Marc Jay Zimmerman is Professor Emeritus of Latin American and Latin Studies (LALS) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and of Hispanic and World Cultures and Literatures (WCL) in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages (MCL) at the University of .Houston. He has written and edited over forty books, including several on Socio-literary and Cultural Studies theory, world, Latin American, Caribbean and U.S. Latino literatures and recently, nine books of "memoir fiction""--works rooted in memory but veering toward fiction. Several of his books deal with Central American, Caribbean and U.S and Chicago Latino literature and art, with an emphasis on world systems theory, globalization, transnational processes, post-colonialism and subaltern studies. Since 1998, he has been the director of LACASA Chicago Books (www.lacasachicago.org)
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