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Leakage of bacteria from the coronal aspect may cause failure of root canal therapy when an inadequate coronal seal is present. Chlorhexidine, by its ability to bind to dentin and elicit long-term antibacmrial activity, may be an... more
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent of bacterial reduction with nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation and 1.25% NaOCl irrigation. Also, the additional antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide for >1 wk was tested.... more
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      DentistryLinear modelsChronic DiseaseBacteria
The attachment of Srreprococcus 01 5 to the acquired pellicle difTered from its sorption to uncoated tooth enamel surfaces. Attachment was mediated by specific components of the pellicle. Pre-incubation of the saliva used for pellicle... more
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      ZoologyDentistryBiomedical EngineeringAdsorption
The microbiological properties of four tissue conditioners, one soft liner, and one acrylic resin were studied. The tissue conditioners showed no or negligible antimicrobial effects toward salivary microorganisms by two different in vitro... more
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      EngineeringDental MaterialsCandida albicansAged
The change in temperature in cylindrical specimens of 7 different dental cements was measured under various storage conditions after removal from a water bath at 37~ The strength of these cements was also measured using the same type of... more
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      EngineeringPhysical ChemistryDental MaterialsTemperature
A long-term test was started in 1979 to evaluate the clinical serviceability of a zinc-phosphate and a polycarboxylate cement. After 54 months observation both cements had served equally well. One crown had come loose in either group, but... more
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      EngineeringDental MaterialsClinical StudyDenture Retention
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of Nd:YAG laser irradiation in disinfecting the root canal system. Seventy-five teeth were uniformly instrumented and sterilized, and their root canals were infected for 60 min with an... more
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      DentistryScanning Electron MicroscopyLasersDental
Aim The aim of the study was to compare the quality of root ¢llings completed by lateral condensation (LC), Therma¢l (TF), and a new technique using Ther-ma¢l for back¢lling (BF), with special emphasis on control of over¢lling.... more
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      DentistryTooth RootRoot Canal Filling MaterialsDental Pulp Cavity
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      DentistryEvoked PotentialsDentalRats
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      DentistryAdolescentChildStatistical Significance
Yeasts belong to a separate kingdom of living organisms, fungi. Contrary to bacteria, fungi are eukaryotic organisms, i.e., their genome is organized in a nucleus which is surrounded by a membrane. This membrane is continuous with the... more
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      DentistryCandida albicansRoot Canal IrrigantsRoot Canal
from the coronal aspect may cause failure of root canal therapy when an inadequate coronal seal is present. Chlorhexidine, by its ability to bind to dentin and elicit long-term antibacmrial activity, may be an effective intracanal... more
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      DentistryEndodonticsRoot Canal
A standardized and reproducible method of radiopacity measurements of dental materials is presented. The method entails densitometric comparison of standard-sized specimens with an aluminum step wedge under controlled conditions for... more
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      Root CanalRoot Canal Filling MaterialsContrast Media
The antibacterial activity of chlorhexidine digluconate and iodine potassium iodide on Enterococcus faecalis A197A was tested in the presence of dentin, dentin matrix, dentin pretreated by EDTA and citric acid, collagen, and heat-killed... more
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      DentistryCandida albicansTemperatureDisinfectants
The microscopic details of the debonded interfaces between endodontic sealers and dentin or gutta-percha were assessed in this study. Dentin, conditioned with 37% H3PO4 for 30 s, 25% citric acid for 30 s, 17% EDTA for 5 min, or a rinse... more
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      DentistryScanning Electron MicroscopyEpoxy ResinsEndodontics
The antibacterial efficacy of irrigating solutions and local disinfectants used in endodontics appears poorer in vivo than in vitro. One explanation may be inactivation by compounds present in the root canal. MTAD (a mixture of... more
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      DentistryRoot Canal IrrigantsCattleAntibacterial activity
An in vitro model was developed for investigation of Candida albicans penetration into human dentinal tubules. The model consisted of a dentin disc mounted between two cuvettes that each had a circular opening facing the disc. The... more
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      DentistryTransmission Electron MicroscopyPlant tissue Culture TechniquesCandidiasis
In this study computerized image analysis procedures were applied to endodontic radiographs. Kontron IBAS 2000 is a commercially available image analysis system with processing routines applicable to radiograph digitizing and... more
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      DentistryWound HealingImage AnalysisMedicine
One-hundred and twenty-three polyethylene tube implants of 12 endodontic sealers were placed subcutaneously into rats. The implants were left in situ for periods of 14 and 90 days. The tissue response was analyzed histologically and by... more
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      Materials ScienceDentistryMacrophagesMedicine
NIOM-SCANDINAVIAN INSTITUTE OF DENTAL MATERIALS Root canals with vital pulps in four Macaca fascicularis monkeys were subjected to pulp extirpation and root filling with1 gutta-percha and sealer, either AH26, Endomethasone, Kloroperka... more
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