Papers by Muhammad Raza Younas
Appropriate spatial and traffic planning to create organized functional zones is critical for bus... more Appropriate spatial and traffic planning to create organized functional zones is critical for businesses aspiring to utilize their infrastructural resources in the most productive manner. The paper highlights the effect of an unorganized traffic plan on the business activities of a specific functional zone. The study was conducted in " Raja bazaar " , a major functional zone of Rawalpindi city, using a blend of both qualitative and quantitative techniques, by drawing a sample of 50 respondents. The economic activities of the functional zones were found to be significantly dependent upon a smooth traffic arrangement, which when sundered negatively affected the rate of customers, income, profit and thus the overall economy.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1995
Local-strain and linear-elastic fracture-mechanics (LEFM) methodologies have been investigated fo... more Local-strain and linear-elastic fracture-mechanics (LEFM) methodologies have been investigated for prediction of the corrosion-fatigue life of notched components of specially developed AI-2.5Mg alloys exposed to Arabian Gulf seawater environment. Corrosion-fatigue crack initiation life estimates were obtained using strain-life relationships; corrosion-fatigue crack propagation life estimates were obtained using LEFM relationships. The total corrosion-fatigue life was considered to be the sum of the crack initiation and crack propagation lives. Estimated corrosion-fatigue lives were compared with experimentally obtained corrosion-fatigue life data using center-notched specimens of three types of AI-2.5Mg alloys (containing different amounts of chromium) exposed to Arabian Gulf seawater environment. Two notch geometries, a circular notch (Kt = 2.42) and an elliptical notch (Kt --4.2), were investigated. Good corrosion-fatigue life predictions can be obtained using local-strain and LEFM methodologies by determining the relevant material constants via a few simple fatigue tests on smooth specimens and a few crack-growth-rate tests in the environment at the frequency of interest.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2011
International Journal of Production Research, 1999
... where no intermittent tool resetting is needed during its planned life cycle, has been extens... more ... where no intermittent tool resetting is needed during its planned life cycle, has been extensively discussed in the literature (Kendall and Sheikh 1980, Sheikh et 0020±7543/99 $12 00 Ñ 1999 Taylor & Francis Ltd. Revision received March 1998. ² King Fahd University of ...
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 2007
ABSTRACT Hidden Web databases dynamically generate results in response to users' queries.... more ABSTRACT Hidden Web databases dynamically generate results in response to users' queries. The categorisation of such databases into a category scheme has been widely employed in information searches. We present a Concept-based Categorisation over Refined Sampled Documents (CCReSD) approach that effectively handles information extraction, summarisation and categorisation of such databases. CCReSD detects and extracts query-related information from sampled documents of databases. It generates terms and frequencies to summarise database contents. It also generates descriptions of concepts from their coverage and specificity given in a category scheme. We conduct experiments to evaluate our approach and to show that it assigns databases with more relevant subject categories.
International Journal of Fatigue, 1995
... All rights reserved 01421123 95 10.(X) +.00 A reliability model for fatigue life characteriza... more ... All rights reserved 01421123 95 10.(X) +.00 A reliability model for fatigue life characterization AK Sheikh and M. Younas Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum Minera s, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia (Received 4 May 1994; revised 29 July ...

International Journal of Fatigue, 1996
An initiation-propagation model based on the local strain and linear elastic fracture mechanics c... more An initiation-propagation model based on the local strain and linear elastic fracture mechanics concepts has been investigated for application to predict the fatigue life of notched components exposed to a corrosive environment. Estimates of the corrosion-fatigue crack initiation lives were obtained using strain-life relationships. The Paris power law was used to obtain the estimates of corrosion-fatigue crack propagation lives. Estimated corrosion-fatigue lives were compared with the experimentally obtained corrosion-fatigue life data using centre-notched specimens of three types of modified AI-2.5Mg alloy exposed to an Arabian Gulf seawater environment. Good fatigue life estimates were obtained both in air and in Arabian Gulf seawater environments for all three types of alloy. It is shown that good corrosion-fatigue life predictions can be made by determining the relevant fatigue parameters via a few simple constant-amplitude fatigue tests on smooth specimens and a few crack growth rate tests in the environment at the frequency of interest.

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2011
With the ubiquity of handheld devices (such as smart phones and PDAs) and the availability of a w... more With the ubiquity of handheld devices (such as smart phones and PDAs) and the availability of a wide range of mobile services (such as mobile banking, road traffic updates, and weather forecast) people can nowadays access information and conduct online transactions virtually anywhere and anytime. In such flexible, dynamic but less reliable environment, transaction management technology is believed to provide service reliability and data consistency. Indeed, in mobile and ubiquitous environments where devices as well as services can, seamlessly join and leave the ubiquitous network, transaction management can be very helpful during the recovery of services from failure. Current transaction models and commit protocols do not take into account context information. However, in mobile environments it is imperative to consider context information in the commit of a transaction -i.e., a transaction can be successfully completed if it meets the required context. In this paper we propose a new model for context-aware transactions and their performance management in mobile environments. Unlike conventional transactions, context-aware transactions adapt to the required context. By context we mean the service context as well as the user's context that includes user's needs and preferences. This paper designs and develops the proposed transaction model and evaluates its performance in terms of time and message complexities as well as transaction's throughput.
Information Systems Frontiers, 2006
Current technological advances in distributed systems (e.g., web, internet, grid, and mobile comp... more Current technological advances in distributed systems (e.g., web, internet, grid, and mobile computing) provide new opportunities and challenges for developing modern distributed information systems. Commercial, governmental, scientific, and educational activities are becoming increasingly dependent on these technologies for information sharing and processing. The aim of this special issue is to present research based on academic and industrial experiences, as well as innovative technologies and infrastructures for building modern distributed information systems.

Information Systems Frontiers, 2006
Electronic Marketplaces (or e-Marketplaces) require technologies which provide support for the ad... more Electronic Marketplaces (or e-Marketplaces) require technologies which provide support for the adaptability, flexibility and the integration of business applications in order to meet rapid changes in business environment. Traditional web technologies are unable to meet the new business requirements which are derived from the rapid growth of e-Marketplaces. In this research, a serviceoriented framework is proposed in order to address the issues associated with the development of e-Marketplaces. Specifically, it introduces a generic trading model oriented to e-Marketplaces so as to overcome the inadequacy of existing models and to facilitate the development of a computational trading process. In the proposed framework, required services are identified through the utilization of the business-centric trading model. Using a service metamodel, services are equipped with intelligence such that they work seamlessly and coherently within and across e-Marketplaces. A multi-model driven integrated development platform has been developed to support the proposed models and framework. The proposed framework and concepts have been validated through a case study of a mutual funds auction in an e-Marketplace.
Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2008
Priority scheduling service for Ecommerce web servers.
Information and Software Technology, 2006

Information and Software Technology, 2006
Web services are used for developing and integrating highly distributed and heterogeneous systems... more Web services are used for developing and integrating highly distributed and heterogeneous systems in different domains such as e-business, grid services, and e-government systems. Web services discovery is a key to dynamically locating desired web services across the Internet. Prevailing research trend is to dynamically discover and compose web services in order to develop composite services that provide enhanced functionality. Existing discovery techniques do not take into account the diverse preferences and expectations of service consumers and providers which are generally used for searching or advertising web services. This paper presents a moderated fuzzy web service discovery approach to model subjective and fuzzy opinions, and to assist service consumers and providers in reaching a consensus. The method achieves a common consensus on the distinct opinions and expectations of service consumers and providers. This process is iterative such that further fuzzy opinions and preferences can be added to improve the precision of web service discovery. The proposed method is implemented as a prototype system and is tested through various experiments. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2000
ABSTRACT Rapid advances in software systems, wireless networks, and embedded devices have led to ... more ABSTRACT Rapid advances in software systems, wireless networks, and embedded devices have led to the development of a pervasive and mobile cyberspace that provides an infrastructure for anywhere/anytime service provisioning in different domains such as engineering, commerce, education, and entertainment. This style of service provisioning enables users to freely move between geographical areas and to continuously access information and conduct online transactions. However, such a high mobility may cause performance and reliability problems during the execution of transactions. For example, the unavailability of sufficient bandwidth can result in failure of transactions when users move from one area (cell) to another. We present a context-aware transaction model that dynamically adapts to the users' needs and execution environments. Accordingly, we develop a new mobility management scheme that ensures seamless connectivity and reliable execution of context-aware transactions during mobility of users. The proposed scheme is designed and developed using a combination of different queuing models. We conduct various experiments in order to show that the proposed scheme optimizes the mobility management process and increases the throughput of context-aware transactions.

Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014
ABSTRACT An increasing number of data applications such as monitoring weather data, data streamin... more ABSTRACT An increasing number of data applications such as monitoring weather data, data streaming, data web logs, and cloud data, are going online and are playing vital in our every-day life. The underlying data of such applications change very frequently, especially in the cloud environment. Many interesting events can be detected by discovering such data from different distributed sources and analyzing it for specific purposes (e.g., car accident detection or market analysis). However, several isolated events could be erroneous due to the fact that important data sets are either discarded or improperly analysed as they contain missing data. Such events therefore need to be monitored globally and be detected jointly in order to understand their patterns and correlated relationships. In the context of current cloud computing infrastructure, no solutions exist for enabling the correlations between multi-source events in the presence of missing data. This paper addresses the problem of capturing the underlying latent structure of the data with missing entries based on association rules.This necessitate to factorize the data set with missing data. The paper proposes a novel model to handle high amount of data in cloud environment. It is a model of aggregated data that are confidences of associations rules. We first propose a method to discover the association rules locally on each node of a cloud in presence of missing rules. Afterward, we provide a tensor based model to perform a global correlation between all the local models of each node of the network. The proposed approach based on tensor decomposition, deals with a multi modal network where missing association rules are detected and their confidences are approximated. The approach is scalable in terms of factorizing multi-way arrays (i.e. tensor) in the presence of missing association rules. It is validated through experimental results which show its significance and viability in terms of detecting missing rules.

Expert Systems with Applications, 2006
Composition of Web services enables collaboration among autonomous business organisations such th... more Composition of Web services enables collaboration among autonomous business organisations such that they can integrate their services to perform collaborative business activities. It facilitates the development of new services using pre-existing Web services thus reducing development and operational costs. However, the highly distributed, dynamic, and autonomous nature of component Web services gives rise to various issues such as service matchmaking, reliability, availability, security and efficiency. This paper presents a new protocol in order to improve the efficiency of Web services composition. The proposed protocol is based on the peer-to-peer paradigm which exploits the capabilities of underlying networks such that part of the processing is carried out at the network nodes. Efficiency of the proposed protocol is tested through various experiments. Experimental results show that the proposed protocol significantly improves performance by reducing the system response time in the composition of Web services.
Expert Systems with Applications, 2006

Energy, 2000
Fouling is one of the major uncertainties associated with the operation and maintenance of heat e... more Fouling is one of the major uncertainties associated with the operation and maintenance of heat exchangers in the power and process industries. The decision regarding periodic maintenance (cleaning) to meet the target performance level is generally based on both thermal and economic behavior of the process. In this paper, we present a cost model, which includes the risk level and the scatter parameter of random fouling growth models. Four models, namely linear, power law, falling rate and asymptotic fouling growth are integrated in the model. The non-dimensional cost function ⌫ as a function of reduced time t/M is examined by considering the dimensionless cost parameters g 1 , g 2 and g 3 , representing additional fuel cost, antifoulant cost and miscellaneous costs, respectively. These dimensionless cost elements are examined for a heat exchanger that is used in a crude oil preheat train. The results are presented in terms of risk level p and scatter parameter √a for the underlying fouling models. Furthermore, a simplified closedform solution is also obtained to study the optimal cycle time, representing minimum cost of operation and maintenance of heat exchangers.

Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2006
Hidden Web databases maintain a collection of specialised documents, which are dynamically genera... more Hidden Web databases maintain a collection of specialised documents, which are dynamically generated in response to users' queries. The majority of these documents are generated through Web page templates, which contain information that is often irrelevant to queries. In this paper, we present a system designed to detect and extract query-related information from documents sampled from databases. The proposed system, 2PS, is based on a two-phase framework for the sampling, extraction and summarisation of Hidden Web documents. In the first phase, 2PS queries databases with random terms selected from those contained in their search interface pages and the subsequently retrieved documents -this phase retrieves a pre-determined number of sampled documents. In the second phase, it detects Web page templates from the sampled documents in order to extract information relevant to respective queries from which a content summary is generated. 2PS is validated through the implmementation of a prototype system. Its evaluation is performed through experiments on a number of real-world Hidden Web databases.
Papers by Muhammad Raza Younas