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Objectives: To find how often social problems influence clinical management in general practice, how management is changed, and how the characteristics of patients, doctors, and the doctor-patient relationship influence this management.
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      Social ProblemsFamily PracticeMultivariate AnalysisNorway
Objectives: To evaluate general practitioners' knowledge of a range of psychosocial problems among their patients and to explore whether doctors' recognition of psychosocial problems depends on previous general knowledge about the patient... more
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      NursingViolenceSocial ProblemsHousing
Objective: To investigate how much of the variance in data on nurse evaluation of different aspects of hospital work can be attributed to individual, ward, department and hospital levels, and to discuss the implication of the findings on... more
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      Job SatisfactionQuality ImprovementHospitalsNorway
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      Knowledge ManagementLeadershipQuality ImprovementTeaching
Objective-To examine the relation between general practitioners' knowledge about their patients and the use of resources in consultations. Design-A cross sectional evaluation of consultations. Setting and subjects-A representative sample... more
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      AdolescentChildChronic DiseaseContinuity of Care
Objective-To evaluate the influence of continuity of care on patient satisfaction with consultations. Design-Direct and episodic specific evaluation of patient satisfaction with recent consultation. Setting and subjects-A representative... more
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      General PracticeHealth CareAdolescentFamily Practice
Folgering HTM, van der Heide S, et al. House dust mite avoidance measures improve peak flow and symptoms in patients with allergy but without asthma: a possible delay in the manifestation of clinical asthma? J Allergy Clin Immunol... more
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      Anti-Bacterial AgentsPublic health systems and services researchBronchitisBMJ
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      Public health systems and services researchBMJ
prescribing data into traffic-light categories; a tool for evaluating treatment quality in primary care. Family Practice 2001; 18: 528-533. Background. Prescribing feedback based on aggregated data alone does not give the information... more
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      Primary Health CareAsthmaAdolescentFamily Practice
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      Social ProblemsAdolescentFamily PracticeNorway
Insight into patients' priorities with respect to health care should complement the views of professionals and policy makers on what is thought to be appropriate health care. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of general practice... more
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      General PracticeHealth CareQuality of Mental Health CareHealth Services Research
Purpose: To analyze associations among the negative life experiences and health-care-seeking of adolescents during the 12 months before the study. Methods: Cross-sectional questionnaire study among 10th-year students at all secondary... more
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      EducationHealth BehaviorMental HealthDepression
Objective-To assess the efficacy of near-to-patient laboratory testing in diagnosing group A beta haemolytic streptococci throat infection in adults, alone and in conjunction with the doctor's clinical judgement. Setting and subjects-174... more
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      NursingAdolescentRegression AnalysisStreptococcus Pyogenes
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      NursingResearchFamily PracticeNorway
Quantitative C-reactive protein (CRP) measurement has become increasingly valuable as a test for rapid diagnosis of infections in hospital medicine. CRP has not obtained the same importance in primary health care. This has, at least... more
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      NursingPrimary Health CareCommunicable DiseasesPrimary
Background: Millions of patients are prescribed drugs for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in developing countries each year, yet the treatment effect of these prescriptions is largely unknown. Objectives: To determine if the... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyTreatment OutcomeAdolescentBotswana
Preface "Improving public health control of sexually transmitted diseases in Botswana" is one of the institutional collaboration projects financed by the Health Sector Agreement between Norway and Botswana. The project has two main... more
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      Health CareMedical MicrobiologyMaternal HealthChlamydia trachomatis
We examined an instrument-free test for C-reactive protein (CRP) in whole blood. The NycoCard CRP Whole Blood test uses a cell-solubilizing dilution liquid, a membrane-bound antibody that binds CRP, and a gold-conjugated antibody for... more
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      Primary Health CareQuality ControlClinical ChemistryGold
relationship between a woman and her clinician should be built on trust, and the benefits and the risks of a procedure such as an episiotomy must be openly discussed to ensure truly informed consent. The reexamination of the use of... more
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      General PracticePrimary Health CareBritish medical historyHealth Care reform
It is difficult to put research findings into clinical practice by either guidelines or prescription feedback. To study the effect on the quality of prescribing by a combined intervention of providing individual feedback and deriving... more
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      AsthmaPeer ReviewNorwayClinical Practice