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This paper studied Islam & Psychology's view of the concept of raḍā'ah, which has been proven to provide many benefits. There are 28 verses in the Qur'an that discuss raḍā'ah. In general, this is seen as a natural female activity with... more
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      Developmental PsychologyIslamic PsychologyFamily PsychologyChild and Family Psychology
Membahas mengenai remaja, tidak pernah lepas dari kehidupan sosial, lingkungan sekitar dan perilakunya. Remaja yang dipandang sebagai sebagai tahapan usia usia yang biasanya seorang tidak lagi dipandang sebagai anakanak namun belum bisa... more
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      Educational PsychologyAdult development and Aging (Psychology)Islamic PsychologyChild and Family Psychology
This paper studied Islam & Psychology’s view of the concept of raḍā’ah, which has been proven to provide many benefits. There are 28 verses in the Qur’an that discuss raḍā’ah. In general, this is seen as a natural female activity with... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyIslamic PsychologyFamily Psychology
The understanding that human life is never free of problems, and every human life been through the process of growth continuously until the end of life. When human eliminates the anxiety between himself and God, they will experience the... more
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    • Psychology
The understanding that human life is never free of problems, and every human life been through the process of growth continuously until the end of life. When human eliminates the anxiety between himself and God, they will experience the... more
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The perceived differences between Shiites and Sunis often couses disharmony in the relationship between the two.....
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    • Islamic Law
Sistem khilafah bukan berarti anti demokrasi. Khilafah itu tidak rigid.
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    • Islam and Human Rights
Nilai-nilai Aswaja NU penting, perlu dan harus diaktualisasikan dalam mencegah semakin meluasnya radikalisme agama. Ini karena sejalan dengan Konstitusi/Piagam Madinah,  Pancasila, konstitusi UUD 1945, dan Bineka Tunggal Ika....
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Dalam mazhab Shiah terjadi ikhtilaf mengenai eksistensi Hadits/Sunnah sebagai hujjah (dalil hukum)......
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Pembatalan hukuman mati terhadap terdakwa/terpidana narkotika menjadi hukuman penjara seumur hidup atau beberapa tahun dan denda ditinjau dari perspektif fikih jinayah bisa dibenarkan karena sejalan dengan kriteria penerapan ta'zir dan... more
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    • Islamic law and jurisprudence
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    • Islamic Law
Maqāṣid al-Syarī‘ah must be implemented into legislation and enforcement of Islamic law in Indonesia, because it is one way of preserving and protecting al-Kulliyyah al-Khamsah (the Five Universal Principles) as the core of doctrine or... more
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Artikel Membumikan al-Kulliyyat al-Khams Sebagai Paradigma Islam Nusantara ini pertama kali dimuat di laman website, situs resmi Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) , pada 2015. Kemudian dimuat dalam buku MOZAIK PEMIKIRAN... more
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    • Usul al Fiqh
Memuat beberapa tulisan penulis (Ahmad Ali MD), di antaranya tentang Revitalisasi Fungsi Masjid bagi Kemaslahatan Umat (hlm. 1-9); Komunisme dalam Perspektif Idlam: Pendekatan Kaidah Fikih dan Ushul Fikih (hlm. 45-66); dan Akhlak dan... more
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    • Islamic Law
Pedoman perlindungan hutan tropis dalam perspektif Islam, ditulis oleh tim MUI, NU, dan Muhammaditah bekerja sama dengan IRI Prakarsa Perlindungan Hutan Tropis Indonesia
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Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode penerjemahan semantik dan untuk menjelaskan strategi penerjemahan dalam terjemahan kitab Kasyf al-Hijâb fî Murâqabah al-Wahhâb. Sumber utama penelitian ini adalah kitab Kasyf al-Hijâb fî... more
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      PhilologyArabic Language and Linguistics
This paper discusses the values of humanism that should be applied in communication ethics in social media. One of the problems in using social media is the erosion of one's humanity. Dehumanization opens the possibility of a greater... more
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      EngineeringSociologyLawEngineering Ethics
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      Philosophy of EducationIslamic Education
All religions recognize the ritual, because every religion has teachings about sacred things. One purpose of the ritual is the maintenance and preservation of the sacred. In addition, a ritual act to strengthen the relationship with the... more
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This paper discusses the thoughts of Rene Descartes and the relevance towardsIslamic education. The great thesis of Rene Descartes is cogito ergo sum (I think,therefore I exist), has spawned a revolution of thought in philosophy.... more
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