Papers by Abdullah Tri Wahyudi

Laws, 2014
Persons with disabilities often find themselves marginalized by society and by our justice system... more Persons with disabilities often find themselves marginalized by society and by our justice systems. We can improve access to justice by training better advocates. Advocates not only must be knowledgeable concerning relevant laws and regulations, but also must be able to interact effectively on a personal, professional level with persons who have disabilities. We also want to make certain that persons with disabilities have the opportunity to learn to advocate for themselves and for other persons with disabilities. Technologies are available that can help us accomplish these goals. This article provides a brief survey of legal protections (and gaps in such protection) for persons with disabilities. Successful advocate training programs from around the world are identified and described. The article provides examples of how technology is being used to support these efforts and provides suggestions regarding additional ways in which technology could be employed. Law schools around the world have begun to embrace the goal of better advocacy, but improving access will require well-prepared advocates to answer the call. Training advocates to provide services to a population that may have significantly different needs even within that population may be a more efficient and effective way to improve access to justice than by attempting to draft laws and regulations that somehow address all possible circumstances.

Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Sharia, Law and Muslim Society (ISSLAMS 2022), 2022
Settlement of Sharia economic disputes can be taken in two ways, namely litigation and non-litiga... more Settlement of Sharia economic disputes can be taken in two ways, namely litigation and non-litigation. Non-litigation dispute resolution can be done by cooperating with third parties. This has been implemented in resolving sharia economic disputes at KSPPS Khodijah Pedan against the bad financing of customers who have loans of less than Rp. 10,000,000,-(Ten Million Rupiah) on the condition that they are UMKM actors. In this case, KSPPS Khodijah has given power to the Law and Human Rights Council of PWA Central Java as a legal representative and normalization team. In its efforts to reduce customer bad debts in KSPPS Khodijah, the Law and Human Rights Council of PWA Central Java has collaborated with a third party, namely Baznas of the Republic of Indonesia, to provide an injection of funds from zakat to mustahik UMKM actors who have debts in KSPPS Khodijah Pedan Klaten. This research is a field research and to achieve this goal the author uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. In this study, the primary data used were generated from interviews. The interview was conducted with KSPPS Manager Khodijah Pedan, The Assistance Team, Baznas Managers, and the Community who received assistance from Baznas. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from books, journals and related laws and regulations. The results showed that this kind of dispute resolution model is considered very effective because it is able to provide solutions for customer finances which are also mandatory. This is evidenced by the increase in the amount of mustahik income of UMKM actors from before and after receiving zakat fund assistance from Baznas. And customers/mustahiks in the bad debt category can pay off their debts at KSPPS Khodijah Pedan.
Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar on Sharia, Law and Muslim Society (ISSLAMS 2022), 2022

Al-Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah dan Hukum
The dominance of systemic law in Indonesia which stems from Legal Positivism also affects the leg... more The dominance of systemic law in Indonesia which stems from Legal Positivism also affects the legal reasoning conducted by judges in court. Systemic law positions moral outside the law is failing to realize justice, this failure also affects the failure of legal reasoning by judge for cases in court. For this reason, it is necessary to change radically from systemic to non-systemic and also in legal reasoning by returning the law that is not value or moral free. This study aims to offer a change in systemic law to non-systemic law and how the value base in non-systemic legal reasoning. This study uses a philosophical approach that is by conducting an in-depth analysis of legal theories of Legal Positivism with theories of criticism of it in legal reasoning used by judges in court then for criticism in systemic legal reasoning the author tries to offer a non-systemic legal reasoning base with the ethical concept according to Imam Al-Ghazali. Dominasi hukum sistemik di Indonesia yan...
viii.; 257 Hal.; ill.; 19 c

Al-Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah dan Hukum
Aksesibilitas pendidikan bagi difabel telah dijamin oleh UU No. 18 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyandang ... more Aksesibilitas pendidikan bagi difabel telah dijamin oleh UU No. 18 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyandang Disabilitas namun masih banyak data yang menunjukkan banyak anak difabel tidak mendapatkan akses pendidikan apalagi anak difabel korban kekerasan, dimana selain mereka memiliki hambatan terhadap kondisi difabelnya itu sendiri juga mengalami traumatik yang mendalam tetapi tidak serta merta diketahui traumanya. Penelitian ini akan memaparkan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi bagi anak difabel dalam mendapatkan aksesibilitas pendidikan secara luas dan upaya apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk pemenuhan asksesibilitas pendidikan bagi mereka. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan  mengambil lokasi penelitian di Majelis Hukum dan HAM Pimpinan Wilayah ‘Aisyiyah Jawa Tengah yang banyak melakukan pendampingan terhadap anak difabel korban kekerasan. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan adanya hambatan yang dialami anak difabel dalam mendapatkan ak...
This article discusses the absolute competencies of the Religious Court in Indonesia since the Du... more This article discusses the absolute competencies of the Religious Court in Indonesia since the Dutch colonial era until the Reformation. It aims at surveying the history and development of the Court as well as its competencies. Using historical perspective this article portrays the topic in chrocological order.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Diversity and Disability Inclusion in Muslim Societies (ICDDIMS 2017)
This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, I... more This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, Indonesia. Indonesia has many Acts and regulations of Human Rights. However, in some cases there are still no justice for disability persons. In this article elaborates some cases under assistance of MHM (Law and Human Right Assembly) 'Aisyiyah Central Java Branch related to disabled persons in sexual violence cases. The method in this paper use interview, investigation, observation and also direct participation. It completed also with literature research. In short, public responsibility should be developed as a pillar and access for enforcing responses and handling violence that has to be a justice and nondiscrimination perspective.

Position of disability as a vulnerable group and the failure of legal instruments, resulting in c... more Position of disability as a vulnerable group and the failure of legal instruments, resulting in cases involving disable people as victims of criminal acts that do not reach the level of examination of their case to the Police, especially to the court. In the concept of criminal justice, the witness is a person who can provide information for the sake of investigation, prosecution, and judgment on a matter heard, seen and experienced by himself. The concept poses a problem to the disabled, how the disabled people can give information about what they heard, seen and experienced while they don’t see and hear especially for the disabled people with mental or mental retardation. It cause more complex problems with procedures in the criminal justice system is so longand complicated, away from simple procedures. In the Sukoharjo District Court there is a criminal case involving a disabled person whose case comes to a court. This is what makes the writer interested to examine about how the ...

Al-Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah dan Hukum, 2016
Human rights are a fundamental right or fundamental rights of existing and human beings, often ca... more Human rights are a fundamental right or fundamental rights of existing and human beings, often called the human rights (human rights). So human rights are basic rights or the rights of human subjects brought from birth as a gift / gift of God Almighty. This right is fundamental in nature and is a natural right that can not be separated from and in human life.Marriage is a basic human right that is rights to form families in marriage and with their particularities in the Marriage Act which regulates marriage, will result in their universality and particularity of human rights in the regulation of marriage in Indonesia.Universality and particularity of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage. So this study can answer the question about how the universality of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage and how the particularity of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage.
Pihak yang akan berperkara di Pengadilan pada lingkungan Peradilan Agama harus memperhatikan ke p... more Pihak yang akan berperkara di Pengadilan pada lingkungan Peradilan Agama harus memperhatikan ke pengadilan mana perkaranya akan diajukan. Kewenangan relatif berkaitan dengan wilayah hukum pengadilan. Kesalahan dalam mengajukan gugatan ke pengadilan dapat mengakibatkan perkara yang diajukan diputus dengan putusan tidak dapat diterima.

Al-Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, 2016
The human rights are fundamental of human rights or the fundamental rights that existing in human... more The human rights are fundamental of human rights or the fundamental rights that existing in human, it's called the human rights. The human rights are basic of human rights or the rights of human subjects brought from birth as a gift / gift of God. The human rights are fundamental in nature and it's a natural rights that cannot be separated in human life. Marriage is a basic of human rights and their rights to form family in marriage. The particularities in the Marriage Act which regulates of marriage will result in the universality and particularity of human rights in the regulation of marriage in Indonesia. Universality and particularity of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage. So this study can answer the question about how the universality of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage and how the particularity of human rights in Law No. 1 Year 1974 on Marriage. A. Pendahuluan Hak asasi manusia adalah sebagai hak dasar atau hak pokok yang ada dan dimiliki manusia, atau sering disebut dengan hak kemanusiaan (human right). Jadi hak asasi manusia adalah hak-hak dasar atau hak-hak pokok yang dibawa manusia sejak lahir sebagai anugerah/karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Hak ini sifatnya sangat mendasar dan merupakan hak kodrati yang tidak bisa terlepas dari dan dalam kehidupan manusia. 1 1 Rozikin Daman, Pancasila Dasar Falsafah Negara, Rajawali Press, Jakarta, 1992, hal. 133.
Yudisia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Hukum Islam, 2016
This article discusses the absolute competencies of the Religious Court in Indonesia since the Du... more This article discusses the absolute competencies of the Religious Court in Indonesia since the Dutch colonial era until the Reformation. It aims at surveying the history and development of the Court as well as its competencies. Using historical perspective this article portrays the topic in chrocological order.
Conference Presentations by Abdullah Tri Wahyudi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Diversity and Disability Inclusion in Muslim Societies (ICDDIMS 2017), 2017
This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, I... more This paper illustrates persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence in Central Java, Indonesia. Indonesia has many Acts and regulations of Human Rights. However, in some cases there are still no justice for disability persons. In this article elaborates some cases under assistance of MHM (Law and Human Right Assembly) 'Aisyiyah Central Java Branch related to disabled persons in sexual violence cases. The method in this paper use interview, investigation, observation and also direct participation. It completed also with literature research. In short, public responsibility should be developed as a pillar and access for enforcing responses and handling violence that has to be a justice and nondiscrimination perspective.

PROCEEDING International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial Inclusion (ICIEFI), 2015
A. Pendahuluan Revitalisasi keuangan syariah diindonesia ditandai dengan berdirinya Bank Muamalat... more A. Pendahuluan Revitalisasi keuangan syariah diindonesia ditandai dengan berdirinya Bank Muamalat Indonesia pada tahun 1992 yang diinisiasi oleh ICMI dan MUI dengan dukungan pemerintah. Kemudian pada tahun 1993/1994 berdiri dan beroperasi asuransi syariah pertama yaitu asuransi takaful. Tahun 1997 berdiri PT Danareksa sebagai reksadana syariah pertama. Kemudian tahun 1998 pemerintah telah menerbitkan UU nomor 10 tahun 1998 yang menjadi wadah legal formal dual banking system bagi bank konvensional. Mulai tahun 2000, Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) MUI aktif dan produktif menerbitkan fatwa tentang produk menerbitkan fatwa tentang produkdan instrumen ekonomi dan bisnis syariah tahun 2003, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) juga menerbitkan standar akuntansi perbankan syariah dan tahun 2007-2010, IAI telah menerbitkan 10 standar akuntansi untuk keuangan syariah. Tahun 2004 regulasi wakaf melalui UU Nomor 41/2004 tentang wakaf & PP Nomor 42/2006 Pelaksanaan UU No.41/2004. Pada tahun 2008 hadir UU Nomor 19 Tahun 2008 tentang surat berharga syariah Nasional (SBSN) dan UU nomor 21 tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah. Akan tetapi, pertumbuhan signifikan tersebut, ternyata belum mampu meningkatkan market share keuangan yang masih berkisar 3% dari total share. Padahal dengan ditopang infrastruktur di atas prediksinya tahun 2010 mencapai 5% market share. Disinilah keuangan syariah menemui tangannya. Regulasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia telah diatur dalam UU Perbankan Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 yang telah mengakofmodasi keberadaan bank syariah. Dalam UU tersebut memberikan peluang berdirinya bank syariah baru maupun bank-bank konvensional untuk melakukan dual banking system dengan membuka bank syariah dalam bentuk cabang, unit bisnis, unit syariah bahkan ‗hanya sekedar' produk-produk syariah. Kesempatan tersebut juga telah direspon sejumlah bank konvensional menyusul BMI syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, BRI Unit Syariah, BTN Syariah, produk-produk syariah Bank Permata, dan sejumlah Bank Pembangunan Daerah. Tahun 2003, sidang ijtima' MUI menetapkan bahwa praktik bunga bank termasuk riba. Artinya bunga bank haram hukumnya. Menurut Antonio (2003), jauh sebelumnya pada tahun 1991 Persatuan Islam (Persis) sudah menetapkan bahwa bunga bank haram. Muktamar NU tahun 1992 di Bandar lampung menegaskan dan meminta pimpinan PBNU untuk memiliki bank yang tidak mengandung haram. Demikian juga dengan Muhammadiyah pada tahun 1998 juga telah menetapkan bahwa bunga bank hukumnya syubhat oleh karena itu sebaliknya dihindari. Munculnya bank syariah diberbagai kota tentunya mendorong syubhat tersebut menjadi harus dihindari. Fatwa MUI diatas tentunya lebih memperkuat fatwa-fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh sejumlah ormas tersebut. Dalam implementasinya lembaga keuangan sayari'ah banyak menemui kendala sehingga sering terjadi sengketa antara kreditur dan debitur. Maka untuk mendukung kepastian dan perlindungan hukum nya jika terjadi sengketa yang diakibatkan oleh transaksi syari'ah, para pihak yang bersengketa dapat mengadukan kepada Badan Arbritase Syari'ah. Terlebih dengan adanya amandemen UU No7/1989 tentang peradilan agama yang telah disahkan oleh DPR bulan Februari 2006, dimana wewenang peradilan agama di perluas ke wilayah keuangan Syari'ah.Kekuasaan Kehakiman setelah amandemen,Terjadi perubahan status, kedudukan dan kewenangan peradilan. 1) Status, kedudukan peradilan, khususnya peradilan agama telah mengalami perubahan yaitu dibangunnya peradilan satu atap (one roof system), artinya pembinaan terhadap empat lingkungan lembaga peradilan yang ada secara teknis yustisial, administratif, organisatoris, dan finansial berada ditangan mahkamah agung.
Papers by Abdullah Tri Wahyudi
Conference Presentations by Abdullah Tri Wahyudi