University of Oslo
Norwegian Center for Human Rights
This article looks at the issue of the validity of reservations to international human rights treaties through the lens of the International Court of Justice (ICJ or Court). A broader perspective is created by comparing the respective... more
This article shall focus on the role and contribution of the International Court of Justice (ICJ or Court) to developing and interpreting the right of peoples to self-determination. The most relevant cases decided by the Court so far,... more
The contribution of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to the interpretation and development of international human rights and humanitarian law rules and principles is a topic of growing interest and importance. Claims of breaches... more
In analyzing and describing the contribution and the role of an important international judicial body such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ, World Court, or simply the Court) in the interpretation and the development of... more
This article critically assesses the role of provisional measures indicated by the International Court of Justice in protecting populations during armed conflict situations and the legal consequences attached to the violation of such... more
"This short paper aims to provide an overall assessment of the transitional justice processes in the countries emerging from the violent break-up of the former Yugoslavia by focusing on the issues of reparations for victims of the armed... more
This paper focuses on the applicability of general international law principles and instruments to European Union (EU) peace missions (also known as crisis management operations). First, the paper shall address the legal framework... more
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the motivations and the dynamics that lie at the root of infringements by Defence lawyers of the formal rules and regulations of international criminal courts and tribunals (ICs or tribunals). Although not... more
Although promoting, enforcing, and ensuring respect for human rights and humanitarian law norms has been high on the international agenda for over six decades, effective implementation and enforcement still leave ample room for... more