes that... more "The God-semantic Field: A Cognitive Philological Analysis" analyses eight different lexemes that belong to the same semantic field – god. The research is a comparative and contrastive analysis of the lexemes within Old Norse prose and poetry according to their use and function within texts with Christian and non-Christian topic.The aim was to use a different approach in the analysis of the words in question in order to give a better structured semantic field according to the use of the words.
This work has been copyrighted and every use of it should be referenced. For any questions regarding the work, please do not hesitate to contact me.
© Petra Mikolić
Conference Presentations by Petra Mikolić
Papers by Petra Mikolić
The prototypical meaning of verbs prefixed with o(b)- involves a general notion of circular movement realized in concrete spatial realms: a trajector (TR) performs a circular movement around a landmark (LM). This spatial schema of circular movement can be illustrated by the motion verb optrčati ‘make a full circle by running around a certain area’. Our analysis aims to show that the central meaning, move around (an object), has a special status in the meaning network because it directly or indirectly motivates all of the other meanings. We show that the various meanings of o(b)-verbs are not a random collection of unrelated senses, but form a semantic network in which individual meanings emerge via metaphorical and metonymic extensions and relate to systematic and partially predictable applications of concrete spatial relations to abstract ideas.
Keywords: verbal prefixes, o(b)- in Croatian, cognitive linguistics
U radu se analizira glagolski prefix o(b)- u hrvatskome jeziku iz kognitivnolingvističke perspektive, s posebnim osvrtom na povezanost njegovih naizgled različitih značenja, te na proširenja njegovih prostornih značenja u neprostorne domene. Prototipno značenje glagola s prefiksom o(b)- uključuje ideju kružnoga kretanja u konkretnim prostornim domenama: trajektor (TR) se kružno kreće oko orijentira (LM). Ta se prostorna shema kružnoga kretanja može ilustrirati glagolom kretanja optrčati. Analiza ima za cilj pokazati da središnje značenje prefiksa o(b)-, kretanje oko, ima poseban status u značenjskoj mreži jer na izravan ili neizravan način motivira sva ostala značenja. U radu pokazujemo da različita značenja prefiksa o(b)- ne predstavljaju nasumičan zbir nepovezanih značenja, već da čine koherentnu značenjsku mrežu.
This work has been copyrighted and every use of it should be referenced. For any questions regarding the work, please do not hesitate to contact me.
© Petra Mikolić
Conference Presentations by Petra Mikolić
The prototypical meaning of verbs prefixed with o(b)- involves a general notion of circular movement realized in concrete spatial realms: a trajector (TR) performs a circular movement around a landmark (LM). This spatial schema of circular movement can be illustrated by the motion verb optrčati ‘make a full circle by running around a certain area’. Our analysis aims to show that the central meaning, move around (an object), has a special status in the meaning network because it directly or indirectly motivates all of the other meanings. We show that the various meanings of o(b)-verbs are not a random collection of unrelated senses, but form a semantic network in which individual meanings emerge via metaphorical and metonymic extensions and relate to systematic and partially predictable applications of concrete spatial relations to abstract ideas.
Keywords: verbal prefixes, o(b)- in Croatian, cognitive linguistics
U radu se analizira glagolski prefix o(b)- u hrvatskome jeziku iz kognitivnolingvističke perspektive, s posebnim osvrtom na povezanost njegovih naizgled različitih značenja, te na proširenja njegovih prostornih značenja u neprostorne domene. Prototipno značenje glagola s prefiksom o(b)- uključuje ideju kružnoga kretanja u konkretnim prostornim domenama: trajektor (TR) se kružno kreće oko orijentira (LM). Ta se prostorna shema kružnoga kretanja može ilustrirati glagolom kretanja optrčati. Analiza ima za cilj pokazati da središnje značenje prefiksa o(b)-, kretanje oko, ima poseban status u značenjskoj mreži jer na izravan ili neizravan način motivira sva ostala značenja. U radu pokazujemo da različita značenja prefiksa o(b)- ne predstavljaju nasumičan zbir nepovezanih značenja, već da čine koherentnu značenjsku mrežu.
This work has been copyrighted and every use of it should be referenced. For any questions regarding the work, please do not hesitate to contact me.
© Petra Mikolić