Papers by Cahaya Khaeroni

This study aims to menanalisis needs in developing learning modules integrated historical value r... more This study aims to menanalisis needs in developing learning modules integrated historical value religious character. Modules developed implementing integrated learning religious character so as to increase cognitive and affective aspects as well as foster appropriate behavior with Islamic values. Research method used in this research and development. The results showed that the curriculum is being developed today started out (in 2015) is the college curriculum (KPT), which refers to the Indonesian National qualifications framework (KKNI). Teaching materials are still not loading points the meaning of events (ibrah). Discussions undertaken by students only to the discussion of the material, while the value-laden character contained in the incident have not been able to convey. Models in the module that is taking advan theory organizer. The module was developed by entering a value-laden Islamic character of the events the Muhammadiyah development in 1912-1923. The module is equipped w...

This paper analyzes the contributions of Shaykh Muhammad "Abduh to modernity, and his strugg... more This paper analyzes the contributions of Shaykh Muhammad "Abduh to modernity, and his struggle for change and reform in Egyptian society. Abduh was hailed as the "first leader of modern thought in Egypt", "the father of the 20th century Muslim thought" and "pioneers of the modernist movement in the Arab world", whose legacy in the history of Islamic reform was significant, carrying dynamic role in the transformation and reinterpretation of Islam in contemporary thought. His contribution to Islamic modernism was clearly seen in liberalizing the educational system, transforming the Islamic worldview, and integrating western and Islamic ideals and tradition. PENDAHULUAN Gerakan pembaharuan Islam di Mesir muncul sekitar abad ke-19 M, gerakan ini berawal dari kesadaran umat Muslim yang secara faktual ternyata benar-benar sudah jauh tertinggal dari bangsa-bangsa Eropa. Beberapa tokoh pembaharu telah lahir akibat kondisi ketertinggalan bangsa Mesir terseb...
At-Tajdid : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemikiran Islam, 2017
This paper analyzes the contributions of Shaykh Muhammad "Abduh to modernity, and his struggle fo... more This paper analyzes the contributions of Shaykh Muhammad "Abduh to modernity, and his struggle for change and reform in Egyptian society. Abduh was hailed as the "first leader of modern thought in Egypt", "the father of the 20th century Muslim thought" and "pioneers of the modernist movement in the Arab world", whose legacy in the history of Islamic reform was significant, carrying dynamic role in the transformation and reinterpretation of Islam in contemporary thought. His contribution to Islamic modernism was clearly seen in liberalizing the educational system, transforming the Islamic worldview, and integrating western and Islamic ideals and tradition.
HISTORIA : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, Sep 30, 2017
El artículo analiza el proceso de construcción histórica de la figura heroica de Arturo Prat en e... more El artículo analiza el proceso de construcción histórica de la figura heroica de Arturo Prat en el teatro chileno entre 1897 y 2002. Nuestra propuesta sugiere que la representación dramática del personaje puede ser entendida como un eficaz testimonio de los imaginarios colectivos, asociados a la percepción política e identitaria nacional de sus respectivas épocas. Sin perder su condición de referente, Arturo Prat, en escena, transita desde el modelo virtuoso propio del romanticismo decimonónico, a otro que, en siglo XXI, se humaniza y debe luchar contra sus propias limitaciones.

Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bahwa upaya pengarusutamaan gender dalam konteks pendidikan ... more Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bahwa upaya pengarusutamaan gender dalam konteks pendidikan Islam saat ini sesungguhnya sedang dihadapkan pada problem modernitas, yakni maskulinitas (sebuah ideologi yang lebih menonjolkan sifat kompetitif, ambisi, dan memenuhi kepentingan pribadi) yang menghegemoni konstruksi pemikiran manusia modern termasuk konstruksi pemikiran gerakan feminis yang seharusnya menjadi pembela ideologi feminitas (cinta, pengasuhan dan pemeliharaan). Hal ini berdampak pada terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan, meningkatnya kriminalitas, menurunnya solidaritas sosial, kurangnya kepedulian terhadap keluarga, dan hancurnya lingkungan. Sementara disisi lain, kondisi pendidikan agama Islam yang telah berlangsung selama ini, dinilai oleh banyak pihak sebagai indoktrinatif , atau bahkan menjadi bagian dari alat justifikasi kekuasaan. Hal inilah yang mengilhami penulis untuk meneliti vandana shiva yang lebih menegaskan perlunya pemulihan nilai feminin melalui konsep ...

The discourse about relationship between Islam and science today has been an important issue for ... more The discourse about relationship between Islam and science today has been an important issue for the intellectual movement in the modern age. Besides bridging the separate gap between the general sciences and the religious sciences, this notion has the main goal of becoming a solution to the problems of contemporary humanitarian crisis. Although there is still a strong debate about the most appropriate model in this discourse , however the study of Islamic relations and science in the future will be an alternative solution for the development of modern human civilization. This article attempts to highlight the existing models of Islamic and science integration in Indonesia, by focusing on three Islamic universities leading the study of Islamic and science relations in Indonesia: State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and State Islamic University of Maulana Maliki Malang. Keyword: Relation of Islam and Science; ...

Nurcholish Madjid merupakan salah satu tokoh pembaruan pemikiran Islam di Indonesia. Lewat gagasa... more Nurcholish Madjid merupakan salah satu tokoh pembaruan pemikiran Islam di Indonesia. Lewat gagasannya tentang teologi Islam Inklusif dan sekularisasi yang dipopulerkannya pada era 1970-an, Nurcholish Madjid tampil menjadi sosok intelektual dan pembaharu yang berdiri di garda depan dalam kancah pemikiran Islam di-Indonesia. Kendatipun demikian, juga tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pemikiran-pemikiran yang dilontarkannya juga kerap memunculkan polemik-polemik mendalam diantara banyak kalangan elit intelektual Muslim. Menanggapi hal inilah, penelitian ini berusaha mengkaji lebih lanjut mengenai pemikiran-pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid, seorang tokoh pembaharu kontemporer yang cukup kontroversial baik dikalangan masyarakat awam maupun elit intelektual di Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan filosofis. Karakteristik dari pendekatan ini lebih menekankan pada fundamental structure dan ide-ide dasar serta menghindarkan detail-deta...

Abstrak Pengembangan kewirausahaan pesantren menjadi sesuatu yang perlu untuk dikembangkan dengan... more Abstrak Pengembangan kewirausahaan pesantren menjadi sesuatu yang perlu untuk dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan semangat kemandirian pada para pengelola pondok pesantren. Hanya saja, sejauh ini masih banyak faktor kendala mengenai minimnya pengetahuan dan wawasan dari pihak pengelola pesantren mengenai pengelolaan wirausaha yang tepat, khususnya dalam hal pembudidayaan lele. Budidaya lele ini dipilih, mengingat peluang pasarnya sebenarnya cukup besar, dan pembudidayaannya cenderung relatif mudah dan praktis. Hanya saja sangat disayangkan, pola pembudidayaan lele yang pernah dicoba sejauh ini masih menggunakan sistem yang cenderung konvensional, sehingga selalu mengalami kegagalan. Padahal jika mau dikelola dengan sistem yang baik dan benar, peluang usaha dari budidaya lele ini bagitu sangat menjanjikan.Beranjak dari persoalan itulah, kegiatan pengabdian ini mencoba menawarkan pola pembudidayaan ikan lele dengan sistem bioflok. Berbeda dengan pola pengelolaan konvensional,...

Vandana Shiva in her thinking of Ecofeminism, tried to deconstruct the paradigm of masculinity (i... more Vandana Shiva in her thinking of Ecofeminism, tried to deconstruct the paradigm of masculinity (its an ideology or principle that emphasizes more competitive, dominant, ambitious, vertical and fulfilling personal interests, it has hegemony many things, especially in terms of feminism and mainstream ecology, and also offers alternative understandings in the form of marriage between ecological thinking and feminism. Secondly, here I would like to discribe, the concept of ecofeminism. Vandana Shiva had been emphasized the need to restore feminine values (love, and nurturing), as a formulation or solution of the hegemony for masculinity that has been penetrated in many aspects. Third, the most important thing according to Vandana Shiva, is the restoration of the feminine values based on the overall principle, namely the creative existence and awareness in nature, women, and men. The implication for the nature is as a living organisms. For women, as a women productive and active beings. And finally the implication of the principle restoration of men is the transfer of life's actions, not to create a life-threatening society that had destroys the life.

Didaktika Religia
This paper discusses the thoughts of Rene Descartes and the relevance towardsIslamic education. T... more This paper discusses the thoughts of Rene Descartes and the relevance towardsIslamic education. The great thesis of Rene Descartes is cogito ergo sum (I think,therefore I exist), has spawned a revolution of thought in philosophy. Descartesemphatically proclaimed that only reason or ratio alone can be the basis that canbe trusted, and not faith or revelation as always restrained in mid-century. Withthe method of doubt, Descartes treading philosophical thought to doubt everythingin order to achieve an ultimate certainty he always longed for. Despite eventuallyhe realized that nothing is true, except uncertainty itself. In the area of education(especially Islamic education), Descartes certainly gave a new foundation for thestudy and communication of doctrine not only as a process doctrine, but giving alarger portion to the role of reason itself.Key words: Epistemology, Rasionalism, Islamic education

All religions recognize the ritual, because every religion has teachings about sacred things. One... more All religions recognize the ritual, because every religion has teachings about sacred things. One purpose of the ritual is the maintenance and preservation of the sacred. In addition, a ritual act to strengthen the relationship with the perpetrator sacred objects; and strengthen group solidarity that creates a feeling of safety and mentally strong. In the Islamic religion, ritual is also an integral part which can not be separated from the whole faith of a Muslim. Because it is the ritual of Islam itself is a form of expression of the doctrine of Islam. So for a Muslim, the concept of Tauhid is not just a mere theological proposition, but also the realization that life; the "Oneness" of God with obedience and total submission.
This is what seems to attract the attention of Frederick M. Denny to study more about the rituals of Islam. Because for him, it is very important to complete the studies, Islamic studies, Frederick M. Denny itself was apparently quite disappointed because the Islamists turned out to tend to ignore aspects of a very performative rituals in Islamic studies. Their reports about this case offers a number of possibilities for future research and ways of approaching various forms of symbolic activity and expression in Islamic societies.
For this reason, in this concise article writer would try to examine more deeply the ideas of Frederick M. Denny, particularly with respect to assessment studies in the Islamic rituals.
Keyword: Ritual-Islam
Papers by Cahaya Khaeroni
This is what seems to attract the attention of Frederick M. Denny to study more about the rituals of Islam. Because for him, it is very important to complete the studies, Islamic studies, Frederick M. Denny itself was apparently quite disappointed because the Islamists turned out to tend to ignore aspects of a very performative rituals in Islamic studies. Their reports about this case offers a number of possibilities for future research and ways of approaching various forms of symbolic activity and expression in Islamic societies.
For this reason, in this concise article writer would try to examine more deeply the ideas of Frederick M. Denny, particularly with respect to assessment studies in the Islamic rituals.
Keyword: Ritual-Islam
This is what seems to attract the attention of Frederick M. Denny to study more about the rituals of Islam. Because for him, it is very important to complete the studies, Islamic studies, Frederick M. Denny itself was apparently quite disappointed because the Islamists turned out to tend to ignore aspects of a very performative rituals in Islamic studies. Their reports about this case offers a number of possibilities for future research and ways of approaching various forms of symbolic activity and expression in Islamic societies.
For this reason, in this concise article writer would try to examine more deeply the ideas of Frederick M. Denny, particularly with respect to assessment studies in the Islamic rituals.
Keyword: Ritual-Islam