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Hungary and Czechoslovakia entered in to a treaty on joint investment of construction and operation of a system of locks which came in to force right in 30 June 1978 over the Danube river that flows across boarders of nine countries from... more
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Can human rights principles admit degrees of contextual variations? Are our cultures condemned to a formally rigid standard of universalist hegemony? This work provides an innovative contribution to the legal-philosophical understanding... more
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In this article I present some implications for a concept of transitional justice through the comparison of two approaches: retributive vs. restorative theories. Notwithstanding their profound differences in perspective, both models are... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy & Social Criticism
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    • Philosophy
This paper reconsiders the Hegelian notion of recognition in terms of discursive action, reformulating some of the central Habermasian points at this regard. The post-metaphysical justification of human rights which is here presented, is... more
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    • Applied Ethics
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With this essay I analyse the notion of cultural difference with a reference to moral and epistemic relativism. I then explain how the contradictory nature of relativism leads to the notion of cultural difference and then to the idea of... more
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The actual international scenario, while urging for the elaboration of yet more refined international models of justice, it calls also for the understanding of those transitional contexts where no fully fledged democracy or rule of law of... more
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Recently the idea according to which well-being is to be valued in view of the maximization of self-utility, has been challenged by several economic theories as in particular by Sen's capability approach. This has amounted to the view... more
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