Papers by Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin

Jurnal Sosiologi Agama, 2021
Sebuah organisasi sosial-keagamaan secara alamiah memiliki naluri untuk bertahan dalam perubahan ... more Sebuah organisasi sosial-keagamaan secara alamiah memiliki naluri untuk bertahan dalam perubahan sosial yang ada di sekitarnya, termasuk gerakan tarekat. Perubahan ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan lebih banyak jamaah dan mempertahankan eksistensi gerakan di tengah lingkungannya. Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah di Aceh merupakan tarekat yang masih baru dibandingkan tarekat lain yang sudah ada di sana sebelumnya. Perubahan politik yang dinamis di Aceh juga mempengaruhi perubahan dalam bidang keagamaan. Artikel ini akan mencoba menjelaskan proses perubahan yang terjadi dalam gerakan tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Aceh, bentuk perubahannya, dan relasi perubahan tersebut dengan kekuasaan. Dari pengamatan dan wawancara yang penulis lakukan dengan kelompok pelaku tarekat tampak bahwa perubahan dalam tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah yang ada di Aceh terkait erat dengan peran yang dimainkan oleh aktor-aktor tarekat sebagai agensinya. Perubahan itu juga berbeda antara apa yang dilakukan oleh sa...

Phobia and prejudice toward Islam in America and Europe are contributed by a small particular gr... more Phobia and prejudice toward Islam in America and Europe are contributed by a small particular group that name their violence and movement on behalf of Islam. In fact, Islam is a religion that calls for peace and harmony. But these impressions are still inadequate to purify the image of Islam. It requires to systematic effort to show that the truth teaching of Islam that guarantees and supports the universal values of mankind to life in peace and harmony. Fethullah Gulen, who is scholar, a preacher, a sufi, a teacher and is a Muslim activist from Turkey, is one of scholars and actors how has done this mission. Currently, Gulen has tens million followers from around the world that bring about to become one of the most influential person in contemporary Muslim world. This papers seeks to see the basic and model of religious social movement that are done by Fethullah Gulen in his campaign in cosmopolitan society. The campaign strongly states that Islam is very relevant to mod...

Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies, 2022
Abstract: This article is aimed to explore the contested authorities in the enforcement of sharia... more Abstract: This article is aimed to explore the contested authorities in the enforcement of sharia law in Aceh. The existence of these contesting authorities could be observed in the qanun shari’a (the shari’a bylaws) formulation and implementation processes. In Aceh Province, this contestation is also further complicated by a wider contestation among formal and non-formal actors, representing pluralities of Aceh jurisprudence perspectives. Hence, the dynamic of sharia law products and its implementation in Aceh actually [re]presents a unique situation of how pluralities of actors could influence the Sharia Law formulation and its enforcement, and this is also mediated by the historical, political and cultural contexts. This research utilizes a qualitative approach, through a library research data collection which is also combined by few interviews. Generally, it seems that the authorities or agencies of both formal and non-formal institutions sometimes intersect, overlap and co...

Phobia and prejudice toward Islam in America and Europe are contributed by a small particular gro... more Phobia and prejudice toward Islam in America and Europe are contributed by a small particular group that name their violence and movement on behalf of Islam. In fact, Islam is a religion that calls for peace and harmony. But these impressions are still inadequate to purify the image of Islam. It requires to systematic effort to show that the truth teaching of Islam that guarantees and supports the universal values of mankind to life in peace and harmony. Fethullah Gulen, who is scholar, a preacher, a sufi, a teacher and is a Muslim activist from Turkey, is one of scholars and actors how has done this mission. Currently, Gulen has tens million followers from around the world that bring about to become one of the most influential person in contemporary Muslim world. This papers seeks to see the basic and model of religious social movement that are done by Fethullah Gulen in his campaign in cosmopolitan society. The campaign strongly states that Islam is very relevant to modern life. T...

This article looks at the development of Sufism in the form of Sufi orders (tarekat) in contempor... more This article looks at the development of Sufism in the form of Sufi orders (tarekat) in contemporary Aceh, notably Syattariah order (Tarekat Syattariyah). Syattariah order has a strong foundation in the history of Islam in Aceh. A great Acehnese scholar, Abdurrauf As-Singkili is the figure who spread this order in the archipelago. One of the centers of the development of the Syattariyah order in contemporary Aceh is Nagan Raya with Habib Muda Seunagan as the main leader. Syattariah grows rapidly under his influence by forming a special formula that is very preferential to the local culture. His role is evident in the term "join under Habib's umbrella†held by his congregation. However, the new development of the Syattariyah order also raises some accusations against its practice, as it is considered contrary to the teachings of Islam in general. Accusation of being a heresy and contrary to Islam, as "Salek Buta" not infrequently addressed. I conducted observatio...

This article looks at the development of Sufism in the form of Sufi orders (tarekat) in contempor... more This article looks at the development of Sufism in the form of Sufi orders (tarekat) in contemporary Aceh, notably Syattariah order (Tarekat Syattariyah). Syattariah order has a strong foundation in the history of Islam in Aceh. A great Acehnese scholar, Abdurrauf As-Singkili is the figure who spread this order in the archipelago. One of the centers of the development of the Syattariyah order in contemporary Aceh is Nagan Raya with Habib Muda Seunagan as the main leader. Syattariah grows rapidly under his influence by forming a special formula that is very preferential to the local culture. His role is evident in the term "join under Habib's umbrella" held by his congregation. However, the new development of the Syattariyah order also raises some accusations against its practice, as it is considered contrary to the teachings of Islam in general. Accusation of being a heresy and contrary to Islam, as "Salek Buta" not infrequently addressed. I conducted observa...

This article discusses the development and the influence of tarekat in societal life of rural Jav... more This article discusses the development and the influence of tarekat in societal life of rural Javaness. Some researchers on modern tarekat in Indonesia, like Bruinessen and Howel, argued that practicing tarekat now shifts from rural to urban community, which is known as urban Sufism. The unique relation between sheikh and student gradually being left by the urban Sufism and being changed by ability in rhetoric and connecting religious teaching to modern life issues by using spiritual approaches. Based on my field experience, this argument is not totally relevant and true, especially in rural community of Javaness. Tarekat is not influenced by the development of modern communication and telecommunication. Tarekat remains as inseparable part of rural religious social life. This research was conducted in January 2012 in a remote village of Pekalongan, Central Java. While I took part in various activities of the Tarekat Shiddiqiah members, I interviewed some of the members. By doing thi...

Abstract: Since the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh in 2001, the idea of Islam has always be... more Abstract: Since the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh in 2001, the idea of Islam has always been related to Islamic yurisprudence. This has denied the aspect of spirituality in Sufi order (tariqa) which is actually the root of Islam in Aceh. Moreover, Sufi order in Aceh is like ducking and disappeared from the surface. Does the inconspicuious Sufi order attributable to the implementation of Sharia law? The answer is no. This paper attempts to explore the patterns of adaptation and transformation of Sufi orders movements in Aceh after the great wave in December 2004. I look at three different examples of Sufi orders; First, the Tawhid Tasawuf Study Council (Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf; MPTT) Syekh Haji Amran Wali who represents the Naqshabandi al-Khalidi congregation (South Aceh and Banda Aceh). Second, the Tarekat Qadiriyah wan Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) which led by Tgk. Sulfanwandi (Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh). Third, the Naqshabandi al-Haqqani order led by Ustaz Zamhuri (Banda ...

This article analyzes the relevance of Islamic lawimplemented in Aceh since 1999 towards a cosmop... more This article analyzes the relevance of Islamic lawimplemented in Aceh since 1999 towards a cosmopolitan societydevelopments. The study is based on the assumption that portraitsIslam as a religion that accommodates the development ofterrorism. This assumption is further strengthened by the numberof Islamic radical groups that are involved various acts of terror,both in Indonesia and other places around the world. Therefore,the term “enforcement of Islamic sharia” becoming a phrase thatraises concerns of many parties and considered as a part ofopening a space for the development of Islamic radicalism.Question will be answered is in what extent Islamic law in Acehrelevant to the cosmopolitan modern society. This question willbe answered by searching the relevant references, criticizing, andinterpreting them. Thus, the author discovered that theimplementation of Islamic law in Aceh does not directly providespace on the birth of Islamic radicalism that could bring upterrorism, but more t...

Hadirnya teknologi telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi sebagian orang yang tidak dapat memanfaat... more Hadirnya teknologi telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi sebagian orang yang tidak dapat memanfaatkannya dengan baik. Selain itu zaman modern yang dianggap sebagai zaman yang menyebabkan seseorang untuk terjebak pada pola hidup materialistik-hendonistik yang mendorong dirinya lebih banyak menghabiskan hidupnya untuk mencari kepuasan yang bersifat materi dan sering kali bersifat tak acuh kepada Tuhannya. Penerapan syariat Islam di Aceh selalu terkait dengan hukum Islam. Hal ini telah menafikan aspek spritualitas dalam tarekat yang merupakan akar Islam di Aceh, apalagi kelompok-kelompok tarekat seperti tidak menampakkan diri kepermukaan. Namun yang menjad ipertanyaan apakah kelompok tarekat benar-benar hilang karena diberlakukan syari'at Islam. Tulisan ini mencoba menelusuri bagaimana pola adaptasi dan perubahan gerakan tarekat di Aceh pasca modern, dimana penulis mengambil contoh pada Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf (MPTT) Syekh Haji Amran Wali sebagai representasi tarekat Naqsyabandi al-Khalidi (Aceh Selatan dan Banda Aceh). Dari penelusuran ini, penulis menemukan beberapa pola adaptasi tarekat terhadap kebijakan dan kecenderungan masyarakat Islam dalam hukum Islam. MPTT Amran Wali cenderung melakukan pemaknaan ulang atas doktrin-doktrin tasawuf klasik yang dianggap bertentangan dengan syariat namun berbeda dengan lainnya.

Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin
Since the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh in 2001, the idea of Islam has always been related... more Since the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh in 2001, the idea of Islam has always been related to Islamic yurisprudence. This has denied the aspect of spirituality in Sufi order (tariqa) which is actually the root of Islam in Aceh. Moreover, Sufi order in Aceh is like ducking and disappeared from the surface. Does the inconspicuious Sufi order attributable to the implementation of Sharia law? The answer is no. This paper attempts to explore the patterns of adaptation and transformation of Sufi orders movements in Aceh after the great wave in December 2004. I look at three different examples of Sufi orders; First, the Tawhid Tasawuf Study Council (Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf; MPTT) Syekh Haji Amran Wali who represents the Naqshabandi al-Khalidi congregation (South Aceh and Banda Aceh). Second, the Tarekat Qadiriyah wan Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) which led by Tgk. Sulfanwandi (Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh). Third, the Naqshabandi al-Haqqani order led by Ustaz Zamhuri (Banda Aceh). I found several patterns of tarekat adaptation to policies and Islamic society's trends in Islamic law. MPTT Amran Waly tends to re-interpret the classical Sufism doctrines, which considered contrary to the Sharia. TQN Sulfanwandi takes spirituality service while maintaining the urban lifestyle. While Haqqaniyah Ustaz Zamhuri made a pattern of cultural arts adaptation to show his tarekat as part of the life pattern of classical Acehnese Sufi scholars. The three tarekat groups seem to emphasize more on aspects of religious spirituality as an inseparable part of the development of modern society. Or in other words, it remains religiously valid even though it is modern in worldly life.
This paper describes the dynamics and development of Pran-Soeh: the local Javanese mysticism with... more This paper describes the dynamics and development of Pran-Soeh: the local Javanese mysticism with followers of approximately 700 people in Yogyakarta and Central Java. It concludes that the emergence of Pran-Soeh is motivated by its followers' move to acommodate the mainstream religius belief with the local Javanese mysticism at the backdrop of mounting pressures from the spread of other formal religious belief in the country. As a minority religious group, Pran-Soeh's historical development has been very much influenced by its dialectical interaction with other formal religion in Indonesia. The article also highlights that the hegemony of the government-endorsed religiosity has obstructed the development of Pran-Soeh.

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose of the study:The purpose of this study is to present the Islamic conception on the disast... more Purpose of the study:The purpose of this study is to present the Islamic conception on the disasters that accepted by the communityfrom a case of Aceh of post the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Methodology:The data was collected from several interviews with the key persons in tsunami-affected areas. The interviewed key persons wereTengkus or Ulamaswho havea role in constructing the community disaster perception, community members and related stakeholders. The interview results were identified and coded based on the similarity and related to the study purpose. Main Findings:The interpretation of disaster based on the religious context of post the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has been trended negatively to construct the community’s disaster perception. The perceptions are most driven by the key person in society such as Tengkus or Ulamasbut it seems to be far from disaster risk reduction goals. The disaster risk reduction efforts should pay on this matter in order to make community more resi...

Hadirnya teknologi telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi sebagian orang yang tidak dapat memanfaat... more Hadirnya teknologi telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi sebagian orang yang tidak dapat memanfaatkannya dengan baik. Selain itu zaman modern yang dianggap sebagai zaman yang menyebabkan seseorang untuk terjebak pada pola hidup materialistik-hendonistik yang mendorong dirinya lebih banyak menghabiskan hidupnya untuk mencari kepuasan yang bersifat materi dan sering kali bersifat tak acuh kepada Tuhannya. Penerapan syariat Islam di Aceh selalu terkait dengan hukum Islam. Hal ini telah menafikan aspek spritualitas dalam tarekat yang merupakan akar Islam di Aceh, apalagi kelompok-kelompok tarekat seperti tidak menampakkan diri kepermukaan. Namun yang menjad ipertanyaan apakah kelompok tarekat benar-benar hilang karena diberlakukan syari'at Islam. Tulisan ini mencoba menelusuri bagaimana pola adaptasi dan perubahan gerakan tarekat di Aceh pasca modern, dimana penulis mengambil contoh pada Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid Tasawuf (MPTT) Syekh Haji Amran Wali sebagai representasi tarekat Naqsyabandi al-Khalidi (Aceh Selatan dan Banda Aceh). Dari penelusuran ini, penulis menemukan beberapa pola adaptasi tarekat terhadap kebijakan dan kecenderungan masyarakat Islam dalam hukum Islam. MPTT Amran Wali cenderung melakukan pemaknaan ulang atas doktrin-doktrin tasawuf klasik yang dianggap bertentangan dengan syariat namun berbeda dengan lainnya.
Papers by Sehat Ihsan Shadiqin