Lene Auestad
Lene Auestad (http://www.lawritings.net) holds a PhD in Philosophy from The University of Oslo. Her monograph Respect, Plurality, and Prejudice: A Psychoanalytical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Dynamics of Social Exclusion and Discrimination was published by Karnac in 2015. She is editor of Psychoanalysis and Politics: Exclusion and the Politics of Representa- tion (Karnac, 2012), Nationalism and the Body Politic: Psychoanalysis and the growth of Ethnocentrism and Xenophobia (Karnac 2013) and a book on Hannah Arendt in Norwegian (Akademika, 2011). She founded and runs the international and interdisciplinary conference series Psychoanalysis and Politics, http://www.psa-pol.org
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Books by Lene Auestad
Our time is characterised by a growth in expressed hostility and violence towards people who are perceived as 'others'. Hatred towards and discrimination against minorities is on the rise. This book presents a new understanding of prejudice, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, islamophobia, sexism and homophobia. It combines philosophy with psychoanalytic thinking, sociology and psycho-social studies, analysing the unconscious elements of social processes.
The author makes a case for framing a questioning of prejudice, not in terms of normality versus pathology or deviance, but in what is socially unconscious. Hypocrisy and double standards are inherent in our social practices; we believe in equality, yet we do not always do it. Thus this study takes account of conflicts between theory and practice, layers of implicit- and explicitness, pre- and unconscious experience and the power differentials that shape these constellations.
There is no neutral point of view from which prejudice can be addressed. The chapters in this study approach the problem of how to understand prejudice from different angles, aiming at ways of enabling listening to voices that are rarely heard. It questions how to reshape society so as to make room for people who appear to embody so-called contemptible qualities – for extension of respect across differences and inequalities.
Lene Auestad
The Dread of Sameness: Social Hatred and Freud's 'Narcissism of Minor Differences'
Karl Figlio
Subjectivity and Absence – Prejudice as a Psycho-Social Theme
Lene Auestad
Metapsychological Approaches to Exclusion
Jonathan Davidoff
The Excluded in Identification
Calum Neill
True Believer: Racism and one Nazi Ideologist
Martyn Housden
Staring and Phantasy – A Speculative Attempt to Understand and Address the Widely Observed Misrepresentation and Exclusion of People with Disfigurements
Jane Frances
'Who is afraid of DSM?' The Place of the Subject in the Society of Therapy
René Rasmussen
Islamism and Xenophobia
Sverre Varvin
Traces of Trauma in Post-Conflict Guatemala. Theoretical Reflections on the Effects of Trauma on a Social Organization
Elisabeth Rohr
Psychoanalysis behind Iron Curtains
Ferenc Erős
The Extensions of Psychoanalysis: Colonialism, Post-Colonialism and Hospitality
Julia Borossa
Denne artikkelsamlingen, den første om Hannah Arendt på norsk, har som mål å gi et bilde av Arendt-forskningen i Norge i dag, og samtidig fremvise bredden i Arendts forfatterskap.
"Pariabegrepet i Hannah Arendts politiske teori"
Vibeke Erichsen
"Pluralitet og menneskeverd"
Lene Auestad
"Arendts analyse av 'det sosiale' - et egnet utgangspunkt for
samfunnskritikk i dag?"
Arne Johan Vetlesen
"'Politikkens autonomi'- en revurdering"
Dana Villa
"Hannah Arendt om frihet, eller en 'ny statsvitenskap'"
Helgard Mahrdt
"Uwe Johnson og Hannah Arendt. Erindring som forløsningens nøkkel"
Bernd Neumann
"Om å bruke hodet. Hannah Arendts tankevekker"
Elin Svenneby
Om forfatterne
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ArendtHannah
Omtale med utdrag fra innledningen på Salongen: http://www.salongen.no/-/bulletin/show/678424_moeter-med-hannah-arendt?ref=mst
Omtale på Tysklands ambassade i Oslo: http://www.oslo.diplo.de/Vertretung/oslo/no/06/2011_20Nyheter/Arendt__Seite.html"
Anmeldelse ved Truls Lie i norske Le Monde Diplomatique,
"En kjærlighet til verden":
Papers by Lene Auestad
basic trust; Fassbinder; identification; racism; Winnicott
Our time is characterised by a growth in expressed hostility and violence towards people who are perceived as 'others'. Hatred towards and discrimination against minorities is on the rise. This book presents a new understanding of prejudice, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, islamophobia, sexism and homophobia. It combines philosophy with psychoanalytic thinking, sociology and psycho-social studies, analysing the unconscious elements of social processes.
The author makes a case for framing a questioning of prejudice, not in terms of normality versus pathology or deviance, but in what is socially unconscious. Hypocrisy and double standards are inherent in our social practices; we believe in equality, yet we do not always do it. Thus this study takes account of conflicts between theory and practice, layers of implicit- and explicitness, pre- and unconscious experience and the power differentials that shape these constellations.
There is no neutral point of view from which prejudice can be addressed. The chapters in this study approach the problem of how to understand prejudice from different angles, aiming at ways of enabling listening to voices that are rarely heard. It questions how to reshape society so as to make room for people who appear to embody so-called contemptible qualities – for extension of respect across differences and inequalities.
Lene Auestad
The Dread of Sameness: Social Hatred and Freud's 'Narcissism of Minor Differences'
Karl Figlio
Subjectivity and Absence – Prejudice as a Psycho-Social Theme
Lene Auestad
Metapsychological Approaches to Exclusion
Jonathan Davidoff
The Excluded in Identification
Calum Neill
True Believer: Racism and one Nazi Ideologist
Martyn Housden
Staring and Phantasy – A Speculative Attempt to Understand and Address the Widely Observed Misrepresentation and Exclusion of People with Disfigurements
Jane Frances
'Who is afraid of DSM?' The Place of the Subject in the Society of Therapy
René Rasmussen
Islamism and Xenophobia
Sverre Varvin
Traces of Trauma in Post-Conflict Guatemala. Theoretical Reflections on the Effects of Trauma on a Social Organization
Elisabeth Rohr
Psychoanalysis behind Iron Curtains
Ferenc Erős
The Extensions of Psychoanalysis: Colonialism, Post-Colonialism and Hospitality
Julia Borossa
Denne artikkelsamlingen, den første om Hannah Arendt på norsk, har som mål å gi et bilde av Arendt-forskningen i Norge i dag, og samtidig fremvise bredden i Arendts forfatterskap.
"Pariabegrepet i Hannah Arendts politiske teori"
Vibeke Erichsen
"Pluralitet og menneskeverd"
Lene Auestad
"Arendts analyse av 'det sosiale' - et egnet utgangspunkt for
samfunnskritikk i dag?"
Arne Johan Vetlesen
"'Politikkens autonomi'- en revurdering"
Dana Villa
"Hannah Arendt om frihet, eller en 'ny statsvitenskap'"
Helgard Mahrdt
"Uwe Johnson og Hannah Arendt. Erindring som forløsningens nøkkel"
Bernd Neumann
"Om å bruke hodet. Hannah Arendts tankevekker"
Elin Svenneby
Om forfatterne
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ArendtHannah
Omtale med utdrag fra innledningen på Salongen: http://www.salongen.no/-/bulletin/show/678424_moeter-med-hannah-arendt?ref=mst
Omtale på Tysklands ambassade i Oslo: http://www.oslo.diplo.de/Vertretung/oslo/no/06/2011_20Nyheter/Arendt__Seite.html"
Anmeldelse ved Truls Lie i norske Le Monde Diplomatique,
"En kjærlighet til verden":
basic trust; Fassbinder; identification; racism; Winnicott
Keywords: attachment; enforced splitting; group relations; instrumental rationality; power relations
framework involves an epistemic closure as well as enrichment, and that thinking rests jointly on a fundamental felt security and willingness to risk one's supporting frameworks.
Keywords: Arendt, Bion, meaning, plurality, thinking
Confirmed speakers:
DAVID CESARANI, OBE, Professor, History, Royal Holloway – Survivors as Diagnosticians: Early Attempts to Comprehend the Nazi Catastrophe by Physicians and Psychologists
EDIE FRIEDMAN, Director, Jewish Council for Racial Equality – Jews and the Struggle for Social Justice: Why We Sometimes Fail to Live up to Our Tradition and Experience
GABY GLASSMAN, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trustee AJR – Trauma and History: What Do We Do with What Has Happened?
CALUM NEILL, Lecturer, Psychology, Edinburgh Napier University – Not to Naught: Paul Celan and the Necessary Failure of the Ever Coming Word
DAVID POLAK, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg. – Sleeping with the Door Open: The Unconscious Transmission of Intergenerational Trauma
IRENE BRUNA SEU, Reader, Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck/Psychotherapist, UKCP reg. – Bystanders to Human Rights Violations and Genocide: A Psychosocial Perspective
ZÖE WAXMAN, Associate, Oriental Institute, Oxford – An Exceptional Genocide? Sexual Violence in the Holocaust
This is an inquiry into the phenomenon of prejudice; negative attitudes and judgments towards individuals because of the assumed negative characteristics of the category they are perceived as belonging to. It combines philosophical reflection with psychoanalytic, object-relational, thinking, while also touching on sociology and psycho-social studies.
Starting from the question of why people often fail to convey respect across boundaries of inequality, I argue that there is a relation of mutual dependency between how one evaluates one’s own identity and one's evaluation of the identity of the other. I frame prejudice as characterised by 'symbolic transfer' of a value-laden meaning onto a socially formed category and then onto individuals who are taken to belong to it, resistance to change and overgeneralization. It relies on processes where aspects of oneself as simultaneously agent and sufferer, as an active initiator and interpreter and vulnerable to the consequences of others' acts and intentions are forcefully displaced onto devalued others, thus protecting the attributor against identification.
Although prejudices vary, their interrelatedness and their shared essential features supports regarding prejudice as one phenomenon.
Hypocrisy and double standards are inherent in our social practices; we believe in equality, yet we do not do so. Studies of prejudice need to take account of conflicts between theory and practice, layers of implicit- and explicitness, pre- and unconscious experience and the power differentials that shape these constellations.
A mutual relation prevails between experience and interpretation of self and other. Allowing 'the subject to be also an object' and 'the object to be also a subject', the actor and active interpreter to be also a sufferer and vice versa, implies an extended capacity for identification. It enables questioning how to reshape society so as to make room for people who appear to embody so-called contemptible qualities – for extension of respect across differences and inequalities.
Avhandlingen undersøker fenomenet fordommer, forstått som negative holdninger og dommer overfor individer på bakgrunn av de antatt negative kjennetegnene ved kategorien de oppfattes å tilhøre. Den kombinerer filosofisk refleksjon med psykoanalytisk, objektrelasjonsteoretisk, tenkning, og berører også sosiologi og 'psycho-social studies'.
Med utgangspunkt i spørsmålet om hvorfor folk ofte ikke lykkes i å tilkjennegi respekt på tvers av ulikheter, argumenterer jeg for at det er et gjensidig avhengighetsforhold mellom hvordan en evaluerer ens egen identitet og ens evaluering av den andres sådanne. Jeg karakteriserer fordommer som kjennetegnet ved 'symbolsk forflyting' av et verdiladet meningsinnhold til en sosialt formgitt kategori og deretter til individer som blir oppfattet som tilhørende denne, motstand mot forandring og overgeneralisering. De avhenger av prosesser der aspekter av en selv som samtidig aktør og rammet, som aktiv fortolker og initiativtager og sårbar overfor følgene av andres handlinger og intensjoner tvinges over på devaluerte andre; dermed beskyttes fortolkeren mot identifisering.
Tross at fordommer varierer, taler sammenhengene og fellestrekkene mellom dem for å betrakte fordommer som ett fenomen.
Hykleri og dobbeltmoral er iboende i våre sosiale praksiser; vi tror på likeverd, samtidig gjør vi det ikke. Studier av fordommer må ta hensyn til konfliktene mellom teori og praksis, lag av innforstått- og uttalthet, før- og ubevisst erfaring og maktforskjellene som former disse konstellasjonene.
Det er et gjensidig forhold mellom erfaring og fortolkning av en selv og en annen. Å la 'subjektet også være et objekt' og 'objektet også være et subjekt', den handlende og aktivt fortolkende også være rammet og omvendt, innebærer en utvidet evne til identifisering. Det muliggjør spørsmål om hvordan omforme samfunnet for å gi rom for personer som tilsynelatende legemliggjør såkalte foraktelige egenskaper – for utvidelse av respekt på tvers av ulikheter.
Karnac Books, 2015
by Richard Brouilette on September 11, 2015