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      AnthropologyNatural Resource ManagementBureaucracyAtlantic Salmon
Drawing on current changes in nature practices in the County of Finnmark in Northern Norway we reflect upon the ways in which indigenous and non-indigenous locals, in a period of transition, engage with and relate to their environment in... more
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      Legal ReformDecolonisationFinnmarkSami People
In 2009 the Norwegian Directorate of Nature Management warned that the Atlantic salmon population in River Tana in arctic Norway was dramatically reduced. Active measures had to be taken to prevent future extinction. Local fishermen... more
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      Sociology Of Scientific KnowledgeAtlantic SalmonLocal KnowledgeSami People
This paper compares two rivers, Tana River in Northern Norway and Columbia River on the northwest coast of the United States of America. Both rivers host indigenous populations, the Sámi and the Nez Perce, whose cultural and material... more
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      IndigeneitySalmonPolitics of Nature
The nature of domestication: Salmon, phenomenology, and actor-network theory
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      Human-Animal RelationsSalmonidsDomestication
Gro B. Ween, Sosialantropologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.
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      Nature WritingPlace Making
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      AnthropologyLocal KnowledgeSami People
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      IndigeneityWorld Cultural HeritageSami People
Indigenous people live in places that non-indigenous people generally consider nature. As these peoples' livelihoods often are in this nature, their lives are frequently bureaucratised in ways that most of us would never encounter. This... more
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      AnthropologyComputer NetworksNature WritingDatabases
and stories. How is it that we "write nature"? How is it that we provide space for, and actually describe the actors, agents, or surroundings, in our stories and analyses? The articles in the issue each deal with different understandings... more
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      Nature WritingMaterial SemioticsActor-Network Theory
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      AnthropologyActor Network TheoryIndigeneity
Nature as practice: nature in recent Norwegian anthropological theory The article provides a framework for this issue of NAT by outlining recent theoretical approaches to environmental anthropology. The 'performative turn' in studies
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      Indigenous PeoplesBureaucracyPlace Making
Contribution to the Hau forum "Anthropology and STS: Generative interfaces, multiple locations." (Marisol de la Cadena, Marianne E. Lien, Mario Blaser, Casper Bruun Jensen, Tess Lea, Atsuro Morita, Heather Anne Swanson, Gro B. Ween, Paige... more
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      OntologyActor Network TheorySocial and Cultural AnthropologySTS (Anthropology)
In this article, two anthropologists with diverse backgrounds, including indigenous studies, heritage and nature management, as well as social studies of science, test the postcolonial view of World Heritage. World Heritage landscapes are... more
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      Cultural HeritagePostcolonial StudiesActor Network TheorySocial and Cultural Anthropology
and stories. How is it that we "write nature"? How is it that we provide space for, and actually describe the actors, agents, or surroundings, in our stories and analyses? The articles in the issue each deal with different understandings... more
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      Actor Network TheoryMaterial SemioticsNew Materialism
Nature as practice: nature in recent Norwegian anthropological theory. The article provides a framework for this issue of NAT by outlining recent theoretical approaches to environmental anthropology. The ‘performative turn’ in studies of... more
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and stories. How is it that we "write nature"? How is it that we provide space for, and actually describe the actors, agents, or surroundings, in our stories and analyses? The articles in the issue each deal with different understandings... more
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      ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesViking StudiesViking Age Archaeology