Books by Prof. Dr. Ir. Raihan Rasjidi, M.Si

Universitas Islam Jakarta, 2023
Etika merupakan hal yang penting dalam manusia menjalankan profesinya , hal ini berkaitan dengan ... more Etika merupakan hal yang penting dalam manusia menjalankan profesinya , hal ini berkaitan dengan manusia sebagai individu yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk berfikir dalam mengembangkan ilum pengetahuannya untuk berhubungan dengan sesamanya dalam menjalankan profesi dan pekerjaannya.
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa manusia sebagai makhluk individu dan makhluk sosial mempunyai peran dalam melakukan kegiatan dalam bekerja pada profesi di bidang pekerjaannya berlandaskan nilai norma etika, moral berlandaskan agama dan budaya . Di sisi lain buku ini memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian , klasifikasi etika , fungsi , peran etika dan mengimplemtasikannya dengan etos kerja, serta bagaimana etos kerja yang hendaknya dijalankan dalam berprofesi berdasarkan etika dan kode etik profesi . Di bagian akhir buku ini memberikan tuntunan bagi seorang yang beragama dengan etos kerja berdasarkan nilai nilai agama serta etika profesi masing masing dalam seorang melakukan pekerjaannya dan tindakannya secara professional.

Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian p... more Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian people. However, the implementation of education in IBS still mostly prioritizes religious material. As a result, many IBS graduates find it difficult to find work. Entrepreneurship education is one solution to further empower IBS. This study aims to explore the implementation of entrepreneurship education in IBS in Indonesia. This research was conducted at the Dalwa IBS located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The research data were obtained through field observations, in-depth interviews, and document studies. The results showed several phenomena as follows. First, entrepreneurial activities in IBS have started since the establishment of IBS. Second, entrepreneurial activities are carried out with the premise that IBS activities can run well if they are supported by appropriate financial factors. In particular, entrepreneurship education activities in IBS are aimed at making alumni have an entrepreneurial spirit and independence so that they are able to develop an economic sector that can support their da'wah activities. Third, entrepreneurship activities involve more IBS administrators and the surrounding community. This activity only involves certain students who have strong talents and business interests. In particular, entrepreneurship courses are not held in IBS. However, the students were briefed on entrepreneurship several times so that they also had insight into entrepreneurship. Fourth, entrepreneurship education provides positive benefits for students. Some of these benefits include increasing the interest of students in entrepreneurship so that they can live independently, allowing students to live noble lives, and allowing students to give a lot of alms to the community.

Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian p... more Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian people. However, the implementation of education in IBS still mostly prioritizes religious material. As a result, many IBS graduates find it difficult to find work. Entrepreneurship education is one solution to further empower IBS. This study aims to explore the implementation of entrepreneurship education in IBS in Indonesia. This research was conducted at the Dalwa IBS located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The research data were obtained through field observations, in-depth interviews, and document studies. The results showed several phenomena as follows. First, entrepreneurial activities in IBS have started since the establishment of IBS. Second, entrepreneurial activities are carried out with the premise that IBS activities can run well if they are supported by appropriate financial factors. In particular, entrepreneurship education activities in IBS are aimed at making alumni have an entrepreneurial spirit and independence so that they are able to develop an economic sector that can support their da'wah activities. Third, entrepreneurship activities involve more IBS administrators and the surrounding community. This activity only involves certain students who have strong talents and business interests. In particular, entrepreneurship courses are not held in IBS. However, the students were briefed on entrepreneurship several times so that they also had insight into entrepreneurship. Fourth, entrepreneurship education provides positive benefits for students. Some of these benefits include increasing the interest of students in entrepreneurship so that they can live independently, allowing students to live noble lives, and allowing students to give a lot of alms to the community.

Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal ... more Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal has a very important role because it can reduces the damage caused by seawater tidal flooding and erosion. However, the existence of mangrove forests is threatened by various natural factors, human activities and a combination of both. Given the important role of mangroves for the city, data and information on temporal changes in the distribution of mangrove cover in this area need to be monitored annually to evaluate changes in cover holistically. Therefore, this study was conducted to detect changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of mangroves on the Jakarta coastal. Landsat 7 ETM satellite image data from 2014 to 2018 were analyzed using medium resolution combined with visual interpretation and literature review to detect changes in mangrove areas. Mangrove forest cover was estimated at 111.58 hectares in 2014 and decreased to 103.84 hectares in 2018. That means Jakarta has lost 7.74 hectares over 4 years. This review article will also discuss the main factors that influence, changes in area, the impact of Jakarta Bay reclamation on North Jakarta's mangroves.

BAB I PENDAHULUAN Alam semesta beserta isinya ini telah diciptakan oleh Allah S.W.T. sebelum manu... more BAB I PENDAHULUAN Alam semesta beserta isinya ini telah diciptakan oleh Allah S.W.T. sebelum manusia diciptakan (Qs. 2 :117). Bumi dan isinya sebelum manusia ada merupakan bahan mentah yang belum diolah. Adanya Manusia dengan berbagai potensi (akal budi yang kuat) diharapkan dapat mengolah berbagai bahan mentah yang ada dipermukaan bumi, di dalam bumi, maupun yang ada di angkasa (jagat raya). Akal dapat dipergunakan untuk berfikir dan memperhatikan semua benda yang ada di alam semesta sehingga apabila akal digunakan maka tidak ada sesuatupun di lingkungan yang tidak bermanfaat. DalamAl Qur'an dinyatakan : "Sesungguhnya Kami telah menempatkanmu sekalian di muka bumi dan Kami adakan bagimu di muka bumi itu (sumber) penghidupan.Amat sedikit kamu bersyukur "(Qs 7:10) dan selanjutnya "Dan Kami telah menjadikan untukmu di bumi keperluan-keperluan hidup, dan (Kami menciptakan pula) makhluk yang kamu sekali-sekali bukan pemberi rezeki kepadanya "(Qs. 15 : 20) Kesejahteraan hidup manusia dan makhluk lainnya memang besar ketergantungannya kepada manusia dalam mengolah alam dan lingkungannya. Manusia adalah makhluk hidup yang dikodratkan sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini (Qs 2 :30), oleh karenanya keberadaannya bertanggungjawab terhadap kesejahteraan untuk semua makhluk hidup. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut maka hendaknya manusia dapat mengatur sistem kehidupan yang ada dimuka bumi ini. Kehidupan tersebut berlangsungdalamsuatusistemkehidupanyangdisebutekosistemyangmana manusia adalah bagian dari padanya. Selain di bumi manusia juga disediakan keperluan hidup yang terkandung di langit seperti matahari, bintang-bintang (sebagai petunjuk dan arah mata angin), udara, bulan dan benda-benda lain yang ditundukan Lingkungan dan Hukum Lingkungan

Tujuan dari isi buku ini adalah agar mahasiswa dapat melakukan penelitian sebagai salah satu kary... more Tujuan dari isi buku ini adalah agar mahasiswa dapat melakukan penelitian sebagai salah satu karya ilmiah khususnya untuk skripsi, tesis dan disertasi sebagai dasar dalam rencana melakukan penelitian dan melaksanakan penelitian sesuai dengan metode ilmiah.. Oleh karenanya didalam buku ini dapat dapat dilihat cara mendapatkan kebenaran, perbedaan pengetahuan dan ilmu. sebagai pendahuluan
Agar sebelum peneliti melaksanakan penelitian dengan benar maka pada buku ini dijelaskan mengenai etika dan perencanaan penelitian.,serta peran dan jenis-jenis penelitian..
Sebelum melaksanakan penelitian maka perlu dijelaskan mengenai metode ilmiah serta langkah-langkahnya.
Di dalam buku ini dijelaskan memilih masalah, merumuskan masalah, membuat kerangka berpikir serta bagaiman mengutip kutipan serta cara menjayikan daftar pustaka. Selain itu juga dijelaskan mengenai populasi dan sampel, instrumen penelitian serta skala pengukurannya , dan cara menyajikan laporan penelitian serta membuat kesimpulan dan saran . Buku ini dilengkapi dengan contoh -contoh.
Papers by Prof. Dr. Ir. Raihan Rasjidi, M.Si

KnE Social Sciences
The coastal area is a transitional area between land ecosystems and marine ecosystems that meet e... more The coastal area is a transitional area between land ecosystems and marine ecosystems that meet each other in a fragile balance. Hence, in the management of coastal areas, spatial plans are needed to support economic growth and the development of coastal areas so that they are ecologically sustainable. This research is normative legal research with a philosophical and conceptual approach. The purpose of this study is to philosophically analyze the concept of integrated coastal area management in the utilization of Jakarta’s northern coastal space. The results of the study reveal that the utilization of the north coastal area of Jakarta faces 2 main issues; the first is the biophysical degradation of the coastal environment, namely pollution. The second is the issue of conflict of use and authority in the utilization of the north coast of Jakarta. Integrated coastal area management aims to guide the direction of coastal area development so that it is ecologically sustainable. In addi...

AMCA Journal OF Community Development, 2023
Circular economy is an economic activity that emphasizes the use of resources aimed at reducing e... more Circular economy is an economic activity that emphasizes the use of resources aimed at reducing emissions and energy released. The benefits of implementing a circular economy are absorbing labour, reducing waste, reducing pollution, and preserving nature. The circular economy system is the opposite of the conventional economic system. The conventional economic system only exploits nature to produce goods for use and after that is discarded. The five activities that are at the core of the circular economy concept are reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and revalue. Circular economy will generate benefits from both economic, social and environmental aspects. From an economic perspective, this concept will use waste products from previous production processes or other economic actors to end waste treatment globally. From a social aspect, this concept can create new job opportunities, encourage community participation, and use collective goods and services more efficiently than individually. From an environmental aspect, by utilizing waste from product sharing, it will reduce the environmental burden from the exploitation of raw materials and pollution. The circular economy system will create benefits not only making the environment healthier but also having a positive impact on the economy, absorbing labour and creating long-term economic resilience.

Journal of Education and Practice
Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian p... more Islamic Boarding Schools (IBS) play an important role in providing education for the Indonesian people. However, the implementation of education in IBS still mostly prioritizes religious material. As a result, many IBS graduates find it difficult to find work. Entrepreneurship education is one solution to further empower IBS. This study aims to explore the implementation of entrepreneurship education in IBS in Indonesia. This research was conducted at the Dalwa IBS located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The research data were obtained through field observations, in-depth interviews, and document studies. The results showed several phenomena as follows. First, entrepreneurial activities in IBS have started since the establishment of IBS. Second, entrepreneurial activities are carried out with the premise that IBS activities can run well if they are supported by appropriate financial factors. In particular, entrepreneurship education activities in IBS are aimed at making alumni have an entrepreneurial spirit and independence so that they are able to develop an economic sector that can support their da'wah activities. Third, entrepreneurship activities involve more IBS administrators and the surrounding community. This activity only involves certain students who have strong talents and business interests. In particular, entrepreneurship courses are not held in IBS. However, the students were briefed on entrepreneurship several times so that they also had insight into entrepreneurship. Fourth, entrepreneurship education provides positive benefits for students. Some of these benefits include increasing the interest of students in entrepreneurship so that they can live independently, allowing students to live noble lives, and allowing students to give a lot of alms to the community.

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2020
The object of this study is the religious attitude and character of students in junior high schoo... more The object of this study is the religious attitude and character of students in junior high schools. The purpose of this study is to understand and explore the relationship between Islamic Religious Education with student's character, the level of discipline with student's character, and Islamic education and the level of discipline with student character. The scope of this study is the character of students in school, and student's religious practice. This study uses quantitative analysis based on primary data or survey data at MTs Al_Whatoniyah 20, Bekasi. The findings in this study are that there is a positive relationship between Islamic education and student character at MTs Al-Whatoniyah 20, Bekasi. One increasing index in Islamic Education is associated with an increase of 0.93 in the student character index in Mts Al_Whatoniyah 20 Bekasi. Besides, the value of discipline also has a strong positive relationship with their character. For every one index that rises ...

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021
Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal ... more Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal has a very important role because it can reduces the damage caused by seawater tidal flooding and erosion. However, the existence of mangrove forests is threatened by various natural factors, human activities and a combination of both. Given the important role of mangroves for the city, data and information on temporal changes in the distribution of mangrove cover in this area need to be monitored annually to evaluate changes in cover holistically. Therefore, this study was conducted to detect changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of mangroves on the Jakarta coastal. Landsat 7 ETM satellite image data from 2014 to 2018 were analyzed using medium resolution combined with visual interpretation and literature review to detect changes in mangrove areas. Mangrove forest cover was estimated at 111.58 hectares in 2014 and decreased to 103.84 hectares in 2018. That means Jakarta has lost 7.74 hectares over 4 years. This review article will also discuss the main factors that influence, changes in area, the impact of Jakarta Bay reclamation on North Jakarta's mangroves.

Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 2020
Utilization of the waters of the northern coast of Jakarta which are contaminated with heavy meta... more Utilization of the waters of the northern coast of Jakarta which are contaminated with heavy metals as a conservation area through a non-consumed Asian green mussel (perna viridis) cultivation program as an aspired law. This research method is qualitative with socio-legal approach as a basis for the formation of non-consuming green seashell. The results showed that green mussels have the advantage of being a bio filter because they are able to filter water contaminated with heavy metals. Its ability shows that 1 kilogram of green mussels can filter water as much as 10 liters/hour. Testing results in the sea water in Kamal Muara and Cilincing in 2019 showed that the heavy metal content of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) did not meet the standards of the Minister of Environment Decree Number 179 of 2004. The test results at the ordinate point of the sampling location Kamal Muara S604’41, 16972”/E106044’24,00684” (Station I) showed an increase in Pb of 0.052 mg/l, making it...

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol.12, No.18, 2021 , 2021
Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal ... more Jakarta is very vulnerable to erosion and tidal flooding. Mangrove forest on the Jakarta coastal has a very important role because it can reduces the damage caused by seawater tidal flooding and erosion. However, the existence of mangrove forests is threatened by various natural factors, human activities and a combination of both. Given the important role of mangroves for the city, data and information on temporal changes in the distribution of mangrove cover in this area need to be monitored annually to evaluate changes in cover holistically. Therefore, this study was conducted to detect changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of mangroves on the Jakarta coastal. Landsat 7 ETM satellite image data from 2014 to 2018 were analyzed using medium resolution combined with visual interpretation and literature review to detect changes in mangrove areas. Mangrove forest cover was estimated at 111.58 hectares in 2014 and decreased to 103.84 hectares in 2018. That means Jakarta has lost 7.74 hectares over 4 years. This review article will also discuss the main factors that influence, changes in area, the impact of Jakarta Bay reclamation on North Jakarta's mangroves.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2021
Mangrove forest is widely cited as an ecosystem with a high economic value, implying that mangrov... more Mangrove forest is widely cited as an ecosystem with a high economic value, implying that mangrove forest preservation should be maintained. However, mangrove forests the management faces various complex problems. While mangrove forest provide various types of life support products, this ecosystems is under constant pressure due to natural factors and human activities. This study aims to evaluate the economic values of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island, Jakarta Province by comparing these values with values prevailing in other regions in Indonesia. The results indicate that the economic values of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island are different from the values prevailing in other regions. This finding supports the notion that the mangroves characteristics in a certain area actually have different from the mangroves characteristics in other areas. These differences in the characteristics, and of course the preferences differences of the people around mangrove forests, have implications for the emergence of differences in the economic values of the mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island. The findings imply that mangrove management requires an approach that can balance the interests of environmental sustainability and benefits for human welfare. One approach could be taken is conducting a comprehensive study of several aspects including ecological, social, economic, institutional, and regulatory and legal aspects.

Budapest International Research and critis Institute Journal ( BIRCIJournal), 2021
Corruption becomes an extraordinary act of punishment so that it
is necessary to impose the heav... more Corruption becomes an extraordinary act of punishment so that it
is necessary to impose the heaviest sentence. The bribery of
lobster seeds at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is
very sad when viewed from the glasses of the Law. This research
uses normative legal analysis by analysing and reviewing both
primary and secondary legal materials to obtain legal materials
relevant to legal issues that have been formulated in the study.
The results of this study are charged with imprisonment for life or
imprisonment of at least 4 (four) years and a maximum of 20
(twenty) years, and a fine of at least two hundred million rupiahs
and at most one billion rupiahs. The conclusion of this study is the
application of criminal enforcement for bribery perpetrators and
export licensees according to the provisions of the Corruption Act
for state organisers is considered not yet maximal because the
minimum illegal conviction period is five years.

J.Environ Treat Tech, 2020
Utilization of the waters of the northern coast of Jakarta which are contaminated with heavy meta... more Utilization of the waters of the northern coast of Jakarta which are contaminated with heavy metals as a conservation area th rough a non-consumed Asian green mussel (perna viridis) cultivation program as an aspired law. This research method is qualitative with socio-legal approach as a basis for the formation of non-consuming green seashell. The results showed that green mussels have the advantage of being a bio filter because they are able to filter water contaminated with heavy metals. Its ability shows that 1 kilogram of green mussels can filter water as much as 10 liters/hour. Testing results in the sea water in Kamal Muara and Cilincing in 2019 showed that the heavy metal content of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) did not meet the standards of the Minister of Environment Decree Number 179 of 2004. The test results at the ordinate point of the sampling location Kamal Muara S6 0 4'41, 16972"/E106 0 44'24,00684" (Station I) showed an increase in Pb of 0.052 mg/l, making it very appropriate as the basis for non-consumed green seashell cultivation area as this species was able to be an environmentally friendly bio filter.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2019
Research focusing on the implementation of manufacturing flexibility and its implication on the o... more Research focusing on the implementation of manufacturing flexibility and its implication on the operational performance of manufacturing SMEs is limited. This study is aimed to find out the implementation of five different types of manufacturing flexibility and it's on four different aspects of operational performance. In particular, this study was intended to examine if the degree of manufacturing flexibility and operational performance differ across company size, age, age, market orientation, and sector. This study followed a survey method to collect data concerning the implementation of manufacturing flexibility and its implication on the operational performance of manufacturing SMEs. The sample involved in this study comprises 174 Indonesian manufacturing SMEs located in Cikarang Region, West Java Province of Indonesia. The results revealed that manufacturing flexibility and operational performance vary across company size, age, and market orientation, however, there were only two types of manufacturing flexibility scores that follow this pattern. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that company size significantly does not affect scores of manufacturing cost performance, indicating that company size had little impact on manufacturing cost performance. Lastly, it was found that scores of product quality performance significantly vary across ages and market orientation. A similar pattern takes place in scores of manufacturing lead time and delivery performance.

nternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2018
Previous studies on the relationship involving knowledge creation process, organizational learnin... more Previous studies on the relationship involving knowledge creation process, organizational learning, and innovation capability among manufacturing companies gave mixed results. In addition, there is little empirical research examining how the influence of knowledge creation processes contributes to innovation. In particular, research focusing on the role of mediation variable in relation to the influence of the knowledge creation process on innovation capability is also limited. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational learning as a mediating variable in the relationship between knowledge creation process and innovation capability. The sample of the study is 82 Indonesian automotive parts suppliers. All the companies are categorized assmall and medium enterprises and are located in Banten and Jakarta Province of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the knowledge creation process has a positive effect on organizational learning and innovation capability. In addition, the study found that organizational learning also significantly mediates the relationship between knowledge creation process and innovation capability.

International Journal of multidiciplinary Research and Development, 2020
Much research has been done to examine the relationship between organizational learning, innovati... more Much research has been done to examine the relationship between organizational learning, innovation capability, and company performance. The results of various studies confirm the existence of a positive relationship between organizational learning, innovation capability, and company performance. However, empirical research that focuses on the relationship between these three constructs simultaneously is still limited. This study explores the relationship between these three constructs using Structural Equation Modeling with data obtained from 62 manufacturing companies located in the eastern region of Jakarta province, Indonesia. The finding supports the notion that learning in organizations can play a role as a driver for improving company performance as well as a determinant of innovation activities. The capability of innovation itself is the main driver for improving company performance. Specifically, the findings indicate that the effect of learning in organizations on innovation capability is higher than its effect on manufacturing performance. The findings reflect that innovation capability is capable of acting as mediators in the relationship between organizational learning and manufacturing performance.
Books by Prof. Dr. Ir. Raihan Rasjidi, M.Si
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa manusia sebagai makhluk individu dan makhluk sosial mempunyai peran dalam melakukan kegiatan dalam bekerja pada profesi di bidang pekerjaannya berlandaskan nilai norma etika, moral berlandaskan agama dan budaya . Di sisi lain buku ini memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian , klasifikasi etika , fungsi , peran etika dan mengimplemtasikannya dengan etos kerja, serta bagaimana etos kerja yang hendaknya dijalankan dalam berprofesi berdasarkan etika dan kode etik profesi . Di bagian akhir buku ini memberikan tuntunan bagi seorang yang beragama dengan etos kerja berdasarkan nilai nilai agama serta etika profesi masing masing dalam seorang melakukan pekerjaannya dan tindakannya secara professional.
Agar sebelum peneliti melaksanakan penelitian dengan benar maka pada buku ini dijelaskan mengenai etika dan perencanaan penelitian.,serta peran dan jenis-jenis penelitian..
Sebelum melaksanakan penelitian maka perlu dijelaskan mengenai metode ilmiah serta langkah-langkahnya.
Di dalam buku ini dijelaskan memilih masalah, merumuskan masalah, membuat kerangka berpikir serta bagaiman mengutip kutipan serta cara menjayikan daftar pustaka. Selain itu juga dijelaskan mengenai populasi dan sampel, instrumen penelitian serta skala pengukurannya , dan cara menyajikan laporan penelitian serta membuat kesimpulan dan saran . Buku ini dilengkapi dengan contoh -contoh.
Papers by Prof. Dr. Ir. Raihan Rasjidi, M.Si
is necessary to impose the heaviest sentence. The bribery of
lobster seeds at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is
very sad when viewed from the glasses of the Law. This research
uses normative legal analysis by analysing and reviewing both
primary and secondary legal materials to obtain legal materials
relevant to legal issues that have been formulated in the study.
The results of this study are charged with imprisonment for life or
imprisonment of at least 4 (four) years and a maximum of 20
(twenty) years, and a fine of at least two hundred million rupiahs
and at most one billion rupiahs. The conclusion of this study is the
application of criminal enforcement for bribery perpetrators and
export licensees according to the provisions of the Corruption Act
for state organisers is considered not yet maximal because the
minimum illegal conviction period is five years.
Buku ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa manusia sebagai makhluk individu dan makhluk sosial mempunyai peran dalam melakukan kegiatan dalam bekerja pada profesi di bidang pekerjaannya berlandaskan nilai norma etika, moral berlandaskan agama dan budaya . Di sisi lain buku ini memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pengertian , klasifikasi etika , fungsi , peran etika dan mengimplemtasikannya dengan etos kerja, serta bagaimana etos kerja yang hendaknya dijalankan dalam berprofesi berdasarkan etika dan kode etik profesi . Di bagian akhir buku ini memberikan tuntunan bagi seorang yang beragama dengan etos kerja berdasarkan nilai nilai agama serta etika profesi masing masing dalam seorang melakukan pekerjaannya dan tindakannya secara professional.
Agar sebelum peneliti melaksanakan penelitian dengan benar maka pada buku ini dijelaskan mengenai etika dan perencanaan penelitian.,serta peran dan jenis-jenis penelitian..
Sebelum melaksanakan penelitian maka perlu dijelaskan mengenai metode ilmiah serta langkah-langkahnya.
Di dalam buku ini dijelaskan memilih masalah, merumuskan masalah, membuat kerangka berpikir serta bagaiman mengutip kutipan serta cara menjayikan daftar pustaka. Selain itu juga dijelaskan mengenai populasi dan sampel, instrumen penelitian serta skala pengukurannya , dan cara menyajikan laporan penelitian serta membuat kesimpulan dan saran . Buku ini dilengkapi dengan contoh -contoh.
is necessary to impose the heaviest sentence. The bribery of
lobster seeds at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is
very sad when viewed from the glasses of the Law. This research
uses normative legal analysis by analysing and reviewing both
primary and secondary legal materials to obtain legal materials
relevant to legal issues that have been formulated in the study.
The results of this study are charged with imprisonment for life or
imprisonment of at least 4 (four) years and a maximum of 20
(twenty) years, and a fine of at least two hundred million rupiahs
and at most one billion rupiahs. The conclusion of this study is the
application of criminal enforcement for bribery perpetrators and
export licensees according to the provisions of the Corruption Act
for state organisers is considered not yet maximal because the
minimum illegal conviction period is five years.