Informatics Engineering
AC Split merupakan salah satu jenis mesin pendingin yang menyerap panas dari dalam ruangan dan memindahkan panas tersebut keluar ruangan sehingga ruangan menjadi dingin. Oleh karena itu agar panas tersebut tidak terbuang percuma maka... more
Diagnosis pasti tuberkulosis paru adalah dengan menemukan kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis dalam sputum atau jaringan paru secara biakan. Pemeriksaan radiologi dan pemeriksaan darah di RSUD dr. Soeselo Slawi sering dilakukan bila... more
This research was aimed to know the effect of audio visual towards conceptual understanding and students learning activities. This research design was pretestpostest non equivalent group. The population of this research were classes of... more
Having a number of audio files in a directory could result to unstructured arrangement of files. This will cause some difficulties for users in sorting a collection of audio files based on a particular category of music. In some previous... more
Diabetic Retinopathy is a disease common complications of diabetes mellitus. The complications in the form of damages on the part of the retina of the eye. The high levels of glucose in the blood are the cause of small capillaries become... more
This aim of this researh is to classify an assessment sentence from students, then classified to produce an information. Classification is used to determine the character of each student so that teachers have no... more
The world of trading today has been transformed in digital technology. Business actors compete to gain as much profit as possible in order to dominate the market. Domination of this market caused a monopoly by the business perpetrators to... more
Dalam kajian ini penulis berupaya mengangkat isu-isu mengenai pengaruh kompetensi dan reward terhadap berpikir kesisteman dalam pendidikan islam (studi pada tenaga kependidikan di MAN 3 Batanghari). Ketertarikan penulis untuk mengkaji... more
- by Imron Rosadi
Riset terdahulu atau riset yang relevan sangat penting dalam suatu riset atau artikel ilmiah. Riset terdahulu atau riset yang relevan berfungsi untuk memperkuat teori dan Pengelolaan keuangan dan peningkatan kualitas lembaga-lemabag... more
- by Imron Rosadi
Excelsa coffee is one type of coffee that is cultivated in Indonesia, this plant is an introduction to be planted in the lowlands, excelsa coffee production is low and the taste is sour so it is not preferred for some people.... more
- by Imron Rosadi
This is a community service related to the treatment and educational assistance on prevention of drug abuse for parents and families around children. West Jakarta, with a very full population density in DKI Jakarta, has a potential... more
- by Imron Rosadi
This paper discusses the effectiveness of supervision carried out by madrasa supervisors in the Ministry of Religion of the Kepulauan Riau Province from a contemporary perspective. The problem is that in the Kepulauan Riau Province there... more
Dunia kontemporer dengan berbagai macam media muncul membuat manusia membalikkan pikiran kepada kehidupan yang dihiasi oleh banyak hal yang membuat manusia sedikit demi sedikit melupakan Allah Swt. Dunia terlihat bagaikan labuan kehidupan... more
Non-structural mitigation on flooding is crucial to be done. The condition of SMA Islam Diponegoro is susceptible to flooding. The lack of education on disaster mitigation influenced to its knowledge and understanding. The experimental... more
This study aimed to explain the concept of al-Qur'an moral education at SDIT Darul Huffadz Bekasi. The research method used by the author is a type of qualitative research through a field research approach, by collecting data or... more
Skripsi ini berjudul : “ANALISIS PENDAPAT IBNU TAIMIYAH TENTANG MEMBERIKAN ZAKAT KEPADA ORANG TUA” Judul penelitian ini dipilih bertujuan memperoleh jawaban yang berimbang dan utuh tentang alasan dan dalil yang dipergunakan Ibnu Taimiyah... more
Pada dasarnya UIN SUSKA Riau memiliki banyak sumber data yang tersebar dan tidak saling terintegrasi, salah satu sumbernya yaitu website OpenData UIN SUSKA Riau. OpenData merupakan pusat data akademik yang tersedia secara bebas untuk... more
Pekanbaru 2018 KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta hidayah-Nya sehingga penyusunan makalah ini dapat terselesaikan. Makalah ini kami susun sebagai tugas dari mata kuliah Sejarah... more