Papers by Firmanda Taufiq

Relations between Iran and the United States show fluctuating dynamics. The historical relationsh... more Relations between Iran and the United States show fluctuating dynamics. The historical relationship and cooperation between the two countries represents how the process works. In fact, during the reign of Shah Reza Pahlavi, Iran-US relations looked good and established important cooperation in several sectors. The political constellation of Iran that continues to intertwine makes the US also respond and issue various policies, including the issue of the nuclear development program. The program during the reign of Hassan Rouhani was also one of the priority policies. Until, the JCPOA agreement was formed between Iran and the P5+1 group countries (US, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany). However, in 2015, the US tried to get out of the agreement because the contents of the agreement did not match the views of US domestic policy. Political constellations and the process of nuclear development are important discourses in viewing the relationship that is being built between Iran and the US. This article seeks to examine the dynamics of relations and cooperation between Iran and the US during the reign of Hassan Rouhani, the reasons for the US leaving the JCPOA agreement, and the background of Iran continuing its nuclear development. The data collection method that the researcher uses is by collecting various references, both from books, journals, newspapers, online media, and other literature related to the issue of relations and cooperation between Iran and the US during the Hassan Rouhani administration and topics surrounding the cause of the US leaving the JCPOA agreement.

The issue of inter-religious tolerance becomes an important issue amid Indonesia's diverse ethnic... more The issue of inter-religious tolerance becomes an important issue amid Indonesia's diverse ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural situation. This is because many problems in the name of violence and religious conflicts still occur in Indonesia. For this reason, efforts are needed to minimize and respond to these problems. In this case, social media also has an important role in relations between religious communities. For this reason, it is necessary to explore more deeply how several platforms on social media are campaigning and discussing religious tolerance. This study seeks to explore the NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu in viewing the landscape of religious tolerance in Indonesia on social media. Through discourse analysis theory, researchers seek to examine how the discourse of religious tolerance is debated in the social media space, which in this case is represented by two media platforms, namely NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu. The results of this study indicate that media platforms such as NU Garis Lucu and the Catholic Community of Garis Lucu have an important role in spreading the pattern of interaction of religious tolerance in Indonesia. The two platforms become accelerators and seek to counter various frictions and conflicts on social media, especially related to hate speech, hostility in the name of religion, and various issues that trigger conflicts between religious communities.

Iran-United States relations have up and down. Some sharp diplomatic statements made by the US pr... more Iran-United States relations have up and down. Some sharp diplomatic statements made by the US president, Donald Trump, as well as the president of Iran, Ayatullah Khomeini. In fact, the sanctions that must be accepted by the US against Iran are embargo sanctions. This article aims to analyze how the future relations between Iran and the United States. Cooperation between the two countries has a history that dates back to the Cold War. Relations between these two countries based on a variety of interests, including economic, political, military, ideological, and security considerations. The theory used in this research is balance of power theory. The US has major interest in the Middle East and Iran is a rival of the US in achieving that interest. Nevertheless, many US foreign policies are caused tension between the two countries. Conversely, Iran has considerable economic importance, but the role of the Iran government elite also has a significant influence in the determination of their foreign policy. The findings in this study, despite challenges and complicated processes, the US and Iran are eternal rivals in the fusion of power and political influence in the Middle East, and relations between both will continue to fluctuate .

Tunisia is one of the Arab countries hit by political upheaval in the Arab Spring era. The countr... more Tunisia is one of the Arab countries hit by political upheaval in the Arab Spring era. The country is considered successful through a relatively stable political transition from authoritarianism to democracy. In this process, Tunisian women have a significant role. This paper aims to describe the feminist movement, which was spearheaded by both the state and women, plays an essential role in the political constellation of Tunisia. Tunisian women had an important role in inviting and mobilizing the masses when the Arab Spring erupted. Post-Arab Spring, they were effectively involved in the political process, including drafting laws in parliament. The law ratified in 2014 is seen as more guaranteeing gender justice. This research was conducted with a qualitative method that utilizes literature studies and implements the concept of state feminism. The results of this study conclude that state feminism has changed the pattern of the political system to be more accommodating to the interests and rights of women and seek to create gender justice in Tunisia.

Religious moderation is an important key in the religious diversity landscape. This concept is on... more Religious moderation is an important key in the religious diversity landscape. This concept is one of the alternatives and solutions amid various conflicts and problems in the name of the division in the name of religion, especially in Indonesia. These problems must be responded to and find solutions so that religious problems in Indonesia can be unraveled. Especially during the digital era like today, promoting and actualizing religious moderation in the context of religion in Indonesia is an absolute must. This study seeks to explore and examine the role of the Ministry of Religion as one of the government institutions that functions as a policymaker in religious activities, especially in the issue of implementing religious moderation in Indonesia, especially in the context of the current digital era. This study uses a descriptiveanalytical approach by taking some data and references sourced from several journal articles, books, and the Ministry of Religion website, as well as various kinds of literature that support the topic in the discussion of this research. Researchers found that the Ministry of Religion seeks to encourage religious moderation in its policies and programs, especially in dealing with religious conflicts in Indonesia, especially conflicts between religious believers, strengthening radicalism, and the emergence of transnational religious ideas that have begun to develop and enter Indonesia, as well as spreading understanding in a structured and massive manner. This is done to muffle and reduce the occurrence of various acts and acts of radicalism and extremism in Indonesia.
Artikel ini bertujuan melacak mengenai diskursus realisme dan karya-karya sastra Arab yang mencer... more Artikel ini bertujuan melacak mengenai diskursus realisme dan karya-karya sastra Arab yang menceritakan dinamika konflik di Timur Tengah. Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada kurangnya literatur yang mengulas terkait karya-karya sastra Arab yang mengkaji sastra realis dan hubungannya dengan konflik yang terjadi di Timur Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaif dengan analisis deskriptif yang menelaah bagaimana realisme muncul dalam kesusatraan Arab dan konteks konflik di Timur Tengah yang terepresentasi dalam karya-karya tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa realisme dalam sastra Arab dan karya-karya yang menceritakan bagaimana konflik Timur Tengah dipotret oleh beberapa penyair dan sastrawan Arab. Dari beberapa karya sastra tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa sastra terbentuk dan tercipta dari realitas sosial masyarakat yang melingkupi lahirnya karya sastra Arab.

This article's aimed to study and trace the traditions related to jihad in the phenomenon of conf... more This article's aimed to study and trace the traditions related to jihad in the phenomenon of conflict in the Middle East. This shows that basically the understanding of the hadith is something important to know how the context of the hadith on the phenomena that occur. This is because, if we look at the events of the conflict that took place in the Middle East, that the combatants and terrorists involved in the conflict in the region are based on the concept of jihad. This situation indicates a perspective on the relationship between understanding jihad and the occurrence of conflict. They think that what they have actually done is jihad. Meanwhile, it is wrong and has tarnished the understanding on the basis of the jihad. Therefore, this study discusses the contextualization of the hadith on the concept of jihad and its relevance in the conflicts that occurred in the Middle East. This research uses descriptive analysis method on the hadiths about jihad. Through this research, it was found that the conceptions of jihad in the hadiths were misunderstood by combatants and terrorists, basically what they interpreted as jihadist traditions.

Islamic law is a construction of the two highest authorities in Islam, namely the Koran and hadit... more Islamic law is a construction of the two highest authorities in Islam, namely the Koran and hadith. In it contains authoritative references in religious matters. Meanwhile, in Khaled's view, Islamic jurists are a source of legitimacy in interpreting religious texts. Khaled tried to criticize the construction of authoritarianism in Islamic law, especially regarding the criticism of the misogynistic fatwas issued by the Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinion (CRLO) and The Society for Adherence to the Sunnah (SAS). In this article, this article analyzes and examines how Khaled M. Abou El-Fadl's ideas offer in matters of text and discourse of authority in Islamic studies, especially those related to the interpretation of religious texts, namely the Al-Quran and hadith. While the method used in this research is a qualitative method using a descriptive-analysis approach. From various facts and data obtained, then analyzed and narrated descriptively with reference to the focus of this study. Based on the research findings, it was found that religious texts should be able to be translated and read properly according to their context, especially the authority and authoritarianism inherent in Islamic studies.

Throughout 2018, relations between Turkey and the United States seemed to deteriorate. The leader... more Throughout 2018, relations between Turkey and the United States seemed to deteriorate. The leaders of the two countries issued sharp diplomatic statements and the US even imposed economic sanctions on Turkey. This article aims to analyze how the future of relations between Turkey and the United States. Cooperation between the two has a long historical side after the Cold War. Relations between the two countries are based on various interests, both economic, political, military and security interests. The theory used in this study is the theory of national interest. The US has great interests in the Middle East and Turkey is the front-line ally in achieving those interests. However, there are many US foreign policies that ignore the Turkish concern and create tensions between the two countries. On the contrary, Turkey also has considerable economic interests, but the role of the government elite (in this case, President Erdogan) has a significant influence in the determination of Turkish foreign policy. The findings of this study, although it will go through complex challenges and processes, the US and Turkey will continue to maintain their relations.
ICMES , 2017
This article aims to analyze the hegemony of the United States against the direction of Saudi pol... more This article aims to analyze the hegemony of the United States against the direction of Saudi policy in the Yemeni conflict. Historically United States and Saudi Arabia have a close relationship since 1940's. The relationship is based on economic, political, military and security interests. With US support, Saudi Arabia has a major influence in the Middle East. The research question in this paper is what is the reason of Saudi's attack toward Yemen and what is the role of United States in this aggression. The theory used in this study is the theory of hegemony which is trying to explain how a country controlled other countries politically and economically. The study finds that Saudi Arabia's foreign policy toward Yemen is one of the effect of American hegemony.
Papers by Firmanda Taufiq