Pada momentum pemilu tahun 2019, tidak satu pun calon anggota legislatif yang berasal dari Desa R... more Pada momentum pemilu tahun 2019, tidak satu pun calon anggota legislatif yang berasal dari Desa Rias berhasil terpilih padahal Desa Rias memiliki Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) yang besar. Pada Pemilu 2019 DPT Desa Rias berjumlah 5.493 jiwa dan yang menggunakan hak pilih sebesar 4.807 jiwa, namun 4 calon legislatif dari Desa Rias menuai kegagalan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dinamika sosial politik masyarakat Desa Rias terkait kontestasi politik pemilihan legislatif tahun 2019, khususnya faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan Calon Legislatif dari Desa Rias. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Kualitatif model deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validitasi data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik yang merujuk pada analisis interaktif model Mills dan Huberman. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa hal dan kondisi yang saling berkaitan yang melatarbelakangi kegagalan calon legislatif dari Desa Rias, yaitu; (1) Konstelasi politik masyarakat. (2) Perilaku politik masyarakat yang bersikap kritis kepada caleg dari dalam desa tetapi tidak kritis terhadap caleg dari luar desa. (3) Figur caleg dari dalam desa yang mendapatkan stigma negatif ketika mendekati pemilihan. (4) Tim sukses/relawan caleg yang tidak solid, tidak berpengalaman, hanya memanfaatkan uang para caleg dan tidak fokus memenangkan caleg dari dalam desa, dan terakhir (5) Biaya atau cost politik caleg yang kecil.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi politik masyarakat Desa Rias pada pemilu ... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi politik masyarakat Desa Rias pada pemilu 2019 dan kondisi yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik tersebut. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Data dalam artikel ini merupakan hasil wawancara dan studi literatur yang relevan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi pemilih di Desa Rias lebih tinggi dari rata-rata partisipasi pemilih di tingkat kecamatan, kabupaten, provinsi, dan nasional. Partisipasi tersebut berkorelasi positif dengan partisipasi politik di tingkat kecamatan hingga nasional. Kondisi yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat Desa Rias dalam pemilu 2019 adalah dinamika politik pemilihan presiden, calon legislatif dari dalam Desa Rias, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan politik masyarakat. Temuan ini menegaskan bahwa partisipasi politik terkait dengan kontes sosial politik lain yang berkembang di masyarakat.
The tsunami disaster in December 2004 was the momentum of Aceh peace which resulted in the Helsin... more The tsunami disaster in December 2004 was the momentum of Aceh peace which resulted in the Helsinki MoU on August 15, 2005. After that, the political constellation and contestation in Aceh were not dominated by national parties but was influenced by the local dimension, namely the local party and former members of the movement who are involved in practical politics. Political stages as a new means of struggle to realize the ideals of post-peace produce satisfying results, former combatants and local parties succeed in winning Aceh political contestation. its means that the people of Aceh have high expectations to local parties to build Aceh. Thus, the decline of the national party since the 2009 election shows that public trust for the national party is very low. The victory of local parties in political contestation in Aceh would certainly be a signal for national parties to make changes to accommodate local interests and movement's actors in a composition of the party in Aceh....
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi)
This reflective paper aims to discuss the importance of using a cultural approach to resolve poli... more This reflective paper aims to discuss the importance of using a cultural approach to resolve political conflicts and see the past as a learning space to create a civilization in the present and future. In the context of conflict, Aceh has become a medium for learning how the political conflict between GAM and the Indonesian government is resolved. The experience of past conflicts, a series of failed negotiations, and the cultural approach to the Helsinki negotiations, in parallel, serve as important lessons and evidence that “historical-humanism” does not work in a vacuum. This article illustrates that a cultural approach is a key to successful negotiations for a resolution. This is due to several things: first, building an estuary of peace with a cultural approach taking into account the representations and interests of the two conflicting parties, related to technicalities and mechanisms and matters of a substantive nature. Second, understanding and appreciating the perspective of...
This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society ... more This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society and government and how society participation to government itself. Data collected by observation, interview and document then analyzed with qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the wheels government are still full of manipulation by a group of elites who with its power make society as the object of policy. The power of elite creates dominance where society does not have sufficient access to influence or feedback on government policy. This happens because the government doesn"t use democratic means, or doesn"t become a "father" for the people in organizing the government. The government is only an administrator rather than a leader so that relations and participation between the community and the government is a relationship of dominance, pseudo-participation, manipulative and co-optative. Public participation...
This research describes Perindo Party’s strategies built a base of loyal voters in the 2019 Indon... more This research describes Perindo Party’s strategies built a base of loyal voters in the 2019 Indonesian Election, particularly by charity show programs on television. The authors used a descriptive qualitative approach finishing this article. The data in this article sourced from observations, studies of literature, and other sources considered relevant and then analyzed by the social exchange theory of Peter Blau. The results of this study indicate that the high concern of societies watching the lives of poor people in various charity show programs besides creating profits for the company, it is also as media of political communication for the owner. When political actors control the media, there are interests communicated, including getting support from voters. That means charity show programs not only given a numerous business profit but also enhanced social branding in front of audiences and built a base of loyal voters from poor family beneficiaries by unbalanced social exchange...
Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks refl... more Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks reflection. Wedding processions in modern Gayo communities illustrate this reality. The depth of meaning through symbols and social actions in every stage of the traditional Gayo wedding procession is beginning to be displaced by the ceremonial lack of understanding that tends to be rushed and infiltrated by global culture. This study documents the knowledge and subjective meaning of Gayo traditional actors regarding the tradition of sinte mungerje marriage by identifying sacred spaces and ritual spaces, then how the modern Gayo people interpret and act based on the observations of research informants. This qualitative research uses in-depth interview techniques in the data collection process. This research found that the essence of sinte mungerje was spirituality and communality nuances characterized by sacred and ritual activity stages. However, this set of norms is no longer institutional...
This paper aims to explain the socio-cultural dynamics of the Acehnese in responding to the Covid... more This paper aims to explain the socio-cultural dynamics of the Acehnese in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic as a disaster that has a global impact. I argue that the general response of the Acehnese community can be seen from the representation of masks, stickers and scatter. The representation of this response to Covid-19 shows that the Acehnese people have lost their vision of a future such as a socio-cultural order in organizing their life cycle. Even if we look at the historically or trajectory starting from the Aceh war with the Netherlands and the Covid 19 pandemic, it shows that the harmonious order between the boundaries of the world and the hereafter has not remained in the cultural memory of society. I use ethnographic methods in the data collection process to see the extent of the relationship between the general public responses to survival against Covid 19. Based on the analysis that the author has conducted on ethnographic data; I conclude that currently the people of...
Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang kebijakan publik pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam bebe... more Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang kebijakan publik pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam beberapa kasus, meskipun kebijakan publik sudah disusun sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada, namun dalam tataran implementasi masih sering ditemui adanya resistensi dari masyarakat, terlebih pada masyarakat yang multikultural. Seting sosial masyarakat dalam tulisan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Rias Kecamatan Toboali Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung yang multi etnis. Dalam menyelesaikan tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, di mana data diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara serta sumber-sumber sekunder pendukung lain yang terkait dengan tema tulisan ini. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun secara prosedural pemerintah telah melaksanan proses perumusan dengan baik namun informasi terkait hasil dari perumusan itu masih menjadi informasi yang “langka” bagi sebagian besar masyarakat. Sehingga hasil kesepakatan tersebut tidak mendapa...
This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society ... more This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society and government and how society participation to government itself. Data collected by observation, interview and document then analyzed with qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the wheels government are still full of manipulation by a group of elites who with its power make society as the object of policy. The power of elite creates dominance where society does not have sufficient access to influence or feedback on government policy. This happens because the government doesn’t use democratic means, or doesn’t become a "father" for the people in organizing the government. The government is only an administrator rather than a leader so that relations and participation between the community and the government is a relationship of dominance, pseudo-participation, manipulative and co-optative. Public participation becomes n...
This article aims to describe the education bureaucracy as a tool to achieve the objectives of ed... more This article aims to describe the education bureaucracy as a tool to achieve the objectives of education through a qualitative approach to the literature study model. The data in this paper is sourced from relevant literature and the author's experience while active in educational activities. The results of this study indicate that the bureaucracy in the form of educational administration has changed to an iron cage that shackles the educational activity itself. The delivery of education loses its orientation and turns into ceremonial routines to meet the demands of the bureaucracy. Various training, capacity building, and teacher competence have been done, but they have not significantly changed the face of education. Iron cage bureaucracy makes teachers "appear" to be developing their competence, but in fact, they are meeting the demands of the bureaucracy. Education must come out of the iron cage bureaucracy by reducing all administrative aspects that bind the noble...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang posisi Ulama Aceh sebagai roh kebudayaan u... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang posisi Ulama Aceh sebagai roh kebudayaan untuk proses rekonsiliasi pasca konflik Aceh. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif, artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam konteks sosio kultural masyarakat aceh, posisi ulama masih menempati strata yang tinggi. Kontribusi dan peran ulama dalam lintas sejarah hingga saat ini telah mengakar dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat Aceh. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dimensi kultural ulama sebagai ruh kebudayaan masyarakat Aceh dapat menjadi solusi dari rekonsiliasi Aceh untuk perdamaian yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini berarti bahwa pelibatan ulama aceh secara praktis dalam kerja rekonsiliasi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor pendukung perdamaian berkelanjutan di Aceh.
This article aims to discuss Thorstein Veblen's perspective about the behavior of waste or ex... more This article aims to discuss Thorstein Veblen's perspective about the behavior of waste or excessive consumption by the leisure class. This article uses the library research to understanding the perspective of Veblen's theory of consumption. We review Veblen's work, The Theory of the Leisure Class, as the main note complemented by relevant books and journals to support this study. The leisure class in this regard act deliberately to display their wealth. The newly rich group flaunted the luxury of their life with a motive to accommodate their desire for social respect and social status. The leisure class realizes their social actions through conspicuous leisure time consumption and conspicuous consumption of goods characterized by imitative and emulative behavior among the actors involved in it. The conspicuous consumption behavior produces élite taste which in turn has a social impact that affects the class behavior of the lower strata.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk...
Ibn Khaldun has a very wide spectrum of ideas about the society he poured in his munomental work ... more Ibn Khaldun has a very wide spectrum of ideas about the society he poured in his munomental work entitled The Muqaddimah. This paper does not intend to disentangle Ibn Khaldun's comprehension comprehensively, but takes only a small portion of his thought, especially with regard to sociological studies. One of Khaldun's original contributions to society is the concept of ashabiyah. This concept then became central to every analysis of Khaldun about society, as well as the concept of badawah and hadarah is one of Khaldun's concepts of society, its movement of change and the factors that influence the motion of a civilization based on ashabiyah. The concept of badawah and hadarah is specifically discussed in this paper as one of the repertoire of sociological thought that can be developed from Ibn Khaldun in analyzing the social changes that occur in society.Keywords: ibn khaldun, badawah, hadarah AbstrakIbn Khaldun memiliki sepektrum pemikiran yang sangat luas tentang masy...
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
In 1976 the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) declared as a form of protest against "Indonesia" neo-coloni... more In 1976 the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) declared as a form of protest against "Indonesia" neo-colonialism which was considered to have exploited Aceh. Since that time then, GAM has become a platform for movement and rebellion for the majority of Acehnese to demand independence. In 2005 after the Tsunami disaster struck Aceh, the dispute between GAM and the Indonesian Government found a meeting point with the signing of the Helsinki MoU and at the same time became a door to peace in Aceh after almost 30 years of conflict. Post the MoU, GAM no longer raised weapons, but his struggle still alive and GAM as a social-political movement still exist, because the Helsinki MoU only disperse the force of their armed, while the ideas, structure, and actors transformed in the form of a political movement. Keywords-Aceh, GAM; political movement; transformation I. INTRODUCTION Various momentum and events that took place in Aceh gave birth to many works and studies on Aceh. It is not difficult to find literature that talks about Aceh. As an area that was first embraced by Islam, Aceh became the basis for the study of the development of Islam in the archipelago. The triumph and sophistication of the kingdom of Aceh is also an interesting study in the realm of history. Until then the resilience and resistance of the Acehnese people against the Dutch in the era of colonialism also became an interesting study. The rebellion against the Indonesian government of which emerged after the independence of Indonesia, the upheaval of DI/TII and the movement free Aceh brought a considerable impact on the community, especially when the determination of Aceh as a Military Operations Area (DOM). The conflict study was quite adequate about the rebellion of Aceh at that time. Belonging to the conflict resolution process, starting from the momentum of the referendum, the implementation of Islamic law, to the peace agreement reached in 2005 after the Tsunami. After the Tsunami, the study of Aceh became widespread, not only about the conflict but also about Tsunami, refugees, Islamic law, gender issues, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. After the peace agreement was signed, Aceh's socio-political dynamics changed significantly. The MoU and the UUPA have changed the social and political structure of the Acehnese. The political arena has become a new contestation arena after the conflict. When the UUPA and qanun about political parties ratified, the political constellation and contestation no longer dominated by the national elite (Jakarta) but was colored by local dimensions filled by former members of the movement (Ikramatoun & Amin, 2018). Although the conflict was over and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) returned to the Republic of Indonesia, the buffetings ideas fought during the conflict still have an existence. Nuhasim (2009)mentions that GAM activities in the political sphere clearly shows, GAM made significant changes in its, and the transformation had a significant impact on the dynamics of local politics and the elite socioeconomic activities of GAM. Therefore, this article aims to discuss how the process of GAM transformation from the rebellion to a political movement based on the genealogical movement that developed in Aceh across history. This paper also talks about negotiations and sociopolitical factors that influence GAM social transformation, including the dynamics of context, structure and movement actors. II. METHOD This study conducted using qualitative methods with an analytical, descriptive model. The purpose of this method to describe the nature of the situation and examine the causes of a particular event (Meleong, 2010: 6). The data in this paper sourced from passive observation and interviews, as well as literature studies as secondary data in the form of Helsinki MoU documents and UUPA, as well as results related to the theme of this study. Furthermore, the process of data analysis is carried out by developing the linkages between data from informants and paying attention to data that is not explicitly seen (Neuman, 2003: 457).
As a newcomer, the Perindo Party seeks to implement a specific strategy in order to compete with ... more As a newcomer, the Perindo Party seeks to implement a specific strategy in order to compete with other parties that have already existed in the Indonesian political contestation. One of these is charity show programs. The high rating and concern societies watching the lives of poor people in various charity programs show besides creating profits also become a means of political communication. When political actors control the media, it is clear that there are interests also communicated, including the political powers of the funnel to get support from voters. When the Perindo Party is declared, the "scent" that HT and his party would use the media under their control is very clear. These signals can also be observed from the dominance of HT’s trusted people in the MNC Group in the composition of the Central Management Board Center, the Assembly of the Union Party and the court of Perindo party. That mean a charity program not only gives a very big business profit, but also...
Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Tangse is one of the sub-districts that located in Pidie district. About 190 km from Banda Aceh t... more Tangse is one of the sub-districts that located in Pidie district. About 190 km from Banda Aceh the capital of Aceh province. Since 2011 until 2018, disasters have become an annual routine of Tangse society, from landslides to flash floods coming every year. In this regards, this paper aims to discuss the dialectics of the community with disasters that befall in Tangse. The Data in this paper derived from observations, interviews and literature studies, then analyzed using a sociological approach. The results of this study found that many things have been done by local governments to cope with disasters. From prevention to reduce the risk of disasters that befall the community, when disasters are increasingly happening, the perspective of the community towards disasters begins to change. Now for some people in Tangse, disasters are not only viewed as calamities but also seen as "benefits". As a result, although the public has a sense of disaster risk, it does not make the ...
This paper aims to discuss how the impact of conflict on the development of education in Aceh tod... more This paper aims to discuss how the impact of conflict on the development of education in Aceh today, because Aceh as a conflict area have different conditions with other areas in indonesia, especially in the development of education. This paper is prepared using a literature study approach, in which data are collected from secondary sources in the form of documents related to current educational development, as well as the results of research related to conflict and educational development. Current conditions indicate that Aceh's educational participation is growing rapidly and exceeding than other areas not affected by the conflict. Conflict has contributed to the acceleration of educational development for the people of Aceh today. The success of educational development is indicated by the increasing number of educational development indicators (APS, APM, HLS, ARLS etc) that surpass the national average. When compared to other areas not exposed to conflict, the development of ...
Pada momentum pemilu tahun 2019, tidak satu pun calon anggota legislatif yang berasal dari Desa R... more Pada momentum pemilu tahun 2019, tidak satu pun calon anggota legislatif yang berasal dari Desa Rias berhasil terpilih padahal Desa Rias memiliki Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) yang besar. Pada Pemilu 2019 DPT Desa Rias berjumlah 5.493 jiwa dan yang menggunakan hak pilih sebesar 4.807 jiwa, namun 4 calon legislatif dari Desa Rias menuai kegagalan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dinamika sosial politik masyarakat Desa Rias terkait kontestasi politik pemilihan legislatif tahun 2019, khususnya faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan Calon Legislatif dari Desa Rias. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Kualitatif model deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validitasi data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik yang merujuk pada analisis interaktif model Mills dan Huberman. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa hal dan kondisi yang saling berkaitan yang melatarbelakangi kegagalan calon legislatif dari Desa Rias, yaitu; (1) Konstelasi politik masyarakat. (2) Perilaku politik masyarakat yang bersikap kritis kepada caleg dari dalam desa tetapi tidak kritis terhadap caleg dari luar desa. (3) Figur caleg dari dalam desa yang mendapatkan stigma negatif ketika mendekati pemilihan. (4) Tim sukses/relawan caleg yang tidak solid, tidak berpengalaman, hanya memanfaatkan uang para caleg dan tidak fokus memenangkan caleg dari dalam desa, dan terakhir (5) Biaya atau cost politik caleg yang kecil.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi politik masyarakat Desa Rias pada pemilu ... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi politik masyarakat Desa Rias pada pemilu 2019 dan kondisi yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik tersebut. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Data dalam artikel ini merupakan hasil wawancara dan studi literatur yang relevan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa partisipasi pemilih di Desa Rias lebih tinggi dari rata-rata partisipasi pemilih di tingkat kecamatan, kabupaten, provinsi, dan nasional. Partisipasi tersebut berkorelasi positif dengan partisipasi politik di tingkat kecamatan hingga nasional. Kondisi yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat Desa Rias dalam pemilu 2019 adalah dinamika politik pemilihan presiden, calon legislatif dari dalam Desa Rias, pengalaman, dan pengetahuan politik masyarakat. Temuan ini menegaskan bahwa partisipasi politik terkait dengan kontes sosial politik lain yang berkembang di masyarakat.
The tsunami disaster in December 2004 was the momentum of Aceh peace which resulted in the Helsin... more The tsunami disaster in December 2004 was the momentum of Aceh peace which resulted in the Helsinki MoU on August 15, 2005. After that, the political constellation and contestation in Aceh were not dominated by national parties but was influenced by the local dimension, namely the local party and former members of the movement who are involved in practical politics. Political stages as a new means of struggle to realize the ideals of post-peace produce satisfying results, former combatants and local parties succeed in winning Aceh political contestation. its means that the people of Aceh have high expectations to local parties to build Aceh. Thus, the decline of the national party since the 2009 election shows that public trust for the national party is very low. The victory of local parties in political contestation in Aceh would certainly be a signal for national parties to make changes to accommodate local interests and movement's actors in a composition of the party in Aceh....
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi)
This reflective paper aims to discuss the importance of using a cultural approach to resolve poli... more This reflective paper aims to discuss the importance of using a cultural approach to resolve political conflicts and see the past as a learning space to create a civilization in the present and future. In the context of conflict, Aceh has become a medium for learning how the political conflict between GAM and the Indonesian government is resolved. The experience of past conflicts, a series of failed negotiations, and the cultural approach to the Helsinki negotiations, in parallel, serve as important lessons and evidence that “historical-humanism” does not work in a vacuum. This article illustrates that a cultural approach is a key to successful negotiations for a resolution. This is due to several things: first, building an estuary of peace with a cultural approach taking into account the representations and interests of the two conflicting parties, related to technicalities and mechanisms and matters of a substantive nature. Second, understanding and appreciating the perspective of...
This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society ... more This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society and government and how society participation to government itself. Data collected by observation, interview and document then analyzed with qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the wheels government are still full of manipulation by a group of elites who with its power make society as the object of policy. The power of elite creates dominance where society does not have sufficient access to influence or feedback on government policy. This happens because the government doesn"t use democratic means, or doesn"t become a "father" for the people in organizing the government. The government is only an administrator rather than a leader so that relations and participation between the community and the government is a relationship of dominance, pseudo-participation, manipulative and co-optative. Public participation...
This research describes Perindo Party’s strategies built a base of loyal voters in the 2019 Indon... more This research describes Perindo Party’s strategies built a base of loyal voters in the 2019 Indonesian Election, particularly by charity show programs on television. The authors used a descriptive qualitative approach finishing this article. The data in this article sourced from observations, studies of literature, and other sources considered relevant and then analyzed by the social exchange theory of Peter Blau. The results of this study indicate that the high concern of societies watching the lives of poor people in various charity show programs besides creating profits for the company, it is also as media of political communication for the owner. When political actors control the media, there are interests communicated, including getting support from voters. That means charity show programs not only given a numerous business profit but also enhanced social branding in front of audiences and built a base of loyal voters from poor family beneficiaries by unbalanced social exchange...
Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks refl... more Rational and empirical human dominate modern society. But in practice, modernity often lacks reflection. Wedding processions in modern Gayo communities illustrate this reality. The depth of meaning through symbols and social actions in every stage of the traditional Gayo wedding procession is beginning to be displaced by the ceremonial lack of understanding that tends to be rushed and infiltrated by global culture. This study documents the knowledge and subjective meaning of Gayo traditional actors regarding the tradition of sinte mungerje marriage by identifying sacred spaces and ritual spaces, then how the modern Gayo people interpret and act based on the observations of research informants. This qualitative research uses in-depth interview techniques in the data collection process. This research found that the essence of sinte mungerje was spirituality and communality nuances characterized by sacred and ritual activity stages. However, this set of norms is no longer institutional...
This paper aims to explain the socio-cultural dynamics of the Acehnese in responding to the Covid... more This paper aims to explain the socio-cultural dynamics of the Acehnese in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic as a disaster that has a global impact. I argue that the general response of the Acehnese community can be seen from the representation of masks, stickers and scatter. The representation of this response to Covid-19 shows that the Acehnese people have lost their vision of a future such as a socio-cultural order in organizing their life cycle. Even if we look at the historically or trajectory starting from the Aceh war with the Netherlands and the Covid 19 pandemic, it shows that the harmonious order between the boundaries of the world and the hereafter has not remained in the cultural memory of society. I use ethnographic methods in the data collection process to see the extent of the relationship between the general public responses to survival against Covid 19. Based on the analysis that the author has conducted on ethnographic data; I conclude that currently the people of...
Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang kebijakan publik pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam bebe... more Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang kebijakan publik pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam beberapa kasus, meskipun kebijakan publik sudah disusun sesuai dengan prosedur yang ada, namun dalam tataran implementasi masih sering ditemui adanya resistensi dari masyarakat, terlebih pada masyarakat yang multikultural. Seting sosial masyarakat dalam tulisan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Rias Kecamatan Toboali Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung yang multi etnis. Dalam menyelesaikan tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, di mana data diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara serta sumber-sumber sekunder pendukung lain yang terkait dengan tema tulisan ini. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun secara prosedural pemerintah telah melaksanan proses perumusan dengan baik namun informasi terkait hasil dari perumusan itu masih menjadi informasi yang “langka” bagi sebagian besar masyarakat. Sehingga hasil kesepakatan tersebut tidak mendapa...
This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society ... more This research is a field research that tries to discribe and map social relation between society and government and how society participation to government itself. Data collected by observation, interview and document then analyzed with qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the wheels government are still full of manipulation by a group of elites who with its power make society as the object of policy. The power of elite creates dominance where society does not have sufficient access to influence or feedback on government policy. This happens because the government doesn’t use democratic means, or doesn’t become a "father" for the people in organizing the government. The government is only an administrator rather than a leader so that relations and participation between the community and the government is a relationship of dominance, pseudo-participation, manipulative and co-optative. Public participation becomes n...
This article aims to describe the education bureaucracy as a tool to achieve the objectives of ed... more This article aims to describe the education bureaucracy as a tool to achieve the objectives of education through a qualitative approach to the literature study model. The data in this paper is sourced from relevant literature and the author's experience while active in educational activities. The results of this study indicate that the bureaucracy in the form of educational administration has changed to an iron cage that shackles the educational activity itself. The delivery of education loses its orientation and turns into ceremonial routines to meet the demands of the bureaucracy. Various training, capacity building, and teacher competence have been done, but they have not significantly changed the face of education. Iron cage bureaucracy makes teachers "appear" to be developing their competence, but in fact, they are meeting the demands of the bureaucracy. Education must come out of the iron cage bureaucracy by reducing all administrative aspects that bind the noble...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang posisi Ulama Aceh sebagai roh kebudayaan u... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang posisi Ulama Aceh sebagai roh kebudayaan untuk proses rekonsiliasi pasca konflik Aceh. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif, artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam konteks sosio kultural masyarakat aceh, posisi ulama masih menempati strata yang tinggi. Kontribusi dan peran ulama dalam lintas sejarah hingga saat ini telah mengakar dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat Aceh. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dimensi kultural ulama sebagai ruh kebudayaan masyarakat Aceh dapat menjadi solusi dari rekonsiliasi Aceh untuk perdamaian yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini berarti bahwa pelibatan ulama aceh secara praktis dalam kerja rekonsiliasi dapat menjadi salah satu faktor pendukung perdamaian berkelanjutan di Aceh.
This article aims to discuss Thorstein Veblen's perspective about the behavior of waste or ex... more This article aims to discuss Thorstein Veblen's perspective about the behavior of waste or excessive consumption by the leisure class. This article uses the library research to understanding the perspective of Veblen's theory of consumption. We review Veblen's work, The Theory of the Leisure Class, as the main note complemented by relevant books and journals to support this study. The leisure class in this regard act deliberately to display their wealth. The newly rich group flaunted the luxury of their life with a motive to accommodate their desire for social respect and social status. The leisure class realizes their social actions through conspicuous leisure time consumption and conspicuous consumption of goods characterized by imitative and emulative behavior among the actors involved in it. The conspicuous consumption behavior produces élite taste which in turn has a social impact that affects the class behavior of the lower strata.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk...
Ibn Khaldun has a very wide spectrum of ideas about the society he poured in his munomental work ... more Ibn Khaldun has a very wide spectrum of ideas about the society he poured in his munomental work entitled The Muqaddimah. This paper does not intend to disentangle Ibn Khaldun's comprehension comprehensively, but takes only a small portion of his thought, especially with regard to sociological studies. One of Khaldun's original contributions to society is the concept of ashabiyah. This concept then became central to every analysis of Khaldun about society, as well as the concept of badawah and hadarah is one of Khaldun's concepts of society, its movement of change and the factors that influence the motion of a civilization based on ashabiyah. The concept of badawah and hadarah is specifically discussed in this paper as one of the repertoire of sociological thought that can be developed from Ibn Khaldun in analyzing the social changes that occur in society.Keywords: ibn khaldun, badawah, hadarah AbstrakIbn Khaldun memiliki sepektrum pemikiran yang sangat luas tentang masy...
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
In 1976 the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) declared as a form of protest against "Indonesia" neo-coloni... more In 1976 the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) declared as a form of protest against "Indonesia" neo-colonialism which was considered to have exploited Aceh. Since that time then, GAM has become a platform for movement and rebellion for the majority of Acehnese to demand independence. In 2005 after the Tsunami disaster struck Aceh, the dispute between GAM and the Indonesian Government found a meeting point with the signing of the Helsinki MoU and at the same time became a door to peace in Aceh after almost 30 years of conflict. Post the MoU, GAM no longer raised weapons, but his struggle still alive and GAM as a social-political movement still exist, because the Helsinki MoU only disperse the force of their armed, while the ideas, structure, and actors transformed in the form of a political movement. Keywords-Aceh, GAM; political movement; transformation I. INTRODUCTION Various momentum and events that took place in Aceh gave birth to many works and studies on Aceh. It is not difficult to find literature that talks about Aceh. As an area that was first embraced by Islam, Aceh became the basis for the study of the development of Islam in the archipelago. The triumph and sophistication of the kingdom of Aceh is also an interesting study in the realm of history. Until then the resilience and resistance of the Acehnese people against the Dutch in the era of colonialism also became an interesting study. The rebellion against the Indonesian government of which emerged after the independence of Indonesia, the upheaval of DI/TII and the movement free Aceh brought a considerable impact on the community, especially when the determination of Aceh as a Military Operations Area (DOM). The conflict study was quite adequate about the rebellion of Aceh at that time. Belonging to the conflict resolution process, starting from the momentum of the referendum, the implementation of Islamic law, to the peace agreement reached in 2005 after the Tsunami. After the Tsunami, the study of Aceh became widespread, not only about the conflict but also about Tsunami, refugees, Islamic law, gender issues, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. After the peace agreement was signed, Aceh's socio-political dynamics changed significantly. The MoU and the UUPA have changed the social and political structure of the Acehnese. The political arena has become a new contestation arena after the conflict. When the UUPA and qanun about political parties ratified, the political constellation and contestation no longer dominated by the national elite (Jakarta) but was colored by local dimensions filled by former members of the movement (Ikramatoun & Amin, 2018). Although the conflict was over and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) returned to the Republic of Indonesia, the buffetings ideas fought during the conflict still have an existence. Nuhasim (2009)mentions that GAM activities in the political sphere clearly shows, GAM made significant changes in its, and the transformation had a significant impact on the dynamics of local politics and the elite socioeconomic activities of GAM. Therefore, this article aims to discuss how the process of GAM transformation from the rebellion to a political movement based on the genealogical movement that developed in Aceh across history. This paper also talks about negotiations and sociopolitical factors that influence GAM social transformation, including the dynamics of context, structure and movement actors. II. METHOD This study conducted using qualitative methods with an analytical, descriptive model. The purpose of this method to describe the nature of the situation and examine the causes of a particular event (Meleong, 2010: 6). The data in this paper sourced from passive observation and interviews, as well as literature studies as secondary data in the form of Helsinki MoU documents and UUPA, as well as results related to the theme of this study. Furthermore, the process of data analysis is carried out by developing the linkages between data from informants and paying attention to data that is not explicitly seen (Neuman, 2003: 457).
As a newcomer, the Perindo Party seeks to implement a specific strategy in order to compete with ... more As a newcomer, the Perindo Party seeks to implement a specific strategy in order to compete with other parties that have already existed in the Indonesian political contestation. One of these is charity show programs. The high rating and concern societies watching the lives of poor people in various charity programs show besides creating profits also become a means of political communication. When political actors control the media, it is clear that there are interests also communicated, including the political powers of the funnel to get support from voters. When the Perindo Party is declared, the "scent" that HT and his party would use the media under their control is very clear. These signals can also be observed from the dominance of HT’s trusted people in the MNC Group in the composition of the Central Management Board Center, the Assembly of the Union Party and the court of Perindo party. That mean a charity program not only gives a very big business profit, but also...
Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Tangse is one of the sub-districts that located in Pidie district. About 190 km from Banda Aceh t... more Tangse is one of the sub-districts that located in Pidie district. About 190 km from Banda Aceh the capital of Aceh province. Since 2011 until 2018, disasters have become an annual routine of Tangse society, from landslides to flash floods coming every year. In this regards, this paper aims to discuss the dialectics of the community with disasters that befall in Tangse. The Data in this paper derived from observations, interviews and literature studies, then analyzed using a sociological approach. The results of this study found that many things have been done by local governments to cope with disasters. From prevention to reduce the risk of disasters that befall the community, when disasters are increasingly happening, the perspective of the community towards disasters begins to change. Now for some people in Tangse, disasters are not only viewed as calamities but also seen as "benefits". As a result, although the public has a sense of disaster risk, it does not make the ...
This paper aims to discuss how the impact of conflict on the development of education in Aceh tod... more This paper aims to discuss how the impact of conflict on the development of education in Aceh today, because Aceh as a conflict area have different conditions with other areas in indonesia, especially in the development of education. This paper is prepared using a literature study approach, in which data are collected from secondary sources in the form of documents related to current educational development, as well as the results of research related to conflict and educational development. Current conditions indicate that Aceh's educational participation is growing rapidly and exceeding than other areas not affected by the conflict. Conflict has contributed to the acceleration of educational development for the people of Aceh today. The success of educational development is indicated by the increasing number of educational development indicators (APS, APM, HLS, ARLS etc) that surpass the national average. When compared to other areas not exposed to conflict, the development of ...
Papers by Khairul Amin