Papers by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita

Journal Undergraduate Thesis , 2018
This study aimed to analyze the influence of product quality, product availability, brand image a... more This study aimed to analyze the influence of product quality, product availability, brand image and brand trust toward purchase decision (study case of Tolak Angin Liquid). The data collection in this study uses convenience sampling with 150 respondents buyer of Tolak Angin Liquid. Data was analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of this data showed that : (1) product quality has significantly influence to purchase decision of Tolak Angin Liquid. (2) product availability has significantly influence to purchase decision of Tolak Angin Liquid. (3) brand image has significantly influence to purchase decision of Tolak Angin Liquid. (4) brand trust has significantly influence to purchase decision of Tolak Angin Liquid. (5) product quality, product availability, brand image and brand trust have significantly influence to purchase decision of Tolak Angin Liquid. Keywords : product quality, product availability, brand image, brand trust and purchase decision. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, ketersediaan produk, citra merek dan kepercayaan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian obat Tolak Angin Cair. Data penelitian yang diperoleh menggunakan convenience sampling dengan 150 responden pembeli obat Tolak Angin Cair. Data telah diolah menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil data menunjukkan bahwa : (1) kualitas produk memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Tolak Angin Cair. (2) ketersediaan produk memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Tolak Angin Cair. (3) citra merek memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Tolak Angin Cair. (4) kepercayaan merek memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Tolak Angin Cair. (5) kualitas produk, ketersediaan produk, citra merek dan kepercayaan merek memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Tolak Angin Cair. Kata kunci : kualitas produk, ketersediaan produk, citra merek, kepercayaan merek, keputusan pembelian.
Proposal KKN-PpMM KKN 230 Otista , 2016
Proposal kegiatan KKN-PpMM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Tahun 2016 Di Desa Buaran Jati, Sukadi... more Proposal kegiatan KKN-PpMM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Tahun 2016 Di Desa Buaran Jati, Sukadiri - Tangerang

Project Market Research , 2018
This article discusses about the analysis of beauty product industry from India, called Himalaya ... more This article discusses about the analysis of beauty product industry from India, called Himalaya Herbals. In order to be able to enter and adapt according to Indonesian circumstances, it is necessary to consider some things that foreign industries need to address, such as consumer consumption behavior, host country regulations, marketing, and relationship management. The beauty industry in Indonesia is targeted by foreign countries because of its rapid growth. We use means-end chain method to know the simple knowledge structure that contains the relationship attributes of consequences and the value of the product. Multi attribute model to evaluate consumer's trust process toward product attribute. The result of research analysis is used as a reference in planning of beauty industry expansion in Indonesia. In planning of this industry expansion, action plan is done by making the implementation schedule as execution guide. Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisa sebuah industri produk kecantikan dari India yaitu Himalaya Herbals. Agar dapat masuk dan beradaptasi sesuai dengan keadaan Indonesia, maka perlu beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh industri asing, seperti perilaku konsumsi dari konsumen, peraturan pemerintah (host country), pemasaran, dan manajemen hubungan. Industri kecantikan di Indonesia menjadi target pasar negara asing karena melihat perkembangannya yang pesat. Metode means-end chain kami gunakan untuk mengetahui struktur pengetahuan sederhana yang memuat hubungan atribut konsekuensi dan nilai dari kegunaan produk. Multi attribute model untuk mengevaluasi proses kepercayaan konsumen terhadap atribut produk. Hasil analisa penelitian dipergunakan sebagai referensi
Laporan Praktek Kerja Lapangan, 2011
Disusun oleh :
Agnes Kartika Vidya Puspita
Bella Agustina
Tri Octaviani
Dibuat pa... more Disusun oleh :
Agnes Kartika Vidya Puspita
Bella Agustina
Tri Octaviani
Dibuat pada tahun 2011 - 2012
Drafts by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita
Presentation Analyze about Journal : Branding Management
Presentation about Analyze Journal with English Language.
i mixed the journal and ppt files into ... more Presentation about Analyze Journal with English Language.
i mixed the journal and ppt files into one files to make it simple.
Presentation : Strategic Marketing Management, 2016
Presentation with English Language
Presentation : Quantitative Management
Presentation with English Language
Presentation : Principle of Islamic Economy
Presentation with English Language
Presentation : Operational Management
Proposal : Cooperation and Small Business 2014
Report Writing : Coorporate and Small Business
Report : Analyze Law 14 and 27 of Cooperation
Paper : Bank & Financial Institution
i put in indonesian language and english language. this is my paper about health insurance.
Presentation : Islamic Studies 2
Mata Kuliah : Islamic Studies 2
Tugas : Madzhab Syafi'i dan Hambali
Jenis File : PDF
Bahasa : Eng... more Mata Kuliah : Islamic Studies 2
Tugas : Madzhab Syafi'i dan Hambali
Jenis File : PDF
Bahasa : English x Indonesia
Presentation : Civic Education
Mata Kuliah : Civic Education
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : Power Point (PPT)
Bah... more Mata Kuliah : Civic Education
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : Power Point (PPT)
Bahasa : Inggris
Paper : Civic Education
Mata Kuliah : Civic Education
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : I... more Mata Kuliah : Civic Education
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris
Report : English Studies 2
this is my task when i join the class of english studies 2.
Presentation : Bank & Financial Institution, 2014
Presentation about Health Insurance. This is from the PPT Format.
Paper : Islamic Studies 1
Mata Kuliah : Islamic Studies 1
Tentang : Interview Practice
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Baha... more Mata Kuliah : Islamic Studies 1
Tentang : Interview Practice
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris
Books by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita
Undergraduate Thesis Book, 2018
Tittle: The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust, Product Availability and Product Quality To... more Tittle: The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Trust, Product Availability and Product Quality Toward Purchase Decision (Case Study of Today Angin Liquid)
Papers by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita
Agnes Kartika Vidya Puspita
Bella Agustina
Tri Octaviani
Dibuat pada tahun 2011 - 2012
Drafts by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita
i mixed the journal and ppt files into one files to make it simple.
Tugas : Madzhab Syafi'i dan Hambali
Jenis File : PDF
Bahasa : English x Indonesia
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : Power Point (PPT)
Bahasa : Inggris
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris
Tentang : Interview Practice
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris
Books by Agnes K A R T I K A V I D Y A Puspita
Agnes Kartika Vidya Puspita
Bella Agustina
Tri Octaviani
Dibuat pada tahun 2011 - 2012
i mixed the journal and ppt files into one files to make it simple.
Tugas : Madzhab Syafi'i dan Hambali
Jenis File : PDF
Bahasa : English x Indonesia
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : Power Point (PPT)
Bahasa : Inggris
Tentang : Demokrasi
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris
Tentang : Interview Practice
Semester : 1
Jenis File : (PDF)
Bahasa : Inggris