Papers by Pietro Schirò
Archivio Giuridico , 2024
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HISTORY&LAW ENCOUNTERS Lezioni per pensare da giurista IV, 2024
Il contributo si concentra sull’anatomista Lorenzo Tenchini e in particolare su una sua specifica... more Il contributo si concentra sull’anatomista Lorenzo Tenchini e in particolare su una sua specifica opera il saggio dal titolo I moderni studi del cervello nelle scienze sociali del 1887, nel quale il medico, pur aderendo pienamente al nuovo indirizzo animato dalla anatomia patologica e dalla antropologia criminale, esamina il processo culturale e scientifico che ha condotto all’affermazione delle scienze positive nella medicina, non omettendo di sottolineare le connessioni delle nuove scienze antropologiche con le nascenti scienze sociali. Secondo gli studi presentanti nel saggio dal medico bresciano, dalla conoscenza del funzionamento del cervello e del sistema nervoso è possibile regolare tutta la vita sociale umana. Da qui, Tenchini prevede una serie di riforme sociali che coinvolgono, sorprendentemente, temi sociali ancora al centro di dibattiti come la questione sociale, femminile e ambientale.

Il contributo si propone di ricostruire i rapporti tra il brigantaggio e il fenomeno mafioso, sof... more Il contributo si propone di ricostruire i rapporti tra il brigantaggio e il fenomeno mafioso, soffermandosi sul brigantaggio siciliano che presenta alcuni aspetti di originalità rispetto all’omonimo fenomeno italiano, e che in Sicilia finisce per intrecciarsi e favorire l’affermazione della mafia. Il risentimento verso il nuovo Stato e le sue misure repressive ed eccezionali; il bisogno di giustizia sociale e di modernità conducono all’affermazione di una criminalità di stampo mafiosa capace di incoraggiare, utilizzare e poi reprimere il brigantaggio. Da qui, seguendo le intuizioni di alcuni giuristi siciliani, si sviluppa la particolare delinquenza dell’isola, sia nella sua forma comune del banditismo, sia del brigantaggio e poi della mafia. Una criminalità che pertanto, secondo i citati autori, è il frutto di determinate condizioni sociali e culturali, che senza gli opportuni interventi sociali e normativi sarebbe destinata a perdurare anche negli anni avvenire.
This text focuses on the theme of criminal responsibility in
Italian legal science at the end of... more This text focuses on the theme of criminal responsibility in
Italian legal science at the end of the 19th century, when the development of new
sciences such as comparative medicine, anthropology and sociology, favoured by
the rise of positivism and Darwinism, radically changed the concept of criminal
liability. In the following pages, I discuss the denial of free will in favour of the
determinist theses expressed first by Cesare Lombroso and his criminal anthropol-
ogy, and then by a series of jurists who prefer to hold that crime is generated by
social factors, and that this being the case, the moral order of a society must be
taken into account, which is the only way to maintain the notion of guilt in the
penal system. In the end, a final mention is made of the impact of neuroscience,
which once again seems to compress the freedom of the human will.
Italian Review of Legal History, 2021
L’articolo tratta la genesi della penalistica sociale che si afferma nell’ultimo ventennio del XI... more L’articolo tratta la genesi della penalistica sociale che si afferma nell’ultimo ventennio del XIX secolo, ovvero un movimento di giuristi che mostra grande sensibilità per la dimensione sociale del diritto e attribuisce un ruolo decisivo ai fattori sociali nella generazione dei crimini. Una prima parte dell’articolo si concentrerà sulla definizione della penalistica sociale e sul superamento dell’etichetta socialismo giuridico; successivamente verranno considerati i diversi contributi apportati alla penalistica sociale da Pietro Ellero e da Enrico Ferri. I due autori possono essere considerati i precursori della penalistica sociale.

Historia et ius , 2022
This article analyses the figure of the Brescian doctor Lorenzo Tenchini (1852-1906),famous for c... more This article analyses the figure of the Brescian doctor Lorenzo Tenchini (1852-1906),famous for creating wax masks to reproduce the faces of criminals in order to showthe link between the shape of the face and the predisposition to crime. The authorcollects in his Criminal Anthropology Archive more than a hun-dred faces of criminalswith their respective brains, in a cataloguing of the criminal factor representedthrough biophysical elements. Physical imperfection is a symbol of involution and asymptom of criminality. The figure of Lorenzo Tenchini can certainly be included among those belonging tothe so-called Italian Positive School, but I propose, here,to place him more preciselyin the positive medical school; Indeed, it is possible to say that the Positive School ismade up of two dif-ferent macro-areas: a juridical-sociological area, marked by theScuola criminale positiva, and an area belonging to the world of medicine, markedby the presence of alienists, psychiatrists, forensic doctors, anatomists andfreniatricians: hence a Positive Medical School. By studying some of the Bresciandoctor's works, it was possible to reconstruct a medical school inspired by CesareLombroso, and linked to the Italian positivist experience of the late 19th century. Finally, Tenchini's stud-ies and his anatomical exhibits are of particular significancetoday as they anticipate by a century modern studies on the brain, maxillofacialreconstruction and robotics
Italian Review of Legal History, 2021
L’articolo tratta la genesi della penalistica sociale che si afferma nell’ultimo ventennio del X... more L’articolo tratta la genesi della penalistica sociale che si afferma nell’ultimo ventennio del XIX secolo, ovvero un movimento di giuristi che mostra grande
sensibilità per la dimensione sociale del diritto e attribuisce un ruolo decisivo ai fattori
sociali nella generazione dei crimini. Una prima parte dell’articolo si concentrerà sulla
definizione della penalistica sociale e sul superamento dell’etichetta socialismo giuridico;
successivamente verranno considerati i diversi contributi apportati alla penalistica sociale
da Pietro Ellero e da Enrico Ferri. I due autori possono essere considerati i precursori della
penalistica sociale.
Italian Review of Legal History, 2021
This article treats the genesis of the penalistica sociale that emerged in
the last two decades o... more This article treats the genesis of the penalistica sociale that emerged in
the last two decades of the nineteenth century, which was a movement of jurists who
showed great sensitivity to the social dimension of law and who attributed a decisive role
to social factors in the generation of crime. The first part of the article will focus on the
definition of penalistica sociale and the overcoming of the label ‘legal socialism’; then the
different contributions made to penalistica sociale by Pietro Ellero and Enrico Ferri will
be examined. The two authors can be considered the precursors of penalistica sociale.
Historia et ius - 18/2020 – paper 18, 2020
At the end of 19th centuries, the European legal landscape was
challenged by the social question.... more At the end of 19th centuries, the European legal landscape was
challenged by the social question. The rediscovery of the social dimension of reality led to the birth of a various movement of jurists who argued for the socialisation of the law as a means of the resolving the social question. This European tendency is known as Juristen-Sozialismus in Germany, Socialisme juridique in France and Socialismo giuridico in Italy. However the label legal socialism is false as it can be said to have led to the oblivion of many of the theories produced by jurists of this movement. To describe the theses process of socialisation of European law, this article proposes a movement of private social law.
Conference Presentations by Pietro Schirò
Third Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History
18 and 19 February 2022.
European Soc... more Third Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History
18 and 19 February 2022.
European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH).
The Postgraduate Conferences of the ESCLH give advanced PhD-students and post-doctoral-researchers who work in the field of
comparative legal history the opportunity to present their research to a
panel of experts.
Journée d'étude internationale. "Approches épistémologiques et historiographiques du droit crimin... more Journée d'étude internationale. "Approches épistémologiques et historiographiques du droit criminel Jalons pour une histoire intellectuelle du droit pénal"
Organisation : Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone et Marine Vetter, équipe CAHD de l'IRM,
université de Bordeaux vendredi 21 janvier 2022 9h00-18h00 (UTC/GMT+1h
events by Pietro Schirò
Un mistero svelato. Lorenzo Tenchini (1852-1906) e lo studio del cervello dei delinquenti
Books by Pietro Schirò

This volume deals with the figurative representation of law and power in the 19th Century, emphas... more This volume deals with the figurative representation of law and power in the 19th Century, emphasising the importance of images and, thus, of the iconographic representation of themes and concepts pivotal to law in 19th-century Europe. The twenty collected contributions examine multiple topics connected to different forms of artistic expression and investigate how painting, sculpture, and architecture reproduced a peculiar vision of law and power, sometimes to amplify its importance, sometimes to formulate an open critique. The volume analyses a series of case studies to focus, with a comparative and multidisciplinary approach, on the ways in which the emergence of a new juridical experience in 19th-century Europe led to the replacement – or re-semanticisation – of symbols and images traditionally associated with law and power, in order to express and propose to the society of the time a new conception of the law.
Papers by Pietro Schirò
Italian legal science at the end of the 19th century, when the development of new
sciences such as comparative medicine, anthropology and sociology, favoured by
the rise of positivism and Darwinism, radically changed the concept of criminal
liability. In the following pages, I discuss the denial of free will in favour of the
determinist theses expressed first by Cesare Lombroso and his criminal anthropol-
ogy, and then by a series of jurists who prefer to hold that crime is generated by
social factors, and that this being the case, the moral order of a society must be
taken into account, which is the only way to maintain the notion of guilt in the
penal system. In the end, a final mention is made of the impact of neuroscience,
which once again seems to compress the freedom of the human will.
sensibilità per la dimensione sociale del diritto e attribuisce un ruolo decisivo ai fattori
sociali nella generazione dei crimini. Una prima parte dell’articolo si concentrerà sulla
definizione della penalistica sociale e sul superamento dell’etichetta socialismo giuridico;
successivamente verranno considerati i diversi contributi apportati alla penalistica sociale
da Pietro Ellero e da Enrico Ferri. I due autori possono essere considerati i precursori della
penalistica sociale.
the last two decades of the nineteenth century, which was a movement of jurists who
showed great sensitivity to the social dimension of law and who attributed a decisive role
to social factors in the generation of crime. The first part of the article will focus on the
definition of penalistica sociale and the overcoming of the label ‘legal socialism’; then the
different contributions made to penalistica sociale by Pietro Ellero and Enrico Ferri will
be examined. The two authors can be considered the precursors of penalistica sociale.
challenged by the social question. The rediscovery of the social dimension of reality led to the birth of a various movement of jurists who argued for the socialisation of the law as a means of the resolving the social question. This European tendency is known as Juristen-Sozialismus in Germany, Socialisme juridique in France and Socialismo giuridico in Italy. However the label legal socialism is false as it can be said to have led to the oblivion of many of the theories produced by jurists of this movement. To describe the theses process of socialisation of European law, this article proposes a movement of private social law.
Conference Presentations by Pietro Schirò
18 and 19 February 2022.
European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH).
The Postgraduate Conferences of the ESCLH give advanced PhD-students and post-doctoral-researchers who work in the field of
comparative legal history the opportunity to present their research to a
panel of experts.
Organisation : Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone et Marine Vetter, équipe CAHD de l'IRM,
université de Bordeaux vendredi 21 janvier 2022 9h00-18h00 (UTC/GMT+1h
events by Pietro Schirò
Books by Pietro Schirò
Italian legal science at the end of the 19th century, when the development of new
sciences such as comparative medicine, anthropology and sociology, favoured by
the rise of positivism and Darwinism, radically changed the concept of criminal
liability. In the following pages, I discuss the denial of free will in favour of the
determinist theses expressed first by Cesare Lombroso and his criminal anthropol-
ogy, and then by a series of jurists who prefer to hold that crime is generated by
social factors, and that this being the case, the moral order of a society must be
taken into account, which is the only way to maintain the notion of guilt in the
penal system. In the end, a final mention is made of the impact of neuroscience,
which once again seems to compress the freedom of the human will.
sensibilità per la dimensione sociale del diritto e attribuisce un ruolo decisivo ai fattori
sociali nella generazione dei crimini. Una prima parte dell’articolo si concentrerà sulla
definizione della penalistica sociale e sul superamento dell’etichetta socialismo giuridico;
successivamente verranno considerati i diversi contributi apportati alla penalistica sociale
da Pietro Ellero e da Enrico Ferri. I due autori possono essere considerati i precursori della
penalistica sociale.
the last two decades of the nineteenth century, which was a movement of jurists who
showed great sensitivity to the social dimension of law and who attributed a decisive role
to social factors in the generation of crime. The first part of the article will focus on the
definition of penalistica sociale and the overcoming of the label ‘legal socialism’; then the
different contributions made to penalistica sociale by Pietro Ellero and Enrico Ferri will
be examined. The two authors can be considered the precursors of penalistica sociale.
challenged by the social question. The rediscovery of the social dimension of reality led to the birth of a various movement of jurists who argued for the socialisation of the law as a means of the resolving the social question. This European tendency is known as Juristen-Sozialismus in Germany, Socialisme juridique in France and Socialismo giuridico in Italy. However the label legal socialism is false as it can be said to have led to the oblivion of many of the theories produced by jurists of this movement. To describe the theses process of socialisation of European law, this article proposes a movement of private social law.
18 and 19 February 2022.
European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH).
The Postgraduate Conferences of the ESCLH give advanced PhD-students and post-doctoral-researchers who work in the field of
comparative legal history the opportunity to present their research to a
panel of experts.
Organisation : Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone et Marine Vetter, équipe CAHD de l'IRM,
université de Bordeaux vendredi 21 janvier 2022 9h00-18h00 (UTC/GMT+1h