Vol. 15 by Aneider Iza Erviti

International Journal of English Studies, 2015
This paper examines the essential features of a group of constructions that belong to the family ... more This paper examines the essential features of a group of constructions that belong to the family of complementary alternation discourse constructions in English. In this group of constructions, X and Y are two situations such that Y is less likely (or more likely) to happen than X. Each member of this group (X Let Alone Y, X Much Less Y, X Never Mind Y, X Not To Mention Y, Not X Nor Y, X Still Less Y, Not X Not Even Y, and X To Say Nothing of Y) introduces subtle changes in focal structure, resulting in changes on the overall coherence of the text. Based on these theoretical explanations, the paper specifies the conditions for the use of one connector with preference over the others. Finally, the paper argues that in these constructions we find two types of cognitive operations at work: simple cognitive operations (negative addition and/or re-association) and operation amalgams, which combine different cognitive operations.
Papers by Aneider Iza Erviti
Mobile learning en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de conceptos teóricos de la Lingüística Cognitiva: el uso de Celly para la exploración de los modelos metafóricos de la Enología por estudiantes de los Grados en Estudios Ingleses y en Enología, 2014
Elaboración de materiales didácticos para algunas asignaturas del Máster en Estudios Avanzados en Humanidades, 2017
El uso de canciones para el aprendizaje de construcciones de la lengua inglesa en el ámbito universitario: una propuesta pedagógica, 2018
Creación de nuevas palabras en inglés: identificación y aprendizaje de nuevos lexemas para una mejor comunicación oral y escrita en lengua inglesa, 2020
Enseñanza del significado emocional en lengua inglesa por medio de recursos multimedia, 2019
Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, 2021

Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2017
This paper studies the fundamental characteristics of a subgroup of members of the family of comp... more This paper studies the fundamental characteristics of a subgroup of members of the family of complementary-contrastive discourse constructions in English. FollowingRuiz de Mendoza and Gómez-González (2014)by discourse constructions this article refers to form-meaning pairings capturing relational meaning such as addition, exemplification, contrast, etc. grounded in high-level cognitive models. A discourse construction (e.g.,X Let Alone Y; cf.Fillmore, Kay, & O’Connor, 1988), generally consists of a fixed part and two variables, where the fixed part is a connector (a discourse marker or a conjunction). The constructions under scrutiny indicate a relation between two elements or situations in the world that are opposites but not exclusive of each other. Many of the members of this constructional family have frequently been treated as fully interchangeable in standard lexicographic practice. By contrast, this paper argues that each of these constructions introduces small but decisive c...

INTED2016 Proceedings, 2016
The present paper offers a description of the first partial results of a work-in-progress researc... more The present paper offers a description of the first partial results of a work-in-progress research project on collaborative learning in virtual environments. The project is located at the University of La Rioja (SPAIN), and it involves collaboration with a group of professors and students from Pennsylvania State University (USA). It has been designed to take place throughout the academic year 2015/2016. The main purpose of the project is to assess the functionality of the use of mobile applications (e.g. Celly@) and virtual collaborative tools like Google Docs in a peer tutoring experience between two groups of students from the two aforementioned universities. One of the main difficulties and challenges faced by undergraduate students is the task of writing essays and dissertations in a foreign language. The present project tackles this issue and looks into the potential benefits of working in a virtual collaborative environment, where students from two different countries (i.e. Spain and the USA), who are native speakers of two different languages (i.e. Spanish and English respectively), join efforts to help one another to improve their essay writing abilities in a second language. Simultaneously, the project aims to assess the potentiality of such virtual international collaborative settings in extending the learning experience beyond the physical classroom and leading the students in the acquisition of the necessary academic and professional competences, including (1) ability to coordinate and collaborate with their peers; (2) autonomous learning capacities; and (3) use of mobile and technological tools. By the end of the academic year, the participant students will be assessed as to their degree of achievement in written language skills and essay writing in the respective foreign languages. At this stage, the present paper provides a first assessment of the progress of the project in terms of the degree of participation and satisfaction of the students, and the number of problems and difficulties encountered in its implementation.
International Journal of English Studies, 2015
This paper examines the essential features of a group of constructions that belong to the family ... more This paper examines the essential features of a group of constructions that belong to the family of complementary alternation discourse constructions in English. In this group of constructions, X and Y are two situations such that Y is less likely (or more likely) to happen than X.

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 2012
For over thirty years cognitive linguists have devoted much effort to the study of metaphors base... more For over thirty years cognitive linguists have devoted much effort to the study of metaphors based on the correlation of events in human experience to the detriment of the more traditional notion of resemblance metaphor, which exploits perceived similarities among objects. Grady (1999) draws attention to this problem and calls for a more serious study of the latter type of metaphor. The present paper takes up this challenge on the basis of a small corpus of 'animal' metaphors in English, which are essentially based on resemblance. Contrary to previous analyses by cognitive linguists (e.g. Lakoff & Turner 1989, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, 1998), who claim that such metaphors are based on a single mapping generally involving comparable behavioral attributes, I will argue that we have a more complex situation which involves different patterns of conceptual interaction. In this respect, I have identified cases of (i) animal metaphors interacting with high-level (i.e. grammatical) metaphors and metonymies, of (ii) (situational) animal metaphors whose source domains are constructed metonymically (cf. Goossens 1990; Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez & Díez Velasco 2002), and of (iii) animal metaphors interacting with other metaphors thereby giving rise to metaphoric amalgams (cf. Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez & Galera Masegosa 2011).
Discourse Constructions in English, 2021

Abstract: For over thirty years cognitive linguists have devoted much effort to the study of meta... more Abstract: For over thirty years cognitive linguists have devoted much effort to the study of metaphors based on the correlation of events in human experience to the detriment of the more traditional notion of resemblance metaphor, which exploits perceived similarities among objects. Grady (1999) draws attention to this problem and calls for a more serious study of the latter type of metaphor. The present paper takes up this challenge on the basis of a small corpus of ‘animal ’ metaphors in English, which are essentially based on resemblance. Contrary to previous analyses by cognitive linguists (e.g. Lakoff & Turner 1989, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, 1998), who claim that such metaphors are based on a single mapping generally involving comparable behavioral attributes, I will argue that we have a more complex situation which involves different patterns of conceptual interaction. In this respect, I have identified cases of (i) animal metaphors interacting with high-level (i.e. grammatical)...
Discourse Constructions in English, 2021
This chapter illustrates the family of complementary alternation constructions. These constructio... more This chapter illustrates the family of complementary alternation constructions. These constructions present two different states of affairs such that the second adds to the first based on a subjective speaker’s judgment. These configurations can be further classified into neutral, understatement, expanding, and condensing constructions, depending on the angle from which they profile this common meaning. The chapter describes and exemplifies the use of each construction type in detail. This is especially done by studying the different meaning zones that each construction activates, which accounts for why certain constructions are allowed while others are blocked in apparently similar contexts.

Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada A La Comunicacion, 2015
The present investigation will analyze the lexical-constructional integration of contact by impac... more The present investigation will analyze the lexical-constructional integration of contact by impact verbs (transitive by origin) into the intransitive-motion construction. Departing from the classical works by Levin (1993), Goldberg (1995) and Faber and Mairal (1999) on contact by impact verbs, I will propose a new taxonomy that overcomes the weaknesses of previous classifications and discuss the constructional use of these verbs in real language data. Finally, I will explain the compatibility of such verbs with the intransitive-motion construction following the explanatory tools provided by the Lexical Constructional Model (Ruiz de Mendoza and Mairal, 2008a, 2008b, 2011). The main conclusions that derive from this study are that most contact-by-impact verbs are compatible with the intransitive-motion construction, this integration being possible by applying different high-level metaphors and metonymies and that all contact-by-impact verbs that are related to sound (batter, bump, cra...

espanolEsta tesis se enmarca dentro de los ultimos avances del Modelo Lexico Construccional (MLC)... more espanolEsta tesis se enmarca dentro de los ultimos avances del Modelo Lexico Construccional (MLC) desarrollado por los profesores Ruiz de Mendoza y Mairal (MLC; Ruiz de Mendoza y Mairal 2008, 2011; Mairal y Ruiz de Mendoza 2008, 2009). La tesis implica el desarrollo del nivel discursivo de dicho modelo desde la Gramatica Construccional y enfatiza el papel de las construcciones discursivas en la construccion del significado. Para ello, el estudio identifica tres familias construccionales: (i) de alternancia complementaria (i.e. Neither X nor Y, X even Y, Not X even less Y, X let alone Y, X not to mention Y, etc.), (ii) de contraste complementario (i.e. X nevertheless Y, X on the other hand Y, X is more M tan N, X while Y, etc.); y (iii) de contraste (i.e. Either X or Y, X as against Y, X unlike Y, X contrary to Y, etc.). Una vez identificadas las familias, las construcciones que las forman se sub-clasifican en base a las nociones de perfil, base y zona activa de Langacker (1987, 1999...

This chapter focuses on complementary contrastive constructions, which, in addition to conveying ... more This chapter focuses on complementary contrastive constructions, which, in addition to conveying a contrastive meaning between the two compared segments of discourse, also feature an additive value. The identification of this constructional family is a great step forward in the study of language since most discourse approaches simply distinguish between contrastive and additive constructions, without retaining the possibility of combining both operations into a single form. The chapter proposes a further classification of this constructional family into seven subgroups of constructions: neutral, concessive, correcting, topic changing, topic avoiding, refusal-apology, and evaluative complementary contrastive constructions. Then, it explains the subtleties in meaning that each complementary contrastive construction presents, proving that there are no semantically identical constructions. This chapter also reveals that it is possible to find contrast and addition cognitive operations i...
Vol. 15 by Aneider Iza Erviti
Papers by Aneider Iza Erviti