Papers by David López García

Regular Issue, 2017
This article entails a comparative study of municipal consultative councils in Guadalajara, Mexic... more This article entails a comparative study of municipal consultative councils in Guadalajara, Mexico, to explore the mediation styles employed by those in charge of conducting the councils’ deliberation, which I call Mediators of Deliberative Process (MDP). Through the construction of an indicator called Participants’ Perception of Success, the article evaluates the relationship between the mediators’ styles and the degree to which participants think that the consultative council (CC) has been successful in achieving its purported goals. The results suggest that 1) MDPs exert different levels of directiveness that change over the course of the mediation according to the type of decision-making under deliberation; 2) that participants have a higher perception of the CC’s success in the case where the MDP is an expert in the subject matter of the council, resorts to a more directive approach to mediation, and deliberation is more oriented towards the outcomes of the mediation; and 3) th...

Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2022
Recent accessibility research suggests that the relationship between time and distance in the jou... more Recent accessibility research suggests that the relationship between time and distance in the journey to work can produce diverging mobility situations. That is, areas farther away from employment can sometimes have faster commutes than areas closer, and vice versa. This article seeks to advance such research by exploring who is likely to experience which mobility situation. With data from the Census Transportation Planning Products 2012–2016, we examine accessibility in terms of time and distance in the journey to work in New York City to assess the spatial distribution of diverging mobility situations. We conduct a series of binomial logistic regressions and multinomial logistic regression models to assess how socioeconomic characteristics influence the likelihood of experiencing a specific mobility situation while controlling for transportation infrastructure and land-use patterns. The results of our study reveal the diverging mobility patterns across New York City and highlight the importance of socioeconomic characteristics on determining diverging mobility situations.

Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, 2022
Este estudio explora la evolución de la estructura urbana del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara (... more Este estudio explora la evolución de la estructura urbana del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara (AMG) entre 1999 y 2019. A través de un análisis de doble umbral se identifican nueve subcentros de empleo en 1999 y 14 en 2019, y se analiza su tamaño, estructura espacial y especialización económica. El cálculo de un índice de primacía demuestra que el AMG tiende hacia el monocentrismo. Si bien el AMG ha logrado la aparición de nuevos subcentros de em- pleo, éstos se agrupan en el espacio para conformar lo que se podría denominar “la gran aglomeración central del AMG”. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones del estudio para la accesibilidad a los empleos en el AMG.
This study explores the evolution of Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA) urban structure between 1999 and 2019. By conducting an analysis of density and total employment at the census tract level, the study identifies nine subcenters of employment in 1999 and 14 in 2019, and their size, spatial structure, and economic specialization is analyzed. A primacy index shows that the GMA is transitioning towards a monocentric urban form. Although the GMA is achieving to create new employment subcenters, these clusters in urban space to form what can be called "the great central agglomeration of the GMA". Finally, the paper discusses the implications of the study for employment accessibility in GMA.

This article entails a comparative study of municipal consultative councils in Guadalajara, Mexic... more This article entails a comparative study of municipal consultative councils in Guadalajara, Mexico, to explore the mediation styles employed by those in charge of conducting the councils’ deliberation, which I call Mediators of Deliberative Process (MDP). Through the construction of an indicator called Participants’ Perception of Success, the article evaluates the relationship between the mediators’ styles and the degree to which participants think that the consultative council (CC) has been successful in achieving its purported goals. The results suggest that 1) MDPs exert different levels of directiveness that change over the course of the mediation according to the type of decision-making under deliberation; 2) that participants have a higher perception of the CC’s success in the case where the MDP is an expert in the subject matter of the council, resorts to a more directive approach to mediation, and deliberation is more oriented towards the outcomes of the mediation; and 3) that participants perceive the CCs as successful spaces to communicate with public officials, but least successful in having an influence over public policies.
Book Chapters by David López García

Urban Infrastructuring: reconfigurations, transformations and sustainability in the Global South, 2022
The capitalist city is a colossal productive force in permanent construction and contention. On t... more The capitalist city is a colossal productive force in permanent construction and contention. On the one hand, urban infrastructure must be constantly adapted to support the relentlessly shifting urban-based economic activities. On the other hand, achieving the goals of sustainable urban development will require profound infrastructural transitions. Proponents of infrastructural change in the Global South should bear in mind that, however well-intentioned, infrastructural transitions are inevitably embedded within urban political economy. Infrastructure policies have distributional effects, and the political economy of infrastructural transitions can produce inequitable urban outcomes. Within this context, this chapter argues that overcoming infrastructural deficiencies can sometimes come at the cost of increasing intra-urban inequality. An analytical framework to study mechanisms of infrastructural exclusion comprised of four categories of analysis is put forward: lack of physical access, expenditure relative to income, institutional constraints, and social stratification barriers. By doing so, the chapter seeks to contribute to a more comprehensive body of literature on urban political economy based on the experience from the Global South.

Enfrentar el riesgo. Nuevas prácticas de resiliencia urbana en América Latina, 2019
Enfrentar el riesgo, Nuevas prácticas de resiliencia urbana en América Latina, aporta respuestas ... more Enfrentar el riesgo, Nuevas prácticas de resiliencia urbana en América Latina, aporta respuestas al dilema con el que se enfrenta la agenda global de desarrollo sustentable. Es evidente que el amplio consenso, atención y sentido de urgencia prestado al qué, no ha sido acompañado aún por un mismo grado de preocupación y energía a las consi-deraciones sobre el cómo, es decir, a las estrategias y ac-ciones concretas destinadas a cumplir con esos objetivos. En dicho contexto, este libro presenta las prácticas urba-nas efectivas de resiliencia puestas en marcha para en-frentar los riesgos de desastres naturales/antrópicos en seis ciudades latinoamericanas: Manizales, Colombia; La Paz, Bolivia; Cuenca, Ecuador; Santa Fe y Pilar, Argentina; y Cubatão, Brasil. Frecuentemente, los estudios sobre riesgo ambiental ur-bano se han focalizado en las megaciudades costeras. Esta investigación demuestra que las poblaciones en regiones montañosas y ribereñas también están sujetas a desastres cada vez más frecuentes y tienen experien-cias importantes de gestión de riesgos para compartir. Del mismo modo, ciudades de todos tamaños, no solo capitales o megaurbes, deben enfrentar los desafíos re-lacionados con el cambio climático. Los casos de estudio elegidos muestran una variedad de realidades en térmi-nos de geografía, tamaño, recursos y tipos de amenazas. Al mismo tiempo, demuestran que las prácticas urbanas efectivas para la gestión de riesgos son tan diversas como las circunstancias particulares de cada ciudad, pero en su conjunto ofrecen importantes lecciones comunes para los tomadores de decisiones.

Este trabajo estudia el involucramiento ciudadano en procesos de democracia directa desde la pers... more Este trabajo estudia el involucramiento ciudadano en procesos de democracia directa desde la perspectiva del diseño de las leyes de participación ciudadana. Se explora si las leyes están diseñadas con los incentivos necesarios para que los ciudadanos decidan participar en la promoción y organización de ejercicios de democracia directa. A través de la construcción de un índice que se denomina Índice de Posibilidad de Éxito en Democracia Directa (IPEDD), se estudian las condiciones bajo las cuales la ciudadanía puede llevar a la práctica las herramientas de democracia directa. El índice permite identificar cuáles son los estados de la República Mexicana que ofrecen las mejores condiciones a los ciudadanos para tomar decisiones de manera directa. De igual forma, se explora si existe alguna relación entre el diseño de las leyes de participación ciudadana de los estados y la asistencia de los ciudadanos a las urnas durante las jornadas electorales.
Research Reports by David López García
The Habitat Commitment Index is a composite score of the performance of 15 indicators at the coun... more The Habitat Commitment Index is a composite score of the performance of 15 indicators at the country level that are essential to urban well-being, weighted by per capita GDP. It seeks to measure the ful lment of commitments made by countries in the Habitat Agenda adopted at the Habitat II conference in 1996.
The HCI takes into account all available historical data over the past 25 years to predict, at an... more The HCI takes into account all available historical data over the past 25 years to predict, at any income level, the maximum level of achievement a country may be expected to meet using a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 indicating not necessarily 100% ful llment of an indicator, but 100% of the predicted maximum potential for a given per capita GDP.
Books by David López García

Las ciudades ante el Covid-19: Nuevas direcciones para la investigación urbana y las políticas públicas, 2020
La Plataforma de Conocimiento para la Transformación Urbana convocó los días 29 y 30 de abril del... more La Plataforma de Conocimiento para la Transformación Urbana convocó los días 29 y 30 de abril del 2020 al webinar “Las ciudades ante el COVID-19: nuevas direcciones para la investigación urbana y las políticas públicas” bajo la coordinación de Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos y David López-García. El webinar se realizó en colaboración con la iniciativa “Science Advice and COVID-19” de la International Network for Government Science Advice, la Coordinación de Humanidades, la Coordinación de la Investigación Científica y el Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, la Federación Nacional de Municipios de México, y el Observatorio Latino Americano de The New School. La convocatoria recibió 78 propuestas de 16 países a partir de las cuales, y después de un proceso de selección y revisión académica, se integró el presente libro en el que participan 62 autores y autoras con 31 trabajos.
Papers by David López García
This study explores the evolution of Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA) urban structure between 1999 and 2019. By conducting an analysis of density and total employment at the census tract level, the study identifies nine subcenters of employment in 1999 and 14 in 2019, and their size, spatial structure, and economic specialization is analyzed. A primacy index shows that the GMA is transitioning towards a monocentric urban form. Although the GMA is achieving to create new employment subcenters, these clusters in urban space to form what can be called "the great central agglomeration of the GMA". Finally, the paper discusses the implications of the study for employment accessibility in GMA.
Book Chapters by David López García
Research Reports by David López García
Books by David López García
This study explores the evolution of Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (GMA) urban structure between 1999 and 2019. By conducting an analysis of density and total employment at the census tract level, the study identifies nine subcenters of employment in 1999 and 14 in 2019, and their size, spatial structure, and economic specialization is analyzed. A primacy index shows that the GMA is transitioning towards a monocentric urban form. Although the GMA is achieving to create new employment subcenters, these clusters in urban space to form what can be called "the great central agglomeration of the GMA". Finally, the paper discusses the implications of the study for employment accessibility in GMA.